Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed May 17 20:32:18 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 137
Observer: yasukawa   console      May 17 20:22

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 17 20:32:50 GMT 1995
In extensive cirrus overcast which was worse this morning according
to NOAA observers.  North breeze.

COMMENT: Wed May 17 20:33:43 GMT 1995
Discovered in check of spare dec motor that the center tap on the
exciter winding is not a tap but needs to be jumpered.  That was 
reason that the spare did not work.  Was too preocupied with 
mechanical investigation to find that error at the time.  Connected
the jumper and made sure that the connection is very apparent
for the next time.  Came up to install and test the fix.

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed May 17 20:36:41 GMT 1995
L00238 popped, loaded L00240.

COMMENT: Wed May 17 20:40:34 GMT 1995
YES!  Motor runs!  Will install and test.

COMMENT: Wed May 17 21:13:27 GMT 1995
I think motor now works.  The guider limit relay logic works but
the guider declination is pegged to one direction of travel.
Need to look into the electronics again.  There is likely a
component that is telling the drive logic that one sensor is getting 
more light than the other.  It is difficult to say as the sky is 
overcast with moderate cirrus, but I will look into this anyway.

COMMENT: Wed May 17 23:32:04 GMT 1995
Could not find problem.  Cirrus is very thick, no shadows.
Will quit for the day anc continue tomorrow.
No observations.

Tapes:  LOWL:  L00239

Wed May 17 23:33:34 GMT 1995: Filemark