		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sat Feb 20 18:00:32 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 051
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Feb 20 18:00:33 GMT 1999
Slushy rain is falling, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=38 F.
COMMENT: Sat Feb 20 18:01:19 GMT 1999
No observing until rain stops.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Feb 20 18:55:01 GMT 1999
I can't transfer files from Io to Nahenahe (as required with mail files
since we can't use Nahenahe for email), pinging doesn't work from Io
either.  I can ping Io from Nahenahe and I was able to get my mail from
Boulder using Io.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Feb 20 19:43:00 GMT 1999
Fixed problem by including IP addresses in the FTP ini file.
WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 21 00:10:10 GMT 1999
Still raining, no observing today.
Sun Feb 21 00:29:18 GMT 1999