		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sun Sep  5 17:11:47 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 248
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 17:11:49 GMT 1999
Cloudy and foggy and rainy, very foggy down below, little or no wind,
temp=38 F.
COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 17:12:25 GMT 1999
Will wait for weather to clear before observing.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep  5 17:12:53 GMT 1999
Still have those time messages that I first reported yesterday morning,
may not be a real problem but it is something different.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep  5 17:31:19 GMT 1999
Nahnahe is also displaying slightly different time messages now that I'm
letting it just sit there without running the observing program, this is
what they look like:
Sep  5 17:17:59 nahenahe inetd[20353]: ingreslock/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Sep  5 17:27:59 nahenahe inetd[20353]: ingreslock/tcp: bind: Address already in use

Kii shows the same messages I mentioned yesterday, but I didn't type Run
in that cmdtool window yet.  Nene doesn't show any of the messages, that
is the same as yesterday.
**MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep  5 17:34:32 GMT 1999
David suggested I check the computer clocks, they all match WWVH time as
far as I can resolve.
COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 17:47:35 GMT 1999
Since it is unlikely that the weather will clear in the next few hours
I will make system backup tapes (ufsdump tapes) for Nahenahe and Kii and Nene.
COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 18:32:58 GMT 1999
Backup tapes are all finished, for Kii and Nene and Nahenahe.
WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 18:33:28 GMT 1999
Still cloudy and rainy.
WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep  5 22:19:40 GMT 1999
Still cloudy and foggy, no observing today.
Sun Sep  5 22:21:37 GMT 1999