		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Fri May 21 19:05:36 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 141
Observer: yasukawa
WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 21 19:06:23 GMT 1999
Cool, in broken cirrus and thick altostratus overcast, light north wind.
COMMENT: Fri May 21 19:07:09 GMT 1999
Late start, wife out of town, had to drop kids off at school before
leaving town today.  Due to cloud cover, I did not miss any observations.
MKIV COMMENT: Fri May 21 19:37:58 GMT 1999
Hard drive e swapped with unit sent by Ron Lull with the heavy duty
fan installed.
Restarted nahenahe with boot -r.
WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 21 19:56:03 GMT 1999
Orographic clouds starting to form around station.  Still in cirrus and
COMMENT: Fri May 21 21:15:33 GMT 1999
No observations today.
COMMENT: Fri May 21 21:15:47 GMT 1999
LOWL:  L00600
Fri May 21 21:16:21 GMT 1999