		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Fri Mar 26 16:48:42 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 085
Observer: yasukawa
WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 26 16:49:56 GMT 1999
Cool, in thick, extensive cirrus overcast, light southwest breeze.
Cirrus too thick to guide at this time.
**GONG PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 26 16:51:13 GMT 1999
GONG primary exabyte failure, data writing to secondary drive.
Fri Mar 26 16:57:10 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Startup--Initializing new tape
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 26 17:23:42 GMT 1999
Checked out CHIP temperature controller.  Thermocouple resistance was 5.55
k-ohms which was correct for the filter temperature displayed on YCC
monitor (39.3 degrees).  Voltage to heaters was 9.99 volts.  The thermocouple 
is working OK where the problem was last time -- at the connector on the 
filter.  Apparently, the temperature controller is not cycling off when 
temperature goes above setpoint.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 26 18:45:58 GMT 1999
Correct filter temp should be 34.3-34.5 on the monitor, thermistor resistance   measured at the sensor input shoud be around 6.8k-ohms, sensor voltage should
be 0.681 VDC, and setpoint should be 0.670 VDC.

Current readings:  temp at monitor is 39.3, thermistor resistance is 5.56k-ohms,
what the specs say it should be for that temperature, sensor voltage measured 
at 0.753-0.759 VDC, setpoint measured at 0.556-0.559 VDC.  Air temperature
at monitor is in range at 22.663 and plate temp at monitor is in range
at 21.355.

Turned temperature controller off to watch setpoint and sensor temperature as
filter temp rises thru correct temperature when controller is turned back on.
Fri Mar 26 22:25:33 GMT 1999	CHIP	 ending tape
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 26 22:26:39 GMT 1999
As temperature rose, the setpoint remained fairly stable at around 
0.559 volts, a lot lower than it should be, and the sensor voltage 
dropped as it should have, but at a lot higher voltage than it should
be--reading 0.860 as it passed nominal temperature of 34.4 degrees.

Found Meadowlark website and sent email to sales@meadowlark.com
(that was the only email address published) requesting they pass the
request for assistance on to their technical people.  Request contained 
troubleshooting findings.
COMMENT: Fri Mar 26 22:32:54 GMT 1999

LOWL:  L00588 in drive 0
No other observations today.
Fri Mar 26 22:33:57 GMT 1999