Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Thu Mar 16 17:07:18 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 075
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 17:07:43 GMT 1995
Cool, clear, light southeast breeze.  Temp=51F

LOW-L COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 17:08:30 GMT 1995
L00200 popped out of unit 1, loaded, L00202.

COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 17:08:55 GMT 1995
Mid section of MLO road blocked by DLNR personnel investigating
some sort of crime that occurred last night (all they were allowed to
tell me).  Got a DLNR escort thru the blocked area, saw around 
10 State vehicles parked along road within area.  WOW! some excitement
for change!

DPMON COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 17:11:52 GMT 1995
Continuous beeping during login routine, Windows setup this morning.
Got continuous scrolling of akala% prompt until I pressed a RETURN.
EXITed, logged out and re logged in.  Beeping started again
as dolphin screen appeared.  Hit RTN before Console window appeared
and beeping stopped, Windows came up OK after that.

Thu Mar 16 17:20:44 GMT 1995: Patrol Start
Thu Mar 16 17:24:05 GMT 1995: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 17:24:11 GMT 1995
Manually reset optics which were running away.

Thu Mar 16 18:00:59 GMT 1995: Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 18:07:30 GMT 1995
Sky has been pretty noisy all morning.  Charlie and crew arrived
to do some grading for GONG access road.  Equipment not up here
yet, but with wind direction today, it may get pretty dusty
when they begin.

COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 19:00:46 GMT 1995
Heavy equipment has arrived down at the parking lot.

Thu Mar 16 19:10:01 GMT 1995: Patrol End

COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 19:10:22 GMT 1995
Closing the dome.  Construction beginning and dust is drifting
up this way.

COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 20:07:58 GMT 1995
Guider ON indicator light burned out.Replaced wit new GE-73 lamp.

COMMENT: Thu Mar 16 20:23:39 GMT 1995
Looks like digging will be going on most of day.  Shutting down
for the day.

Activity report:
QP:  53; 115-125; 255-260; 308-315;
No coronal activity

Tapes:  MKIII:  H00993
	DPMON:  P00312
	LOWL:   L00201

Thu Mar 16 20:26:01 GMT 1995: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:21:20.  3/16/95 DOY 75       
    17:32:07      17:35:17      17:38:30      17:41:41      17:44:53  
    17:48:04      17:51:16      17:54:26      17:57:37      18:00:46  
    18:03:58      18:07:07      18:10:18      18:13:29      18:16:42  
    18:19:52      18:23:02      18:26:11      1840 0 CL     18:43:20  
    1847 15CL     18:55:08      19:00:09      19:03:16      19:06:24