Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed Oct 18 16:44:05 GMT 1995
Year: 95  Doy: 291
Observer: yasukawa   console      Oct 18 16:42

WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 18 16:44:10 GMT 1995
In medium to heavy cirrus overcast, cool, moderate south wind.

COMMENT: Wed Oct 18 16:51:54 GMT 1995
Cirrus quite thick at this time, guiding very marginal.

COMMENT: Wed Oct 18 19:58:19 GMT 1995
Still in thick cirrus overcast.  Decommissioned GONG site survey
instrument per Frank Hill's directive that site survey be
terminated now that the network is up and operational.
Mailing last tape to Frank.  Packed up instrument after removing 
battery.  DVM battery was left installed.  Stored instrument
per Frank's instructions that we may keep instrument and Don
Hassler's acceptance of the offer.

So.... as we say over here.... PAU!

COMMENT: Wed Oct 18 21:01:37 GMT 1995
Cirrus overcast still heavy and quite extensive.  No observations

Tapes:  LOWL:  L00330 un unit 0.
Just noticed that data was going onto unit 0.  L00329
was still in unit 1.  It did not autoeject.  Ejected
manually and loaded L00331 into unit 1.

Wed Oct 18 21:06:34 GMT 1995: Filemark