Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon Oct 31 16:57:49 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 304
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 16:58:05 GMT 1994
Cool, in thin cirrus, light south breeze.

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 16:59:10 GMT 1994
Low-L is crashed.  Apparently crashed at 00:37:56.  Classic graphic
characters across the screen.  I'll reload and reboot later after I
get the rest of the systems started.

Mon Oct 31 17:04:37 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 17:14:15 GMT 1994
Removed L00125 and L00126 from drives 0 and 1 respectively.
Lower # tape was in drive 0, not popped out, but screen indicates
crash occurred while writing to unit 1, also not popped out.
Somehow unit 0 should have ejected tape but didn't  when Low-L
switched over to unit 1.
Loaded L00127 and L00128 into units 0 and 1 respectively after
cleaning heads of both drives.
Rebooting Low-L.

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 17:37:13 GMT 1994
Low-L was starting up funny.  I guess I wasn't used to the new
speed in booting up, where the drives are still reloading
when the program starts.  I decided to reload L00126 into the
drives as it was most likely blank.  Yesterday's logs indicate 
that Unit 0 was running, crash occurred yesterday.
L00126 in unit 0 and L00127 in unit 1.
Rebooting again.

COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 17:47:44 GMT 1994
STATUS:  still in thin cirrus overcast, DPMON running,
         LOW-L running smoothely, data going onto L00126 in unit 0,
         MKIII standing by.

Mon Oct 31 18:02:02 GMT 1994: Calibration
Mon Oct 31 19:01:57 GMT 1994: Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 19:49:34 GMT 1994
No data on MKIII yet, still in cirrus.
Ejected tape and did November 1 head cleaning.  Reloaded tape.

Mon Oct 31 20:01:57 GMT 1994: Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 20:37:58 GMT 1994
Cirrus is thinning, orographic clouds are forming around station.

MKIII COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 20:39:30 GMT 1994
Starting up MKIII exavbyte.

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 20:59:42 GMT 1994
In orographic clouds.

Mon Oct 31 21:02:03 GMT 1994: Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:19:43 GMT 1994
In orographic clouds.  Stopping obs.

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:20:30 GMT 1994
Low-L crashed at 2116.

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:25:42 GMT 1994
Removed L00126 from unit 0, relabeled L00127 from unit 1 to 0 and
loaded it into unit 0, loaded L00128 into unit 1.  Rebooted.

MKIII COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:31:00 GMT 1994
Holes between clouds are free of thin cirrus.  Starting up MKIII
to try to get a good scan.

DPMON COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:31:49 GMT 1994
Starting DPMON back up while attempting to observe with MKIII.
 Oct 31 21:32:20 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:34:30 GMT 1994
UGH, the clouds are driving me mad.  I stopped DPMON and clouds
opened up a bit.

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 21:41:22 GMT 1994
I think it is finally clouded up heavily enough to relax.
Stopping MKIII.  DPMON is stopped.

COMMENT: Mon Oct 31 22:25:16 GMT 1994
Koon taking over for Yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Nov  1 04:15:15 GMT 1994
Clouds never completely cleared, shutting down.

COMMENT: Tue Nov  1 04:15:55 GMT 1994
Sent FAX of NMAP to Kevin Reardon.

Activity report:
QP: 52; 82; 105; 137; 257; 267; 274; 312.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00877
DPMON: P00197
LOW-L: L00127 in drive #0

Tue Nov 1 04:19:51 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:08:06. 10/31/94 DOY 304      
    20:41:38      20:44:48      20:47:55      20:51:05      20:54:12  
    20:57:21      21:00:29      21:03:42      21:06:49      21:09:58  
    21:13:05      21:16:15      21:19:23      21:31:40      21:34:49  
    21:37:57      21:41:06