Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sun Jul 17 16:53:59 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 198
Observer: chu

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 16:54:13 GMT 1994
clear, cold, light wind from southeast. Relative humidity 80%.

Sun Jul 17 16:55:49 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 17:05:58 GMT 1994
Low-L found crashed this morning, coelostat pointing down.
Crash occurred at 23:53:56 on 7/16.  Removing L00079 and loading
L00080 and L00081, then performing crash recovery.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 17:27:18 GMT 1994
Low-l back up.

Sun Jul 17 18:02:18 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 18:51:14 GMT 1994
Changed over to disk preferred mode.
Reconfigured the dome.

Sun Jul 17 19:02:14 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 19:20:52 GMT 1994
D-pmon reconfigured back to limb preferred mode.

COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 19:42:09 GMT 1994
Guider went into high frequency oscillation.  Reset
guider to correct problem.

MKIII COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 19:44:18 GMT 1994
EAY will be running a few tests with the MKIII for a bit.
Scan and tape acquisition will be stopped intermittently
during this time.

MKIII COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 19:56:14 GMT 1994
Height mask installed on top of occulting disc.
Scan running, opal out again, data going to tape.

Sun Jul 17 20:02:18 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 20:14:31 GMT 1994
Stopped scan, removing mask, attempting to mount a hair across slots.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 20:38:39 GMT 1994
MOF 2 ENT was in yellow this morning and is now is red 
at 40.222 .  West 2 has been red all morning, now at 40.326 .
Fan Voltage now oscillating between red and yellow ~97-99.

MKIII COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 20:45:41 GMT 1994
Stopping tape while I remove hair from slot.

MKIII COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 20:58:51 GMT 1994
MKIII returned to normal mode.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 20:59:15 GMT 1994
Orographic clouds moving in, sky somewhat bright as indicated by
P+S.  Now clouds moving through FOV.

Sun Jul 17 21:02:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 21:22:06 GMT 1994
Weather seems to have cleared up somewhat.  Clouds passing
out of FOV.

Sun Jul 17 22:02:23 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sun Jul 17 22:08:03 GMT 1994
Activity report:
	No Coronal Activity

Tapes:  MK3:  H00801
	LowL: L00080 in unit 0.

Sun Jul 17 22:11:35 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:57:35.  7/17/94 DOY 198      
    17:04:09      17:07:27      17:10:39      17:13:54      17:17:07  
    17:20:22      17:23:35      17:26:48      17:30:01      17:33:15  
    17:36:27      17:39:39      17:42:51      17:46:03      17:49:17  
    17:52:34      17:55:46      17:58:59      18:02:10      18:05:24  
    18:08:36      18:11:53      18:15:03      1819 0 CL     18:23:20  
    1827 15CL     18:32:26      18:36:14      18:39:26      18:42:37  
    18:45:47      18:48:58      18:52:07      18:55:24      18:58:35  
    19:01:49      19:04:58      19:08:07      19:11:14      19:14:24  
    19:17:32      19:20:42      19:23:51      19:27:01      19:30:09  
    19:33:23      19:36:31      19:39:44      19:42:52      19:46:00  
    19:49:08      19:52:16      19:55:24      19:58:33      20:01:41  
    20:04:50      20:07:58      20:11:06      20:26:51      20:30:00  
    20:33:07      20:36:17      20:39:25      20:42:35      20:59:06  
    21:02:15      21:05:23      21:08:32      21:11:39      21:14:48  
    21:17:56      21:21:05      21:24:13      21:27:24      21:30:33  
    21:33:43      21:36:50      21:40:00      21:43:07      21:46:17  
    21:49:25      21:52:36      21:55:46      21:58:55      22:02:03