		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sat May  8 16:57:03 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 128
Observer: koon
Sat May  8 16:57:41 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Startup--Initializing new tape
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May  8 16:59:28 GMT 1999
Thin cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=45 F.
Sat May  8 16:59:40 GMT 1999	CHIP	 CHIP Start Patrol
Sat May  8 16:59:40 GMT 1999	CHIP	 CHIP Start Patrol
Sat May  8 17:03:00 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat May  8 17:03:55 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat May  8 17:04:04 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 17:04:43 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
MKIV COMMENT: Sat May  8 17:05:23 GMT 1999
Scans look bad, radial streaks are present, but so are clouds.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:06:08 GMT 1999
Filter temperature is high at 39.9
**PICS PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:11:34 GMT 1999
Stalled with Program:H-alpha.disc, and no Camera window.  Tried Kill/Run
sequence but still didn't get a Camera window, and the Camera task is
listed as running.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:21:29 GMT 1999
Temperature seems to be steady at around 39.960, and the images do look bad
so that is probably an accurate temperature reading, maybe the setpoint
needs to be changed, I'll check it after I get some of the other instruments
**PICS PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:25:30 GMT 1999
Halted and cycled power to the Sparcstation.
**MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:26:14 GMT 1999
Radial streaks are diminishing and now the scans just look washed out from
the bright sky, the clouds are very thin now.
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May  8 17:29:22 GMT 1999
Clouds have thinned out quite a bit.
**PICS PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:32:25 GMT 1999
OK, now I have a Camera window and the Patrol is working.
**MKIV PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 17:37:13 GMT 1999
Scans are looking fine now and cirrostratus is gone, but sky is still a
little bright.
Sat May  8 18:00:38 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sat May  8 18:01:49 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat May  8 18:02:06 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Sat May  8 18:02:42 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat May  8 18:03:00 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 18:03:46 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 18:35:22 GMT 1999
Filter Temperature at 40.114
Sat May  8 18:44:25 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Cal
Sat May  8 19:00:28 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sat May  8 19:00:53 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat May  8 19:01:46 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat May  8 19:01:57 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 19:01:57 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 19:02:36 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Sat May  8 19:07:51 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May  8 19:15:16 GMT 1999
Cirrus clouds are moving in again.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 19:18:31 GMT 1999
Filter temp up to 40.280
Sat May  8 20:00:33 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sat May  8 20:02:03 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Sat May  8 20:02:48 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Gain
Sat May  8 20:07:19 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Gain
Sat May  8 20:07:38 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat May  8 20:08:34 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat May  8 20:08:44 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 20:09:19 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 20:16:22 GMT 1999
Filter temp=40.452, thermistor testpoint=0.542, setpoint testpoint=0.633
I have read through the filter log book and the temperature controller 
manual to try to understand what is going on.  I'm still not sure,
but Greg noted a similar problem back around 8/18/95, he determined that
a LM324 failed due to overvoltage, and had the controller board replaced
and voltage limits corrected so that an overvoltage would not be able to
occur again.
COMMENT: Sat May  8 20:23:53 GMT 1999
Extended the Dome slot.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 20:24:05 GMT 1999
Filter temp=40.472, thermistor testpoint=0.541, setpoint testpoint=0.643
which is very close to the 0.644 that Eric reported as being the desired
setpoint voltage.
MKIV COMMENT: Sat May  8 20:25:53 GMT 1999
Pausing due to clouds.
Sat May  8 20:30:36 GMT 1999    MKIII    End Patrol
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 20:57:07 GMT 1999
It looks like the thermistor reading of 0.541 vdc is about right for the
temperature of about 40 C that is shown on the observing screen.  The
setpoint reading also looks correct.  So it appears the temperature control
board is receiving the correct input but not giving the correct ouput, it
gives 10 vdc or nothing (occasionally).  I removed the controller and
brought it downstairs for an examination.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 21:27:39 GMT 1999
I couldn't find anything wrong inside the temperature controller box, but
if any ICs are bad I wouldn't know.  As a final test I waited for the 
Filter temp reading to drop to within range (34.5 C) and then I reconnected
the temperature controller and turned it back on and read the voltages
again.  The setpoint still reads 0.644 vdc as it should, the output
is 10 vdc (fullpower for heating I think), and the thermistor read 0.697
which seems reasonable for the temperature of the filter at the time I read
it, it was about 34.3 C according to the observing screen readout downstairs.
I watched the observing readout and it drop to about 34.1 before starting
to rise.  The normal range for the filter should be 34.3 to 34.5 according
to the observing screen limits.  Also, the images looked fairly good
when the screen readout showed the filter temperature was within range, so
the readout must be correct.
COMMENT: Sat May  8 21:37:18 GMT 1999
Lost guiding in Dec, repointed and reset the guider.
Sat May  8 22:00:31 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sat May  8 22:01:58 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Sat May  8 22:02:48 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Bias
Sat May  8 22:03:42 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Sat May  8 22:03:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Sat May  8 22:04:35 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
Sat May  8 22:40:39 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Patrol
Sat May  8 22:41:52 GMT 1999	CHIP	 ending tape
CHIP COMMENT: Sat May  8 22:42:00 GMT 1999
No data due to bad filter temperature controller, will reuse the tape.
**CHIP PROBLEM**: Sat May  8 22:58:06 GMT 1999
I removed the filter temperature controller box from the Spar, the controller
board inside it was driving the filter to unwanted temperatures and so
we can't use the CHIP again until we solve that problem which will probably
require a new controller board, I've sent out email asking how to proceed
from here.
COMMENT: Sat May  8 23:01:03 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99128
PICS: P01434
LOWL: L00597 in drive #0
CHIP: No data, down for repair.

Sat May  8 23:07:06 GMT 1999 
16_59.rawmk3   17_44.rawmk3   18_29.rawmk3   19_26.rawmk3   20_11.rawmk3
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