Started appcal4:      Wed Mar 15 14:08:11 2000

Hair line resizing will be attempted.  But if it fails,
a non-adjusted image will be created.
Top 10 pixels will be zeroed

Lowest 48 pixels will be zeroed

Produce data for all files, regardless of qmagic
	Reading 00d017.18_32.mk4.tscp

	    Calibration was created:  3/06/00
		cal_pB_ReferenceScale 2257
	Reading 00d017.18_35.mk4.drift

	    Drift file was created:  3/06/00

	Reading header from: 00d072.17_38.mk4.q 
	    Doing "fixmk4".
		Fixing negI
		Fixing negQU
		Fixing negQ
	    Doing "fcyspline".
	Adjust for phase and backlash
	Getting HairLine positions.
			1, a=4.61e+03 b=7.93e+00 R=0.12
		    Converged with 98.0
			1, a=4.83e+03 b=-1.81e+00 R=0.03
		    Converged with 272.0
		Hairs found at pixels 98.00 272.00

	Adjusting the size and getting *new* HairLines.
			1, a=6.40e+03 b=-8.46e+00 R=0.12
		    Converged with 107.0
			1, a=6.24e+03 b=-6.82e+00 R=0.13
		    Converged with 277.0
		Hairs found at pixels 107.00 277.00
	Correcting for bias.

	Getting pB_ReferenceScale.
	    qmagic 1666   cal_pB_ReferenceScale 2257   qtest 0.74
	    adjustment 1.261715
	Calibrate using the invX matrix and ovGain
	Replacing bad data below pixel 38.
	Depolarizing (depol).
			1, a=-3.14e-02 b=-1.48e-03 R=0.16
		BAD correlation and can NOT replace.
	Depolarizing (depolscan).
			1, a=1.63e+00 b=3.25e-03 R=0.32
		BAD correlation and can NOT replace.
	Shifting to heliocentric coordinates.
	Rescaling to get data to fit into a short.
		Zeroing LOW
		Zeroing LOW
		Zeroing LOW
		Zeroing HIGH
		Zeroing HIGH
		Zeroing HIGH
	Writing 00d072.17_38.mk4.I

	Writing 00d072.17_38.mk4.pB

	Writing 00d072.17_38.mk4.U

			Single image time used: 14 seconds

Total time used  :    14 seconds
Total good images:    1 
Total bad  images:    0