Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Tue Dec  6 18:09:39 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 340
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Dec  6 18:09:56 GMT 1994
Thick cirrostratus overcast, hasn't changed since sunrise, wind ~20 mph from
the SE, temp 35 F.

WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Dec  6 20:08:24 GMT 1994
Still in heavy overcast, judging from satellite pictures we won't get any
observing today.

LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Dec  6 20:09:17 GMT 1994
Removed L00140 from drive #0.  Moved L00141 from drive #1 to drive #0 and
will restart that tape since there is no data on it from this morning due to
the thick overcast.  Installed L00142 in drive #1.  Will do the lowl software
changes requested by David Elmore.

LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Dec  6 20:59:48 GMT 1994
Completed software changes and restarted lowl program without any problems.
The lowl program will now restart itself after every tape worth of data 
instead of just continuing, this is in hopes of preventing future crashes
that may be caused by a continuing lowl program that may be using up some
MS-DOS resources to the point of crashing.  The operation of the instrument
and tape changing procedures should be the same as before.  If we need to
stop the lowl program we will type in CTRL-C when the program tries to
restart itself after we try to quit it the old way.

Wed Dec 7 00:04:18 GMT 1994: Filemark