		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sun May 23 16:52:39 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 143
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Sun May 23 16:52:42 GMT 1999
Thin cirrostratus, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=47 F.
Sun May 23 16:56:32 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Sun May 23 16:56:39 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
Sun May 23 17:00:24 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sun May 23 17:01:29 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 17:52:40 GMT 1999
Program was crashed due to an apparent power outage yesterday afternoon.
I tried setting the autoexec back to the previous state where it would
automatically restart the program after a power outage and that worked
but I changed it back so that we have to manually restart the observing
program after doing the following test.  I cycled the power to the PC
while the program was running and data were going to each of the 2 drives
and found that we may lose quite a bit of data if we allow the autoexec
to restart lowl because it always tries to write to drive#0, so if the tape
on that drive already had data on it that data would be overwritten.
It seems better to possibly lose part of a day of data by having to 
manually restart the observing program than risk losing a week of data by
allowing the program to be automatically restarted.  Later when we put
the LOWL on the UPS then this won't be a problem at all.  I removed L00600
from drive #1 and put L00601 in drive #1 so that I can continue my test
to see if data will go to drive #0 without problems after the tape in
drive #1 is full.  I also installed L00602 in drive #0.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 18:06:39 GMT 1999
Power outage yesterday, I had to log back into the GONG terminal and reset
the answering machine clock and restart LOWL.
Sun May 23 19:00:27 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sun May 23 19:01:37 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
COMMENT: Sun May 23 19:58:53 GMT 1999
Extended the dome slot.
Sun May 23 20:00:28 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sun May 23 20:01:37 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 20:20:51 GMT 1999
Finally found the PSPT manuals, someone put them in an unmarked folder and
up on a shelf when they moved around the LOWL stuff, I also located the
container of various PSPT things that was also moved to a strange place.
Installed the hose clamps and coolant that I bought yesterday in Hilo.
The first set of images look out of focus.
GONG COMMENT: Sun May 23 20:34:57 GMT 1999
Going down to the shelter to check on a weather chassis problem.
GONG COMMENT: Sun May 23 20:46:02 GMT 1999
Back from the shelter, all is well now I think.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 20:46:39 GMT 1999
Stalled with a message about the dome position on the PC, it looks like
the program is still trying tomove the dome even though I asked Haosheng 
to remove the automation code and he said he did.  We can't use auto
dome pointing this time of year.  I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Sun May 23 21:00:26 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sun May 23 21:01:31 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 21:20:29 GMT 1999
OK, I think I found the problems that kept the program hung up while the
dome was supposed to be moving.  I commented out a line in two files.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 21:36:40 GMT 1999
The Blue, Red, and Ca K images looked out of focus, but now the images
being used for the calibration look sharp.  I think every is OK again.
Sun May 23 22:00:31 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Sun May 23 22:01:36 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Sun May 23 22:05:05 GMT 1999
Images look great, I don't know why the focus was off earlier.
PSPT COMMENT: Sun May 23 22:33:28 GMT 1999
I replaced the Declination limit sector ring with the new revised (larger)
ring.  It gives about 16 degrees extra range beyond what we need for year
round Dec guiding.  I aligned it with about 10 degrees extra on the North
limit side since we are only  about one month away from the Northern
extreme.  This should work, but if it doesn't we'll know by the end of
Sun May 23 22:41:04 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Patrol
COMMENT: Sun May 23 23:20:10 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99143
PICS: P01447
LOWL: L00601 in drive #1
CHIP: Down for repair.

Sun May 23 23:20:55 GMT 1999 
16_56.rawmk3   18_07.rawmk3   19_31.rawmk3   20_42.rawmk3   21_54.rawmk3
17_00.rawmk3   18_15.rawmk3   19_35.rawmk3   20_46.rawmk3   21_57.rawmk3
17_04.rawmk3   18_23.rawmk3   19_38.rawmk3   20_50.rawmk3   22_01.rawmk3
17_07.rawmk3   18_31.rawmk3   19_42.rawmk3   20_54.rawmk3   22_05.rawmk3
17_11.rawmk3   18_35.rawmk3   19_46.rawmk3   20_57.rawmk3   22_09.rawmk3
17_15.rawmk3   18_38.rawmk3   19_50.rawmk3   21_01.rawmk3   22_12.rawmk3
17_19.rawmk3   18_42.rawmk3   19_53.rawmk3   21_05.rawmk3   22_16.rawmk3
17_22.rawmk3   18_46.rawmk3   19_57.rawmk3   21_09.rawmk3   22_20.rawmk3
17_26.rawmk3   18_50.rawmk3   20_01.rawmk3   21_12.rawmk3   22_24.rawmk3
17_30.rawmk3   18_53.rawmk3   20_05.rawmk3   21_16.rawmk3   22_27.rawmk3
17_34.rawmk3   18_57.rawmk3   20_09.rawmk3   21_20.rawmk3   22_31.rawmk3
17_37.rawmk3   19_01.rawmk3   20_12.rawmk3   21_24.rawmk3   22_35.rawmk3
17_41.rawmk3   19_05.rawmk3   20_16.rawmk3   21_27.rawmk3   22_39.rawmk3
17_45.rawmk3   19_08.rawmk3   20_20.rawmk3   21_31.rawmk3   c18_11.rawmk3
17_49.rawmk3   19_12.rawmk3   20_24.rawmk3   21_35.rawmk3   c18_19.rawmk3
17_52.rawmk3   19_16.rawmk3   20_27.rawmk3   21_39.rawmk3   c18_27.rawmk3
17_56.rawmk3   19_20.rawmk3   20_31.rawmk3   21_42.rawmk3
18_00.rawmk3   19_23.rawmk3   20_35.rawmk3   21_46.rawmk3
18_04.rawmk3   19_27.rawmk3   20_39.rawmk3   21_50.rawmk3