Sat Aug 13 16:27:19 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 225
Observer: chu

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 16:27:30 GMT 1994
Heavy cirrostratus cloud cover to North.  Temp 55F.
Humidity 76%.  Light wind from South.

Sat Aug 13 16:29:48 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 16:29:55 GMT 1994
Beginning observing day while MKIII and skytx still
domed out.  They will clear in a little  while.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 16:35:47 GMT 1994
Currently in a small patch of cirrus.

Sat Aug 13 17:00:18 GMT 1994: Calibration

COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 17:06:35 GMT 1994
Chrono-log showed a power failure occurred sometime 
yesterday.  Will reset chrono-log and Gong.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 17:08:01 GMT 1994
Tape drive switched over from drive 1 to drive 0 as a
result of yesterday's power outage.  Removed L00091 from 
unit 1 and replaced with L00093.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 17:50:09 GMT 1994
Cirrostratus increasing in FOV.  Cirrus clouds to the West
becoming much denser.  Will continue to run in hopes of 
catching a few good scans in between current patches.

Sat Aug 13 18:00:15 GMT 1994: Calibration
Sat Aug 13 19:00:13 GMT 1994: Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 19:22:07 GMT 1994
Configured the Dpmon to disk preferred mode.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 19:28:50 GMT 1994
Orographic clouds now increasing, blocking FOV.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 19:51:27 GMT 1994
Reconfigured Dpmon back to limb preferred mode.

COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 19:53:34 GMT 1994
Have been in increasingly overcast skies.  Only managed to
get a few decent scans just after sunrise.  Saved the best
one to history. Now completely overcast.  Chances of get 
more data is poor.  Will close down for the day.

Sat Aug 13 19:56:09 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sat Aug 13 19:56:53 GMT 1994
Activity Report:
	QP: 88; 92; 95; 109; 113; 221; 288.
	No Coronal Activity.

	MKIII:	H00820
	DPMON:	P00133
	LOW-L:	L00092 running in unit 0
		L00091 removed from unit 1 
		L00093 placed in unit 1

Sat Aug 13 19:57:25 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:37:33.  8/13/94 DOY 225      
    16:43:27      16:46:41      16:49:54      16:53:08      16:56:21  
    16:59:35      17:02:48      17:06:03      17:09:17      17:12:33  
    17:15:49      17:19:05      17:22:19      17:25:33      17:28:46  
    17:32:00      17:35:12      17:38:26      17:41:38      17:44:51  
    17:48:03      17:51:16      17:54:28      17:57:42      18:00:54  
    18:04:07      18:07:19      18:10:32      18:13:44      18:16:57  
    18:20:08      18:23:21      18:26:32      18:29:44      18:32:54  
    18:36:07      18:39:19      18:42:30      18:45:42      18:48:53  
    18:52:05      18:55:16      18:58:26      19:01:38      19:04:47  
    19:07:58      19:11:08      19:14:18      19:17:27      19:20:37  
    19:23:45      19:26:54      19:30:01      19:33:10      19:36:18  
    19:39:27      19:42:35      19:45:44      19:48:51      19:52:01  