Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Tue Aug  2 16:26:48 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 214
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Aug  2 16:27:02 GMT 1994
Thin cirrostratus overcast, no wind, temp ~50 F.

COMMENT: Tue Aug  2 21:47:19 GMT 1994
Our Internet link was down since yesterday evening, after I talked to someone
at NOAA they found that one of the routers had become unplugged.  So we just
now got back on line again.  No need to use the modem for an HAO link.

WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Aug  2 21:49:21 GMT 1994
The sky is still overcast and getting worse, I guess my spending the night to
catch the first rays of dawn didn't pay off this time.  But there are lots of
non-observing tasks to do anyway.