Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Fri Jul 22 21:03:55 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 203
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:04:06 GMT 1994
Cold, in heavy overcast, residual effects of passing hurricane Emilia
and drizzle.  Wind approx. 20 mph form south.  

LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:05:40 GMT 1994
Low-L found crashed this morning.  Crash occurred at 02:04:26
7/22.  Coelostat was pointed at sun at the time, was not found stowed.
Restarting after removing tape # L00081 from unit 1.

COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:08:02 GMT 1994
Came up here to check on facilities, Low-L and to read HELCO meters.

LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:29:00 GMT 1994
Unit 1 would not unload tape, had to manually open door to remove

LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:53:28 GMT 1994
REMOVED TAPES L00081 and L00082 from drives 1 and 0 respectively,
LOADED L00083 and L00084 into drive 0 and 1 respectively.
Didn't start up at first but found problem to be Exabyte 
unit 1.  It got set to unit 0 during disassembly, reset select
switch to 1 and rebooted.  System came back up and is running
normally--except that it is looking at heavy clouds.

COMMENT: Fri Jul 22 21:57:29 GMT 1994
Abandoning site for the day.

Fri Jul 22 21:57:51 GMT 1994: Filemark