		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sat Jan 30 18:04:17 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 030
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 18:04:19 GMT 1999
Thin fog blowing over, clouds to the East, wind=15 mph from the SE,
temp=35 F.
Sat Jan 30 18:15:26 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Startup--Initializing new tape
**MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 20:32:02 GMT 1999
OK, we're back in business again.  The Bit3 board in the Sparc5 was the
culprit.  Everything comes up normally now.  I will try some observations
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 20:33:21 GMT 1999
Fog has cleared, will, start observations now.
Sat Jan 30 20:38:23 GMT 1999	CHIP	 CHIP Start Patrol
MKIII COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 20:57:50 GMT 1999
No animation display so far.  The mk4 scans were looking strange due to
bad guiding by the spar, I reset the declination guider.
COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 20:59:55 GMT 1999
Guiding was off in declination, I reset the dec guider.
Sat Jan 30 21:03:03 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat Jan 30 21:03:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat Jan 30 21:04:00 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat Jan 30 21:04:36 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 21:08:05 GMT 1999
The clouds to the East are rising up again and thin wisps are starting to blow
over us, we may have fog again soon.
**MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 21:17:21 GMT 1999
I don't see any data files for Mk4 or Mk3.  Part of the previous
troubleshooting included renaming a file that invokes ReadKcc during
a Nahenahe reboot and probably during a normal startup.  I renamed that
file after starting up so I going to try to reboot and start everything
over from the beginning.
**MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 21:42:20 GMT 1999
OK, after rebooting Nahenahe and restarting the observing program I now
see data files in the appropriate directories and the MkIII animation
is back.  The quality of the scans is questionable though.  The MkIII
scans look terrible, very noisy.  The sky looks OK and the "loaf of bread"
looks OK.  Occasionally some wisps of clouds may be passing over, but not
a lot.
Sat Jan 30 22:01:51 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat Jan 30 22:02:42 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat Jan 30 22:02:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat Jan 30 22:03:31 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 22:05:27 GMT 1999
Guider wouldn't lock on sun, QCsum=0 to 35, even though sun is bright and
no clouds are in the way.  Used Restart to try again.
**MKIII PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 22:17:30 GMT 1999
Now the scans are beginning to show streamers, etcetera.  MKIII data is
starting to appear from behind all that noise, I'm not sure why the noise
is disappearing but I guess it must have been moisture in the sky.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 22:21:34 GMT 1999
Restart didn't work, QCsum still very low (17) despite clear sky.  Exited
again and tried Run to fix it.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 22:43:35 GMT 1999
Still showed low QCsum of around 100.  I opened side door and saw that
the telescope was off in declination, I manually pushed it into place in
hopes of seeing the QCsum go up, but it didn't change at all.
Why does the QCsum equal 100 and why does the "Mirror On" LED
stay lit even when the telescope is pointed off the sun?  Why
doesn't QCsum change even a little when I point the scope to the sun?
Also, why does the telescope start pointing off to the West when I block the 
light beam to look at the shutter.  Something is definitely wrong.  It seems
logical that the telescope should stop trying to guide on the sun when it
thinks that the light level is too low, and that it should follow some
sort of ephemeris-based clock drive mode while the light level is low, but
it doesn't appear to do these things.  When I move the telescope while
it is pointed at the sun shouldn't I see the Quadcell stages move too?
They don't move and the Quadcell (QC) doesn't seem to see the sun when
it is pointed right at it, something is flaky with how the Quadcell is
being used, sometimes it works well, sometimes it apparently doesn't.  
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 23:08:52 GMT 1999
Clouds and fog starting to move in, closing down.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat Jan 30 23:16:56 GMT 1999
As an afterthought I checked the Quadcell stages to see if they were at
limits after stowing the telescope, they weren't.  When I was checking on the
problem earlier I only checked the limits on one stage, the one that runs
East-West, it wasn't at a limit.  Maybe the N-S axis stage was at a limit?
COMMENT: Sat Jan 30 23:22:24 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99030
CHIP: C00772
LOWL: L00577 in drive #1
PICS: Down for repairs.

Sat Jan 30 23:31:53 GMT 1999 
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