		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Tue May 25 16:14:00 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 145
Observer: yasukawa
WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 25 16:14:45 GMT 1999
Cool, clear, brisk southeast wind.
Tue May 25 16:23:16 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Tue May 25 16:23:47 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
Tue May 25 17:00:33 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Tue May 25 17:01:43 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 17:52:05 GMT 1999
After removing several covers, I found the focus stepper.  I cannot see
the rest of the mechaanism without disassembling the secondary optics 
package, I think, NO DOCUMENTATION ON MECHANICAL ASSEMBLIES!!!!, three versions
of optical schematics are just ray tracing with the lenses and filters
drawn in, versions are different so apparently two are obsolete,  also
figured out how to move the focus with the PC, NO DOCUMENTATION ON THIS
EITHER!!!! to test the focus motor and mechanisms.

Before I started to open things up, I tried a Run to listen to the focus
mechanism, BUT, guider would not lock on for some reason.

I will have to query Roy before proceeding with focus mechanism check-out
to avoid removing something that will screw up alignment.
Tue May 25 18:00:31 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Tue May 25 18:01:44 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 18:56:52 GMT 1999
Found out why guider would not acquire sun.  Beam splitter is not secure
in its mount.  I noticed that the beam to the quad cells was not 
projecting on the lens when the spar was closely pointed toward the sun.
I was able to yaw beam splitter about the stem and move the beam onto
the quad cell lens.  Once this occurred, the guider locked on and the
Run program continued.  If it is possible to tighten the stem down, I
will do that during the wait between data runs.
Tue May 25 19:01:51 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 19:02:39 GMT 1999
Initial (around 1900 UT) data in focus.
Tue May 25 19:08:48 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Cal
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 19:19:51 GMT 1999
I did see one image of Ca out of focus during cal series where xy
motion is going on.  I did not see image before the out-of focus one,
and next image, Ca again offset in xy, was in focus.  Shift to red
after the Ca xy offset series was in focus.
COMMENT: Tue May 25 19:30:50 GMT 1999
Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter.
Tue May 25 19:36:49 GMT 1999    MKIII    Start Patrol
Tue May 25 19:37:26 GMT 1999	PICS	 Start Patrol
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 20:02:40 GMT 1999
Could not eliminate the yaw in the beamsplitter no matter how tight
I made the screw, I did not want to tighten it too much for fear of
stripping the screw or the threaded hole.  Position holds so long as
no one deliberately or accidentally moves it.  Repositioned the 
beamsplitter to correct alignment after tightening both axes.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 20:58:07 GMT 1999
Opened up main optics housing cover (plate with the latches) and accessed
the stepper motor for the focus mechanism.  According to Roy, only the 
lead screw extending out of the motor can be lubricated, the rest of the 
mechanism is sealed.  Phew! this avoids having to remove the entire
secondary optics pacckage!  Extended screw with "fcs goto blue" command on PC.
Lubricated screw threads with Dow 33 silicone grease.  Exercised the 
focus to spread the grease to the threads.  Squeaky noise was eliminated.
Tue May 25 21:03:36 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 21:09:26 GMT 1999
2100 UT data run was good, focus was good.
Tue May 25 22:02:27 GMT 1999	PICS	 Flat
Tue May 25 22:03:36 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Flat
Tue May 25 22:08:28 GMT 1999	PICS	 End Patrol
COMMENT: Tue May 25 22:12:17 GMT 1999
MKIV:  99-145
PICS:  P01449
CHIP:  out of service
LOWL:  L00601
Tue May 25 22:14:33 GMT 1999    MKIII    End Patrol
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 25 22:21:08 GMT 1999
2200 UT data run images were in focus.
Tue May 25 22:21:59 GMT 1999 
16_23.rawmk3   17_34.rawmk3   18_46.rawmk3   20_14.rawmk3   21_25.rawmk3
16_26.rawmk3   17_38.rawmk3   18_49.rawmk3   20_18.rawmk3   21_29.rawmk3
16_30.rawmk3   17_41.rawmk3   18_53.rawmk3   20_21.rawmk3   21_33.rawmk3
16_34.rawmk3   17_45.rawmk3   18_57.rawmk3   20_25.rawmk3   21_37.rawmk3
16_38.rawmk3   17_49.rawmk3   19_01.rawmk3   20_29.rawmk3   21_40.rawmk3
16_41.rawmk3   17_53.rawmk3   19_05.rawmk3   20_33.rawmk3   21_44.rawmk3
16_45.rawmk3   17_57.rawmk3   19_12.rawmk3   20_37.rawmk3   21_48.rawmk3
16_49.rawmk3   18_00.rawmk3   19_20.rawmk3   20_40.rawmk3   21_52.rawmk3
16_53.rawmk3   18_04.rawmk3   19_28.rawmk3   20_44.rawmk3   21_55.rawmk3
16_56.rawmk3   18_08.rawmk3   19_36.rawmk3   20_48.rawmk3   21_59.rawmk3
17_00.rawmk3   18_12.rawmk3   19_40.rawmk3   20_52.rawmk3   22_03.rawmk3
17_04.rawmk3   18_16.rawmk3   19_44.rawmk3   20_55.rawmk3   22_07.rawmk3
17_08.rawmk3   18_19.rawmk3   19_48.rawmk3   20_59.rawmk3   22_10.rawmk3
17_11.rawmk3   18_23.rawmk3   19_51.rawmk3   21_03.rawmk3   c19_08.rawmk3
17_15.rawmk3   18_27.rawmk3   19_55.rawmk3   21_07.rawmk3   c19_16.rawmk3
17_19.rawmk3   18_31.rawmk3   19_59.rawmk3   21_10.rawmk3   c19_24.rawmk3
17_23.rawmk3   18_34.rawmk3   20_03.rawmk3   21_14.rawmk3
17_27.rawmk3   18_38.rawmk3   20_06.rawmk3   21_18.rawmk3
17_30.rawmk3   18_42.rawmk3   20_10.rawmk3   21_22.rawmk3