Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed Aug  3 16:26:28 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 215
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:26:37 GMT 1994
Cool, clear, light southwest breeze.  Temp = 45F.

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:27:30 GMT 1994
Bench angle encoder must've become disengaged sometime.
Readout not consistent with position.  Will fix later on.

Wed Aug 3 16:29:07 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:29:42 GMT 1994
L00087 popped out this morning.  Loaded L00089 into unit 1.
Low-L taking data nicely onto unit 0.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:47:59 GMT 1994
MKIII still domed out at this time.

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:54:55 GMT 1994
Adjusted bench angle encoder.  Crashed Daystar in the meantime.
Looks like aperture wheel also crashed.  Pressed Plessey reset
to recover.

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 16:58:25 GMT 1994
Bench angle correct now to +/- 0.2 degrees... within eyeball

Wed Aug 3 17:00:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 17:33:35 GMT 1994
Camera stalled.  Will attempt to kill process and start up again.

Wed Aug 3 17:37:37 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Wed Aug 3 17:42:03 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed Aug  3 17:56:32 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 215
Observer: yasukawa

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 17:57:06 GMT 1994
Couldn't get camera to release Busy.  Had to reboot Sparcstation.
Removed P00121--may not have proper EOF marks at end of data.
Loaded P00122.

Wed Aug 3 17:58:36 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Wed Aug 3 18:00:33 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 18:15:50 GMT 1994
Reconfigured to Disc Preferred mode.

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 18:46:52 GMT 1994
Reconfigured back to limb preferred mode.

COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 18:47:19 GMT 1994
Opened top of dome during reconfiguration.

Wed Aug 3 19:02:21 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:32:25 GMT 1994
Stopping scans to setup for mask/hair tests.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:36:42 GMT 1994
Taking scan with opal in.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:42:54 GMT 1994
Inserting slot mask onto occulting disc.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:50:14 GMT 1994
Mask installed, opal in, scan started, takking data to tape.

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:54:57 GMT 1994
Orographic clouds arrived, may screw up tests.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 19:55:34 GMT 1994
Stopping scan to remove mask and insert a 30 gauge wire across
the slots.

Wed Aug 3 20:02:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 20:03:02 GMT 1994
Taking data with 30 gauge wire taped to slots so that is 
cuts across slot.  Opal in.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 20:17:41 GMT 1994
OK, MKIII is restored to its regular configuration, test is pau.
30 ga. wire removed, O1 guider remounted properly, opal out.

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 20:59:29 GMT 1994
Ratty hole in clouds.

Wed Aug 3 21:02:15 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 21:07:02 GMT 1994
Stopping mkIII data acquisition, putting double eof mark at 
end of this file, backing up over second eof in case we 
start-up later on in the day.

Wed Aug 3 21:13:01 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 21:52:15 GMT 1994
Observer:  yasukawa replaced by chu

COMMENT: Wed Aug  3 23:49:00 GMT 1994
Clouds increasing and darkening.  Will begin scraping paint
with dome remaining closed.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Aug  4 00:39:16 GMT 1994
Now raining off and on.  Will wait for clearing before
continuuing to scrape paint.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Aug  4 00:46:39 GMT 1994
Continuous down pouring rain.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Aug  4 02:19:56 GMT 1994
Rain has stopped.  Continues to be overcast.  Most likely
will not clear up during the remainder of the day.

COMMENT: Thu Aug  4 02:20:30 GMT 1994
Activity Report:
	QP: 30; 97; 105; 292.
	No Coronal Activity.

	MKIII:	H00812
	DPMON:	P00121 possibly no double EOF
	LOW-L:	L00088 running in unit 0.
		L00087 removed from unit 1.
		L00089 loaded in unit1.

Thu Aug 4 02:22:16 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:41:40.   8/3/94 DOY 215      
    16:48:18      16:51:32      16:54:47      16:58:00      17:01:13  
    17:04:26      17:07:41      17:10:53      17:14:05      17:17:17  
    17:20:30      17:23:42      17:26:55      17:30:07      17:33:20  
    17:36:32      17:39:45      17:42:56      17:46:09      17:49:20  
    17:52:33      17:55:46      17:58:59      18:02:10      18:05:23  
    18:08:34      18:11:47      18:14:58      1818 0 CL     18:25:03  
    1829 15CL     18:34:37      18:38:32      18:41:41      18:44:52  
    18:48:02      18:51:15      18:54:25      18:57:36      19:00:48  
    19:04:05      19:07:15      19:10:27      19:13:38      19:16:54  
    19:20:04      19:23:15      19:26:25      19:29:35      19:38:53  
    19:50:09      19:53:19      20:02:26      20:20:43      20:23:54  
    20:27:06      20:30:17      20:33:27      20:36:38      20:39:48  
    20:43:04      20:46:14      20:49:25      20:52:34      20:55:44  
    20:58:53      21:02:02      21:05:10