;; Makes a mask to zero out the middle of the mk4 occulting disk. ;; Alice 1999 ;; ;; Modified for uptodate image scaling and to go out to 1.10 rsun, ;; which is where the good pixels start. --Alice nray=720*5 nraym1=nray-1 acirc = !PI * 2.0 / float(nray) dp = findgen(nray) * acirc + acirc * (0.25 * (float(nray))) dpx = intarr(nray) dpy = intarr(nray) r0=1.0018 & dr=0.005035 & mk4rad=512./( 2.* (r0 + dr*(384.-1.))) r0=0.854772 & dr=0.00537989 ;;; True for new calibration feb 17, 2000 NumPix =384. GoodPix=NumPix-10. mk4rad =512./( 2.* (r0 + dr*(GoodPix-1.))) xcen = 255.5 & ycen = 255.5 & radius=1.00 ;; mk4 image didn't seem centered at all, ;; so upped the middle a bit -- hope this does it! --Alice xcen = 255.5 & ycen = 255.9 & radius=1.00 rnder = 0.5005 dpx = fix ( cos(dp) * mk4rad * radius + xcen + rnder ) ; For disk size dpy = fix ( sin(dp) * mk4rad * radius + ycen + rnder ) ; For disk size mask = bytarr(512,512) mask(*,*) = 1 for radius = 0.0 , 1.10, 0.001 do begin dpx = fix ( cos(dp) * mk4rad * radius + xcen + rnder ) ; For disk size dpy = fix ( sin(dp) * mk4rad * radius + ycen + rnder ) ; For disk size mask (dpx,dpy) = 0 endfor tv,bytscl(mask,min=0,max=1) openw,1,'mk4_innermask' writeu,1,mask close,1 end