Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Thu Oct 20 17:05:51 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 293
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 17:06:07 GMT 1994
The Sparcstation took a very long time to start up this morning.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 17:07:11 GMT 1994
In cirrus overcast, holes possible.  Light south breeze, cold,

Thu Oct 20 17:09:15 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Thu Oct 20 17:12:53 GMT 1994: Patrol End

LOW-L COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 21:42:08 GMT 1994
Will keep running tape for a while before expressing it to Tomczyk.
I have not had any clear sky since iris adjustment to get any good
data to analyze the results from the adjustment yet.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 21:44:13 GMT 1994
Still in cirrus, heavier now.  Holes did not pan out.

COMMENT: Thu Oct 20 22:20:12 GMT 1994
chu relieving yasukawa as obsever

Continuuing cirrus vigil.  Will attempt to complete
painting  while waiting to for a clearing in cloud cover.

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Oct 21 03:25:53 GMT 1994
Solid deck of thick cirrus present all afternoon.   No 
holes appeared and very little thinning occured.  

No obs for the day.

	MKIII:	recycled
	DPMON:	recycled
	LOW-L:	L00120 running in unit 0

Fri Oct 21 03:28:47 GMT 1994: Filemark