		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Thu Jun 24 16:56:39 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 175
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 16:56:52 GMT 1999
Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the West, temp=52 F.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 17:00:43 GMT 1999
The repaired Filter Temperature Controller arrived.  I'll install it and
turn it on and watch the temperature, with luck it will be correctly
setup and I'll be able to collect some data later in the day.
LOW-L COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 17:12:08 GMT 1999
Tape file count was at 70, so I stopped the program and removed L00606 from 
drive #0 and installed L00608 there.  Data currently going to L00607 in
drive #1.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 17:53:18 GMT 1999
Temperature controller installed, setpoint=3.077 vdc, sensor=9.93 vdc,
output=9.99 vdc.  CHIP temperature field on GUI monitor is at 24.081 C,
it was at around 22.0 C before I installed the temperature controller.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 19:21:46 GMT 1999
Temp finally overshot and is at 34.651 and climbing.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 20:34:52 GMT 1999
It doesn't appear to have the correct setpoint.  Temp=38.328. setpoint=3.077,
sensor=5.72, output=10.0, all in vdc.
COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 20:46:48 GMT 1999
Extended the dome slot around 2015 ut.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 21:08:01 GMT 1999
I turned off the temperature controller since it didn't start bringing the 
temperature back down.  I'll check the sensor voltage with the controller
on as the temperature passes through the correct range, I'm sure it
isn't between 0-5 vdc and I think it needs to be for the control loop
to work right.  I'll then take down the controller and reset the jumper
and setpoint to what they were before the guy at Meadowlark changed them.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 23:04:27 GMT 1999
I set the setpoint and the "jumpers" (actually pins soldered together,
lots of work to get to those, had to remove entire board, etc) to the
previous setpoint of 0.644 and using 100 microamps.  Meadowlark
had it set to a setpoint of 3.077 and sensor circuit resistance of
1 milliamp, with that resistance the control loop for the temperature
would not have worked because the sensor voltage would have been up
around 6.70 vdc, that is outside the control loop working range of
0 to 5 vdc.  Now we'll have a sensor voltage of about .670 vdc, 2.5 vdc
is probably ideal but that's the best we'll get with the sensor we
are using and the choices of sensor circuit resistance available.
The temperature is at 29.621 and climbing, I'll wait and see if it
stabilizes.  I'll also run the instrument to what the data look like.
Thu Jun 24 23:14:01 GMT 1999	CHIP	 CHIP Start Patrol
PSPT COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 23:14:11 GMT 1999
This ran all day without crashing.
COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 23:24:11 GMT 1999
Rotated the dome 180 degrees to get sun on CHIP.
CHIP COMMENT: Thu Jun 24 23:58:46 GMT 1999
temperature just passed through the high end of the ideal range, it's at
34.546 C and climbing slowly.  We want it between 34.3 and 34.5 C
Fri Jun 25 00:03:47 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Bias
Fri Jun 25 00:04:05 GMT 1999	CHIP	 Water
Fri Jun 25 00:04:51 GMT 1999	CHIP	 End Water
CHIP COMMENT: Fri Jun 25 00:26:24 GMT 1999
Yeehah, the temperature turned around at 36.282 and started going back down.
That means there is some control and it won't get hotter than 36.282.  So
I can go home now and leave it on overnight.  I'm not sure where it will
stabilize, Eric will find out tomorrow.
CHIP COMMENT: Fri Jun 25 00:35:25 GMT 1999
All but a few images look bad due to incorrect filter temperature, tomorrow
they may be great again.
Fri Jun 25 00:38:21 GMT 1999	CHIP	 CHIP End Patrol
Fri Jun 25 00:39:50 GMT 1999	CHIP	 ending tape
COMMENT: Fri Jun 25 00:42:21 GMT 1999

MKIV: 99175
CHIP: C00846, its back.
LOWL: L00606 in drive #0 and L00607 in drive #1
PICS: Down for repairs.

Fri Jun 25 00:44:29 GMT 1999 
00_00.rawmk3   18_00.rawmk3   19_42.rawmk3   21_12.rawmk3   22_41.rawmk3
00_04.rawmk3   18_03.rawmk3   19_45.rawmk3   21_15.rawmk3   22_45.rawmk3
00_08.rawmk3   18_07.rawmk3   19_49.rawmk3   21_19.rawmk3   22_49.rawmk3
00_12.rawmk3   18_11.rawmk3   19_53.rawmk3   21_23.rawmk3   22_53.rawmk3
00_15.rawmk3   18_15.rawmk3   19_57.rawmk3   21_27.rawmk3   22_56.rawmk3
00_19.rawmk3   18_18.rawmk3   20_00.rawmk3   21_30.rawmk3   23_00.rawmk3
00_23.rawmk3   18_22.rawmk3   20_04.rawmk3   21_34.rawmk3   23_04.rawmk3
00_26.rawmk3   18_26.rawmk3   20_08.rawmk3   21_38.rawmk3   23_08.rawmk3
17_00.rawmk3   18_30.rawmk3   20_12.rawmk3   21_42.rawmk3   23_11.rawmk3
17_03.rawmk3   18_33.rawmk3   20_15.rawmk3   21_45.rawmk3   23_15.rawmk3
17_07.rawmk3   18_37.rawmk3   20_19.rawmk3   21_49.rawmk3   23_19.rawmk3
17_11.rawmk3   18_41.rawmk3   20_23.rawmk3   21_53.rawmk3   23_23.rawmk3
17_15.rawmk3   18_44.rawmk3   20_27.rawmk3   21_57.rawmk3   23_26.rawmk3
17_18.rawmk3   18_48.rawmk3   20_30.rawmk3   22_00.rawmk3   23_30.rawmk3
17_22.rawmk3   18_52.rawmk3   20_34.rawmk3   22_04.rawmk3   23_34.rawmk3
17_26.rawmk3   18_56.rawmk3   20_38.rawmk3   22_08.rawmk3   23_38.rawmk3
17_30.rawmk3   18_59.rawmk3   20_42.rawmk3   22_12.rawmk3   23_41.rawmk3
17_33.rawmk3   19_03.rawmk3   20_45.rawmk3   22_15.rawmk3   23_45.rawmk3
17_37.rawmk3   19_11.rawmk3   20_49.rawmk3   22_19.rawmk3   23_49.rawmk3
17_41.rawmk3   19_19.rawmk3   20_53.rawmk3   22_23.rawmk3   23_53.rawmk3
17_45.rawmk3   19_26.rawmk3   20_57.rawmk3   22_27.rawmk3   23_56.rawmk3
17_48.rawmk3   19_30.rawmk3   21_00.rawmk3   22_30.rawmk3   c19_07.rawmk3
17_52.rawmk3   19_34.rawmk3   21_04.rawmk3   22_34.rawmk3   c19_15.rawmk3
17_56.rawmk3   19_38.rawmk3   21_08.rawmk3   22_38.rawmk3   c19_23.rawmk3