Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon Nov 28 17:26:04 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 332
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Nov 28 17:26:11 GMT 1994
Clear sky, wind 5 mph from the SE, temp. 40 F

Mon Nov 28 19:19:01 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Mon Nov 28 19:29:27 GMT 1994
Tried some manual tape drive commands at the request of David Elmore, I was
able to write to and read from tape.  Started up the Patrol program and it
is working OK.  Next step is to wait for the error messages then exit
Windows and try the following manual tape drive commands:
On a new blank tape try:
tar -cv .
mt rewind
tar t

That should write filles to the tape and list their names on screen, then
the tape gets rewound with the second command, then the last command will
read the filenames on tape and list them on the screen, ideally they will
match the files written.  After trying this we should contact David with
the results and take it from their.  No need to mail anything to them yet.

Mon Nov 28 20:02:00 GMT 1994: Calibration
Mon Nov 28 21:02:01 GMT 1994: Calibration
Mon Nov 28 22:01:01 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Mon Nov 28 22:01:22 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP: 47; 78; 110; 221; 268; 310.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00897
DPMON: P00214, tape drive is working (temporarily?)
LOW-L: L00138 in drive #0

Mon Nov 28 22:04:53 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:22:00. 11/28/94 DOY 332      
    17:27:09      17:30:23      17:33:38      17:36:51      17:40:04  
    17:43:17      17:46:30      17:49:42      17:52:55      17:56:06  
    17:59:18      18:02:29      18:05:41      18:08:52      18:12:05  
    18:15:17      1819 0 CL     18:22:36      1827 15CL     18:38:04  
    18:41:55      18:45:09      18:48:23      18:51:35      18:54:51  
    18:58:04      19:01:17      19:04:29      19:07:42      19:10:53  
    19:14:06      19:17:17      19:20:30      19:23:42      19:26:55  
    19:30:07      19:33:20      19:36:32      19:39:47      19:43:01  
    19:46:16      19:49:28      19:52:41      19:55:53      19:59:07  
    20:02:19      20:05:32      20:08:44      20:11:57      20:15:09  
    20:18:23      20:21:37      20:24:57      20:28:11      20:31:24  
    20:34:36      20:37:50      20:41:02      20:44:15      20:47:28  
    20:50:41      20:53:53      20:57:06      21:00:19      21:03:33  
    21:06:46      21:09:59      21:13:11      21:16:27      21:19:41  
    21:22:54      21:26:05      21:29:18      21:32:30      21:35:43  
    21:38:54      21:42:08      21:45:19      21:48:32      21:51:44  
    21:54:56      21:58:08