Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat Apr 22 17:04:53 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 112
Observer: koon       console      Apr 22 16:56

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 17:04:59 GMT 1995
Mostly clear with some scattered cirrus, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=40 F.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 17:06:07 GMT 1995
Took about 20 minutes to get the dPMon observing this morning.  After taking
a long time trying to login I rebooted and that took even longer.  This is
apparently related to an Internet problem with the router down at the NOAA
office in Hilo, as is usually the case.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 17:48:59 GMT 1995
Removed L00222 and installed L00224 in drive #0.  Shortly after doing that
switch something odd happened, I found the tape in drive #1 popped out and
data was being written to drive #0 (it was going to drive #1 this morning).
Removed L00223 and installed L00225 in drive #1.

Sat Apr 22 18:01:01 GMT 1995: Calibration

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:25:37 GMT 1995
CME in progress at PA=270, accompanied by a surge out to RV=1.1

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:28:14 GMT 1995
Still getting streaks in the data but it seems to get better as time passes.

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:33:49 GMT 1995
I just cycled the Analog power while the scan was running (to save time) in
an attempt to clear up the streaks.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:48:56 GMT 1995
Had a Camera:Busy error, cleared it.

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:49:15 GMT 1995
Cycling the Analog power seemed to help eliminate the streaks.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:50:05 GMT 1995
Optical runaway, fixed it.
Sat Apr 22 18:51:04 GMT 1995: Patrol End

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 18:51:08 GMT 1995
Can't get through to HAO to send a CME Alert message using Internet, problem
at NOAA office probably.  Having trouble getting through on MODEM also.

Sat Apr 22 18:52:29 GMT 1995: Patrol Start
Sat Apr 22 19:02:04 GMT 1995: Calibration
Sat Apr 22 20:02:00 GMT 1995: Calibration

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:13:17 GMT 1995
Program had the typical crash, restarted it.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:18:46 GMT 1995
Extended dome slot.

Sat Apr 22 20:19:59 GMT 1995: Patrol End
Sat Apr 22 20:20:30 GMT 1995: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:20:32 GMT 1995
Had an optical runaway, fixed it.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:21:24 GMT 1995
No sign of the CME, it has faded away.  I'm still trying to get the modem to
work so I can send out a CME alert message, when I start up tip and type 45
I should get a ! as a prompt, but I'm not getting it.  I can call up and
even hookup to HAO but I don't see any echo, which makes it impossible to
get any further.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:34:28 GMT 1995
Datstar filter runaway, fixing it.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 20:36:12 GMT 1995
Fixed modem setting so that I get an echo and was able to hookup to HAO
(I think) but all I got on the screen was a bunch of never ending scrolling
jiberish.  Connection was listed at 212 ( I think that should be 9600 baud).
I`ll keep trying.

Sat Apr 22 21:03:03 GMT 1995: Calibration

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 21:50:42 GMT 1995
OK, finally got through to HAO and sent out the CME alert message.  I had
to manually enter the desired telephone number by entering the following at
the ! prompt:
I will try to figure out how to  change the stored number since it doesn't
hook me up correctly.  I'm not sure why the echo was set to OFF, but it is
set correctly now.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 21:54:58 GMT 1995
Sky is getting very cloudy, will close down now.

Sat Apr 22 21:56:06 GMT 1995: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sat Apr 22 22:19:59 GMT 1995
Activity report:
Large CME from 1815 or earlier to 2000 at PA=270, with associated surge in 
same area out to RV=1.15, CME alert message sent out but delayed due to
network problem (probably at NOAA office in Hilo), start of observations also
delayed due to the slowdown of Sparcstation login associated with network
QP: 73; 100; 133; 232.

MKIII: H01015
DPMON: P00336
LOW-L: L00223 in drive #1 and L00224 in drive #0 due to odd change in where
       the data was being written by the program.

Sat Apr 22 22:29:12 GMT 1995: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:57:22.  4/22/95 DOY 112      
    17:02:34      17:05:48      17:08:59      17:12:11      17:15:21  
    17:18:33      17:21:43      17:24:54      17:28:04      17:31:16  
    17:34:26      17:37:37      17:40:47      17:43:59      17:47:09  
    17:50:22      17:53:32      17:56:44      17:59:54      18:03:06  
    18:06:17      18:09:30      18:12:41      18:15:52      18:19:05  
    18:22:23      18:25:34      18:28:52      18:32:04      18:35:16  
    18:38:27      18:41:40      18:44:52      18:48:07      18:51:17  
    18:54:29      18:57:41      19:00:54      19:04:06      19:07:18  
    19:10:28      19:13:40      19:16:50      19:20:02      19:23:12  
    19:26:23      19:29:34      19:32:47      19:35:58      19:39:09  
    19:42:19      19:45:30      19:48:39      19:51:51      19:55:01  
    19:58:12      20:01:21      20:04:32      20:07:43      20:11:00  
    20:14:10      20:17:20      20:20:30      20:23:40      20:26:50  
    20:30:00      20:33:10      20:36:20      2043 0 CL     20:46:53  
    2051 15CL     21:00:41      21:07:20      21:10:30      21:13:41  
    21:16:51      21:20:01      21:23:11      21:26:21      21:29:31  
    21:32:42      21:35:51      21:39:02      21:42:11      21:45:22  
    21:48:32      21:51:43      21:54:53