Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat Oct  8 16:42:48 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 281
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 16:42:53 GMT 1994
Scattered thin cirrus, wind ~5 mph from the SSE, temp ~40 F.

Sat Oct 8 16:48:45 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Sat Oct 8 17:01:07 GMT 1994: Calibration
Sat Oct 8 18:01:31 GMT 1994: Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 18:45:38 GMT 1994
Pausing for Daystar testing.

Sat Oct 8 18:46:00 GMT 1994: Patrol End

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 20:03:39 GMT 1994
Finally cleared enough to do calibrations.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 20:51:56 GMT 1994
Thin cirrus coming over from the suthhwest.

Sat Oct 8 21:04:23 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 21:04:26 GMT 1994
Setup Daystar for least vignetting in the morning.
Switched to optimum disk image setup.

Sat Oct 8 21:16:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Sat Oct 8 21:17:37 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 21:17:42 GMT 1994
Pausing to correct occulting, I moved it way off when testing Daystar filter
and I need to set it back using the Manual mode.

Sat Oct 8 21:26:11 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 21:43:14 GMT 1994
Pausing instruments due to increasingly thick cirrus.

Sat Oct 8 21:44:03 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 23:10:21 GMT 1994
chu relieving koon as tour guide, I mean observer

DAK and I have ushered through several tour groups
visiting NOAA.  Still in heavy cirrostratus overcast.
Instruments remain in standby mode.

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Oct  8 23:26:30 GMT 1994
One of the tourist must have snagged the Boot switch on the
11/44.  MKIII has halted.  Ejecting current exabyte tape and
saving it.  It may not have a double EOF at the end.  Will 
reboot MKIII and continue to standby.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Oct  9 03:28:16 GMT 1994
Have been in extensive, thick cirrus for entire p.m. shift.
No obs for this afternoon.  Spent some of time scraping and
painting.  PAU.

COMMENT: Sun Oct  9 03:30:37 GMT 1994
Activity Report:
	QP: None recorded.
	No Coronal Activity.

	MKIII:	H00859
	DPMON:	P00179
	LOW-L:	L00113 running in unit 1

Sun Oct 9 03:31:13 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:50:54.  10/8/94 DOY 281      
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    19:55:23      19:58:31      20:01:40      2010 0 CL     20:13:28  
    2020 15CL     20:25:17      2029 0 CL     20:32:38      2036 15CL 
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