Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat Aug  6 16:39:33 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 218
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 16:39:38 GMT 1994
Clear, wind ~10 mph from the southeast, temp ~50 F.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 16:59:39 GMT 1994
Unloaded L00088 from drive #0 and loaded L00090.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 17:00:15 GMT 1994
I'm trying to get a "Camera:Busy" crash so I can test the new recovery

Sat Aug 6 17:01:47 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Sat Aug 6 17:13:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Sat Aug 6 17:14:26 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 17:38:34 GMT 1994
I was able to get a "Camera:Busy" crash, using David's recovery procedure
works great!  It basically kills the task "Camera" then starts it again and
redirects screen output to /dev/null, then loads an exposure of 1 (it probably
had a value of 255 which means it was busy therefore the Patrol program
wouldn`t continue).  I tried this before without killing the Camera task but
it didn`t work.  Now we can continue writing to the same tape afterr the
infamous "Camera:Busy" crashes.

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 17:45:30 GMT 1994
Doing a calibration of channel 0.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 17:45:51 GMT 1994
Since the weather is nice I'll start focusing the O2A unless some solar
activity is detected.

Sat Aug 6 18:00:14 GMT 1994: Calibration
Sat Aug 6 18:29:04 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Sat Aug 6 18:55:06 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 18:55:07 GMT 1994
Saved examples of current best limb and disk images in data directory as
oldlimb and olddisk.
Switched to optimum disk image setup:0.7" LS, 3.85 mm, exp=50 ms.

Sat Aug 6 19:02:21 GMT 1994: Calibration
Sat Aug 6 19:07:00 GMT 1994: Patrol End

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug  6 19:07:06 GMT 1994
Exposure switched back to 120 ms.  Will now try focusing the O2A and O2B.

COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 00:03:46 GMT 1994
Observer: koon replaced by chu

DPMON COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 00:04:44 GMT 1994
Tried focusing the O2A and O2B.  It was very difficult to see a converging
pattern for the disk and limb focus.  Duc helped me when he got up here
but the seeing got bad and clouds moved in, we'll have to try again earlier
in the day with two people.
Have returned O2A and O2B back to initial positions in order to continue
data taking.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 00:30:43 GMT 1994
Will be in and out of orographic clouds on the western
horizon for the remainder of the day.

Sun Aug 7 00:33:40 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Sun Aug 7 01:01:15 GMT 1994: Calibration
Sun Aug 7 01:12:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 01:12:23 GMT 1994
Have been is thick orographic clouds. Will end patrol and
wait for clearing.

COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 01:48:40 GMT 1994
Reconfigured the dome slot, and continuing to wait for a

COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 02:27:02 GMT 1994
Doesn't look like we will get any more decent images for 
the day. Will close down.

COMMENT: Sun Aug  7 02:29:05 GMT 1994
Activity Report:
	QP: 290-295
	AR: 135-140
	No Coronal Activity

	MKIII:	H00815
	DPMON:	P00127
	LOW-L:	L00089 running in unit 1

Sun Aug 7 02:36:10 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:56:17.   8/6/94 DOY 218      
    17:04:17      17:07:30      17:10:47      17:13:59      17:17:12  
    17:20:24      17:23:37      17:26:48      1745 0 CL     17:50:59  
    1756 15CL     18:26:28      18:44:15      18:47:26      18:50:44  
    18:53:54      18:57:03      19:00:13      19:03:22      19:06:30  
    19:09:41      19:12:50      19:16:04       0:02:35       0:05:43  
     0:08:51       0:12:02       0:15:10       0:18:19       0:21:26  
     0:24:35       0:27:43       0:30:51       0:33:59       0:37:08  
     0:40:16       0:43:25       0:46:32       0:49:40       0:52:48  
     0:55:57       0:59:05       1:02:14       1:05:21       1:08:31  