Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon Jun 19 16:42:15 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 170
Observer: koon       console      Jun 19 16:39
Content-Length: 575
X-Lines: 15
Status: RO

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jun 19 16:42:21 GMT 1995
Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=42 F.

LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Jun 19 19:15:30 GMT 1995
Stopped program, I will move the powercords of the computer and tape drives
from the current power strip to the unswitched Corcom filtered plugs in the
BA11.  Removed L00262 and installed L00264 in drive #0, removed L00263 and
installed L00265 in drive #1, then restarted computer.

WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jun 19 21:48:58 GMT 1995
Weather isn't clearing, heading back to Hilo.

Mon Jun 19 21:49:26 GMT 1995: Filemark