		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Wed Jan 27 17:55:50 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 027
Observer: koon
Wed Jan 27 17:59:36 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Startup--Initializing new tape
Wed Jan 27 17:59:42 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jan 27 17:59:58 GMT 1999
Clear sky, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=34 F.
Wed Jan 27 18:57:55 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Cal
Wed Jan 27 19:00:56 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Wed Jan 27 19:02:08 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Wed Jan 27 19:02:18 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Wed Jan 27 19:02:58 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Wed Jan 27 19:18:07 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Wed Jan 27 20:00:48 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Gain
Wed Jan 27 20:05:27 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Gain
Wed Jan 27 20:05:37 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Wed Jan 27 20:06:27 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Wed Jan 27 20:06:42 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Wed Jan 27 20:07:22 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jan 27 20:34:22 GMT 1999
A very thin cirrostratus started moving in about 30 minutes ago and it has
been steadily getting thicker.
Wed Jan 27 21:01:48 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Wed Jan 27 21:02:44 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Wed Jan 27 21:02:54 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Wed Jan 27 21:03:32 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water

From koon@hao.ucar.edu Wed Jan 27 16:05 MST 1999
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:58:53 -1000
From: Darryl Koon <koon@hao.ucar.edu>
Organization: Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
To: elmore@hao.ucar.edu, kvs@hao.ucar.edu, alice@hao.ucar.edu,
Subject: Nahenahe and KCC problem

	At around 2145 Nahenahe and Kii crashed.  MK3 and 4 were at az=184,
	just starting a new scan.  The Nahenahe screen was frozen and I couldn't
	get control of it.  I was able to do Kill on Kii but couldn't get
	the End Tape task to work, it just stalled.  I tried resetting the KCC
	and that caused the red Fail LEDs on the Corr. and Micro boards to
	light up, Nahenahe still frozen.  STOP-A didn't work, cycled power
	to Nahenahe and it rebooted up to the point where it showed
	System ready
	then there were error messages about remote chassis power being off or
	a cable disconnected.  Maybe that was refering to the  KCC?  I tried 
	resetting the KCC again and cycling Nahenahe power again in different
	orders, but still couldn't get past Fail LEDs on KCC boards and
	incomplete reboot on Nahenahe.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?
	The crash took place while I was trying to fix a PSPT problem so I'm
	not sure exactly when it happened.  The Nahenahe computer is now
	turned off as is the KCC. I can't finish or send logs, files won't be
	transferred tonight, etcetera.  I need to get to an appointment so
	I can't stay late to work on it but I'll be back tomorrow morning.

I'm writing this in the log on 1/28 so until late on 1/28 the log
entries are going to look funny.  There was a crash around 21:45 on 1/27
ut that caused the Nahenahe computer and the KCC to lockup.  No further
MKIV or MKIII observations can be done until this problem is fixed,
there is more information about this on tomorrow's log (1/28 ut).
I couldn't rlogin to Nahenahe from Nene, and all the fails LEDs were
lit on the KCC.  I tried various things like rebooting Nahenahe and
the KCC in various different orders but was unable to fix the problem.

No times due to problem with Nahenahe as mentioned above.  On the 2200
ut set of observations I noticed the image vignetting again, it always
seems to happen later in the day like that.  The declination wasn't
at a limit.  I checked the shutter operation but was unable to see
any problems there, it might be worth it to just change the shutter
to see if the problem ends.  While I was checking the shutter I blocked
the beam and the telescope started pointing more and more to the West,
and the Mirror On LED stayed lit, I don't understand that, I thought
it was lit only when the mirror was locked on the sun?

No time given due to Nahenahe problem explained above.  The Lowl 
crashed at 2236 with those old rectangular graphics characters on the
screen.  I removed L00576 from drive #0, moved L00577 from #1 to #0,
installed L00578 in #1, and restarted the observations.

MKIV: 99027
CHIP: C00769
LOWL: L00576 and L00577 in drive #0
PICS: Down for repairs.

17_59.rawmk3    18_48.rawmk3    19_47.rawmk3    20_35.rawmk3    21_24.rawmk3
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