Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed Oct 19 16:45:59 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 292
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 16:46:17 GMT 1994
Cold, in thin cirrus overcast, southeast wind.
Temp=43F, frost on the ground.

MKIII COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 19:18:16 GMT 1994
Cleaned MKIII Exabyte heads.

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 21:15:06 GMT 1994
Will make adjustments to Low-L iris.  Data and guiding may get weird.


LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 22:18:01 GMT 1994
Iris opened up from a reported 9mm, eyeballed 10mm, to an eyeballed
12mm.  Iris/filter assembly replaced and optical bench buttoned 
back up.

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 22:21:43 GMT 1994
Quad sum values at 16, and in yellow range.  I'll stop iris down to
11mm and see if I can get the quad cells down below 15.

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 22:44:54 GMT 1994
Quad sums running around 14 now with iris at 11mm.  We'll leave
it there for now and wait for some clear sky before removing tape
for analysis.

COMMENT: Wed Oct 19 22:59:48 GMT 1994
chu relieving yasukawa as observer
Extensive thin cirrus still present.  Patches of orographic clouds 
also rising in West.  Continuuing to wait for a clearing.  Will 
continue painting while obs paused.

COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 03:20:06 GMT 1994
Cirrus has thickened since beginning of shift.  No obs 
today due to varying levels of cloud cover.

	MKIII:	recycled
	DPMON:	recycled
	LOW-L:	L00120 running in unit 0

Thu Oct 20 03:22:34 GMT 1994: Filemark