Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon Feb  6 17:27:03 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 037
Observer: koon

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 17:27:21 GMT 1995
Scattered cirrus, wind=30+ mph from the west, temp=35 F.

Mon Feb 6 17:33:21 GMT 1995: Patrol Start

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 17:48:06 GMT 1995
Program  did the classic crash shortly after I left on Saturday, will restart
with L00178 in drive #0 and L00179 in drive #1.

Mon Feb 6 18:00:55 GMT 1995: Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 18:58:29 GMT 1995
The sun is still being blocked by a thick cirrus cloud.  Wind speeds are up
to 100 mph on Mauna Kea, I can see a huge dust cloud blowing off the leeward
side towards Hilo.

Mon Feb 6 19:01:03 GMT 1995: Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 19:55:34 GMT 1995
Cirrus has cleared.

Mon Feb 6 20:01:01 GMT 1995: Calibration
Mon Feb 6 21:00:59 GMT 1995: Calibration
Mon Feb 6 22:01:03 GMT 1995: Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 22:16:15 GMT 1995
NWS notified us that a high wind front (100+ mph) is heading towards us
between Maui and us, closing down to leave now.

Mon Feb 6 22:18:05 GMT 1995: Patrol End

COMMENT: Mon Feb  6 22:26:28 GMT 1995
Activity report:
QP: 47; 60; 240.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00959
DPMON: P00276
LOW-L: L00178 in drive #0.

Mon Feb 6 22:28:11 GMT 1995: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:34:20.   2/6/95 DOY 37       
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    2020 0 CL     20:24:10      2032 15CL     20:37:41      20:41:16  
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