		Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Thu Oct  7 17:09:55 GMT 1999
Year: 99  Doy: 280
Observer: koon
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 17:09:57 GMT 1999
Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=48 F.
COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 17:10:40 GMT 1999
No observing until clouds clear.
**PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Oct  7 18:53:48 GMT 1999
Figured out a solution to the dome runaway problem and put it in the
log book.
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 18:54:23 GMT 1999
Still very cloudy.
COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 19:09:38 GMT 1999
Reconnected Scintillometer monitor and did a data dump to disk for mailing.
COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 20:10:25 GMT 1999
Finished stripping old MK3 stuff out of spar, continuing with rebalance
of spar.
COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 22:37:01 GMT 1999
I was able to get a very good balance on the spar and removed a net total
of 60+ pounds of weight in the process.  This was a major rearrangement
of all the counterbalance weights, I had to put back one of the old
MK3 line drivers, it can be switched to a different position for fine
tuning if needed, I think the balance is better than it was before 
removing the old MK3 parts.  Not only is there a lot less weight on the
spar but there are no clamped weights on the handle now.
WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 22:46:24 GMT 1999
Cloudy all day, no observing.
COMMENT: Thu Oct  7 22:48:16 GMT 1999
Unable to test the MKIV software changes that David and Alice made due
to cloudy weather for the past 2 days.

LOWL: L00633 in drive #0

Thu Oct  7 22:48:43 GMT 1999