		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Thu May 20 16:53:46 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 140
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu May 20 16:53:59 GMT 1999
Clear sky, wind=15 mph from the South, temp=40 F.
Thu May 20 16:56:34 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
Thu May 20 17:00:28 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 17:01:32 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Thu May 20 17:42:59 GMT 1999
Tape L00599 was popped out of drive #0 as it should have been, but the
computer screen showed a DOS prompt and the observing program wasn't running.
This has been happenning regularly lately, at least on the switch from
drive #0 to drive #1.  We know that data will go to drive #1 so this 
switching problem appears to be software related.  I removed L00599 from
drive #0 and left L00600 in drive #1 and put L00601 in drive #0.  Then
I restarted with data going to drive #1, we'll see if the change from drive
#1 to drive #0 goes more smoothely.
Thu May 20 18:00:24 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 18:01:33 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu May 20 19:00:31 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 19:01:44 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu May 20 20:00:29 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 20:01:41 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu May 20 21:00:26 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 21:01:35 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu May 20 21:18:11 GMT 1999
OK, I fixed the problem and I'm taking data again.  The root of the problems
was that the declination limit switch was being tripped at the positive
limit.  This prevented the fast miiror from locking in on the sun and also
caused some strange pointing related problems because ephmcals were run
without the declination axis being involved.  A new Dec limit ring with
the correct declination range is being mailed to us by Roy, so hopefully
we won't bump into this problem again.
Thu May 20 22:00:32 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Thu May 20 22:01:41 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Thu May 20 22:10:53 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Patrol
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu May 20 22:36:57 GMT 1999
The noontime images are starting to get vignetted by the dome due to the 
path of the sun this time of year (in Hawaii) and the way the dome is 
pointed by software.  We will need to at least comment out the auto
pointing software routine and point the dome manually for a few months.
COMMENT: Thu May 20 22:53:10 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99140
PICS: P01445
LOWL: L00600 in drive #1
CHIP: Down for repair.

Thu May 20 22:54:46 GMT 1999 
16_56.rawmk3   18_08.rawmk3   19_16.rawmk3   20_20.rawmk3   21_23.rawmk3
17_00.rawmk3   18_15.rawmk3   19_19.rawmk3   20_23.rawmk3   21_27.rawmk3
17_04.rawmk3   18_19.rawmk3   19_23.rawmk3   20_27.rawmk3   21_31.rawmk3
17_07.rawmk3   18_23.rawmk3   19_27.rawmk3   20_31.rawmk3   21_35.rawmk3
17_11.rawmk3   18_27.rawmk3   19_31.rawmk3   20_34.rawmk3   21_38.rawmk3
17_15.rawmk3   18_31.rawmk3   19_34.rawmk3   20_38.rawmk3   21_42.rawmk3
17_19.rawmk3   18_34.rawmk3   19_38.rawmk3   20_42.rawmk3   21_46.rawmk3
17_22.rawmk3   18_38.rawmk3   19_42.rawmk3   20_46.rawmk3   21_50.rawmk3
17_26.rawmk3   18_42.rawmk3   19_46.rawmk3   20_49.rawmk3   21_53.rawmk3
17_30.rawmk3   18_46.rawmk3   19_49.rawmk3   20_53.rawmk3   21_57.rawmk3
17_33.rawmk3   18_49.rawmk3   19_53.rawmk3   20_57.rawmk3   22_01.rawmk3
17_37.rawmk3   18_53.rawmk3   19_57.rawmk3   21_01.rawmk3   22_05.rawmk3
17_41.rawmk3   18_57.rawmk3   20_01.rawmk3   21_05.rawmk3   22_08.rawmk3
17_45.rawmk3   19_01.rawmk3   20_04.rawmk3   21_08.rawmk3   c17_56.rawmk3
17_48.rawmk3   19_04.rawmk3   20_08.rawmk3   21_12.rawmk3   c18_04.rawmk3
17_52.rawmk3   19_08.rawmk3   20_12.rawmk3   21_16.rawmk3   c18_12.rawmk3
18_00.rawmk3   19_12.rawmk3   20_16.rawmk3   21_20.rawmk3