		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Wed Oct  6 16:59:18 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 279
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct  6 16:59:20 GMT 1999
Thick altocumulus clouds, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=48 F.
COMMENT: Wed Oct  6 17:00:21 GMT 1999
Will wait for clouds to clear before opening dome, etc.
COMMENT: Wed Oct  6 20:16:20 GMT 1999
The internet connection is extremely slow, I can't check my mail sometimes.
MKIV COMMENT: Wed Oct  6 22:26:32 GMT 1999
I removed some old MKIII stuff from the spar and did some rebalancing,
but a major rebalance is needed and I'll have to continue this tomorrow.
**LOW-L PROBLEM**: Wed Oct  6 22:40:31 GMT 1999
The clock was off, it was 1 day and 1 minute ahead.  I stopped the program
and removed L00632 from drive #1 and installed L00634 there.  Then reset
the time and date and restarted the program with data going to L00633
in drive #0.  I noticed it was off earlier this morning but didn't
stop it right away because it was cloudy and I wanted to work on a few
other things first, so I watched to see if it would correct itself but
it didn't.  I wanted to check some of the software before starting a new
tape but didn't get to that due to other work, so I just restarted it
as described above.
COMMENT: Wed Oct  6 22:52:19 GMT 1999

LOWL: L00632 in drive #1 and L00633 in drive #0

Wed Oct  6 22:53:14 GMT 1999