Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Thu Nov 24 17:01:03 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 328
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 17:01:18 GMT 1994
Cold, in broken cirrus, light south wind.  Temp=41F

DPMON COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 17:11:30 GMT 1994
Cable did not arrive yet.  Running DPMON in manual mode to
monitor sun.  No data taken.

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 17:15:11 GMT 1994
MKIII standing by until it clears the wall and the cirrus.

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 17:59:39 GMT 1994
MKIII started up, hole approaching (may not be entirely clear).

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 19:08:41 GMT 1994
Cirrostratus patch seems to be moving with the sun rather than
moving out west to east normally..

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 19:29:28 GMT 1994
clear hole.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 19:32:08 GMT 1994
Hole was very brief, have not been able to complete a good scan.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 20:09:33 GMT 1994
Clear hole approaching.

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 20:43:57 GMT 1994
HEY! GOT ONE!  Coronal scan is marginal, P+S is a tad high, but it
was not  varying throughout the scan.  Good enough for the
yellow dot.

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 20:55:56 GMT 1994
In thin cirrus.

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 21:03:09 GMT 1994
2040-2047 scans (3) marginally good.  Cirrus thru calilibration.

DPMON COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 21:13:43 GMT 1994
Increased size of occulting disc from 1971 to 1981. (#5 to #4).

COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 21:19:56 GMT 1994
Guider declination reached limit and recentered itself.  Repointed
spar and reset guider.

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 21:41:33 GMT 1994
Cirrus fairly extensive for a while and thickness moderate, stopping
scans for now.

COMMENT: Thu Nov 24 22:16:40 GMT 1994
chu relieving yasukawa as observer
Still under extensive thick cirrus.  Continuuing to wait
for a clearing before restarting obs.

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 25 02:25:42 GMT 1994
Under a solid deck of thick cirrostratus during
entire pm shift.  Happy Thanksgiving!  PAU.

Activity Report:
	QP: 55; 61; 65; 87; 120; 125; 225; 285; 294; 307.
	No DPMON data
	No Coronal Activity

	MKIII:	H00894
	DPMON:	exabyte drive down
	LOW-L:	L00136 running in unit 1

Fri Nov 25 02:28:06 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:09:21. 11/24/94 DOY 328      
    18:02:25      18:05:38      18:08:50      18:12:03      18:15:14  
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    18:34:25      18:37:37      18:40:47      18:43:59      18:47:09  
    18:50:20      18:53:30      18:56:41      18:59:51      19:03:02  
    19:06:11      19:09:22      19:12:31      19:15:41      19:18:50  
    19:22:01      19:25:10      19:28:21      19:31:31      19:34:42  
    19:37:52      19:41:02      19:44:12      19:47:22      19:50:31  
    19:53:41      19:56:50      19:59:59      20:03:08      20:06:18  
    20:09:26      20:12:35      20:15:43      20:18:52      20:22:00  
    20:25:08      20:28:16      20:31:26      20:34:33      20:37:44  
    20:40:51      20:44:01      20:47:09      2050 0 CL     20:53:53  
    2058 15CL     21:02:46      21:07:05      21:10:14      21:13:24  
    21:16:33      21:19:44      21:22:53      21:26:04      21:29:15  
    21:32:25      21:35:34      21:38:45