Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat Oct 29 17:37:19 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 302
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 17:37:48 GMT 1994

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 17:37:53 GMT 1994
Medium to thick cirrostratus overcast, wind ~5 mph from the south, temp ~40 F.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 17:39:18 GMT 1994
Removed L00124 and installed L00126 in drive #1.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 20:05:09 GMT 1994
Cirrostratus still present and orographic clouds are coming up the mountain,
observing unlikely today.

COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 22:08:59 GMT 1994
chu relieving koon as observer

Under solid deck of orographic clouds.  Saw an extensive
deck of cirrostratus above orographic clouds on my drive 
up.  Informed by DAK that chances for getting data today 
are poor.  Will wait and see.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Oct 29 23:50:30 GMT 1994
Low-l just crashed.  Will reboot and recycle current 
tape (L00125), since no good data retrieved today.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Oct 30 02:33:09 GMT 1994
Have been in ground fog and intermittent rain since
23:00UT.  Appears as if weather will remain poor for
remainder of day.  PAU

No Observations Today

	MKIII:	recycled
	DPMON:	recycled
	LOW-L:	L00125 running in unit 0

Sun Oct 30 02:34:24 GMT 1994: Filemark