mlso.daily.2012 --------------- The following is a list of activity as noted by HAO staff in Boulder, where the MLSO data are processed and analyzed. More information concerning observations at MLSO can be found at Dates are given by calendar day and by year/day-of-year. The MLSO activity report includes: coronal activity seen in the white light coronagraph MLSO/Mk4 and chromospheric activity off-limb and on-disk as observed in Halpha by the MLSO/Coronado instrument and in HeI 10830 by the MLSO/CHIP instrument. NOTE: The activity report for the MLSO instruments refers to the observing day, NOT to the calendar day. The typical observing day at MLSO is from ~1700-1730UT to ~0200UT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Key to abbreviations: AR Active Region CME Coronal Mass Ejection PA Position angle (measured counterclockwise from north pole. e.g., east equator = 90 degrees, west equator = 270 degrees) R Solar radius: e.g., 0.9R is 0.9 solar radii from sun center projected onto the plane of the sky. UT Universal time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-01-01 2012d001 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-01-02 2012d002 Mk4 17:52-00:49; CHIP 17:45-00:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominence in the N-NE and N-NW. Disk: Large AR in the S. Several curved filaments in the N, NW, and SE. Apparent eruption in the N at 1819-1904UT 2012-01-03 2012d003 Mk4 17:58-21:05; CHIP 18:04-21:55. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence system in the E. Small eruption or surge from behind the limb at 2339-2349UT noticeable in GONG. Smaller prominences in the W and N-NW Disk: Large AR in the S-SW. Several thick, active filaments in the N, NW, and SE. 2012-01-04 2012d004 Mk4 17:53-02:26; CHIP 17:51-02:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very large and tall, very active prominence systems in the E-NE and E-SE. The prominence in the E-NE has multiple large dark bubble at its base. Smaller prominences in the W and NW. Disk: Large ARs in the N-NE, NW, and S-SW Long curved, very active filament in the SE. Thick filaments in the NE and NW. 2012-01-05 2012d005 Mk4 17:53-02:11; CHIP 17:45-02:19. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very active prominence systems in the E-NE and E-SE. The prominence in the E-NE has one dark bubble at its base. Smaller prominences in the W-NW. Disk: Large ARs in the N-NE, NW, and S-SW Thick, curved filaments in the NE, N, and SE. 2012-01-06 2012d006 Mk4 17:57-00:43; CHIP 17:58-23:52. Corona: Slow, amorphous loop/cavity CME in the NE, the front forms in fov at about 2033-2213UT Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE and NE, correspond to coronal cavities. Very faint, large loop in the SE. Disk: Large, active AR in the NE with spot, another large AR complex in the SW. Several very thick, moderately active, filaments on the Sun today; NE, N, NW, and S. 2012-01-07 2012d007 Mk4 17:53-02:16; CHIP 17:40-01:57. Corona: Faint MK4 CME in the SE at about 0141-0207UT Limb: Large, active prominences in the W and NW. Small prominences in the N-NE, NE, and SE, correspond to coronal cavities. Prominence eruption in the SW at 1740-1812UT. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE, NW, and SW. Long, curved, thick, active filament in the NE. Moderately active, filaments in the N, W, and S. 2012-01-08 2012d008 Mk4 17:45-00:11; CHIP 17:45-00:56. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominences in the SE and NW. Large active prominence system in the W-NW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE, N, NW, and SW. Thick, active filaments in the NE with barbs. 2012-01-09 2012d009 Mk4 18:11-02:17; CHIP 17:46-02:20. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Outflow in the E noticeable in CoMP intensity and velocity. It may correspond to a a wave front following an AR eruption. There is a faint white-light CME in LASCO with no clear front. Limb: Very large, active hedgerow prominence system in the W, has two large dark bubbles at its base. Tall, thin prominence in the SE. Disk: Filament activity and eruption at about 1942-2000UT within the AR in the NE, near the limb, followed by an Halpha flare at 2003-2027UT. ARs in the N and NW are very large but relatively quiet. Large, very thick active filament with very prominent barbs in the NE, near the limb. Curved active filament in the N-NE. 2012-01-10 2012d010 Mk4 18:01-00:07; CHIP 18:02-00:07. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, very active but faint prominences in the SE, show fast motions. Low-lying active prominences in the NE and W. Disk: Large ARs in the NE, N, and NW all show some activity. Large, active, very thick filament with very prominent barbs in the NE. Curved active filament in the N. 2012-01-11 2012d011 Mk4 17:53-02:26; CHIP 17:50-02:26. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very long, very active, relatively low-lying prominence system in the E-NE, has several dark bubbles at its base. Fainter, very active prominences in the SE. Disk: Large ARs in the NE and NW are very active. Compact Halpha flare within the AR in NE at 0050-0125UT, is accompanied by filament activity. Some brightening and filament activity also within the AR complex in the NW. Very large, very thick, but modestly active filament in the N-NE. with very prominent barbs. Smaller, dark filament in the N, near central meridian. 2012-01-12 2012d012 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-01-13 2012d013 Mk4 18:00-00:50; CHIP 17:59-00:48. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large but faint, arched prominences in the SE and SW. The prominence in the SE is very active. Disk: Large AR complexes in the N. Large, moderately active, very thick filament near the NE limb. Long, very active filaments in the NW. 2012-01-14 2012d014 Mk4 18:16-22:46; CHIP 18:15-20:09. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Prominence noticeable in the SW in Mk4 above the occulter. Small, dark jet-like feature moving outward of the bright AR in the W-SW noticeable in CoMP, appears to be an AR surge. Limb : Tall, large, but faint active prominence in the SW, shows strong quasi-vertical flows. Faint active prominences in the NE and S-SE. Surging in the E, from AR behind the limb. Disk: Several AR complexes in the N and SE. Large, active, very thick filament in the NE. Long, very active filaments in the NW. Filament eruption from small AR near the SE limb at 2011-2037UT. 2012-01-15 2012d015 Mk4 21:17-23:29; CHIP 17:53-23:06. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Limb surging in the NE from ARs. Disk: AR complexes in the N-NW, and SE. Very large AR complexes in the NE, very near the limb, show continual surging. Long very active filament(s) in the NE-SE. Thick filaments in the N. Large, very thick, active filaments in the NW 2012-01-16 2012d016 Mk4 17:55-01:22; CHIP 17:39-01:22. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the NE noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP. Limb: Large, long, very active prominence system in the W-NW. Smaller prominence in the E-NE. Some limb surging in the NE from ARs. Disk: Two large AR complexes with large spots near the NE limb, show surging/brightening. The two ARs form a nice active longitude example (they are almost at the same longitude but about 10deg latitude apart) Long, active filament(s) in the NE-SE. Smaller, thick, very active filaments in the N-NW. 2012-01-17 2012d017 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 19:27-20:32. Corona: Cloudy. No coronal observations today. Limb: Huge, very tall, arched prominence system in the W-NW is extremely active, shows complex motions along its spine, mostly parallel to the limb, has large dark bubbles at its base. Smaller active prominences in the NE and E. Disk: Two large AR complexes with large spots in the NE show surging/brightening. The two ARs form a nice active longitude example (they are almost at the same longitude but about 10deg latitude apart) Curved active filaments in the N and S. Thick, active filaments in the NW. 2012-01-18 2012d018 Mk4: 21:03-23:11 CHIP 18:16-02:13 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominences in the E and SE. Disk: Two large AR complexes with large spots in the NE show continual activity. Halpha flare at about 1906-1956UT in the southern AR. Small Halpha brightening/flare in the NW at about 2300-2342UT. Large, thick, curved filament in the N, near central meridian. Smaller filaments int the NE ans SE. 2012-01-19 2012d019 Mk4 18:20-00:49 CHIP 17:45-02;16 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large active prominence in the SE. Disk: Very large AR complexes in the N-NE, show minor brightening. Thick, curved, active filament in the N. Smaller, thick, filament in the SW. 2012-01-20 2012d020 Mk4 18:00-02:38 CHIP 17:53-02:32 Corona: Faint Mk4 CME in the W-NW with round front visible at about 2107-2131UT Limb: Large, active prominence in the SE. Small prominence eruption from behind the limb in the E-SE at about 2124-2200UT noticeable in Halpha and HeI. Disk: Very large AR complexes in the N Large, thick, curved, modestly active filament in the NW. 2012-01-21 2012d021 Mk4 17:55-02:09 CHIP 17:46-02:15 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Possible coronal cavity in the N-NW Limb: Moderately active prominences in the SE (also seen on-disk) and in the SW. Surging from behind the limb in the W-NW. Disk: Very large AR complexes in the NW, are very active, large Halpha flare at 0234-0310UT noticeable in GONG. Large, tall, thick active filament in the NW has a curved shape. 2012-01-22 2012d022 Mk4 18:00-00:59; CHIP 18:00-22:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, active, hedgerow prominence in the E, has a dark bubble at its base. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NW are very active, shows continual brightening, flaring and surging. GONG Halpha flare in the NW at about 0130-0316UT, peaks around 0300UT. Small filament in the NW, N of large ARs, erupts at about 2225-2245UT Small filaments in the N and SE. 2012-01-23 2012d023 Mk4 17:53-23:36; CHIP 17:45-23:32. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, very active hedgerow prominence in the E. There is also prominence material moving along an arched trajectory in the E-NE, may be part of the same prominence system. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NW shows continual surging and brightening. Small filaments in the N, SE and SW. 2012-01-24 2012d024 Mk4 18:01-23:05; CHIP 22:56-23:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, tall, active arched prominence in the E-NE. Post-eruption loops in the NW. Limb surging in the SW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NW, near the limb, show brightening. Thick filament in the E, near the limb, was seen as a large prominence yesterday Very active filament in the SW, very near the limb, appears to fade towards the end of the observing day in GONG Halpha. Small filaments in the N and SE. 2012-01-25 2012d025 Mk4 18:02-23:42; CHIP 19:23-00:04. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall, active prominence in the NE. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NW, near the limb, show surging and brightening. Smaller ARs in the N are also active. Thick, active filament in the E. Small filament in the S-SE. 2012-01-26 2012d026 Mk4 17:55-23:11; CHIP 17:50-23:12. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very active prominences in the NE (large and tall) and in the SW (roundish) Strong surging in the NW from ARs and limb/disk eruption at 2040-2130UT. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NW, at (and partly behind) the limb, limb/disk eruption at about 2040-2130UT Active filaments with noticeable barbs in the E and S. 2012-01-27 2012d027 Mk4 19:17-00:05; CHIP 18:35-22:00. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Limb activity in the NW at the location of the large ARs. Halpha flare very near the limb, seen off-limb as large bright loop-system at about 1844-2300UT, also noticeable in HeI. Disk: AR in the E-NE near the limb with spots. Halpha flare very near/at the limb at 1812-1915UT. Large, moderately active filaments in the E-NE and S with barbs. Other faint filaments N ans S. 2012-01-28 2012d028 Mk4 17:56-02:13; CHIP 17:44-02:21. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying prominence system in the NE. Tall, relatively faint prominence in the N-NE, has a dark bubble at its base. Disk: AR complex in the E-NE with spot. Large, thick, modestly active filaments in the N and SW. Very faint filament in the SE appears to slowly fade during the course of the observing day. 2012-01-29 2012d029 Mk4 17:58-00:22; CHIP 17:59-00:20. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the N-NE and NE. Very active prominence system in the W, shows strong surging. Disk: AR complex in the NE with spot. Large, thick, modestly active filaments in the N and SW. 2012-01-30 2012d030 Mk4 18:42-02:24; CHIP 18:42-02:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the NE and W-NW. Disk: AR complex in the NE with spot. Large, thick, active filaments in the N-NW with barbs. Another thick, active filament near the SW limb. Nice, elongated, trans-equatorial coronal holes just E of central meridian noticeable in CHIP HeI observations 2012-01-31 2012d031 Mk4 18:04-01:34; CHIP 18:08-01:28. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the NE, W-NW, and N No significant limb activity. Disk: AR complex in the NE with spot. Large, sparsely filled, active filaments in the NW. Smaller filaments in the N and S. Nice, elongated, trans-equatorial coronal holes at central meridian noticeable in CHIP HeI observations 2012-02-01 2012d032 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:38-02:41. Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: No significant limb activity. Small prominences in the NE and N. Disk: AR complex in the N, near central meridian. Large, sparsely filled, active filaments in the NW. Smaller filaments in the NE, N, S and SW. Nice, elongated, trans-equatorial coronal holes just W of central meridian noticeable in CHIP HeI observations 2012-02-02 2012d033 Mk4 17:53-02:14; CHIP 17:43-02:13. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Faint motion in a narrow region in the NW noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Small active prominences in the N-NW. Disk: Large ARs in the N-NW with spots. Several, long filaments in the NE and in the N, near the ARs. 2012-02-03 2012d034 Mk4 17:50-02:04; CHIP 17:43-01:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the E. SE, SW, and N-NW. Disk: ARs in the N-NW with spots. Three very long filaments in the N-NE are modestly active. An extremely active filaments in the N, near the ARs. 2012-02-04 2012d035 Mk4 17:52-02:14; CHIP 17:36-02:12. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominences in the NE, SE, SW, W, and N-NW. Disk: ARs in the NW with spots. Three very long filaments in the N-NE, the one closest to central meridian slowly fades around 19200-0048UT, slow eruption. 2012-02-05 2012d036 Mk4 18:06-01:02; CHIP 18:00-00:54 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence/filament in the SW seems to partially erupt at about 1900-1955UT. Small prominences in the NE, SE, W, and NW are modestly active. Disk: Large ARs in the NE and NW, near the limb, show surging/brightening. AR in the SW near the limb. Long, modestly active filament in the NE. Very large, slow filament eruption in the N-NE at about 1920-2148UT possibly followed by a very faint 2-ribbon flare 2012-02-06 2012d037 Mk4 17:58-01:14; CHIP 17:20-01:04. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the E-NE shows bright material moving along an arched trajectory. Very small prominences in the SE and NW. Disk: Large AR near the NW limb is very active, there is a small filament eruption within this AR complex at 1930-1955UT followed by an Halpha flare at about 1940-2050UT. Long, sparsely filled filaments in the N-NE. Filament in the NW also seen as small prominence off-limb. Filament in the SE also seen as small prominence off-limb. 2012-02-07 2012d038 Mk4 no data ; CHIP no data Corona: No observations at MLSO today. Limb: Large, very active, arched prominence system in the E-NE. Active prominences in the NW seen in GONG. No HeI data. Disk: Long, sparsely filled, filaments in the N and NE, modestly active. Smaller filaments in the SE seen in GONG. No HeI data. 2012-02-08 2012d039 Mk4 18:18-01:24 ; CHIP 17:23-02:14 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: A lot of limb activity today. Very large, arched, very active prominence system in the E-NE Large arched, very active prominence in the W-NW, shows fast motions. A tall, very active prominence in the N-NW, shows swirling and significant draining of prominence material which makes it fade towards the end of the observing day. Smaller prominences in the SW. Disk: AR in the NW near the limb, Halpha brightening/flaring at about 2150-2230UT Two very long, modestly active filaments in the N. Smaller filaments in the SE. 2012-02-09 2012d040 Mk4 17:48-00:59; CHIP 17:39-00:51. Corona: Wide CME in the NE visible in MK4 at about 2024-2138UT, has a very faint round front and a bright, cusp-shaped core. Moderate speed. The CME is not visible in CoMP intensity. Coronal cavities in the N-NE and SW noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Large prominence/filament eruption in the E-NE, starts very slowly at about 1915UT, accelerate at about 2000UT, visible until about 2040UT. Nice Halpha eruption, followed by post-eruption loops, faint but visible in HeI. Small bright prominence in the SW. Disk: Small AR plages in the SE and NW are quite active, show surging/brightening. Very long, moderately active, sparsely filled, filament in the N, covers most of the solar disk. Very active filament in the SE. Modestly active filament in the NE. 2012-02-10 2012d041 Mk4 17:57-01:17; CHIP 17:49-01:19. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the N-NE noticeable in CoMP. Very faint coronal cavity in the SW in CoMP Limb: Small, bright prominence in the SW. Disk: AR in the S-SE is quite active, appears to be growing. Large filament eruption in the NE visible at about 1855-1925UT, followed by a large 2-ribbon flare at 1906-0119UT. The whole filament erupts, very large event visible in both Halpha and HeI. Very long, filament in the N, covers most of the solar disk. Long, faint polar crown filament in the S. 2012-02-11 2012d042 Mk4 20:21-02:17; CHIP 20:16-02:16. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE, and SW. Some limb surging in the E. Disk: AR in the SE is relatively small but quite active. Very long, filament in the N-NW. Faint, long filament in the S. 2012-02-12 2012d043 Mk4 18:04-01:05; CHIP 18:04-01:02. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the NW, noticeable in Mk4 Limb: Moderately active prominences in the N-NE, E-NE, and SW. Disk: ARs in the NE (near the limb) and S Very long, filament in the N-NW. Faint, long filament in the S. 2012-02-13 2012d044 Mk4 17:56-02:27; CHIP 17:57-02:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Two prominences in the N-NE (has a small dark bubble at its base) and in the E-NE. Low-lying prominence system in the W-NW. Disk: Large AR complex in the NE. Smaller AR in the SW with spot. Long, relatively faint filaments in the N-NW (also seen off-limb) and S. 2012-02-14 2012d045 Mk4 17:57-01:23; CHIP 17:58-01:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large active prominences in the N-NE and W-NW. Smaller prominences in the NE and E. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE and N. There is a small filament eruption and a small flare in the AR in the N at about 1855-1903UT. Smaller AR in the SW with spot. Long polar crown filament in the S. 2012-02-15 2012d046 Mk4 19:54-00:10; CHIP 17:33-01:44. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the W-NW has a dark bubble at its base. Smaller prominences in the NE and SE. Disk: AR complexes in the NE, N, and SW. Many filaments in the N and S, from modestly active to quiet. Long polar crown filament in the S. 2012-02-16 2012d047 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:44-00:29. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Very active prominence system in the SW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the N, a smaller complex in the SW, near the limb. Many filaments in the N and S. Partial filament eruption in the curved, thick filament near the NE limb at after 0100UT visible in GONG Halpha. Long polar crown filament in the S. Extremely active filament in the S, N of polar crown. 2012-02-17 2012d048 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Thick clouds. 2012-02-18 2012d049 Mk4 18:39-19:04; CHIP 17:47-02:22. Weather: Cloudy Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Several small prominences: N-NE, E, SE, SW, and NW, not very active. Disk: AR complexes in the N and SW. One AR in the N shows some activity and Halpha brightening/surging. Many filaments both N and S, modestly active. 2012-02-19 2012d050 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Snow. 2012-02-20 2012d051 Mk4 18:37-22:46; CHIP 18:36-23:10. Weather: Cloudy Corona: Very faint MK4 CME in the SW Limb: Prominence eruption in the SW at 1836-1912UT. A lot of limb activity today: large active prominence in the E-NE. Very large, very active, arched prominences in the SE, appears to slowly rise. Large, very active W-NW, has a dark bubble at its base. Smaller prominences in the SW. Disk: AR complexes in the NE and NW (with spots). Long active filament in the N. Long, thick curved filament in the SE. 2012-02-21 2012d052 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Snow. 2012-02-22 2012d053 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy 2012-02-23 2012d054 Mk4 17:51-20:42; CHIP 17:51-20:53. Corona: Very faint MK4 CME in the NE in progress. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the NE and SW. Very large and very long, very active, hedgerow prominence system in the SE. Disk: AR complexes in the NW with spots. Very long, active, curved filaments in the NE, NW, and S. The large filament in the NE is very active and shows fast motions along its spine, it erupts early on the next day (but gap in GONG Halpha data. The northernmost part of the filament eruption corresponds to a coronal cavity eruption in SDO. The event is followed by a very large 2-ribbon flare. 2012-02-24 2012d055 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:58-21:41. Weather: Cloudy Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: Prominences visible in the E-SE and SW. Eruption in progress in the SE at the beginning of the observing day: The large prominence in the SE fully erupts 1758-1840UT, visible in GONG Halpha and in HeI. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE, N, and NW. Long, curved, active filament in the S. Smaller filaments in the N-NW. 2012-02-25 2012d056 Mk4 19:59-19:59; CHIP 18:24-20:30. Weather: Fog and clouds. Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: Several prominences visible in the SE and SW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE and NW. Long, curved, active filament in the S with barbs. Smaller filaments in the NE and NW. 2012-02-26 2012d057 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 18:05-21:35. Weather: Thick clouds. Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: Modestly active prominences in the SW and NW. Prominence eruption in the NE from behind the limb at about 1950-2025UT, visible in GONG Halpha, visible but faint in HeI. Disk: Large AR complex in the NE. Large filament in the S-SW appears to slowly fade. 2012-02-27 2012d058 Mk4 17:41-22:29; CHIP 17:35-22:31. Corona: Faint CME in the W noticeable in Mk4, corresponds to a wide and bright LASCO CME Limb: Moderately active prominences in the NE, E and NW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the NE. AR in the NW, near the limb. Large filament in the SW. 2012-02-28 2012d059 Mk4 18:02-20:19; CHIP 18:03-23:55. Weather: Some clouds Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominence in the E-NE. Modestly active prominence in the NW. Disk: AR complex with spot in the N. Thick filament in the SW, near/at the limb. 2012-02-29 2012d060 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 19:25-20:40. Weather: Thick clouds. Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: No good limb observations today. Disk: Large AR complex in the N. 2012-03-01 2012d061 Mk4 18:20-23:31; CHIP 18:17-00:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, active, hedgerow prominence in the SW. Smaller prominence in the NW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N shows minor activity. Filament in the NE, near the limb. 2012-03-02 2012d062 Mk4 18:01-21:16; CHIP 18:02-21:41. Weather: Clouds, fog later in the day Corona: Faint Mk4 cme in the NE, appears as a dark blob moving outward Limb: Large, very active prominence in the SW, has two small dark bubbles at its base, there is a jet of material that appears inside the prominence at about 1928UT. Small, bright feature in the E-NE. rises and then fades, possibly a surge/loop from the AR behind the limb. Smaller prominences in the NW. Disk: Large AR complex in the N-NW. Faint, long, active filament near central meridian. Thick filament near/at the NW limb. 2012-03-03 2012d063 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observation at MLSO today. Overcast, foggy. 2012-03-04 2012d064 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 18:02-20:08. Weather: Cloudy and foggy. Corona: No coronal observations today. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Small prominence in the SE. Disk: AR with very large spot in the NE. Large eruption and small flare within the decayed AR complex in the NW at about 1725-1755UT visible in GONG Halpha. 2012-03-05 2012d065 Mk4 17:34-02:31; CHIP 17:36-02:29. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominence in the SE has a dark bubble at its base. Small prominences in the NE, SW, and NW. Disk: Large AR in the NE is very active, shows continual surging throughout the day Decayed AR complex on the NW shows minor activity. There are two small, curved filaments within this complex. Smaller ARs in the SE. 2012-03-06 2012d066 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. 2012-03-07 2012d067 Mk4 18:42-20:26; CHIP 18:42-20:26. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, moderately active prominences in the NE and SE. Faint active prominence in the W-NW Smaller prominences in the NE, SE, SW and NW. Apparent surge in the NE at 2300-2340UT Disk: Very large AR with complex fields in the N-NE shows continual surging. Active filaments in the NW. 2012-03-08 2012d068 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:46-21:58. Corona: No coronal observations today. Cloudy. Limb: Large active hedgerow prominence in the SE (with dark bubbles at its base) Low-lying prominences in the NE and SW. Faint prominence eruption in the NW at 1749-1829UT noticeable in HeI. Surging or small eruption in the NW from behind the limb at 2118-2129UT. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N, near central meridian, show minor activity. Several small filaments in the N and S. 2012-03-09 2012d069 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 22:24-01:52. Corona: No coronal observations today. Cloudy. Limb: Large, tall moderately active hedgerow prominence in the SE has two dark bubbles at its base. Small prominence in the SW. Small surging at the E-NE limb. Disk: Very large AR with complex fields in the NW with a large spot, shows continual surging in Halpha. Very long, curved active filament in the NE, extends to the limb. 2012-03-10 2012d070 Mk4 18:54-19:43; CHIP 17:26-21:42. Weather: Partly cloudy Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying, long prominence in the NE. Tall moderately active prominence in the SE. Smaller prominence in the SW. Small, faint (post-eruption?) loops in the E at about 1924-2020UT noticeable in Halpha and in HeI Disk: Very large AR with large spot in the NW is very active. There is a large/bright 2-ribbon flare in progress at 1728-1900UT in this AR that has several brights kernels noticeable in HeI, very bight in Halpha. Very long, curved active filament in the NE, extends to the limb. 2012-03-11 2012d071 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Thick clouds. 2012-03-12 2012d072 Mk4 21:44-21:44; CHIP 17:17-02:22. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Many moderately active prominences visible today: NE, E, SW, and NW Disk: AR in the NE. Large active AR complex in the NW shows surging. Very long, active, curved filament in the N. 2012-03-13 2012d073 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-03-14 2012d074 Mk4 17:28-03:06; CHIP 17:29-03:03. Corona: CME in the NW at about 0126-0210UT from the large AR now at the limb. I see only what appears the CME core not the CME front. Transient in CoMP at about 0117-0133UT Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE, E, and SW Disk: AR complexes both N and S. The AR in the N near central meridian is particularly active. Large AR 11329 at the W-NW limb is very active and shows strong surging, apparent eruption at about 2255-0030UT, most material falls back. Long, thick, very active filament in the N. 2012-03-15 2012d075 Mk4 17:22-02:22; CHIP 17:13-02:24. Corona: Faint, slow cme with no well defined front in the W starting at about 2240UT Limb: Small prominence in the N-NE. Strong surging in the W-NW from behind the limb at the location of the large AR 11329, now behind the limb. Disk: Small AR complexes near central meridian in the n are quite active. show brightening and flaring at about 2212-2304UT and at 0223-0228UT Long, thick, very active filament in the NW. 2012-03-16 2012d076 Mk4 17:20-03:33; CHIP 17:18-03:30. Corona: CME with round front noticeable in Mk4 in the W-NW at about 1950-2058UT. Another fainter CME at 0138-0240UT also in the W-NW. Limb: Large, arched prominence/filament eruption seen off-limb at about 1901-2025UT in HeI and Halpha, corresponds to Mk4 CME. There is another (sympathetic) large prominence eruption from very near the limb at about 0000-0312UT, corresponds to second Mk4 CME. Small prominences in the N-NE and SE. Disk: Several ARs both N and S. Large filament/prominence eruption in the NW at the beginning of the observing day at about 1807-2047UT, is followed by a large 2-ribbon flare very visible in HeI at 2001-0330UT (but faint in Halpha) There is another (sympathetic) filament eruption in the NW starting at about 2329UT 2012-03-17 2012d077 Mk4 17:35-02:13; CHIP 17:35-02:24. Corona: Nice 3-part structure CME in the NW noticeable in MK4 at about 2351-0023UT Transient in CoMP at about 2320-2330UT. Another smaller, narrow, Mk4 CME with faint outer loop in the W-NW at about 0130-0246UT Limb: Fast prominence eruption from behind the limb at about 0022-0030UT seen by GONG Disk: Several small ARs both N and S. Filaments in the N-NW. 2012-03-18 2012d078 Mk4 17:29-01:14; CHIP 17:30-01:12. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Arched, very active prominence in the SE. Smaller prominence in the SW Disk: Small ARs both NW and SW. Filaments in the N-NW. 2012-03-19 2012d079 Mk4 17:21-22:56; CHIP 17:21-23:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Arched, tall, very active prominence in the SE. Disk: AR complexes in the NW and SW show minor activity. Active filaments in the W and NW. 2012-03-20 2012d080 Mk4 17:36-22:38; CHIP 17:37-22:39 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Arched, very tall, very active prominence in the SE. Small prominence in the SW, correspond to coronal cavity. Faint eruption at the W limb 2100-2200UT, Disk: AR complexes in the SE, NW and SW, all near the limb. faint active filament in the W near the limb, appears to erupt at about 2100-2200UT, faint event noticeable in both GONG Halpha and HeI. 2012-03-21 2012d081 Mk4 17:17-21:00; CHIP 17:17-22:31 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very tall, very active prominence in the SE. Smaller prominences in the NE and SW corresponds to coronal cavities. Disk: ARs in the SE, SW, NW, all near the limb. Thick, modestly active filaments in the NW, near the limb. 2012-03-22 2012d082 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Fog. 2012-03-23 2012d083 Mk4 17:13-20:18; CHIP 17:06-21:59. Corona: CME in the NW visible in Mk4 at about 1910-1927UT Limb: Large, arched prominence eruption in the NW visible in GONG Halpha and HeI at about 1650-1842UT. Disk: Small ARs in the N show modest surging. Small filaments in the NE. 2012-03-24 2012d084 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Rain. 2012-03-25 2012d085 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Fog. 2012-03-26 2012d086 Mk4 17:15-20:33; CHIP 16:55-20:29. Corona: No Mk4 data available yet. Limb: Hedgerow prominence system in the E-NE. M Prominence in the W. Disk: AR in the N and SE. Several filaments in the NE and NW modestly active 2012-03-27 2012d087 Mk4 17:26-01:11; CHIP 17:31-01:11. Corona: Very faint CME in the SW at about 2139-2202UT noticeable in Mk4 and also seen in CoMP. Possible faint CME/outflow in the NE at about 0015-0020UT noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP. Limb: Very large, very active prominence system in the NE, shows fast complex motions mostly parallel to the Sun's surface (possible counter-streaming). Smaller prominences in the W and NW. Disk: ARs in the N, SE, S-SE, and S-SW (very active). Long, curved filament/filament channel in the N. 2012-03-28 2012d088 Mk4 18:35-02:40; CHIP 17:03-02:37. Corona: Very faint CME in the NE at about 2154-2208UT Limb: Large active prominence system in the NE Low-lying prominences in the W and NW. Disk: Several AR complexes in the N-NW, SE, S, and SW show minor activity. Halpha flare just N of the decayed AR in the N-NW, at about 2144-2216UT, also seen in HeI, is preceded by some brightening in the AR in the SW. Long curved filament/filament channel in the N. Modestly active filament in the NE. Two other filaments in the NW and SW. 2012-03-29 2012d089 Mk4 17:19-02:19; CHIP 17:15-02:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity. Limb: Modestly active, prominence systems in the NE and SW. Surging in the E-NE from AR at/behind the limb. Disk: Several ARs in the S and one decayed AR in the NW. Fast filament eruption in the decayed AR in the NW at about 2315-2335UT. Filament eruption in the N at about 2353-0135UT with rotation of the erupting filament. Both are seen in Halpha and HeI. Large filaments in the NE and SW, also seen as prominences off-limb. 2012-03-30 2012d090 Mk4 17:19-02:20; CHIP 17:19-02:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity. Limb: Very active, fairly tall, prominence in the SW. Modestly active, relatively low-lying prominences in the W, and NW Disk: Several ARs in the S and one decayed AR in the NW. Long, active filaments in the NE and SW 2012-03-31 2012d091 Mk4 17:16-02:20; CHIP 17:18-02:18. Corona: Very faint CME with loop/cavity in the NW, moves poleward noticeable in Mk4 at about 2104-2151UT Limb: Active prominence in the SW. Surging off the w limb. Disk: AR plages in the SW, NE and W-NW. Small brightening and large surge from the AR near the W-NW limb at about 21102-2130UT, also seen off-limb as a tall, fast surge in both Halpha and HeI. Long filaments in the NE and SW 2012-04-01 2012d092 Mk4 17:25-21:55; CHIP 17:26-21:56. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Several small, moderately active prominences: NE, SE, SW, and N-NW. Limb surging off the SW limb. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE (quite active), NW, and SW. Thick but faint filament near/at the SW limb. 2012-04-02 2012d093 Mk4 17:11-22:19; CHIP 17:11-22:22. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity noticeable in CoMP in the SE. Limb: Active prominence in the SW. Several small, moderately active prominences: NE, SE, NW, and N-NW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the NE (quite active), NW, and SW. Thick filament near/at the SW limb, also seen off-limb. Very active, small filament in the NW within large AR complex, show fast motions. 2012-04-03 2012d094 Mk4 17:19-18:56; CHIP 17:20-22:00. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large and tall active prominence in the SW has a dark bubble at its base. Several small prominences in the NW Disk: Large AR complex in the NE. Active AR filament in the NE appears longer but less active today. 2012-04-04 2012d095 Mk4 17:06-22:25; CHIP 16:54-22:26. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominences in the SW and NW. Disk: Very large Ar complex in the N host two long, thin active filaments. 2012-04-05 2012d096 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 18:42-21:54. Corona: No coronal observations. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Several small prominences in the W-SW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N host two active filaments, the smaller of them erupts at about 2016-20057UT, the event is followed by a small Halpha brightening. 2012-04-06 2012d097 Mk4 17:11-20:38; CHIP 17:08-21:21. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Several small prominences in the E, SE, SW, and W. Disk: Large AR complex in the NW. ARs in the NE and SE. Very active, long, curved AR filament in the NW. Small curved filament near the NE limb. Several relatively faint filaments in the SW. 2012-04-07 2012d098 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:11-02:22. Corona: No coronal observations. Limb: Active large hedgerow prominence in the SE has some dark bubbles at its base. Several small prominences in the E, SW, and W. Disk: Large AR complex in the NW. ARs in the NE and SE. Very large AR filament eruption in progress the NW at about 1711-1927UT Moderately active, curved filament in the NE. Several relatively faint filaments in the SW. 2012-04-08 2012d099 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Thick clouds. 2012-04-09 2012d100 Mk4 17:19-22:15; CHIP 16:43-22:31. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying, modestly active prominence in the W-SW. Disk: ARs in the SE and NW, near the limb. Moderately active, curved filament in the N-NE. Filament in the NW seems to have reformed. 2012-04-10 2012d101 Mk4 17:21-22:46; CHIP 18:24-23:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall modestly active prominence in the N-NW. Small active prominence in the N-NE, low-lying active prominence in the W-SW. Surging in the NW. Disk: AR plages at the SE limb and W limb. Relatively small, very active filaments in the N and SE, both show motions along the filament spine 2012-04-11 2012d102 Mk4 17:01-22:11; CHIP 17:00-22:08. Corona: Relatively faint CME with bright round front and bright core in the NW noticeable in Mk4 at about 2045-2120UT. Faint motion noticeable in CoMP intensity at the location of the CME. Limb: Very tall but very faint prominence in the N-NW. Some limb activity in the NW, likely corresponds to white-light CME. Disk: AR plages in the SE. AR at the W limb Very active filaments in the N, NE, S, and SE 2012-04-12 2012d103 Mk4 17:28-22:01; CHIP 17:27-22:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominences in the SW (also seen as filament) and NW. Disk: AR in the N is small but growing. Several active filaments on the Sun today: a curved filament in the N, a thin filament in the NE, and two long filaments with barbs in the SE and SW. 2012-04-13 2012d104 Mk4 17:00-21:07; CHIP 16:42-21:50. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, tall, very active prominence in the NW. Very active prominence in the SW. Disk: AR in the N near disk center. AR plage in the SW. Several active filaments on the Sun today: a curved filament in the NW, a thin, long filament in the NE, and a long filament with barbs in the S-SE. 2012-04-14 2012d105 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-04-15 2012d106 Mk4 17:10-18:44; CHIP 17:10-23:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP. Limb: Very large, very tall, active prominence system in the W-NW. Very large, very tall, complex, active prominence in the SW Active ached prominence in, the NE. Long, active, low-lying prominence in the SE. Strong surging off the E limb, from behind the limb. Disk: Small AR in the NW. AR plages in the SW, near the limb. Long and very active filaments in the N-NW and S-SW. 2012-04-16 2012d107 Mk4 18:18-02:20; CHIP 16:28-02:19. Corona: Faint Mk4 CME in the NE. White-light disturbance in the E-NE noticeable in Mk4. Round coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP. Limb: Very large, active prominence in the SW, corresponds to coronal cavity. Very large, active arched prominence in the SE, is seen to slowly rise throughout day, slow eruption towards the end of the day after 2300UT. Huge surge, AR eruption, in the E from AR near/behind the limb at about 1725-1749UT, a lot of material falls back, seen in both GONG Halpha and HeI. Prominence eruption in the NE at about 2100-2300UT (sympathetic eruption?) Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE and NW. Large and thick, active filaments in the SW and NW. Small but very active filament in the SE. Curved filament in the SE, very near the limb. 2012-04-17 2012d108 Mk4 18:22-20:57; CHIP 17:04-01:05. Corona: No Mk4 data available yet. Round coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Large, active prominences in the SW and NW. Disk: Large and thick, active filaments in the SW and NW. Curved AR filament in the SE. 2012-04-18 2012d109 Mk4 21:11-22:52; CHIP 17:02-22:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in Mk4. Limb: Prominence in the SW corresponds to coronal cavity. Small prominences in the NE and NW. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE, and SW. Large and thick, active filaments in the SW and NW. Curved AR filament in the SE. 2012-04-19 2012d110 Mk4 17:17-00:10; CHIP 16:43-02:18. Corona: Faint CME in the E with fuzzy front noticeable at the beginning of the observing day. Dark coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in CoMP Limb: Large active prominences in the SW and NW also seen as filaments on-disk. Surging in the W from behind the limb. Disk: AR plages in the NE, N, S, and SW. The ARs in the N and SW are particularly active and show brightening/flaring throughout the day. Large and thick, active filaments in the SW and NW, near/at the limb. Curved AR filament in the S-SE. 2012-04-20 2012d111 Mk4 16:48-23:34; CHIP 16:47-00:28. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the SW noticeable in CoMP Limb: Very large, thick, active prominence in the SW, partly seen on-disk Disk: AR plages in the N-NW, S, and SW are quite active. 2012-04-21 2012d112 Mk4 16:57-23:19; CHIP 16:43-01:48. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, dense, arched prominence in the SW limb. Smaller prominence in the SE. Disk: Many ARs on the Sun today NE, NW, S, and SW, all active, show continuous flaring/surging. Long filament in the N, curved filament in the SE. Large AR filaments N and S. 2012-04-22 2012d113 Mk4 17:09-01:23; CHIP 17:10-01:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall, active prominence in the N-NW. Smaller active prominences in the E-NE, SE, and SW. Disk: Many ARs on the Sun today NE, N, NW, S, and SW, all active, show continuous flaring/surging. AR in the S-SE is particularly active. Long but faint filament in the N, curved filament in the SE. Large AR filaments N and several filaments within or near AR in the S. 2012-04-23 2012d114 Mk4 16:54-02:23; CHIP 16:42-02:17. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall, thin, active prominence in the N-NW. Disk: Many ARs on the Sun today NE, N, NW, S, and SW, all active, The two ARs in the S are particularly active. Long active filament in the N. Curved filament in the SE. Two more filaments in the SW. 2012-04-24 2012d115 Mk4 17:03-00:11; CHIP 17:06-00:08. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Erupting cavity in the SE, very faint event seen in CoMP intensity Limb: Tall active prominence in the N-NW. Disk: ARs in the N, NW, S, and SW. Thick, very active filament in the NW erupts at the end of the observing day at about 2046-2336UT Long filament in the NE also seen as prominence off-limb. Curved filament in the S. Two more filaments in the SW. 2012-04-25 2012d116 Mk4 16:50-00:25; CHIP 16:44-02:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavities in the NE and SW visible in CoMP Limb: Active prominences in the N-NE, SE, and N-NW. Large surge from behind the limb at 2135-2157UT AR Eruption from behind the limb in the SW at about 0118-0146UT Disk: ARs in the N, SE, and SW. Many long, active filaments today: long filament in the NE, long, curved , almost S-shaped filament in he S, and two filaments in the SW near ARs. 2012-04-26 2012d117 Mk4 16:52-02:15; CHIP 16:41-02:19. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominences in the N-NE and N-NW. Disk: ARs in the N, SE, and SW. Many long, active filaments today: long filament in the N-NE, long, curved, active, S-shaped filament in the S-SW, and two filaments near the SW limb. 2012-04-27 2012d118 Mk4 16:49-01:10; CHIP 16:28-19:41. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE, SW, W, and NW. Large surge from behind the limb in the W-NW at 0135-0200UT, visible in GONG Disk: ARs in the NE, NW, SE, and SW. Very active, curved filament in the S-SW. Long active filaments in the N-NE and SW. 2012-04-28 2012d119 Mk4 16:52-02:20; CHIP 16:46-02:22. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall prominences in the N-NE and N-NW, corresponds to coronal cavities Disk: Large ARs in the S-SE, NE, and NW are quite active. Compact Halpha flares in smaller AR in the NE at 2011-2020UT and 2208-2234UT Many long, active filaments in the N (with barbs), S-SW 2012-04-29 2012d120 Mk4 17:08-00:06; CHIP 17:07-00:04. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall prominences in the N-NE and N-NW, correspond to coronal cavities Disk: Large ARs in the S and SE. Flare/eruption in AR in the SE at 0254-0301UT seen in GONG Halpha Many long, active filaments in the N (with barbs), S, and SW 2012-04-30 2012d121 Mk4 16:54-02:36; CHIP 16:27-02:36. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE and N-N. Small active prominence in the SE. Limb surge/eruption in the E at 0213-0234UT. Strong limb surging in the SW at about 2250-2317UT Disk: Large ARs in the SE and S-SW. Many long, active filaments in the N, NE (with barbs), and SE. Two small very active filaments in the S fade during 2000-2350UT, apparent slow eruption 2012-05-01 2012d122 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. 2012-05-02 2012d123 Mk4 16:45-02:22; CHIP 16:22-02:14. Corona: Small Mk4 CME in the E-NE. Limb: Small prominences in the NE, SE, and NW. Disk: Large AR plages in the SE and SW are very active throughout the day. Very active filaments in the SW within/near the AR. Curved, moderately active filament in the N., 2012-05-03 2012d124 Mk4 17:53-02:14; CHIP 17:52-02:20. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, active prominences in the NE, E and SE. The hedgerow prominence in the NE has some dark bubbles at its base. Disk: Large AR plages in the S and SW are very active. AR plage near the NE limb. Long and curved, S-shaped, active filament in the N. Active filaments in the SW. 2012-05-04 2012d125 Mk4 16:59-02:16; CHIP 20:51-02:10. Corona: Possible Mk4 disturbance in the W-SW. Limb: Several small active prominences in the NE (quite active), SE, and NW (also quite active) Strong surging from AR at the E limb at 2200-2230UT and again at about 0300-0320UT seen in GONG Halpha Some surging also at the SW limb Disk: Large AR plage in the NE. Large ARs in the S and SW (near the limb) Small compact Halpha flare at 2350-2400UT in the SR in the SW. Several AR very active filaments in the NE (curved) and S, SW. 2012-05-05 2012d126 Mk4 16:50-02:21; CHIP 16:50-02:22. Corona: Mk4 CME in the NE with prominence core at about 1835-1938UT does not have a clear front. Another faint CME in the NW at about 2048-2204UT. No CoMP data available yet. Limb: Large but relatively faint arched prominence eruption in the E-NE in progress at the beginning of the day 1650-1842UT, seen in HeI and Halpha. Surging off the E limb. Disk: Large ARs in the NE and SW (is particularly active). Active filaments in the NE and SW 2012-05-06 2012d127 Mk4 17:12-00:47; CHIP 17:11-00:46. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominence in the SE. Disk: Large ARs in the NE and in the SW are quite active. Many filaments on the Sun today in the: S-shaped filament in the NW, Very active filament in the NE near AR, very active filament in the SW inside AR. Large polar crown in the S-SE. 2012-05-07 2012d128 Mk4 16:46-02:16; CHIP 16:28-02:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying, very active prominence in the W. Disk: Large ARs in the NE and in the SW are quite active. Many filaments on the Sun today: very active filament in the N, another active filament in the S, and also filaments inside ARs. Large, thick polar crown in the S-SE. 2012-05-08 2012d129 Mk4 17:31-19:32; CHIP 17:10-23:36. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small but nice and bright prominence in the SW Disk: Large ARs in the NE and in the SW with active filaments Many active filaments on the Sun today in the N and S. Large, thick polar crown in the S-SE. 2012-05-09 2012d130 Mk4 17:16-01:18; CHIP 16:18-01:25. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying active prominence in the SE Disk: Very large AR in the NE is very active, hosts one of the largest spot in the cycle so far. Series of several small compact Halpha flares in this AR, happen in fast sequence starting at about 2047UT until about 2115UT Several filaments in the N and S. Large, thick polar crown in the S. 2012-05-10 2012d131 Mk4 16:42-02:15; CHIP 16:45-02:22. Corona: MK4 CME in the E best seen after 2000UT, slowly rising. CME cavity gets darker as CME rises. Limb: Small prominences in the SE and SW (correspond to polar crown). Low-lying prominences in the NW Disk: Very large AR in the NE is very active, has a very large spot, shows continual brightening/flaring. Many small, curved filaments in the S Thick polar crown in the S. 2012-05-11 2012d132 Mk4 16:51-21:57; CHIP 16:18-22:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Ben thinks we might have have just missed a CME in the W. Limb:: Very tall and nice prominence in the SW, has two very small dark cavities at its base. Large active prominence systems in the NE and NW. Smaller prominences in the SE. Some limb activity in the E-SE at 1840-1900UT in the form of a small bright arch appearing and rapidly disappearing, possibly a small eruption behind the limb. Disk: Very large AR in the N is near central meridian. Shows intense and continual flaring/brightening. Many curved filaments in the S. Very fast S-shaped filament eruption and 2-ribbon flare in the SE at about 2326UT seen in GONG Halpha. 2012-05-12 2012d133 Mk4 16:47-19:45; CHIP 16:47-19:42. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large active prominence in the NE appears to rise. Tall active prominence SW. Large low-lying prominence systems in the W-NW. Disk: Very large AR in the NW with large spot is very active. Large AR plages near the NE and SE limb. Several curved filaments in the S. 2012-05-13 2012d134 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-05-14 2012d135 Mk4 16:52-23:08; CHIP 16:11-23:29. Corona: Possible Mk4 CME in fov in the SE when observations begin before 1748. Too noisy to be sure. LASCO does see CME at this time/location (jb). Limb: Very active prominence in the E-NE, active prominences in the SW and NW. Arched prominence eruption in progress in the E-SE at 1652-1656UT Disk: Very large AR in the NW with large spot is very active. Large AR plages near the NE and SE. Several thick filaments in the S. 2012-05-15 2012d136 Mk4 16:44-00:35; CHIP 16:43-00:36. Corona: CME in the W at about 1730UT noted by Allen.(Mk4 movie starts at about 1848UT) Outward motion seen in CoMP intensity and velocity. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today. Faint prominence in the N-NE appears to rise. Large active prominences E-NE and E-SE (arched). Very large, very active prominence in the NW appears to slowly rise. Smaller prominence in the SW. Limb surge from large AR at the W limb at the beginning of the observing day. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, NW, and SE. Thick active filaments in the SE and SW. 2012-05-16 2012d137 Mk4 16:53-00:26; CHIP 16:53-00:25. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity in the SW visible in CoMP. Limb: Active prominences E-NE and E-SE. End of prominence eruption in the NW noticeable at the beginning of the observing day. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, NW, and S. Flare and AR eruption near/at the W limb at 0128-0230UT noticeable in GONG Halpha. Thick active filament in the SE becomes fainter by the end of the day. Thick, very active filament in the SW. 2012-05-17 2012d138 Mk4 16:42-00:44; CHIP 16:35-00:40. Corona: Possible Mk4 CME in the W-SW. Some motion seen in CoMP velocity Very nice coronal cavity in the SW visible in CoMP. Outward motion in the W-SW noticeable in CoMP velocity at the beginning of the observing day, corresponds to epl. Limb: End of large prominence eruption noticeable in the NE at 1635-1729UT Active prominence in the SW also seen on-disk. Prominence eruption in the W-SW from behind the limb at about 1836-2224UT Surging at the W-NW limb from AR behind the limb. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, and S. AR active filaments within large Ar in the N. Long filament in the S-SE and thick active filament at the SW limb also seen as prominence off-limb. 2012-05-18 2012d139 Mk4 16:43-00:15; CHIP 16:49-00:12. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity in the SW visible in CoMP. Limb: Very tall, very active, arched prominence in the SW. Smaller prominence in the NE. Disk: Large ARs in the NE, N, NW and S. Many filaments on the Sun today both N and S. AR filaments in the N and long filament in the S. 2012-05-19 2012d140 Mk4 16:45-00:35; CHIP 16:44-00:38. Corona: Slow, relatively narrow CME with bright front in the SW noticeable in Mk4 at about 1846-2156UT Limb: End of a large prominence eruption visible in the SW at about 1644-2000UT (seen even earlier in GONG Halpha) Active prominence in the NE. Disk: Large ARs in the NE, N, NW and SW. Many active filaments on the Sun today both N and S. Long polar crown filament in the S. Another long filament in the N 2012-05-20 2012d141 Mk4 17:53-00:18; CHIP 17:54-00:14. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Disk: Large ARs in the NE, N, NW and SW. Many active filaments on the Sun today both N and S. Long polar crown filament in the S. Several active filaments in the S. Another long filament in the N. 2012-05-21 2012d142 Mk4 23:32-00:10; CHIP 16:29-00:19. Corona: No Mk4 movie available today. Limb: Small active prominence in the E-NE. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, NW, SE and SW. Many active filaments on the Sun today both N and S Very long filament in the N. Polar crown filament in the SW. Several active filaments in the S. 2012-05-22 2012d143 Mk4 16:44-00:42; CHIP 16:44-00:46. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominence in the W-NW. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, NW, SE and SW. Several active filaments in the N and SW. Very long filament in the N. Polar crown filament in the SW. 2012-05-23 2012d144 Mk4 16:41-18:10; CHIP 16:42-18:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Narrow, tall prominence in the NE. Low-lying prominence in the SW. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, NW, and SW. Many active filaments on the Sun today both N and S. Very long filament in the N-NW. Another long filament in the NE. Sparsely filled polar crown in the S best seen near the limbs. 2012-05-24 2012d145 Mk4 22:26-00:34; CHIP 22:25-00:50. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity in the S-SW seen in CoMP and Mk4. Limb: Narrow, tall prominences in the NE and S-SW. Some prominence material is suspended quite high in the SE and seems associated with AR activity. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, N, NW, and SW. Many active filaments on the Sun today both N and S: Very active AR filament in the SE shows continuous and rapid motions. Curved AR filaments in the NW. Very active AR filament near the W limb is seen to erupt in GONG Halpha at about 1848-2124UT. Long filaments in the N and NW. 2012-05-25 2012d146 Mk4 16:47-00:35; CHIP 16:47-00:39. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity in the S-SW in CoMP and Mk4. Limb: Very large but faint prominence system in the NE. Tall and narrow prominence in the S-SW. Low-lying prominence in the NW. A lot of intense surging activity in the SE from the AR complex behind/near the SE limb, an especially large surge at 2001-2104UT. Some faint prominence material is visible quite high in the SE at 1647-1959UT, corresponds to the end of a large prominence eruption that happened just before our time window. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, NW, and SW. Long curved filaments in the N and S. Very active filament in the S-SE 2012-05-26 2012d147 Mk4 16:41-00:37; CHIP 16:41-00:38. Corona: Faint poleward motion in the NW visible in Mk4 at about 2041-2105UT, This appears to be the edge of a wide, partial halo CME centered at lower latitude that has its source region behind the limb. The erupting AR is near central meridian in STEREO A, i.e. about 120deg away from the W limb. This is a large eruption with a coronal wave in STEREO A. I think we see the wave deflection in Mk4. There is also a hint of some motion in the SW. The CME is very clear in CoMP in both intensity and velocity. It is seen as a large-scale motion in the W at about 2040-2050UT. Nice coronal cavity in the S-SW seen in CoMP. Limb: Large prominence system in the NE. Tall and narrow prominence in the S-SW. Low-lying prominences in the SW and NW. Disk: Long curved filaments in the N. Very active filaments in the S. 2012-05-27 2012d148 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-05-28 2012d149 Mk4 16:39-00:04; CHIP 16:40-00:29. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Faint prominences in the NE, SE, and SW. Tall, moderately active prominence in the NW. Disk: Several ARs in the S and NW. Many active filaments both in the N and S. 2012-05-29 2012d150 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-05-30 2012d151 Mk4 23:38-23:56; CHIP 16:44-00:22. Corona: No Mk4 movie available. Limb: Large, active prominence system in the NE. Faint active prominence in the E-SE. Disk: Large AR complex at the E-NE limb shows continual surging. Smaller ARs in the S and NW. Several filaments in the S and NW. 2012-05-31 2012d152 Mk4 16:40-23:02; CHIP 16:34-22:59. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Large bright structure in he E-NE, not sure it is real. Limb: Large, low-lying prominence system in the NE. Disk: Large AR complex at/near the E-NE limb. Smaller ARs in the S and NW. Several filaments in the S and NW. 2012-06-01 2012d153 Mk4 16:42-00:50; CHIP 16:42-00:50. Corona: Nice Mk4 CME on the W limb with a bright round front starting at about 2221UT visible until about 2250UT. Limb motion seen in CoMP in the W at about 2230-2250UT. Limb: Active prominences in the SE and N-NW. A lot of activity at/near the W limb at about 1936-2000UT and 2150-2210UT at the end of the filament ending into the AR at the limb. Disk: Very large AR plage at the E limb shows continual activity and brightening. Smaller ARs in the S show continual brightening/surging. Long filament in the NW, small pieces of filament (may be part of the same filament channel) are seen to erupt near the W limb at about 1936-2000UT and at about 2150-2210UT in GONG Halpha observations, followed by small flares/brightening. Filament in the SE slowly fades 1642-0008UT, possible slow eruption. 2012-06-02 2012d154 Mk4 16:47-00:31; CHIP 16:49-00:30. Corona: Apparent outward motion in the NE of dark region noticeable in Mk4. Limb: Very active prominence in the E-SE, appears to rise. Disk: Very large AR plage in the E-NE. Several ARs in the S. Long, thick, very active filament in the SW near the limb. 2012-06-03 2012d155 Mk4 16:40-00:50; CHIP 16:31-00:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Faint active prominence in the E. Disk: Very large AR plage in the E-NE is very active. Several ARs in the S. Long, thick, very active filament/polar crown in the S. 2012-06-04 2012d156 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Very windy. 2012-06-05 2012d157 Mk4 16:48-03:59; CHIP 16:49-03:57. Venus transit today!!! Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the E and SW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N with active filament shows small brightening throughout the day. Smaller ARs in the S. Large, curved filament in the SE. 2012-06-06 2012d158 Mk4 16:49-00:10; CHIP 16:50-00:20. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominence in the SW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N with active filament, shows continual activity. A smaller but very active AR in the S. Bright compact Halpha flare in this AR at about 1958-2030UT and possible small filament eruption. Large, curved filament in the SE. Thick active filament in the NE. Both are predominantly oriented N-S. 2012-06-07 2012d159 Mk4 17:33-23:07; CHIP 17:34-00:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Faint, active prominence in the NE. Disk: Very large AR complex in the N-NW shows continual brightening/surging. Smaller but very active AR in the SW flares again in Halpha GONG at about 0300UT. Small filaments in the NE and SE. Sparsely filled polar crown filament in the S. 2012-06-08 2012d160 Mk4 16:46-00:44; CHIP 16:46-00:48. Corona: Faint eruption/CME in the SW visible in Mk4 at about 2312-2345UT. Faint motion in CoMP (but data gap) best noticeable in doppler velocity at about 2324-2341UT Limb: Faint, swirling prominence in the SE. Limb activity and small prominence eruption from behind the limb in the SW at 2133-2315UT noticeable in Halpha and HeI, associated to white light CME. Disk: Large AR complex in the NW. Smaller ARs in the S-SW. Long curved filament in the S. 2012-06-09 2012d161 Mk4 16:48-21:39; CHIP 16:53-00:36. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominences in the SE, SW, and NW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the SE and NW. Smaller ARs in the NE and SW. Long, curved active filaments in the S. 2012-06-10 2012d162 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 16:30-00:20. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Large, low-lying prominence system in the SE and NW. Moderately active prominence in the SW. Disk: AR plages near the NE, SE, SW, and NW (very active) limb. Long, curved active filaments in the S Curved AR filament in the NW. 2012-06-11 2012d163 Mk4 16:42-22:30; CHIP 16:43-22:29. Corona: Small MK4 CME in the SE at about 1902-2018UT, appears as a small dark coronal cavity moving outward with only a slightly bright front. (CoMP data today are bad on the E limb) Limb: Prominences in the SE, SW, W, and NW. Surging off the W limb. Small, cusped prominence eruption in the SE at about 1701-1926UT visible in HeI and GONG Halpha Disk: ARs in the NE, SE, and NW are all very active. Long, curved active filaments in the SW. Active filament in the SE. Curved AR filament in the NW. 2012-06-12 2012d164 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-06-13 2012d165 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-06-14 2012d166 Mk4 16:41-22:57; CHIP 16:38-22:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying prominence system in the SW. Disk: Large AR complex in the S is extremely active, shows continual flaring and surging at different locations. Several active filaments in the N, a large active curved filament in the N-NE. 2012-06-15 2012d167 Mk4 16:54-21:54; CHIP 16:45-21:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very large, very active, hedgerow prominence system in the SW. Faint, cusped active prominence in the NW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the SW is very active, shows continual brightening and surging at different locations. Several active filaments in the N, a large active curved filament in the N near central meridian . 2012-06-16 2012d168 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:51-22:27. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very large, very active, arched hedgerow prominence system in the SW. Faint, cusped active prominence in the NW. Disk: Very large AR complex in the SW is very active, shows continual brightening and surging at different locations. Several active filaments in the N and S. A large active curved filament in the N near central meridian . Sparsely filled southern polar crown. 2012-06-17 2012d169 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-06-18 2012d170 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-06-19 2012d171 Mk4 16:54-00:34; CHIP 16:51-00:38. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Disk: Large AR complex near the SW limb, is still active Very long, thick active filament in the N. Smaller filaments N and S. 2012-06-20 2012d172 Mk4 17:38-23:57; CHIP 16:40-23:55. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominence in the N-NE Disk: Large AR complexes at the SE and SW limb. Very long, thick active filament in the NW. Another active filament in the NE. Apparent small eruption of a very small piece of filament in HeI just N of disk center at about 1859-1908UT or small surging. 2012-06-21 2012d173 Mk4 16:34-21:22; CHIP 16:31-21:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the N-NE and W-NW. Very faint prominence in the SE. Disk: Large AR complex near the SE limb. A small AR is emerging in the N near disk center. Many large active filaments today. Long, thick active filament in the NW. Large active filament in the N, near disk center. Long curved filament in the SW. 2012-06-22 2012d174 Mk4 16:44-00:31; CHIP 16:45-00:28. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the N-NW visible in CoMP. Limb: Active prominences in the N-NE, NE. Nice arched, very active prominence in the W-NW. Disk: Large AR plage at/near the SE limb. Thick, long filaments in the NW and NE. Smaller filament in the N. Small filament eruption in the S at about 1954-2021UT (partial data gap in HeI during the eruption) 2012-06-23 2012d175 Mk4 16:42-00:25; CHIP 16:56-00:28. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice dark and round coronal cavity in the N-NW visible in CoMP. Limb: Active prominences in the N-NE, NE, and NW (this is also seen on-disk). Faint active prominences in the SE and SW. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE. Thick filament in the NW (also seen as prominence off-limb) 2012-06-24 2012d176 Mk4 16:42-00:26; CHIP 16:30-00:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Coronal cavities in the N-NW and NW visible in CoMP. Limb: Large prominence system in the W-SW. Active prominence in the NW. Faint and slow prominence eruption in the SW at about 2223-2350UT. Disk: Large AR plages in the SE. Several small filaments both N and S. 2012-06-25 2012d177 Mk4 16:52-01:51; CHIP 16:49-01:44. Corona: Relatively small CME with round bright front in the E-SE visible in MK4 at about 1823-1846UT. Coronal cavity in the SE visible in CoMP. Limb: Large, very active prominence system in the W-SW. Tall active prominence in the NW. Faint active prominence in the E-SE, but no clear epl, correspond to white-light CME. Faint active prominence in the SW. Disk: Large AR plages in the SE. Several small filaments in the S. Long, moderately active filaments in the N. Sparsely filled northern polar crown, very close to the N pole. 2012-06-26 2012d178 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. Corona: Faint, amorphous Mk4 CME in the E noticeable in Mk4 Coronal cavities in the NW and SE visible in CoMP. Cavity eruption near AR in the E-SE partially seen by CoMP Limb: Prominences in the NW. Surging from small AR near the limb in the E-NE visible in Halpha No HeI data. Disk: Long, moderately active filaments in the N and S. Sparsely filled northern polar crown, very close to the N pole. No HeI data. 2012-06-27 2012d179 Mk4 16:37-23:31; CHIP 16:36-23:31. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the N-NW part of the polar crown. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE and SE, show surging. Small AR with small spot in the S-SE. Moderately active filaments in the N and S. Sparsely filled northern polar crown, very close to the N pole. 2012-06-28 2012d180 Mk4 16:57-18:01; CHIP 16:30-18:12. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large active prominences in the SE, W-NW, and N-NW. Prominence eruption in the NE seen by GONG. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE and SE, show surging/flaring. Filament eruption from AR in the NE at about 1939-2007UT also seen off-limb in GONG Halpha. Small AR with small spot in the S. Moderately active filaments in the N. Curved active filament in the S. 2012-06-29 2012d181 Mk4 16:53-00:26; CHIP 16:40-00:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large and tall, arched active prominence in the SE. Smaller prominences in the NW. Disk: ARs plages with spots in the NE, SE, and SW. Long moderately active filaments N and S. 2012-06-30 2012d182 Mk4 16:43-00:25; CHIP 16:32-00:27. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large and tall, arched active prominence in the SE. Disk: AR plages with spots in the NE and SE show surging/flaring. Smaller AR in the S-SW. Long moderately active filaments N and S. 2012-07-01 2012d183 Mk4 16:44-22:14; CHIP 16:17-21:56. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large very active prominences in the E-NE and SE. Faint active prominence in the N-NE. Disk: Large AR plages with spots in the NE and SE Long, moderately active filament in the NW. 2012-07-02 2012d184 Mk4 16:47-00:49; CHIP No Data. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Large coronal cavity in the SE. Limb: Faint active prominences in the E and N-NW No HeI data. Disk: Large ARs with large spots in the N and S are very active, show strong surging in Halpha. Long, curved filaments in the SE. Long filament in the NW. No HeI data. 2012-07-03 2012d185 Mk4 16:46-21:05; CHIP 16:33-21:08. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Large coronal cavity in the SE. Limb: Faint prominences in the N. Small prominence in the SE. Disk: Very large ARs with large spots in the N and S are very active, show strong surging in Halpha and HeI. Long, curved filaments in the SE. Long filament in the NW. 2012-07-04 2012d186 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-07-05 2012d187 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-07-06 2012d188 Mk4 16:58-00:25; CHIP 17:03-00:22. Corona: Large CME in the W-SW with round bright front visible in Mk4 at about 2309-2321UT, moves out rapidly, it is associated with the large AR flare seen in Halpha. CME is visible in CoMP (intensity, velocity and line width) from 2307UT to 2316UT and very wide. Limb: Bright prominence in the SE. Large, active prominence in the NW. Disk: Very large AR plage with spots at/near the SE limb. ARs in the NE, SW and NW, all near the limb. the AR in the SW shows a lot of activity. There is a large Halpha flare in this AR at about 2304-2330UT with an Halpha wave visible in GONG. Two long, moderately active filaments in the S. Sparsely filled southern polar crown, very close to pole, shows a lot of activity. Smaller filaments in the N. 2012-07-07 2012d189 Mk4 16:46-00:27; CHIP 16:32-00:22. Corona: Very bright streamer in the W appears to slowly swell, it will erupt the next day. Limb: Bright prominence in the SE. Large, active prominence in the NW. Disk: Very large AR plage with spots /near the SE limb. ARs in the SW and NW, all near the limb. The AR in the SW is very active and shows continual surging/brightening. Many filaments on the Sun today both N and S. Long, thick, active filament in the S. Sparsely filled southern polar crown, very close to pole. 2012-07-08 2012d190 Mk4 16:36-00:22; CHIP 16:24-00:12. Corona: Slow CME in the W noticeable in Mk4 at the beginning of the observing day at about 1747-2214UT, is relatively narrow but very bright with a small bright core. The CME is visible in CoMP from 1831UT to 2001UT (i.e. up to the end of the CoMP observations for today), as a bundle of thin large bright loops slowly moving outward. Limb: Bright prominence in the SE has two small dark cavities at its base. Active prominence in the NW. Very strong surging from behind the W limb at 1642-1727UT, Disk: Very large AR plage with spots in the SE. ARs in the SW and NW, all near the limb. The AR in the SW is Very active and shows extreme surging at 1642-1715UT, There must be an eruption in this AR behind the limb (possibly associated with the strong surging off the W limb) which is followed by bright post-eruption loops at 2223-0012UT visible in both Halpha and HeI. Long, thick, extremely active filament in the SW. 2012-07-09 2012d191 Mk4 20:44-01:26; CHIP 20:31-01:11. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the SE and SW. Thin prominence eruption in the NE visible in GONG Halpha at about 1933-2054UT ends approximately when our observations begin, noticeable but very faint in HeI at 2031-2043UT. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the SE. Several small filaments in the N 2012-07-10 2012d192 Mk4 16:49-00:27; CHIP 16:33-00:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the SE and SW. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the S-SE shows brightening/filament activity. Large curved active filament in the NE. Smaller filaments N and S. 2012-07-11 2012d193 Mk4 16:54-00:22; CHIP 16:19-00:04. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominence in the SE and SW. Other prominences in the NE and NW. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the S shows continual brightening/flaring. Larger Halpha flare at 2204-2317UT Several small filaments in the N and S. 2012-07-12 2012d194 Mk4 17:00-01:39; CHIP 16:44-01:35. Corona: Amorphous CME with bright prominence core in the N-NW visible in Mk4 at the end of the observing day at about 0040-0136UT Limb: Prominences in the NE, SW, and NW. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the S is very active today and flares several times. Large Halpha flare in progress at the beginning of the observing day until about 1800UT with a bright HeI core from 1644-1726UT. Several small filaments in the N and S. 2012-07-13 2012d195 Mk4 16:52-23:15; CHIP 16:48-23:14. Corona: CME in the E with thin/faint bright front and arched prominence core noticeable in Mk4 at about 2206-2254UT, the CME is relatively wide and faint. Disturbance in the E-SE also visible in CoMP as a small dark feature moving outward. Limb: Very large, arched prominence eruption from behind the limb in the E visible at about 2200-2246UT. Some spinning motion noticeable in the southern leg of the erupting prominence. Very faint event in HeI Disk: Very large AR with spots in the SW is very active and shows brightening/flaring. Several small filaments in the N and S 2012-07-14 2012d196 Mk4 16:51-23:41; CHIP 16:40-23:41. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the SW. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the SW Several curved filaments in the SW and NW: large sigmoidal filament in the NW, thick filament in the SW. 2012-07-15 2012d197 Mk4 16:28-21:54; CHIP 16:28-21:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the SW. Large active prominence/AR surge rises above the W limb at about 2134-2244UT seen in GONG Halpha. Disk: Very large AR with spots in the SW Several curved filaments in the SW and NW 2012-07-16 2012d198 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy and windy. 2012-07-17 2012d199 Mk4 16:57-01:20; CHIP 16:46-01:21. Corona: Slow CME in progress in the W-SW with round front and large core visible in Mk4 at about 1657-1852UT Limb: Prominence system in the SW. Post-flare loops in the W-SW visible in HeI and Halpha (also seem to be visible or partly visible in CoMP) at 1820-2205UT at the location of the large AR near the limb, suggest an eruption from behind the W limb. Disk: Large AR with large spot in the W-SW near the limb. Filaments in the W. 2012-07-18 2012d200 Mk4 16:51-01:26; CHIP 16:46-01:30. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Prominences in the E-NE, SE, and SW are modestly active. Low-lying active prominence system in the W-NW shows flows parallel to the Sun's surface. Disk: Large AR at the W-SW limb is very active. Filaments in the W. 2012-07-19 2012d201 Mk4 16:51-21:07; CHIP 16:47-21:18. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the SE and SW. Post-flare loops/coronal rain in the W-SW noticeable in Halpha (barely visible in HeI) at about 1709-2125UT the location of the large AR, now behind the solar limb. Disk: Small AR plage in the SE. Very small flare/brightening at 1834-1842UT. Some filament activity just S of this AR at about 1809-1909UT. Long filament in the W near the limb. 2012-07-20 2012d202 Mk4 16:53-21:49; CHIP 16:44-21:45. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the NE, SE, W, and N-NW. Disk: Small AR plage in the SE shows some surging/brightening. Another AR plage at the SE limb. 2012-07-21 2012d203 Mk4 16:59-21:48; CHIP 16:40-21:49. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Nice, large, moderately active prominence in the W (was seen as a long filament on previous days) Narrow prominence in the SE. Significant surging off the E limb. Disk: AR plages in the SE. Another AR in the S shows continual surging and filament activity. 2012-07-22 2012d204 Mk4 16:43-21:39; CHIP 16:41-22:05. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large arched active prominence in the W. Smaller prominences in the E and SE. Disk: Small AR plages in the SE and S-SW. 2012-07-23 2012d205 Mk4 18:22-22:41; CHIP 16:32-22:48. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large but very faint active prominence in the NE shows motions parallel to the Sun's surface. A lot of activity/surging in the E. Disk: Small AR plages in the SE and SW. Faint filaments N and S. 2012-07-24 2012d206 Mk4 16:51-00:32; CHIP 16:45-00:41. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall and very active prominence in the NE. Small prominences in the SE, SW, and NW. Strong surging at the E-SE limb at about 1904-1922UT noticeable in Halpha and HeI. Disk: Small AR plages in the NE and SE near the limb and on the disk in the SE and SW Halpha flare very near the limb in the E-SE at about 1900-1910UT 2012-07-25 2012d207 Mk4 16:50-00:40; CHIP 16:29-00:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very large and tall, arched active prominence in the NE appears as twisted bundle of threads. Surging off the SE limb. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE, S, and SW. Thick active filaments in the E near the limb. 2012-07-26 2012d208 Mk4 16:52-00:23; CHIP 16:42-00:20. Corona: CME with bright twisted core but not a well defined front in the N-NE at about 1943-2350UT noticeable in Mk4, starts very slowly, the eruptive prominence first forms a cusp and the twists. Events not seen in CoMP but noisy data. Limb: Very large and tall arched prominence in the NE erupts at about 2110-2317UT. Nice eruptive event in HeI. Low-lying active prominence system in the SW. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE, S, and SW. Possible filament eruption or filament activation in the NE within a plage at about 1825-2001UT, almost simultaneous with the nearby prominence eruption. Three thick and very active filaments in the E-SE. 2012-07-27 2012d209 Mk4 16:52-00:27; CHIP 16:45-00:35. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Tall and large active prominence(s) in the SE. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE and SE. Small, very active AR in the NE. Very strong surging/filament activity in the area connecting the small AR in the NE with the one in the SE. Extremely active thick filament in the SE. 2012-07-28 2012d210 Mk4 17:01-23:46; CHIP 16:43-00:12. Corona: Slowly rising prominence in the SE at 1852-2248UT noticeable in Mk4. No clear CME in uncalibrated Mk4 data but there is a CME in LASCO that enters C2 fov at 2124UT. Not seen in CoMP. There may be a faint outward motion in the SE but barely noticeable. Limb: Tall and large active prominence(s)in the SE. Both erupt today. The northern leg of the prominence in the SE start rising and then erupts at about 1929-2321UT. The southern leg shows fast swirling motion after the first eruption and then rises and erupt at about 2350-0012UT, eruption still in progress at the end of the observing day. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE and SE. Bright compact Halpha flares in the two AR in the S-SE at about 1646-1741UT, and in the AR in the SE at about 2049-2117UT Extremely active filaments in the SE near the AR with spots. Thick filaments in the S and SW. 2012-07-29 2012d211 Mk4 17:22-00:28; CHIP 16:30-00:24. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very active prominence in the E. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE and S. Brightening within the AR in the SE. Extremely active curved filament in the S-SE, near AR, shows very fast motions that appear to launch material very high in the corona. Thick smaller filament in the SW are modestly active. 2012-07-30 2012d212 Mk4 17:14-22:36; CHIP 17:16-22:35. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the E Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE and S. Extremely active curved filament in the S, near AR, shows fast motions. Thick filament in the SW. 2012-07-31 2012d213 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Rain and hail. 2012-08-01 2012d214 Mk4 17:13-21:48; CHIP 16:39-21:49. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Prominences in the E-NE, E-SE, and NW. Apparent prominence eruption in the E-NE limb at 1829-1850UT, best seen in Halpha. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE near the limb. Large complex AR/filament system in the SW. Several thick, very active filaments in the S: curved, very active filament in the E-SE very near the limb, Extremely active filament in the W-SW, near AR, some material appears to be ejected very high and a small piece may escape. 2012-08-02 2012d215 Mk4 16:59-00:01; CHIP 16:44-00:19. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying prominence in the SW, was visible yesterday as filament Disk: Large AR in the SE near/at the limb. Large ARs with spots in the SW. Small eruption/surge from small plage region in the NW at about 0013-0027UT noticeable in GONG Halpha. Curved, very active filament in the E-SE. Thick active filament in the W-SW 2012-08-03 2012d216 Mk4 20:54-22:16; CHIP 16:47-22:50. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Bright and very active prominence in the SW, shows complex motions. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE. Another large AR in the SW. Small Halpha flare in the NE, in small AR with spot at about 2121-2133UT A lot of very active filaments on the Sun today: Long and very active, quasi-sigmoidal filament in the SE, near AR. Thick and extremely active filament in the SW, near AR, shows complex motions. Small very active filament in the NW in small AR plage, the filament seems to partially erupt at about 1825-1835UT, the event is visible in both Halpha and HeI. 2012-08-04 2012d217 Mk4 16:57-22:46; CHIP 16:45-22:44. Corona: Apparent faint outflow in the W-SW noticeable in Mk4. Limb: Small prominences in the W and SW. Small arched prominence eruption at the SW limb at about 2008-2032UT, some material falls back. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE. Another large AR in the SW. AR in the N shows continual surging activity and brightening. Very large, dark, sigmoidal filament in the SE is extremely active today, there is some flaring/activity near its SE edge at about 2255-2320UT 2012-08-05 2012d218 Mk4 16:52-21:51; CHIP 16:48-21:46. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Low-lying active prominence in the W-SW. Limb surging in the E-SE. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE. ARs in the N and SW. Very long sigmoidal filament in the S-SE is extremely active. 2012-08-06 2012d219 Mk4 16:56-23:06; CHIP 16:47-00:08. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Surge or irregularly shaped prominence eruption off the E-SE limb at the beginning of the MLSO observing day at about 1659-1717UT. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE. Smaller AR in the NW. Very long, sigmoidal filament in the S is extremely active today. It shows very fast and complex motions especially at its NW end, while the SE end appears to fade during the day. There is some brightening/activity near the SE end of the filament, within the AR. At the beginning of the MLSO observing day the area in the NW of appears bright in HeI which may indicate a flare just ended. 2012-08-07 2012d220 Mk4 16:58-00:33; CHIP 16:40-00:39. Corona: Apparent very faint outflow in the E in Mk4. Outward motion in the E seen by CoMP in velocity and intensity, corresponds to a bright flare in the AR in the E-SE. Limb: Several prominences visible today in the NE, SE, and NW. Active prominence in the NE, near AR. Disk: Large AR plage in the S. Two new AR plages at the NE and SE limb at about the same longitude (active longitude), the one in the SE is particularly active and shows continual surging and brightening. Very small, compact Halpha flare in this AR at about 1840-1858UT Very long, dark, sigmoidal filament in the S is very active. 2012-08-08 2012d221 Mk4 16:59-23:49; CHIP 17:33-00:56. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Many small prominences visible today in the NE, SE, SW, and NW. Faint, active prominence in the NE, starts to rise about 2228UT and moves along an arched trajectory but does not appear to erupt. Disk: Large AR plage in the S. Two new AR plages at the NE and SE limb at about the same longitude (active longitude). Very long, dark, sigmoidal active filament in the S. Some Halpha brightening at the E end of the filament within the large AR nearby. 2012-08-09 2012d222 Mk4 16:52-00:19; CHIP 16:47-00:23. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small active prominences in the W and SW. Disk: Large AR plage in the SW is still moderately active. Another smaller AR in the SW shows activity in Halpha at about 2134-2200UT: apparent small filament eruption at about 2134-2154UT and small Halpha brightening Two AR plages in the NE and SE form an active longitude, show strong surging/brightening. Very long, curved filament in the SW is moderately active. 2012-08-10 2012d223 Mk4 16:56-00:15; CHIP No Data. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: No available CHIP data yet Small prominences in the W and SW. Disk: Large AR plage in the SW, there is a small Halpha 2-ribbon flare at its SE end at about 1730-1800UT. Two ARs in the NE and SE form an active longitude. Long, modestly active, curved filament in the SW. AR filament in the SE. 2012-08-11 2012d224 Mk4 17:05-23:54; CHIP 16:36-00:26 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the NE shows swirling motions. Faint prominences in the SW. Disk: Large AR plage in the SW. Two ARs in the NE and SE form an active longitude. The AR in the NE shows some surging. The AR in the SE is particularly active, shows filament activity and brightening in Halpha at the beginning of the observing day. Long, modestly active, curved filament near the SW limb. 2012-08-12 2012d225 Mk4 16:57-00:45; CHIP 16:46-00421 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large, low-lying, active prominence in the W-SW (partly seen on-disk) Disk: Large AR plage near the SW limb. Two ARs in the N and S, near central meridian, form an active longitude. Long active filament near/at the SW limb (also seen as prominence) 2012-08-13 2012d226 Mk4 16:47-01:27; CHIP 16:41-01:25 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Possible faint outflow in the SW in Mk4 Limb: Large, very active prominence in the W-SW Active prominence in the NW. Disk: Two ARs in the N and S, near central meridian, form an active longitude. The AR in the N is particularly active Curved, active filament in the NW. 2012-08-14 2012d227 Mk4 16:59-00:33; CHIP 16:48-00:34 Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the E and NE. No calibrated CHIP data available yet. Disk: Large AR plage with spot in the N-NW moderately active, show some surging. Another, more active, AR in the SW. There is an Halpha flare in this AR at about 2223-2246UT 2012-08-15 2012d228 Mk4 16:55-01:05; CHIP 16:44-00:58. Corona: CME in the SE with bright front loop noticeable in Mk4 at about 0006-0047UT. Faint loop motion in CoMP. Limb: Large arched prominence in the NW. Prominence eruption in the SE from behind the limb at about 2337-0022UT visible in both HeI and Halpha, corresponds to Mk4 CME. Disk: Large AR plages in the NW and SW are moderately active, show some brightening. 2012-08-16 2012d229 Mk4 16:54-00:40; CHIP 16:43-00:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small, modestly active prominence in the E. Large prominence in the NW. Disk: Large AR plage in the NW is very active. Another large AR in the SW. Large curved filament in the SE. 2012-08-17 2012d230 Mk4 17:07-00:32; CHIP 16:45-00:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large active prominence in the E. Surging in the E-NE seen several times during the day. Low-lying active prominence in the SW and large prominence in the NW. Disk: Large AR plage in the NW is still active, shows brightening. Another large AR in the SW is near/at the limb. Large, moderately active curved filament in the S. Several small filaments in the N. 2012-08-18 2012d231 Mk4 17:10-00:35; CHIP 16:40-00:18. Corona: Slow, faint, narrow CME with bright prominence core in the E in Mk4, in progress at the beginning of the MLSO observing day, visible until about 2226UT, corresponds to a very faint outward motion in CoMP intensity. Limb: Active prominence in the E, visible early in the day. Small surging off the E limb starting at 2218-2249UT Very small prominences in the NE, SW, and W. Disk: AR plage in the NW near the limb Several filaments both N and S. A large curved filament in the SW. 2012-08-19 2012d232 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Windy. 2012-08-20 2012d233 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-08-21 2012d234 Mk4 16:57-22:16; CHIP 16:41-22:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the SW and NW. Very small prominences in the NE and SE. Disk: Small ARs in the N. Many filaments on the Sun in the N and S. Curved active filaments in the SE and SW, near the limb. 2012-08-22 2012d235 Mk4 16:50-22:19; CHIP 16:36-21:47. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominences in the SW Disk: Small ARs in the N show Halpha brightenings and filament activity. Possible partial filament eruption in the N, within the AR near central meridian at about 1855-1928UT Many filaments on the Sun in the N and S. Curved active filaments in the SE, near the limb. 2012-08-23 2012d236 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 18:18-20:30. Corona: No Mk4 data today. Cloudy Limb: Minor surging in the E-SE and E-NE. Very small prominences in the SW. Disk: Small ARs in the N. Many filaments on the Sun in the N and S. Apparent filament eruption in the SW at about 1902UT, visible until 1945UT (cloudy after that) 2012-08-24 2012d237 Mk4 17:00-00:41; CHIP 16:49-00:45. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Possible outward motion noticeable in CoMP in the E. Limb: Low-lying active prominence in the SE has two dark bubbles at its base. Disk: Small AR in the N-NE. Several filaments on the Sun, both N and S. Long filament in the NE. Curved, active filament in the SE. 2012-08-25 2012 Mk4 19:58-00:45; CHIP 16:44-00:58. Corona: Possible CME in the NE but only a few good images taken by Mk4 today. Limb: Nice, large prominence in the SE has two dark bubbles at its base. Slow upward motion of the prominence in the NE, this is a slow and large prominence eruption, still in progress at the end of the MLSO observing day. Disk: Small ARs in the N are very active and show brightening/flaring. Several active filaments on the Sun, both N and S. Very long filament in the NE extend down to the S. Curved, active filament in the SE. Thick active filament in the N 2012-08-26 2012d239 Mk4 17:00-00:36; CHIP 16:34-00:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Nice, large prominence in the SE has some bubbles at its base. Large and bright prominence in the E-SE. Strong surging in the E-NE. Disk: Small ARs in the N. Several long and active filaments on the Sun. Very long filament in the NE extend down to the SW. Long, curved, active filament in the S-SE. Thick active filament in the N. 2012-08-27 2012d240 Mk4 17:02-00:26; CHIP 16:57-00:26. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Large and bright prominence in the E-SE Faint active prominence in the SW. Disk: Large AR plage in the NE, smaller ARs in the NW and S. Several long filaments in the N and S are moderately active. 2012-08-28 2012d241 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 16:50-22:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Prominences in the E-SE and SW. Rising prominence in the NW at the beginning of the MLSO observing day, does not appear to erupt, most material simply falls back. Disk: Large AR plage in the NE, smaller ARs in the NW and S show small brightenings. Many long, thick, and active filaments in the NW, E-SE and S-SW. 2012-08-29 2012d242 Mk4 17:08-19:53; CHIP 17:08-20:27. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Very small prominences in the E. Disk: Large AR plage in the NE, smaller ARs in the NW and S, show small brightenings. Many long, thick, and active filaments in the NW, SE and S. 2012-08-30 2012d243 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-08-31 2012d244 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-09-01 2012d245 Mk4 17:29-00:41; CHIP 17:31-00:45. Corona: No Mk4 movie/data available yet. Limb: Large and active prominences in the SE, SW, and NW, correspond to coronal cavities. Another large, very active prominence in the W-SW shows strong motions along the Sun's surface in Halpha and HeI. Disk: Small AR near disk center shows continual flaring/brightening in Halpha. Another large AR near the SE limb. Disk surging and/or filament activity just N of disk center at about 1749-1820UT 2012-09-02 2012d246 Mk4 17:11-00:51; CHIP 17:05-00:56. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Nice coronal cavity in the SE Limb: Large and active prominences in the SE, SW, and NW. Very large, very active prominence in the W-SW, shows strong motions along the Sun's surface Disk: ARs in the SE and N-NW shows Halpha brightening. Filaments in the S-SW and N-NW. 2012-09-03 2012d247 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-09-04 2012d248 Mk4 17:18-23:21; CHIP 17:18-23:50. Corona: CME in the NE, only the beginning is seen in Mk4 at about 2239-2309UT followed by bad white-light images. Limb: Relatively faint but very active prominence in the NE, shows complex motions in Halpha and HeI at the beginning of the MLSO observing day and later erupts at about 2037-2237UT. Faint and slow HeI eruption, not well visible in Halpha. Small prominences in the SE, SW, E, and NW. Disk: AR plages in the SE and NW Large sigmoidal filament in the S-SW. Long filament near the NW limb. 2012-09-05 2012d249 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:43-23:11. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Foggy. Limb: Small, low-lying prominences in the SE, SW, and W-NW. Small bright loop in the W-SW visible in Halpha from about 1948UT to 2006UT Disk: AR plage in the S shows minor Halpha brightening. Curved, moderately active filament in the SW. 2012-09-06 2012d250 Mk4 16:54-23:31; CHIP 16:48-23:32. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Small eruption noticeable in CoMP from AR in the NE at about 2230-2300UT, appears as a dark elongated region moving outward, also noticeable in velocity (but noisy data), visible in SDO. Limb: Small, low-lying prominences in the SE and SW. Faint active prominence in the E. Large but faint prominence in N-NW. Low-lying, very active prominence in the W-SW Disk: AR plage in the S-SW. Curved, very active filament in the SW. 2012-09-07 2012d251 Mk4 17:05-21:47; CHIP 17:05-21:52. Corona: Bright feature at the north pole noticeable in Mk4 corresponds to large polar epl seen by SDO/AIA at 304A, best noticeable in white light after 1858UT Limb: Moderately active prominence in the SE and SW. Disk: Small AR plages in the SW shows some Halpha brightening. Several filaments both N and S. Strong filament activity or possible filament eruption in the SW seen in HeI at about 1828-2019UT 2012-09-08 2012d252 Mk4 17:04-20:12; CHIP 17:05-20:41. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the SE and SW. Disk: Small AR plages in the SW are very active, shows surging and Halpha brightening/flaring. First AR in the SW flares at about 1746-1916UT, then activity in AR near the SW limb follows (sympathetic eruption) at about 1750-1814UT, event best seen in Halpha 2012-09-09 2012d253 Mk4 17:19-21:38; CHIP 17:02-21:36. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active prominence in the SE and N-NW. Disk: Small AR plages in the SW are quite active Several filaments both N and S. Very active, long, sigmoidal filament in the S-SW partially erupts at about 1747-1830UT, the eruption is followed by a faint 2-ribbon flare noticeable in Halpha at about 1833-1950UT 2012-09-10 2012d254 Mk4 16:59-21:53; CHIP 16:46-22:58. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: No CHIP data available Small but very active prominence in the NE. Surging off the S-SE limb. Small prominences in the SE. Disk: Long filaments in the N and SW. 2012-09-11 2012d255 Mk4 19:26-23:59; CHIP 17:07-00:47. Corona: Faint outward motion in the W-SW noticeable in Mk4. Limb: Some limb activity/surging in the W-NW. Surging within the AR near/at the W-SW limb. Disk: Long filaments in the N and SW. Small piece of filament in the N-NW erupts at about 2044-2147UT 2012-09-12 2012d256 Mk4 17:06-00:32; CHIP 17:08-00:46. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Active prominence in the SE. Some limb surging in the W. Disk: Small ARs in the SE shows some brightening. Filaments in the NW and SW. 2012-09-13 2012d257 Mk4 16:42-00:55; CHIP 16:51-00:55. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Jet-like prominence eruption from AR behind the limb in the E-NE at about 1748-1805UT Prominence in the E. Disk: Small AR plages in the SE and NW. Large filament in the SW. 2012-09-14 2012d258 Mk4 17:02-00:42; CHIP 17:04-00:45. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Faint outward motion in CoMP in the E-SE after about 2100UT, continues until the end of the day, corresponds to AIA CME Limb: Prominence in the E. Disk: Small AR plages in the SE and NW. Large filament in the SW. 2012-09-15 2012d259 Mk4 17:06-00:37; CHIP 17:08-00:40. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Fast loop/cavity outward motion in the NW noticeable in CoMP at about 2200-2230UT, also seen in SDO, originates in large AR at the limb Limb: Prominence in the NE shows some complex/swirling motion and then starts to rise at 2343-0040UT. It will erupt after the end of the observing day. Long low-lying prominence in the E, Faint but large and tall prominence in the SW slowly rises. Disk: Small AR plages in the S. Larger AR in the NW, near the limb shows some activity. Small filament in the E. 2012-09-16 2012d260 Mk4 17:06-01:23; CHIP 17:09-01:22. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Faint outward motion in the W corresponds to filament eruption near the limb. Limb: Very active prominence in the E. Another, not very active, prominence in the N-NE. Disk: Small AR plages in the S. Filament eruption in the NW very near the limb at 2209-2225UT. 2012-09-17 2012d261 Mk4 23:10-00:56; CHIP 16:59-00:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Polar crown remnants over the N pole. Small prominences in the SE and SW. Disk: Small AR plages in the SW. AR plage in the NE. Filament in the E. 2012-09-18 2012d262 Mk4 17:12-00:26; CHIP 17:13-00:38. Corona: No Mk4 data available yet. Internet was down at MLSO today. Limb: Prominences in the SW and NW and over the N pole. Some limb surging in the E-NE. Disk: Large ARs in the E-NE and SE near the limb show some activity. Another large AR plage in the SW. Active filament in the E. 2012-09-19 2012d263 Mk4 19:20-20:09; CHIP 17:35-22:21. Corona: No Mk4 data today. Cloudy. Limb: Prominences in the SE, NW and over the N pole. Disk: Large ARs in the E-NE and SE near the limb and in the SW. Active filament SE of disk center. 2012-09-20 2012d264 Mk4 17:23-21:29; CHIP 17:38-21:28. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the E-SE, SE, and SW. Disk: Large ARs in the E-NE, SE, and SW. Active filaments just S of disk center. 2012-09-21 2012d265 Mk4 17:08-00:38; CHIP 17:11-00:46. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: A lot of prominence activity in the E (both E-SE and E-NE) Some prominence material appears to lift and fall back down. Disk: AR plages in the E, SE, and W-SW. Active filaments in the S. 2012-09-22 2012d266 Mk4 17:04-22:49; CHIP 17:06-22:52. Corona: Faint Mk4 CME in the NE at about 2111-2128UT. Outward motion in the E noticeable in CoMP at about 1934-1958UT, appears as a small dark region slowly moving outward. Limb: Low-lying prominence in the E-NE. Faint, very slow, small prominence eruption in the NW noticeable in HeI and Halpha at about 1706-2000UT Disk: AR plages in the E,SE and W-SW. Active filaments in the SW. 2012-09-23 2012d267 Mk4 17:15-00:50; CHIP 16:40-00:54. Corona: Faint outward motion in the W-SW noticeable in Mk4 early in the day. Very bright region visible in CoMP in the W-SW corresponds to post-eruption loops. Limb: Faint post-eruption loops in the E-SE noticeable in HeI. Minor surging off the E-NE limb. Disk: AR plages in the E and S show some filament activity and minor brightening. Several curved active filaments in the E, W, and SW. 2012-09-24 2012d268 Mk4 17:13-00:53; CHIP 17:07-00:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Small prominences in the E-NE, E, and SE Disk: Many AR plages on the Sun today: E, SE, and SW show some Halpha brightenings. Small AR in the N is particularly active. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long curved filament in the NE. Very active sigmoidal filament in the E, near the limb, the westernmost part of it erupts at about 2148-2254UT Small active filament in the S. Curved filaments in the SW. 2012-09-25 2012d269 Mk4 17:03-18:11; CHIP 17:07-00:30. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Faint outward motion in the NE noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Active tall prominences in the NE. Moderately active prominence in the SE. Surging in the E. Disk: AR plages in the SE near the limb, near disk center, and in the SW, show some Halpha brightenings. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long curved filament in the NE. Very active sigmoidal filament in the E. Curved filaments in the SW. 2012-09-26 2012d270 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-09-27 2012d271 Mk4 18:43-20:12; CHIP 17:20-00:50. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data. Limb: Very large, tall, very active prominence in the SE shows complex motions. Smaller prominences in the SW and W. Disk: Large AR plage in the SE and SW. Long curved filament near disk center. Very active filament in the W within AR erupts at the end of the day, ongoing eruption at 2328UT but some data gaps due to clouds, the eruption is followed by a bright Halpha 2-ribbon flare at about 2400-0050UT, also seen in HeI. 2012-09-28 2012d272 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:16-01:37. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Large active prominence in the SE with two large dark bubbles at its base. Spider-like active prominence in the SW. Smaller prominences in the S-SW and W. Disk: AR plages in the SE and SW. Large group of ARs in the W shows Halpha brightening. Large, moderately active, curved filament at disk center Smaller filaments in the W. 2012-09-29 2012d273 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-09-30 2012d274 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:29-22:33. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Large active prominence in the SE. Bright prominence in the SW. Both corresponds to large coronal cavities. Disk: AR in the SE shows Halpha flaring. Large AR plages in the S and W. Large, moderately active, curved filament in the W. Several smaller filaments N and S. 2012-10-01 2012d275 Mk4 18:09-18:22; CHIP 16:45-19:28. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Limb: Small prominence in the SE and SW. Limb surging in the W-NW from large AR at the limb followed by post-eruption loops noticeable in Halpha. Disk: Large AR plages in the S with large spots and in the W. Large, thick, active curved filament in the W 2012-10-02 2012d276 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-10-03 2012d277 Mk4 17:42-23:00; CHIP 17:18-23:32. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data Limb: Prominences in the SE. Disk: AR plages in the SE, S-SW and W. Long, thick active filament in the S-SE. AR filaments in the W. 2012-10-04 2012d278 Mk4 16:47-00:55; CHIP 16:47-00:54. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in uncalibrated Mk4 data Limb: Prominences in the SE and W-NW. Disk: AR plages in the SE, SW and W. Thick, very active filament in the SE. AR filaments in the W. 2012-10-05 2012d279 Mk4 17:07-00:33; CHIP 17:15-00:37. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Small active prominences in the NE and W-NW. Large, very active, prominence in the SE shows fast spinning motion, start to fade at the end of the MLSO observing day, no material appears to escape. Disk: Small AR plage in the SE. Larger AR plage in the SW shows minor activity. Very thick, active filament in the S, near the S pole. Long filament in the S-SW. 2012-10-06 2012d280 Mk4 17:05-23:06; CHIP 17:07-23:07. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Some activity in the AR at the E limb noticeable in CoMP Limb: Tall faint prominence in the E. Prominence in the SE. Very active prominence/filament in the S start to rise toward the end of the day. Disk: Small AR plage in the SE. AR plage in the SW. Very active, tall & thick filament/prominence over the S pole. Sparsely filled, long filaments in the N and SE. Small AR filaments in the SW. 2012-10-07 2012d281 Mk4 17:08-00:32; CHIP 16:41-00:31. Corona: Apparent outflow in the NE noticeable in Mk4, possible cme. Limb: Prominence in the SE. Tall, faint prominence in the E-SE. Disk: AR plages in the SE, S, and SW. 2-ribbon flare signature (after large southern filament eruption during MLSO night) appears to be still seen in HeI. Sparsely filled, long filaments in the NW and SE. Small, thick filaments near the SW limb. 2012-10-08 2012d282 Mk4 17:08-22:57; CHIP 16:48-23:07. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Bright active prominence in the W-SW Disk: AR plages in the SE, S, and SW. Very faint, sparsely filled, long filaments in the NW. Long filament in the SE. 2012-10-09 2012d283 Mk4 17:04-21:20; CHIP 17:05-21:21. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Bright, tall, very active spider prominence in the W-SW. Low-lying prominences in the E. Disk: AR plages in the NE near the limb, SE and S-SW (shows some surging) Long filament in the SE. 2012-10-10 2012d284 Mk4 17:07-00:38; CHIP 17:10-00:43. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Bright, tall, active spider prominence in the W-SW. Low-lying prominence system in the SE. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE and S. Large surge and small Halpha flare within the AR with a spot in the SW at about 1850-2036UT. Long filament in the SE. 2012-10-11 2012d285 Mk4 17:06-00:55; CHIP 17:07-00:52. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Very small prominences in the N and SW. Surging off-limb in the NE at the beginning of the observing day at about 1710-1725UT from the AR behind the limb. Disk: AR in the NE is quite active, shows some Halpha brightenings. Minor disk surging in the SE. Very long active filament in the S-SW. Long, sparsely filled filament in the NW. 2012-10-12 2012d286 Mk4 17:10-00:36; CHIP 17:13-00:39. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: No noticeable limb activity today. Very small prominences in the NE and SE. Disk: ARs in the NE and SE show surging and Halpha brightenings. Very long, moderately active filament in the SW. Sparsely filled filament in the NW. Smaller curved filaments in the E. 2012-10-13 2012d287 Mk4 17:07-00:59; CHIP 17:12-00:56. Corona: CME noticeable in Mk4 in the E-NE at the end of the observing day, about 0032-0059UT. There is a faint, narrow outflow in CoMP at this location that appears as a small dark region moving outward, seen in intensity, velocity and line-width Limb: Large loop-shaped surge from behind the limb in the E-NE limb seen by GONG after the end of the HeI observations at about 0216-0258UT. Disk: Halpha flare within the AR in the NE at the end of the observing day at about 2347-0033UT, appears to be the source of the Mk4 CME. AR plages in the E and SE. Very long, moderately active filament in the SW. Smaller curved filaments in the E and S. 2012-10-14 2012d288 Mk4 19:45-22:06; CHIP 19:46-22:08. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Very small prominences in the SE, NW, and N. One small and relatively faint but very active prominence in the W-NW, shows irregular motions. Disk: ARs in the NE. Some surging from decayed AR plage in the SE. Curved active filament in the SE. Long curved filament in the S. Long filament in the SW. 2012-10-15 2012d289 Mk4 17:09-01:16; CHIP 17:11-01:17. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Modestly active prominence in the SE. Small prominences in the SW (low-lying, also seen on-disk) and NW Some surging off the E-NE limb. Disk: ARs in the NE, N, and SE. Long curved active filament(s) in the S and SW. Very long filament in the SW very near the solar limb. 2012-10-16 2012d290 Mk4 17:09-23:07; CHIP 17:11-00:35. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active, large hedgerow prominences in the S-SE has two small dark bubbles at its base. Small prominence in the SW. Disk: AR plages in the N and S. Some minor activity within the two AR in the NE and N. A lot of filament activity in curved filament near the AR in the SW. A curved, sparsely filled, active filament in the S. Very long filament in the SW very near/at the limb, partly seen off-limb. 2012-10-17 2012d291 Mk4 17:13-23:08; CHIP 17:03-23:15. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Moderately active hedgerow prominence in the S-SE has two small dark bubbles at its base. Active prominences in the SW. Disk: AR plages in the N and S. Some minor activity within the two AR in the N and NW. Some filament activity in the SW near AR. Long curved filament in the S. 2012-10-18 2012d292 Mk4 17:11-00:23; CHIP 17:06-00:23. Corona: Narrow and very faint CME noticeable in Mk4 in the SW as a dark cavity moving outward 2204-2321UT Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: Small and faint prominences in the N-NE and N-NW. Low-lying active prominences in the E-NE. Large hedgerow prominence S-SE. Active prominence in the S-SW. Very faint prominence eruption in progress in the SW at the beginning of the observing day at about 1706-2204UT, corresponds to coronal cavity eruption. Disk: Several AR plages in the N and S. Thick, curved filament in the SW. 2012-10-19 2012d293 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:14-00:42. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: Faint prominence in the N. Large, moderately active, hedgerow prominence in the S-SE. Long, low-lying prominence in the W-SW. Active arched prominence in the W. Strong continual surging in the E-SE limb from AR behind the limb. Disk: Several AR plages in the N and S. Some Halpha brightening and filament activity within the ARs in the NE Halpha flaring within the AR in the S-SE at about 1844-1908UT. Thick filament in the W, near the limb, also seen as prominence. 2012-10-20 2012d294 Mk4 17:10-00:24; CHIP 17:11-00:29. Corona: Relatively small CME with round front and bright core in the E-SE seen in Mk4 at about 1816-1847UT Coronal loops motion in the E noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: Faint arched prominence in the NE. Low-lying prominence in the S-SE also seen on-disk Very large, very active, arched prominence in the W-SW shows fast motions parallel to the Sun's surface. Two smaller arched prominences in the W and NW. Prominence eruption from near/behind the limb at the same location of the prominence in the W-SW at about 2046-2110 is seen superposed to the large active prominence in the foreground, event is seen in both Halpha and HeI. Some surging in the E-SE limb from AR behind the limb. Fast surging in the E. Disk: Several AR plages in the N and S. AR in the E-NE shows surging and filament activity. Thick active filament in the E-NE near the limb. Filament in the SE also seen as prominence 2012-10-21 2012d295 Mk4 xx-23:47 CHIP 17:10-22:49. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 data. Coronal cavity in the N-NE. Limb: Faint prominence systems in the N and NW. Faint active prominence in the E-NE. Large and bright, very active arched prominence in the W-SW shows complex motions, erupts shortly after MLSO data end. Some surging in the E-SE. Large faint loop in the E-SE near AR. Disk: Several AR plages both N and S. Many filaments on the Sun today: NE, SE, W, and near the S pole. 2012-10-22 2012d296 Mk4 19:35-00:11; 19:51-24:33. Weather: Cloudy Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Faint prominence systems in the N. Faint active prominence in the W. Coronal rain along the large and faint loop in the E-SE near AR. Disk: Several AR plages both N and S. Many filaments on the Sun today: NE, SE, W, and near the S pole. 2012-10-23 2012d297 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today 2012-10-24 2012d298 Mk4 17:17-19:08; CHIP 17:15-19:17. Weather: Fog and rain. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Faint but very tall loop in the E. Thin prominence in the SE. Large active arched prominence in the SW. Small moderately active arched prominence in the W. Disk: Several AR plages both N and S. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long filaments in the N and SE. Small filaments in the W. Long thick and active polar filament in the S 2012-10-25 2012d299 Mk4 No Data; CHIP xx;xx-xx:xx Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: No CHIP data available yet. Relatively tall prominence in the SE. Disk: No CHIP data available yet. Flaring/surging in AR in the NW. AR with spot in the SE. Long filament in the SE. Large thick filament near the S pole. 2012-10-26 2012d300 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today 2012-10-27 2012d301 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today 2012-10-28 2012d302 Mk4 17:35-23:17; CHIP 17:32-00:49. Corona: No Mk4 observation today. Instrument problems. Limb: Large prominence system in the SE. Arched prominence in the SW. Very active, irregularly-shaped prominence in the W-NW. Disk: AR in the SW. Many long filaments on the Sun today: Long, curved active filament in the SE. Long active filament in the SW. Thick, active filament in the W. 2012-10-29 2012d303 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:03-01:16 Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Dark round coronal cavity in the SE noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Large, active prominence system in the SE, has dark bubble at its base. Large active prominence in the SW. Very active, irregularly-shaped prominence in the W-NW. Disk: AR plages in the SE near the limb, and in the W. Eruption in AR in the W, starts at the end of the MLSO observing day, flare and filament eruption seeing in GONG/Halpha after CHIP HeI data stop, HeI capture the very beginning of the filament eruption. Many long filaments on the Sun today: Very long, curved active filament in the SE. Very long active filament in the SW. Thick, active filament in the W. Another active filament in the W. 2012-10-30 2012d304 Mk4 18:10-23:45; CHIP 17:17-00:44. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Dark round coronal cavity in the SE noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Active prominences in the SE and SW. The one in the SW has a dark bubble at its base. Disk: AR in the SW with spot. Long active filaments in the SE and SW. Filament eruption in progress at the beginning of the observing day: the filaments in the W-NW erupts starting around 1710UT, the event is also seen off-limb. Extreme activity in the other filament in the W, appears to partially erupts in Halpha, there is flare brightening signature associated with this eruption seen in Halpha. 2012-10-31 2012d305 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:17-00:07. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Dark round coronal cavity in the SE noticeable in CoMP. Limb: Moderately active prominence in the SE. Tall, very active prominence in the SW, possibly pre-eruptive, is seen to rise during the MLSO observing day. Faint surging in the W at the beginning of the observing day from behind the limb. Disk: ARs in the SW with spot. Long, active filaments in the SE and SW. 2012-11-01 2012d306 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:16-01:04. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Faint outward motion in the W apparent in CoMP Limb: Many large and active prominences on the Sun today: NE, E, SE, SW and NW. The large prominence system in the NW is particularly active. The low-lying prominence system in the SW is very active, also seen as active filament near the limb. The quasi spider-shaped prominence in the E is also very active. Disk: AR plages in the E, SE, and W. Long active filaments in the S-SE, also seen as prominence at the SE limb. Several active filaments in the SW near the limb. 2012-11-02 2012d307 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:13-00:48. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Large active prominence in the E. Low-lying prominences in the SE and SW are modestly active. Very tall all and thin prominence in the NW rises and fades at about 1713-2142UT, some material drain down to the Sun's surface. This corresponds to the the end of the eruption of the large prominence that was visible yesterday. The eruption happened shortly before the start of the MLSO observing day. Disk: AR plages in the E and SE. Very thick and very active long filament in the S-SE. Small active filament in the W-SW appears to partially erupt after the end of the MLSO data. 2012-11-03 2012d308 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:11-00:25. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Relatively faint, moderately active prominences in the E and NW. Very active, low-lying prominence in the SW, shows complex motions. Disk: AR plages in the E and S. Long and very thick filament in the S. 2012-11-04 2012d309 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:16-00:36. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Very active, large prominence in the SW, shows complex motions. Small prominence in the SE. Faint prominence in the N-NW. Disk: Small AR plages in the E and S. Small filament eruption in the SE at about 2315-2333UT seen in GONG Halpha and HeI. 2012-11-05 2012d310 Mk4 No Data; CHIP xx:xx Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Very tall and large, very active prominence in the W-SW. Small prominence in the SE. Faint prominence in the N-NW. No CHIP data available yet. Disk: AR plages in the N. Small active filament in the E-SE. Small filaments in the S. No CHIP data available yet. 2012-11-06 2012d311 Mk4 No Data; Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Active prominence in the E-SE. Limb surging at the same location. Very tall and large, very active prominence in the W-SW appears to fade. Small prominence in the SE. Faint prominence in the N-NW. ` No CHIP data available yet. Disk: AR plages in the N. Active filament in the E-SE, near the limb. No CHIP data available yet. 2012-11-07 2012d312 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:11-23:52. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Large active prominence in the E-SE. Smaller prominence in the SE. Strong surging in the E-NE from AR very near the limb, noticeable in GONG Halpha after HeI observations stop. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE, SW, and NW. Very active, curved filament in the SE, near the limb. 2012-11-08 2012d313 Mk4 17:44-01:02; CHIP 17:06-01:00. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: No significant limb activity today. Disk: AR plages in the NE, SE, and SW. Very active, curved filament in the E=SE, will partly erupt tomorrow during the MLSO observing night. Long, sparsely filled filament in the S. 2012-11-09 2012d314 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:21-00:36. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Low-lying, very active prominence in the SE. Large, faint prominence in the SW, modestly active. Small prominences in the NE and NW. Disk: AR plages in the NE and SE, and SW near the limb. Brightening in the AR in the SE Small active filaments in the E-SE. Long, very sparsely filled filament in the S. 2012-11-10 2012d315 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:26-00:48. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Limb: Low-lying, extremely active prominence in the SE. Slow eruption in progress in the SW of the very large and tall prominence that was very active yesterday, 1726-0048UT Small prominences in the NE and NW. Disk: AR plages with spots in the NE and SE. Strong surging in the ARs in the NE. Continual surging/brightening within AR in the SE. Very active filaments in the E-SE. 2012-11-11 2012d316 Mk4 17:43-19:07; CHIP 17:02-00:52. Corona: No observations available today. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: NE, SE, and NW. Very large, extremely active prominence in the SE, shows fast motions along Sun's surface moving both N ans S. Some limb surging in in the NE. Disk: AR plages with spots in the NE, SE and S. Active filaments in the S. 2012-11-12 2012d317 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:10-00:30. Corona: No Mk4 observations today. Instrument problems. Outward motion noticeable in CoMP in the SE from large AR at the limb at about 1850-1920UT, visible in intensity and line width, very clear in velocity, seen in SDO, there is a flare in SDO. Data gap in LASCO on Nov 11 but CME in progress in LASCO/C2 and C3 the next day. Limb: Many active prominences on the Sun today: NE, SE, SW, and NW. Large, low-lying, very active prominence in the SE. Disk: AR plages with spots in the N and S. Surging/brightening within ARs in the NE, SE and S. Small active filaments both N and S. 2012-11-13 2012d318 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-14 2012d319 Mk4 19:01-19:57; CHIP 17:21-00:57. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Faint outflow noticeable in CoMP from AR behind the W-NW limb, also seen in SDO Limb: Large low-lying active prominence in the E-NE shows strong flow along the Sun's surface. Smaller active prominence in the SE. Disk: Many large ARs with spots in the NE, SE, SW, and N-NW. The two ARs in the S show brightening/flaring. Many active filaments on the Sun today: a very long curved prominence/filament system in the NE, a smaller active filament in the SE, also smaller filaments in the S and NW. 012-11-15 2012d320 Mk4 19:14-23:25; CHIP 17:22-22:29. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: Large, low-lying prominence systems in the E-NE and W-NW. Low-lying prominence in the SE and partial prominence eruption at this location seen by GONG after the end of the MLSO observing day. Smaller prominences in the E-SE, SW, and N-NW. Disk: Many ARs both N and S with spots. Some Halpha brightening within the AR in the NW. Some Halpha brightening and filament activity within the AR in the S-SE. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long, curved filaments in the N-NE, N and NW. Long curved, very active filament in the S-SE has one end within the AR plage in the S-SE. Another filament in the SW. 2012-11-16 2012d321 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 20:52-23:07. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Prominences in the SE, S-SE, and N-NW. Disk: Many ARs both N and S with spots. Halpha brightenings within the two ARs in the N near central meridian. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long, curved, moderately active filaments in the N-NE, N and NW. Thick filament in the SW. 2012-11-17 2012d322 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 21:48-00:07. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Several small prominences on the Sun today: NE, SW, and NW. A bright, active arched prominence in the SE. Disk: Many ARs in the N with spots. AR plages at the SE and SW limb. Many filaments in the N: thick filaments in the NE, long curved filament in the N. Another thick filament in the SW. 2012-11-18 2012d323 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 19:09-21:03. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Small prominences in the SW, W, and NW. Prominence eruption in progress in the SE visible at about 1909-2009UT. Disk: Large ARs in the N with spots. Many filaments in the N: thick filaments in the NE and N, long curved filament in the N. Thick filaments in the SE and SW. 2012-11-19 2012d324 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 19:06-22:51. Weather: Cloudy. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Small prominences in the SE and SW. Active prominence system(s) in the NW. Faint prominence in the N-NW. Disk: Large AR plages with spots in the N. Many filaments on the Sun today: thick filament in the NE, long, sparsely filled filament in the N, smaller filaments in the SE, and W. 2012-11-20 2012d325 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy and foggy. 2012-11-21 2012d326 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Overcast and light rain. 2012-11-22 2012d327 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-23 2012d328 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-24 2012d329 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-25 2012d330 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-26 2012d331 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Very cloudy. 22012-11-27 2012d332 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:43-00:40. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Active prominence in the S-SW. Active prominence and surging from AR at the E limb. Continual surging from AR at the W limb. Disk: Continual flaring and surging from AR complex with spots in the SW. Long active filament in the S-SW. 2012-11-28 2012d333 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-11-29 2012d334 Mk4 19:57-20:19; CHIP 17:59-21:32. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Active prominences in the E-NE and E-SE. Faint active prominence in the SE, a small piece may erupt. Prominence eruption from behind the limb in the S noticeable in GONG Halpha visible at about 1800-1830UT, barely visible in HeI. Active prominence in the S-SW. Low-lying active prominence in the SW. Disk: Large AR complex in the NE with spots is very active with continual flaring. Large AR complex with spots in the SW very near the limb shows brightenings Long modestly active filament in the SE. Long, curved active filament in the S-SW. 2012-11-30 2012d335 Mk4 22:43-00:21; CHIP 22:41-00:33. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Moderately active prominence in the N-NE. Two active prominences in the E-SE and SE. Two moderately active prominences in the S-SW and SW. Surging off the SW limb. Disk: Large AR plage with spots in the NE is very active, shows brightening/flaring Active filament in the SE. Curved filament in the S-SW. Small AR filaments in the N. 2012-12-01 2012d336 Mk4 18:55-00:30; CHIP 17:36-00:34. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Many prominences on the Sun today: N-NE, NE, E-SE, SE, SW, and W-SW, all modestly to moderately active. The large and tall prominence in the E-SE is very active. Minor surging off the SW limb. Disk: Large AR plage with spots in the NE is very active, shows strong surging. Smaller AR plage in the N Active filament in the SE. Curved filament in the S-SW. Small AR filaments in the N. 2012-12-02 2012d337 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 19:49-21:22. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-12-03 2012d338 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:33-00:02. Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Small prominences in the NE, SE, and S-SW. Larger, low-lying active prominence in the SW. Disk: Large, active AR complex in the N, near central meridian. Long, active filament in the NE. Several small filaments in the NW in decayed ARs. Very long, thick, very active filament in the S. Another long filament in the S. 2012-12-04 2012d339 Mk4 19:20-20:29; CHIP 17:35-22:00. Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Large, low-lying, arched prominence system in the E is very active. Low-lying, active prominence in the SW. Disk: Large, active AR complex in the N-NW. Some surging in the smaller AR in the NE, near the limb. large AR complexes in the NE and SE, at/near the limb Very long, thick, very active filament in the S. Another long filament in the S. Several small filaments in the N. 2012-12-05 2012d340 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. Cloudy. 2012-12-06 2012d341 Mk4 22:13-00:49; CHIP 20:34-01:27. Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Faint but large and active prominence system over the N pole. Very small prominences in the E, SE, SW, W-NW, and NW. Disk: AR complexes in the NE, SE, and NW. Very long, thick, curved, active filament in the E. Long filaments in the S. 2012-12-07 2012d342 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:40-21:38. Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Faint prominence in the N. Small prominences in the NE and SE. Strong surging of the W-NW limb, a small piece seems to erupt. Disk: AR complexes in the NE, SE, and NW. Very long, thick, curved, active filament in the E. Long filaments in the S. 2012-12-08 2012d343 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-09 2012d344 Mk4 20:48-00:26; CHIP 17:38-01:07. Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Small prominence in the NE. Minor surging off the W limb. Disk: AR complexes in the NE, SE, and NW, near the limb. Continual Halpha surging in small AR in the N, near central meridian. Curved filament in the E, near the limb. Long, curved filament in the E (extends from N to S) Two long filaments in the S-SW. 2012-12-10 2012d345 Mk4 18:52-01:31; CHIP 17:49-00:02. Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Small prominences in the NE and SW. Large, arched, very active prominence in the NW shows motions parallel to Sun's surface. Disk: Small ARs in the N shows continual brightening/surging. Large AR in the NE near the limb. Many filaments on the Sun today: Long curved filament near central meridian, two long, thick, active filament in the SW smaller filaments in the N. 2012-12-11 2012d346 Mk4 23:01-00:27; CHIP 18:19-20:07. Weather: Cloudy. Only a few usable images Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Large arched prominence in the NW has a dark bubble at its base. Disk: ARs in the N. Long, active filaments near central meridian, and in the SW. Thick active filament at the NE limb. 2012-12-12 2012d347 Mk4 xx:xx-xx:xx; CHIP 17;32-01:29 Weather : Cloudy Corona: No Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Active prominences in the SW and W-SW. Large, very active prominence system in the W-NW Disk: Large AR at the NE limb. Large AR plage with spots in the NW shows Halpha brightenings. Many long filaments on the Sun today: Thick, long active filament in the NE Two long, active curved filaments in the SW, the one next to the large AR shows particularly strong activity. Long, sparsely filled polar crown in the S. 2012-12-13 2012d348 Mk4 20:40-20:43; CHIP 17:33-00:17. Weather : Cloudy Corona: No good Mk4 observations. Instrument problems. Limb: Active prominences in the SW, W-SW and NW. Disk: Large AR at the NE limb. Large AR plage with spots in the NW shows Halpha flaring. Many long filaments on the Sun today: Thick, long, very active filament in the NE One long, active, curved filaments in the SW next to the AR. Full filament eruption in the SE during data gap. Long, sparsely filled polar crown in the S. 2012-12-14 2012d349 Mk4 17:48-00:27; CHIP 17:45-00:39. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Large very active prominence in the E-SE is seen to arch and slowly erupt in Halpha and HeI at about 1830-2324UT, nice event. Smaller prominences in the E-NE and SW. Disk: ARs in the NE, SE, and NW. The large AR in the NE show a lot of activity and Halpha flaring. There is a an active filament just south of this AR. Long, active, sparsely filled filament in the N. 2012-12-15 2012d350 Mk4 17:46-00:36; CHIP 17:38-00:39. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4. Limb: Prominences in the SW. Disk: ARs in the NE, E-SE, and NW, all very active: Some Halpha brightening within the AR in the E-SE. Filament within the AR in the NE partially erupts at about 1850-1925UT, there is an HeI brightening associated with this eruption. Brightening and filament activity within/next the AR in the NW. Long, thick filament in the N is very active. 2012-12-16 2012d351 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-17 2012d352 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-18 2012d353 Mk4 No Data; CHIP xx;:xx Corona: No Mk4 data available. Limb: Large but faint prominence system in the SE is very active, rises to significant heights during the course of the day. Active prominence in the W and NW. Coronal rain the E at the location of the AR at the limb. Surging of the SW limb noticeable in Halpha. Disk: Large AR complex in the SE shows some Halpha brightening. AR at the E limb. Decayed AR in the N with small filaments. Sparsely filled filament in the SE. 2012-12-19 2012d354 Mk4 No Data; CHIP 17:46-01:25. Corona: No Mk4 data available. Limb: Very large and tall arched prominence in the E-SE is very active Smaller prominences in the N, E and SE. Surging in the W-NW. Disk: Large AR complexes in the E and SE show minor activity. Long curved filament in the E-SE. Small filaments in the N. 2012-12-20 2012d355 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-21 2012d356 Mk4 18:07-00:49; CHIP 17:43-00:51. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 but noisy data. Limb: Low-lying prominences in the E-NE. Disk: Large AR with spot in the NE with spot, shows some Halpha brightening/flaring. Large AR with spots in the S-SW shows minor surging. Long curved filament in the S is seen to fade 2012-12-22 2012d357 Mk4 17:49-00:54; CHIP 17:45-00:58. Corona: No noticeable coronal activity in Mk4 but noisy data. Limb: Low-lying prominences in the E-NE and SW. Disk: Large AR with spots in the E and SW. No GONG Halpha data. Long curved filament in the S. 2012-12-23 2012d358 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-24 2012d359 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-25 2012d360 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-26 2012d361 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today 2012-12-27 2012d362 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-28 2012d363 Mk4 18:07-01:13; CHIP 18:09-01:11. Corona: No MK4 or CoMP data available yet. Limb: Many small prominences today all around the Sun: E-NE, E-SE, SE, S-SW, and SW Very faint, arched prominence eruption in the W-NW noticeable from 1809 to about 2124UT. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, SE, and NW. Modestly active filament in the SW. 2012-12-29 2012d364 Mk4 17:51-00:58; CHIP 17:37-01:02. Corona: No MK4 or CoMP data available yet. Limb: Many small prominences today all around the Sun: NE, E-NE, SE, S-SW, and NW Prominence eruption in the E-NE at about 2230-0050UT This is a relatively small prominence that lifts and arches, Its motion seems to have a line-of-sight component. Disk: Large AR plages in the NE, SE, and NW. Filament eruption in the SE at about 1737-2130UT 2012-12-30 2012d365 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today. 2012-12-31 2012d366 Mk4 No Data; CHIP No Data. No observations at MLSO today.