		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Thu Jan 21 18:26:29 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 021
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 18:26:40 GMT 1999
Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=45 F.
COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 18:26:58 GMT 1999
Read the HELCO meters this morning.
Thu Jan 21 18:28:48 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Startup--Initializing new tape
Thu Jan 21 18:32:02 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Thu Jan 21 18:32:13 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
Thu Jan 21 18:32:13 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 18:55:01 GMT 1999
Guiding seems off in declination, repointed and reset the declination
guider to fix it.  It's looking good now.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 18:57:04 GMT 1999
Time is 11 seconds slow again.
Thu Jan 21 19:01:35 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu Jan 21 19:02:57 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Thu Jan 21 19:03:15 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu Jan 21 19:03:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Thu Jan 21 19:04:02 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Thu Jan 21 19:04:58 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Thu Jan 21 20:01:33 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu Jan 21 20:02:27 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Cal
Thu Jan 21 20:02:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Gain
Thu Jan 21 20:03:04 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu Jan 21 20:07:26 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Gain
Thu Jan 21 20:07:36 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Thu Jan 21 20:08:25 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Thu Jan 21 20:08:35 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Thu Jan 21 20:09:10 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Thu Jan 21 20:22:38 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Thu Jan 21 21:00:53 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Thu Jan 21 21:01:38 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu Jan 21 21:01:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Thu Jan 21 21:02:09 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Thu Jan 21 21:02:46 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Thu Jan 21 21:03:17 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
PSPT COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 21:04:33 GMT 1999
So far all the images I've seen today look good, I haven't seen any 
darkened images like some from yesterday.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 21:10:28 GMT 1999
I'm working on the clock problem.  It was still 11 seconds slow today.
I stopped the program using "q" during the sync cycle.  Then did a CTRL-C
to stop the startup batch file.  The DOS clock was showing the same time as
the readout on the observing screen.  Then I checked the cts10 board time
and it also showed the incorrect time.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 21:33:22 GMT 1999
I checked the autoexec.bat file to see if there were any cts10 related
commands, I didn't see any, and when I tried to run autoexec with the
incorrect DOS time it started the observing program with the same
incorrect time.  I'm trying to find out why rebooting the computer
causes the observing program to start up with the correct time.  It 
doesn't look like it is caused by autoexec.bat.  I did see a cts10
command line in the config.sys file.  The weird thing about the autoexec
file was that the "lowl" command to start the observing program was
already commented out, the next line had the command "splat" and when
I commented that out then the observing program wouldn't be started
by autoexec.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 21:57:04 GMT 1999
When I try running "splat" it does everything like typing in "lowl"
except it is harder to exit from at the "sync" cycle because it keeps
trying to restart the lowl program.  So this solves the old mystery
of why I can easily stop observing and eject the tapes sometimes while
other times the program would try to restart and sometimes cause
problems.  It worked better if we were exiting from the observing
program that was brought up with the lowl command rather than the splat
command, everytime we cycled the power or rebooted that would cause
autoexec to use splat to start observing.
99	CHIP	 End Bias
Thu Jan 21 22:03:56 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Thu Jan 21 22:04:35 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 22:08:55 GMT 1999
A few small orographic clouds are passing by.
MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 21 22:10:28 GMT 1999
I'm not going to be able to do the Height Mask Test today due to lowl
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 22:44:23 GMT 1999
The DEVICE = cts10.sys command line in config.sys apparently loads and
starts the cts10 driver, and that corrects the cts10 time.  I checked
the cts10 timelog and saw huge periods in which there is no WWVH signal
sync with the cts10 board, it is only in sync about one hour each day.
When it is out of sync its own on board clock drifts and that erroneous
time is being used to set the DOS clock.  So, if nothing else, we could
improve the lowl clock by restarting the cts10 driver more often, by
software if possible.
Thu Jan 21 23:01:43 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu Jan 21 23:02:07 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Thu Jan 21 23:03:01 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Thu Jan 21 23:03:12 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Thu Jan 21 23:03:19 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu Jan 21 23:03:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Thu Jan 21 23:11:51 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Patrol
Thu Jan 21 23:16:56 GMT 1999    MKIII    End Patrol
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 23:20:59 GMT 1999
It was beginning to look very puzzling that the correct time was being
held somewhere on the cts10 board and could be accessed with a warm
reboot but couldn't be accessed by the fixtime.c program, but then
David just sent over a revised fixtime.c program.  The old program
wasn't getting the cts10 time correctly and this one was changed to
fix that, so hopefully this will fix the latest clock problem.
I'm going to install the new version and start it up.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu Jan 21 23:52:27 GMT 1999
OK, the program is back up and observing again.  I removed L00574 from
drive #0 and moved L00575 from #1 to #0 and installed L00576 in drive #1.
CHIP COMMENT: Fri Jan 22 00:01:30 GMT 1999
I accidentally left this running when I stopped the other instruments,
so there is no data on the end of this tape due to no Spar tracking.
Fri Jan 22 00:02:51 GMT 1999	CHIP	 ending tape
COMMENT: Fri Jan 22 00:09:05 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99021
CHIP: C00766
PICS: P01379
LOWL: L00574 and L00575 in drive #0

Fri Jan 22 00:10:17 GMT 1999 
18_32.rawmk3   19_30.rawmk3   20_38.rawmk3   21_37.rawmk3   22_35.rawmk3
18_35.rawmk3   19_33.rawmk3   20_42.rawmk3   21_40.rawmk3   22_38.rawmk3
18_38.rawmk3   19_36.rawmk3   20_45.rawmk3   21_43.rawmk3   22_41.rawmk3
18_41.rawmk3   19_39.rawmk3   20_48.rawmk3   21_46.rawmk3   22_44.rawmk3
18_45.rawmk3   19_43.rawmk3   20_51.rawmk3   21_49.rawmk3   22_48.rawmk3
18_48.rawmk3   19_46.rawmk3   20_55.rawmk3   21_53.rawmk3   22_51.rawmk3
18_51.rawmk3   19_49.rawmk3   20_58.rawmk3   21_56.rawmk3   22_54.rawmk3
18_54.rawmk3   19_52.rawmk3   21_01.rawmk3   21_59.rawmk3   22_57.rawmk3
18_58.rawmk3   19_56.rawmk3   21_04.rawmk3   22_02.rawmk3   23_00.rawmk3
19_01.rawmk3   19_59.rawmk3   21_07.rawmk3   22_06.rawmk3   23_04.rawmk3
19_04.rawmk3   20_05.rawmk3   21_11.rawmk3   22_09.rawmk3   23_07.rawmk3
19_07.rawmk3   20_12.rawmk3   21_14.rawmk3   22_12.rawmk3   23_10.rawmk3
19_10.rawmk3   20_19.rawmk3   21_17.rawmk3   22_15.rawmk3   23_13.rawmk3
19_14.rawmk3   20_22.rawmk3   21_20.rawmk3   22_18.rawmk3   c20_02.rawmk3
19_17.rawmk3   20_25.rawmk3   21_24.rawmk3   22_22.rawmk3   c20_09.rawmk3
19_20.rawmk3   20_29.rawmk3   21_27.rawmk3   22_25.rawmk3   c20_15.rawmk3
19_23.rawmk3   20_32.rawmk3   21_30.rawmk3   22_28.rawmk3
19_27.rawmk3   20_35.rawmk3   21_33.rawmk3   22_31.rawmk3