The following is a list of activity as seen by the observers at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) in Hawaii. Additional information may be added by the personnel at the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) where the data is processed and analyzed. The initials of the HAO personnel are indicated in parenthesis. Dates are given by calendar day and by year/day-of-year. Key of abbreviations: ADF - Active dark filament AFS - Arch filament system AP - Active Prominence APR - Active Prominence Region AR - Active Region ASR - Active Surge Region BOU - Boulder, Colorado Observatory BSD - Bright surge on the disk BSL - Bright surge on the limb CME - Coronal Mass Ejection CRN - Coronal rain DPMON - Digital prominence monitor DSD - Dark surge on the disk DSF - Disappearing filament EPL - Eruptive prominence on the limb MDP - Mound prominence MLSO - Mauna Loa Solar Observatory QP - Quiescent prominence PA - Position angle (measured counterclockwise from north pole. eg. east equator = 90 degrees, west equator = 270 degrees) RV - Radius vector UT - Universal Time WL - White light NOTE: (bracketed letters indicate observer's initials) ***************************************************************************** 1/1/88 88d001 NO DATA. 1/2/88 88d002 QP: 42; 123-131. No coronal activity. 1/3/88 88d003 QP: 130. No coronal activity. 1/4/88 88d004 NO DATA. 1/5/88 88d005 QP: 130; 228; 267; 278; 287; 297; 315. No coronal activity. 1/6/88 88d006 QP: 230; 231. No coronal activity. 1/7/88 88d007 QP: 230; 245; 262. Large faint arch at PA 135-155, RV 1.2, footpoints faded throughout morning. AP on disk, near SE limb at mid latitude. AR on disk in SW quadrant, near CMP. Small EPL at PA 297 from around 19:17-20:23 UT, RV to 1.15. No coronal activity. 1/8/88 88d008 QP: 48; 134; 218. AR at PA 270-290. Small coronal enhancement to inner corona at PA 290, possibly due to flaring region underneath in AR. 1/9/88 88d009 QP: 40; 220. No coronal activity. 1/10/88 88d010 QP: 40; 142. AR: PA 124, produced small limbflare between 18:49-19:11 UT. Overlying streamer enhanced between PA 110-150 between 18:28-19:45 UT. 1/11/88 88d011 QP: 35-45; 110; 145. Small coronal changes observed during the day in SE quadrant. 1/12/88 88d012 QP: 40; 120; 220; 290; 303; 315. No coronal activity. 1/13/88 88d013 QP: 30; 40; 126; 135; 215-224; 308. No coronal activity. 1/14/88 88d014 QP: 50; 80; 218; 222; 307. Some coronal depletion overnight PA 220-260, there was a loop prominence RV 1.05 yesterday. There was a small amount of coronal enhancement in the area today. 1/15/88 88d015 QP: 72; 95; 125; 134; 235; 243; 255; 286; 300; 308. No coronal activity. 1/16/88 88d016 QP: 50; 125; 305. No coronal activity. 1/17/88 88d017 QP: 40; 48; 113; 130; 224; 310. Some coronal enhancement overnight in the NW quadrant. No coronal activity. 1/18/88 88d018 QP: 44; 129; 270; 315. No coronal activity. 1/19/88 88d019 QP: 30-65; 90; 228; 255; 315. AR: 130. No coronal activity. 1/20/88 88d020 QP: 52; 129; 136; 240. Seven distinct sunspots on disk. No coronal activity. 1/21/88 88d021 QP: 133; 207; 240; 296-304. No coronal activity. 1/22/88 88d022 QP: 86; 139; 209; 239; 312; 217. No coronal activity. 1/23/88 88d023 QP: 97; 114; 317. AR producing large faint arch and sprays at PA 207-260. No coronal activity. 1/24/88 88d024 QP: 32; 282-298; 314. AR with faint loops PA 202-222. Limb flare PA 238 began at 18:08 and over by 18:50 UT. Small coronal changes, small amount of enhancement SW quadrant. 1/25/88 88d025 Cloudy, NO DATA. 1/26/88 88d026 Cloudy, NO DATA. 1/27/88 88d027 Cloudy, NO DATA. 1/28/88 88d028 QP: 300; 319. AR PA 202-212 to 1.15 RV. Surge PA 70, 20:40 - 21:14 UT. Small coronal enhancement seen over AR's. Coronal enhancement seen PA 40-80. Enhancement at PA 40-70; 200-225 [CA]. 1/29/88 88d029 QP: 205; 210; 220-228. Possible overnight coronal change at PA 320-340. No coronal activity. 1/30/88 88d030 QP: 40; 140; 196-210; 213-223; 240; 272; 320. Limbflare from around 20:45 - 21:20 UT at PA 110, RV 1.1. Coronal enhancement at PA 60-70 throughout the morning. 1/31/88 88d031 QP: 136-142; 210-220; 225-230; 250-254; 256; 282; 315-320. Some coronal depletion overnight. No coronal activity. 2/1/88 88d032 QP: 85; 127-150; 210-235; 315. No coronal activity. 2/2/88 88d033 AR: PA 135, decreased size and brightness. AR: PA 220-232, changed and grew a bit. No coronal activity. 2/3/88 88d034 QP: 109; 112; 232; 302; 306; 317; 320. AP: 218 with little change. AR 129-145 changed during morning. No coronal activity. 2/4/88 88d035 QP: 114; 130-146; 157-180; 218; 270; 280. AR, PA 325. No coronal activity. 2/5/88 88d036 QP: 42; 92; 100; 134-141; 260; 277; 318. Large dome shaped QP, PA 145-170, RV 1.2. No coronal activity. 2/6/88 88d037 QP: 45; 260-265. AP: 100-105; 115; 135. Possible overnight EPL. Some coronal enhancement observed at PA 120-150. 2/7/88 88d038 Cloudy, NO DATA. 2/8/88 88d039 Cloudy, NO DATA. 2/9/88 88d040 Several faint QPs on limb. No coronal activity. 2/10/88 88d041 QP: 126; 267; 272-278; 332. No coronal activity. 2/11/88 88d042 QP: 149; 227; 246; 270; 290; 320. AP: 105; 132-142. Possible coronal activity at PA 60-80 all morning. Enhancement at PA 125-135. Prominence moves PA 70-80 [CA]. No ejections [CA]. 2/12/88 88d043 QP: 145; 228; 348; 301; 318. Corona enhanced PA 50-60 from 18:00 - 19:00, then brightness diminished a bit same region. Doubt it was CME related. 2/13/88 88d044 QP: 140-150. Prominences at PA 70-75; 220; 235; 249; 306; 315. All fade significantly throughout the day. There was an area of coronal enhancement PA 35-60 overnight, continues till 21:00 UT. Also areas of depletion overnight at PA 100-130 and 265-290. No coronal activity. 2/14/88 88d045 QP: 130; 132; 140; 218; 244. No coronal activity. 2/15/88 88d046 QP: 115; 132; 135; 142. AP: 210-225, large spray, 0.3 RV long. AP: 234, RV 0.05. Very AP, PA 240-259, RV .1-.15, flare erupted from this prominence at 18:30 UT, deflected to the north and faded away by 20:30 UT. Very slight coronal changes, depletion in NW at 18:30-18:45 and enhancement in SW 18:45 - 19:15 UT. 2/16/88 88d047 QP: 23; 90; 106; 285-295; 315; 333; 348. ARs: 50; 114; 132; 230-250. No coronal activity. 2/17/88 88d048 QP: 131; 230; 242; 313. No coronal activity. 2/18/88 88d049 QP: 93; 244; 302; 315. Large sunspot on north hemisphere about a day west of CMP. No coronal activity. 2/19/88 88d050 QP: 29; 42; 143; 212; 220; 228; 303. Faint prominence PA 99-105, to RV 1.2, changed during morning gradually. No coronal activity. 2/20/88 88d051 QP: 30; 40; 50; 65; 143; 232; 245; 258; 270; 312. Limbflare from around 19:15-20:30 UT, RV to 1.1. No coronal activity. 2/21/88 88d052 QP: 30; 63; 143; 250; 308. No coronal activity. 2/22/88 88d053 QP: 20; 138; 235. Possible overnight and continued coronal enhancement in SW quadrant. Enhancement at PA 215-230 [CA]. 2/23/88 88d054 Prominences at PA 110; 140; 225-238; 308. No coronal activity. 2/24/88 88d055 QP: 92; 105; 211; 239; 248. AP: 200-232 at RV 1.15, 18:20 UT, but appeared to be fairly stable during morning. Enhancement at PA 210-245 [CA]. 2/25/88 88d056 QP: 111; 232. AP: 209-226 with small chages druing day. Small coronal change 290-320. Enhanced early morning a git then depleted later in day. 2/26/88 88d057 QP: 27; 125; 217-250; 235-248; 260; 305. No coronal activity. 2/27/88 88d058 QP: 205; 240. No coronal activity. 2/28/88 88d059 QP: 28; 90; 99; 200. No coronal activity. 2/29/88 88d060 QP: 35; 100; 127; 197; 204-220; 230-250; 270; 285; 310; 320. No coronal activity. 3/1/88 88d061 QP: 125; 238; 270; 314-323. AP: 208-222, changed gradually during morning. AP: 35-48 brightened atoub 22:00, but remained stable. No coronal activity. 3/2/88 88d062 QP: 30-40; 205-225; 235-243; 265-270; 320-325. No coronal activity. 3/3/88 88d063 QP: 38; 90; 135-140; 234; 270; 312; 325. AP: 203-225, RV 1.15. EPL, PA 160-190, RV to 1.6, ~19:30 - 23:30 UT. EPL began lifting rapidly from ~21:00 UT. Classic bubble transient (depletion following enhanced bow) at PA 160-190 from 21:00 - 23:30 UT. CME near pole, PA 160-190, 21:30 - 22:39 UT [CA]. 3/4/88 88d064 Cloudy, NO DATA. 3/5/88 88d065 QP: 30; 40; 60; 128-142; 205; 300; 322. AP: 113. No coronal activity. 3/6/88 88d066 Quiet limb today with small QP's at PA 132; 220-225; 278. No coronal activity. 3/7/88 88d067 QP: 62; 75; 110; 152; 210-225. No coronal activity. 3/8/88 88d068 QP: 150; 210-220; 270. Possible spray remnant PA 90, RV 1.2, very faint. No coronal activity. 3/9/88 88d069 QP: 115; 148; 213; 252; 315. No coronal activity. 3/10/88 88d070 QP: 30; 148; 210; 255; 270. No coronal activity. 3/11/88 88d071 QP: 147; 168. AP: PA 40, grew to RV 1.1; AP at PA 110 also grew, changed and brightened. Post flare loops PA 202-214. No coronal activity. 3/12/88 88d072 QP: 208-215; 322. Prominence at PA 30-40 showed a slight depletion. Corona reformed and there were no coronal changes between the morning and afternoon scans. I didn't see any coronal activity [CA] 3/13/88 88d073 QP: 30-40; 208-215; 220; 280; 290; 320. No coronal activity. 3/14/88 88d074 QP: 90; 151; 210; 322. AP: 35-43 grew during morning. No coronal activity. 3/15/88 88d075 QP: 86; 150; 320. No coronal activity. 3/16/88 88d076 AP: 139-148; 318-328. Prominence at southeast grew and brightened slightly. No coronal activity. 3/17/88 88d077 QP: 105; 140-150. AP: 318-325 and faint prominence at PA 30. Cloudy, no coronal data. 3/18/88 88d078 QP: 324. AP: 140 grew a small amount during morning, but no sign of lifting. No coronal activity. 3/19/88 88d079 QP: 20; 130; 140; 230; 310-320. Active (?) prominence at PA 100 reaching up to 0.3 Rsun. 2 coronal events seen: Large sudden depletion appearing between PA 280-300, between 18:14 and 18:36, fills in from below quite rapidly and is virtually gone by 18:57. At the same time, the inner [word missing? corona?] brightens significantly! Strange event! Following monor enhancemtent at PA 130-170, significant depletion developes between 18:33 and 18:42. Recovery underway by 18:57 and complete before 19:22 UT. I think these are both sky and instrumental effects, not real events [CA]. 3/20/88 88d080 QP: 103; 260-280; 297; 310-320. AR: 128; 135-150; 225. Slow EPL at PA 25-39, PA 39 surging to RV 1.3 by 22:00 UT then fading. Pau by 23:45 UT. No coronal activity detectable in the noise at that PA. Possible transient at PA 130-150 associated with AP on limb there. Coronal changes noted on VDIFFS between 20:00 and 21:00 UT. First CME: PA 50-70, 21:10 until it's lost in noise at 21:45 UT [CA]. Second CME: PA 100-130, 20:51 - 21:55. Can't see the front, just two arms moving out [CA]. 3/21/88 88d081 QP: 30; 350. QP at 270 evolved during day from nonradial wisp to connect about 15 degrees away to the south becoming a loop. Seemed to be done by 19:00-19:30. Prominence at PA 220 appeared to develop to the north to a knot at PA 230. Seemed to be done by 19:00-19:30. Big loop at PA 130-145 seemed to brighted during day. Corona showed some brightening at east equator and southward, but this was diminished by 20:30 UT. Similarly, there was some brightening near the western equator. 3/22/88 88d082 No coronal activity. 3/23/88 88d083 QP: 141. Prominence at PA 98 grew a small amount and brightened. Promince at PA 312-324 to RV 1.05 with faint loop structure changed gradually. No coronal activity. 3/24/88 88d084 Cloudy, NO DATA. 3/25/88 88d085 NO DATA. 3/26/88 88d086 Cloudy, NO DATA. 3/27/88 88d087 Cloudy, NO DATA. 3/28/88 88d088 Prominences at PA 200-205; 233; 310. Clear sky too brief to determine if any were active. No coronal activity. 3/29/88 88d089 QP: 128; 132; 198; 228; 267; 275; 296; 309; 315. No coronal activity. 3/30/88 88d090 QP: 115; 132; 195-205; 230; 320. No coronal activity. Sideways movement of a prominence at PA=290 [CA]. 3/31/88 88d091 Cloudy, NO DATA. 4/1/88 88d092 QP: 118; 135; 295. No coronal activity. 4/2/88 88d093 NO DATA. 4/3/88 88d094 QP: 50; 212; 263; 280. No coronal activity. 4/4/88 88d095 QP: 30; 210. No coronal activity. 4/5/88 88d096 QP: 100-127; large arch 130-155; 210; 270-300. No coronal activity. 4/6/88 88d097 QP: 80; 100-110; 218; 255; 300. AR: 125; 270-284. No coronal activity. 4/7/88 88d098 QP: 132; 218; 275; 312. AP: 263-270 with small changes, brightened about 23:20 UT. Limbflare, PA 80, over east limb formed postflare loops beginning about 21:45. Small coronal changes PA 60-90, after 18:00 UT. Enhancement around PA=60 [CA]. 4/8/88 88d099 QP: 213; 232; 264; 272; 298. AP: 57; 133; 313. AR: 100-120. Corona between PA 50-140 apparently dynamic most of morning. Depletion at PA=55. Probable CME at PA 60-100. Starts before the beginning of observations at 17:08 and is lost in the noise at 17:42 [CA]. 4/9/88 88d100 QP: 212; 288; 317. AP: 227-237 showed little change. No coronal activity. 4/10/88 88d101 QP: 107; 213; 230; 280-320. Small surge at PA 242. No coronal activity. 4/11/88 88d102 QP: 100; 115; 227; 322. Corona washed out a bit. No coronal activity. 4/12/88 88d103 QP: 100-125; 305. 3 nice active spot regions on disk. AP: 210-238, RV 1.1, PA 233. Streamer at PA 300-340 enhanced until around 20:43 UT. Corona also showed some activity at PA 210. No coronal activity. 4/13/88 88d104 QP: 211; 223; 255. Disk flare just off limb produced post flare loops. Activity began about 20:00 UT with maximum at 20:15 and over by 20:55. No coronal activity seen in noisy sky. CME at PA 60-100, from 18:53 - 19:24 UT. Best seen in the difference images [CA]. 4/14/88 88d105 QP: 132; 225; 240; 270. Possible depletion PA 30-50, between 19:20 - 20:38 UT. Sky really noisy at time so hard to tell. Flare driven EPL. AR: PA 55-65. Limbflare at PA 65 ~18:45 - 19:00 UT. Large limbflare at PA 55 caused overlying prominence to lift from around 22:25 UT. EPL remnants around RV 2.0 and faded at 23:52 UT, when clouds came in. CME at PA 30-55, starts at 19:35 and is lost in noise at 20:04 [CA]. 4/15/88 88d106 QP: 130; 222; 272; 281. AR: 60-74, small changes. No coronal activity. 4/16/88 88d107 QP: 60; 95; 130; 220; 320. No coronal activity. 4/17/88 88d108 QP: 50; large QP 90-95, RV 1.2; 265; 315. No coronal activity. 4/18/88 88d109 QP: 86; 138; 268; 320. No coronal activity. 4/19/88 88d110 QP: 133-142; 234; 275; 300-310; 318. No coronal activity. 4/20/88 88d111 QP: 229; 232; 265; 272; 277. AP: 132-141 showed small changes during day. Large depletion in the southwest after 22:00 appears to be sky change rather than coronal activity. Data only saved through 21:47 UT. No activity up till then [CA]. 4/21/88 88d112 QP: 142; 229; 238; 254; 269; 300. AP: 134-139; 213-222, with little change during day. No coronal activity. 4/22/88 88d113 QP: 75; 240; 300. No coronal activity. 4/23/88 88d114 QP: 63; 73; 155; 170; 200. AP: 135 from 18:00-20:00 UT. AP: 285 from 17:00-19:00 UT. No coronal activity. 4/24/88 88d115 QP: 130; 140-145; 220, RV 1.25; 290; 298; 315. Cloudy, no coronal data. 4/25/88 88d116 QP: 142. AP with material suspended to 1.25 RV changed only a small amount. AP around PA 280 grew at 17:42. Changes over by 20:00 UT. Small enhancement in corona, PA 270-300. 4/26/88 88d117 QP: 30; 143; 160; 217; 260; 283; 310; 318. Some subtle coronal activity at PA 217, from around 19:00 - 20:30 UT, and at PA 270-330. Faint outward moving material, possible CME. PA 260-280, has begun at the start of observations at 18:19 and continues to about 19:30 UT. Best seen in the difference images [CA]. 4/27/88 88d118 QP: 28; 210; 230; 272; 303. No coronal activity. 4/28/88 88d119 QP: 30; 122; 138; 232; 275; 306. Tall thin prominence, possibly EPL remnant, PA 281, RV 1.25. AP: 207. No coronal activity. 4/29/88 88d120 Cloudy, NO DATA. 4/30/88 88d121 NO DATA. 5/1/88 88d122 Cloudy, NO DATA. 5/2/88 88d123 QP: 32; 218; 265; 271. No coronal activity. 5/3/88 88d124 Cloudy, NO DATA. 5/4/88 88d125 QP: 31; 50; 220; 225; 257; 309. No coronal activity. 5/5/88 88d126 QP: 28; 40; 215; 277; 395-315. Small enhancement at PA 240-250 between 17:34 - 18:21 UT. 5/6/88 88d127 QP: 126; 279; 318. AP: 214-221 with snall changes only. No coronal activity detected in noisy sky. 5/7/88 88d128 QP: 210-220; 245; 315. No coronal activity. 5/8/88 88d129 QP: 42; 56; 90; 137; 213; 236; 273; 302. No coronal activity. 5/9/88 88d130 QP: 40; 117; 212; 231; 304; 319. No coronal activity. 5/10/88 88d131 Cloudy, NO DATA. 5/11/88 88d132 QP: 45-55; 325. No coronal activity. 5/12/88 88d133 Cloudy, NO DATA. 5/13/88 88d134 QP: 40-60; 135; 230; 270; 333. No coronal activity. 5/14/88 88d135 QP: 50-60; 215; 232; 245; 270; 301. No coronal activity. 5/15/88 88d136 QP: 100; 213; 230. Small limbflare PA 290, RV 1.0, 17:00-17:15 UT. No coronal activity. 5/16/88 88d137 QP: 212; 225; 247; 298; 309; 322. AP: 88, brightened and grew a bit. No coronal activity. 5/17/88 88d138 QP: 40-50; 90; 125; 132; 272; 278; 290; 310; 320. AP: 110, RV varied from 1.00 - 1.1 - 1.0 1.05 from 19:00 to 21:00. First noticed it bout 19:30, it faded away by 20:00. About 20:40, noticed the area beginning to brighten again. Area spread to cover PA 110-120. It remained that way until sun was lost in clouds at 22:10 UT. No coronal activity. Cirrus moved in at 19:00. 5/18/88 88d139 Cloudy, NO DATA. 5/19/88 88d140 QP: 233-241; 259; 271; 302; 322. AP: 41-52, to 1.2 RV at 18:35, grew and brightened steadily during morning to 1.25 RV at 22:53 UT. Did not lift before clouds hit. AR surged at PA 110-120 at 18:15 UT. No coronal activity. 5/20/88 88d141 QP: 38-45; 228-241; 298-300; 110 observed at 22:45 UT. No coronal activity. 5/21/88 88d142 QP: 98; 132; 280; 295; 307. AP: 36-42 grew a small amount. AR, PA 218-237 showed small changes. No coronal activity. 5/22/88 88d143 QP: 38-45; 100; 130-135; 220-230; 270; 306. No coronal activity. 5/23/88 88d144 QP: 270. AR, PA 121-135 changed during morning and grew a small amount. AR: 218-246; 238-246. No coronal activity. 5/24/88 88d145 QP: 30; 40; 118-132; 220; 250; 275; 303; 313. No coronal activity. 5/25/88 88d146 QP: 132; 220; 229; 232; 298; 304; 312. No coronal activity. 5/26/88 88d147 QP: 35; 137; 142; 218; 308-318. No coronal activity. 5/27/88 88d148 QP: 137; 145; 287; 304-320. No coronal activity. 5/28/88 88d149 QP: 142; 208. No coronal activity. 5/29/88 88d150 QP: 140; 210; 223. Possible transients: Enhancement: PA 30-75. Depletion: 180-220; 245-270, between 18:00- 18:25 UT. Suspect sky change, due to multiple sites. Enhancement looks real, depletions look like sky or instrumental effects [CA]. 5/30/88 88d151 QP: 210; 223. No coronal activity. 5/31/88 88d152 QP: 68; 101; 111; 268; 289; 302. Large AP: 309-322, to 1.3 RV at 18:55 UT. Did not lift. Enhancement seem in corona at place where prominence entered coronal field. Prominence enhanced at PA 315. 6/1/88 88d153 Cloudy, NO DATA. 6/2/88 88d154 NO DATA. 6/3/88 88d155 QP: 40; 88; 123. AR: 225; 236; 237; 265-272. Active corona: 225-260; 300-330. There is a lot of enhancement at PA = 230-260 [CA]. 6/4/88 88d156 Cloudy, NO DATA. 6/5/88 88d157 QP: 50; 80; 135; 297. AR: 230-270, large spray from PA 250-270. Some coronal enhancement between PA 190 - 250 between 17:00 - 18:00 UT. No coronal changes detected at 20:47 UT after cirrus cleared enough for another scan. 6/6/88 88d158 QP: One seen in each of NE, SW, and SE quadrants. Cloudy, no coronal data. 6/7/88 88d159 QP: 41; 259; 273; 318. AR: 132-140; 224-232, changed only slightly. No coronal activity. 6/8/88 88d160 QP; 73; 137; 230; 252; 278; 293; 320. AP: 43. No coronal activity. CME: around PA = 265, 17:44 - 18:28 UT, small, fast, and faint. Best seen in difference images [CA]. 6/9/88 88d161 QP: 47; 63; 78; 128; 139; 222; 243; 265; 293; 318; 322. Eruptive prominence in progress 17:10, to 1.3 at PA 280, over by 17:30 UT. Small coronal enhancement and depletion seen PA 270-290. There is a bright shell with a dark cavity in the northwest quadrant. In the center of the cavity, on the limb, is a prominence around PA = 298. The prominence enhances from 17:13 - 17:37 and depletes from 17:40 - 18:48 UT. Nothing lifts off [CA]. 6/10/88 88d162 QP: 115; 140; 265; 274; 325. AP: 37-60. Active coronal region (subtle) northwest quadrant. CME: around PA = 300, 17:35 - 18:09 UT. Small, fast, and very faint so times may not be exact. Best seen in the difference images [CA]. 6/11/88 88d163 QP: 250; 320. AP: 230 from 19:00 - 20:15 UT. AP: 35-55, all day, "seagull shaped." No coronal activity. 6/12/88 88d164 Cloudy, NO DATA. 6/13/88 88d165 Cloudy, NO DATA. 6/14/88 88d166 QP: 40-55; 146; 217; 260. No coronal activity. 6/15/88 88d167 QP: 111; 229. Coronal changes overnight, possibly restructuring SE limb. No coronal activity. 6/16/88 88d168 QP: 70; 198; 230; 260-272; 310. No coronal activity. 6/17/88 88d169 QP: 92; 98; 130; 252; 305; 310. AP: 225-238, showed gradual changes during day. Large faint loops on east limb probably caused depletion and enhancement seen on coronal scans. A little bit of coronal enhancement around PA = 100 [CA]. 6/18/88 88d170 QP: 40; 90; 120; 258; 278; 310. AP: 227-240. AR: 110, surging throughout day. Active coronal region PA 110-130, enhanced. Some enhancement at PA = 100-130 [CA]. 6/19/88 88d171 QP: 40; 50; 60-75; 85; 97; 230; 240; 260; 290. AP: 220, erupted after 17:47, 1.2 Rsun at 18:07, 1.5 Rsun at 18:22 UT. Probably CME with this, but difficulties here make present identification difficult. Big coronal decrease overnight in SE where we have recently seen the slow swelling...probably a CME. CME: PA = 205-235, 18:09 - 19:01 UT [CA]. 6/20/88 88d172 QP: 45; 92; 123; 226; 245; 258-270; 308; 316. No coronal activity. 6/21/88 88d173 QP: 47; 91; 96; 100; 103; 130; 225; 242, 32?. No coronal activity. 6/22/88 88d174 Cloudy, NO DATA. 6/23/88 88d175 QP: 55; 93; 280.1 Small AP: 292-296. Faint low lying loop on east limb late morning. No coronal activity. 6/24/88 88d176 QP: 268; 285-297. AR's: Surge at PA 230, in progress at opening at 17:00 - 17:45, RV 1.4. Surge at PA 110; 18:45 - 19:15, RV 1.2. PA 105-120 actively flared and surged from 19:40 - shutdown, RV to 1.2. PA 55-60 brightened from 20:30 UT. PA 130 active. AR on disk in SW quadrant, flaring during early morning. Coronal depletion at PA 230. Corona enhanced at PA 100 early morning. Coronal enhancement at PA 110-120. Two CMEs. CME #1: PA = 225-250, starts before the beginning of observations at 16:53, ends at 17:25 UT, fast loop [CA]. CME #2: PA = 90-110, 18:54 - 19:54, loop [CA]. 6/25/88 88d177 QP: 121; 220. AP: 101-104. Some overnight coronal activity. No coronal activity. 6/26/88 88d178 QP: 25; 250. Prominences at 110-130 and 140-145 seemed to brighten at 20:04, but not clear if active or just affected by clouds. Moderate flare seen near west limb at PA 245 between 17:37 - 17:53. Prominence at PA 145 shows loop to the south around 20:56 UT. No coronal activity. 6/27/88 88d179 QP: 35; 65; 76; 88; 138; 238; 254. No coronal activity. 6/28/88 88d180 QP: 30; 65; 120; 140-145; 240; 248-255; 284; 318. All small. Some coronal changes overnight. No coronal activity. 6/29/88 88d181 QP: 35; 50; 80; 205; 245. AP: 95; 120; 317. Coronal enhancement at PA 100-150 this morning until around 20:15 UT. 6/30/88 88d182 QP: 89; 124; 208; 211; 265. AP: 240-246, grew and brightened during morning. AP: 312-317 changed only small amounts during morning. No coronal activity. 7/1/88 88d183 QP: 230; 240; 280. AP: 208; 315. No coronal activity. 7/2/88 88d184 QP: 125; 130; 208; 248; 253; 318-325. Limb flare PA 245, to 1.1 RV, began 18:32, ended 19:03 UT. No coronal activity. 7/3/88 88d185 Possible limb flare at PA 120-130. Large prominence or flare at 320-220, RV .2. Cloudy, no coronal data. 7/4/88 88d186 QP: 37; 47; 92; 133; 204; 228-240; 265; 303-318. No coronal activity. 7/5/88 88d187 NO DATA. 7/6/88 88d188 Cloudy, NO DATA. 7/7/88 88d189 QP: 42; 55; 119; 129; 215; 218; 229. Bright coronal streamers west limb. Coronal depletion and enhancement occurred over entire limb. 7/8/88 88d190 Cloudy, NO DATA. 7/9/88 88d191 QP: 50; 131; 230-240; 302; 320. Cloudy, no coronal data. 7/10/88 88d192 QP: 76; 217; 232; 250; 305. AP: 80-115. No coronal activity. Enhancement around PA=75 [CA]. 7/11/88 88d193 QP: 72; 92; 93; 208; 212-222; 229-242. AP: 32, grew and brightened beginning 18:10, ending 20:45 UT. Faint loops east limb, centered PA 112. No coronal activity. 7/12/88 88d194 Cloudy, NO DATA. 7/13/88 88d195 QP: 38; 40; 75; 111; 235-247; 268; 272; 295; 326. No coronal activity. 7/14/88 88d196 QP: 39; 65-82; 112; 238; 323. No coronal activity. 7/15/88 88d197 QP: 45; 110; 140; 235-240; 240-243; 315; 330. No coronal activity. There is some outward movement at PA=105 [CA]. 7/16/88 88d198 QP: 40; 70-80; 100; 115; 128; 221; 230-240; 320. No coronal activity. 7/17/88 88d199 QP: 42; 92; 225; 232; 254; 288; 290; 296; 312. No coronal activity. 7/18/88 88d200 QP: 44; 92; 125; 150; 224; 290; 310; 320. No coronal activity. 7/19/88 88d201 QP: 125-137; 153; 222; 236; 285; 315; 322. No coronal activity. 7/20/88 88d202 QP: 95; 110; 125-138; 151; 223; 239; 323. No coronal activity. 7/21/88 88d203 QP: 138; 219-226; 293; 302; 326. AP: 111, brightened and began growing 18:20, to 1.2 RV at 18:42, and began shrinking at 20:50 UT. Small coronal changes only in noisy sky, PA 110-130. 7/22/88 88d204 QP: 90; 135-140; 298-305. No coronal activity. 7/23/88 88d205 QP: 32; 52; 120; 140; 220; 300-310. No coronal activity. 7/24/88 88d206 QP: 32; 58; 110; 270-280; 310. No coronal activity. 7/25/88 88d207 QP: 80; 240; 267. No coronal activity. 7/26/88 88d208 QP: 72; 74; 122; 135; 151; 247. No coronal activity. 7/27/88 88d209 QP: 45-55; 70-80; 77; 122; 133; 148; 290; 300. Several sites of coronal changes all morning, possibly changes in sky. Enhancement at PA 240 [CA]. 7/28/88 88d210 QP: 30; 45-50; 105; 115; 293; 304. AP: 240, from 18:15-19:50, grew to 1.15 RV. Enhancement in the corona, PA 240, no further coronal changes after 19:50 UT. Also a large coronal depletion overnight that continued to fill in all day. CME at PA 250. A small blob blows out from 22:54 UT to beyond the end of observations at 23:16. It looks nonradial [CA]. 7/29/88 88d211 QP: 32; 52; 226; 252; 320. No coronal activity. 7/30/88 88d212 QP: 30; 47; 92; 123; 212; 260; 300; 315. No coronal activity. 7/31/88 88d213 QP: 95; 130; 135; 260; 315. Some coronal changes overnight and some minor slow changes during the day. 8/1/88 88d214 QP: 30; 85; 132; 136; 230; 239; 302-316. AP: 50, began growing about 20:45 to 1.25 RV at 21:50 UT. Faint material suspended. No coronal activity in noisy sky. 8/2/88 88d215 QP: 35; 41; 45; 55; 73; 128; 132-135; 232-238; 290-295; 310-325. No coronal activity. 8/3/88 88d216 QP: 32; 59; 62; 133-140; 208; 230; 235; 251. Faint surge like prominence at PA 121. Cloudy, no coronal data. 8/4/88 88d217 QP: 35; 135; 140; 205; 225; 230; 240; 255. AP: 295. No coronal activity. 8/5/88 88d218 Cloudy, NO DATA. 8/6/88 88d219 Cloudy, NO DATA. 8/7/88 88d220 Cloudy, NO DATA. 8/8/88 88d221 QP: 49; 65; 82-95 (faint loop); 114-130; 235-244; 323. No coronal activity. 8/9/88 88d222 QP: 45; 95; 110-126; 138; 240; 321. No coronal activity. 8/10/88 88d223 QP: 96; 109; 115-130; 141; 250; 253; 325; 348. AP: 32, grew during morning. Gradual coronal changes druing morning northwest limb. 8/11/88 88d224 Cloudy, NO DATA. 8/12/88 88d225 QP: 32; 38; 100; 120; 210; 230; 235; 290; 310. No coronal activity. 8/13/88 88d226 NO DATA. 8/14/88 88d227 QP: 36; 107-120; 140; 213-226; 232; 312. No coronal activity. 8/15/88 88d228 QP: 33; 45; 55; 105-120; 140; 215-223; 228-238. No coronal activity. There is outward movement at PA=290 [CA]. 8/16/88 88d229 QP: 50; 62; 136; 153; 307-319. Very little change during morning. Large structual coronal changes southeast limb with no associated H-alpha limb activity. Changes occurred rapidly from about 18:00-20:30 UT. There is movement around PA 245 [CA]. 8/17/88 88d230 QP: 145; 295-305. Large prominence at PA 219-241, RV .1, small changes. No coronal activity, though there were changes overnight. 8/18/88 88d231 Cloudy, NO DATA. 8/19/88 88d232 QP: 50; 92; 130; 230; 268-272; 276; 288. No coronal activity. 8/20/88 88d233 QP: 25; 28; 32; 99-116; 123; 130; 240; 273; 303. No coronal activity. 8/21/88 88d234 QP: 83; 148; 215. AP: 30-40; 50-70; 100-120. Low level coronal activity in response to brightening and dimming of AP's. Movement at PA 120 [CA]. 8/22/88 88d235 QP: 30; 45-60; 80-85; 115; 145; 234; 242; 345. Cloudy, no coronal data. 8/23/88 88d236 QP: 30; 40; 150; 227; 235; 295. EPL: PA 110-120, to 1.1 RV at 18:00 UT, grew to 1.25 at 18:25, and receded by 19:00. Region PA 50-70 active beinning 18:14 with limb flare at PA 60. Post flare loops PA 50-80. Coronal changes, both enhancement and depletion, from both regions PA 25-135. Coronal activity over 20:00. There are two CME's: 1) PA 35-105, big, bright, spidery, and impressive. It begins before the start of observations at 17:08 UT and ends at 19:22 [CA]. 2) PA 120-135, a small blob. This one starts at 20:05 and continues through the end of observations at 20:18 [CA]. 8/24/88 88d237 QP: 32; 85; 90-100; 235. AP: 120-130; 150-160. No coronal activity. 8/25/88 88d238 QP: 90; 100; 110; 225-238; 248; 305; 355. No coronal activity. 8/26/88 88d239 QP: 118; 130; 232-237; 260. AP: 102, with spray of fine material to 1.2 RV, begin at 18:50, end at 19:10 UT. No coronal activity. 8/27/88 88d240 QP: 128; 209; 215; 230-238; 245; 260. No coronal activity. 8/28/88 88d241 QP: 130; 213; 230; 253; 270. No coronal activity. 8/29/88 88d242 No Pmon data. No coronal activity. 8/30/88 88d243 No Pmon data. No coronal activity. 8/31/88 88d244 No coronal activity. 9/1/88 88d245 No Pmon data. No coronal activity, but only two scans. 9/2/88 88d246 QP: 83; 210; 225; 241; 252. No coronal activity. 9/3/88 88d247 Cloudy, NO DATA. 9/4/88 88d248 QP: 30; 65; 86; 110-125; 140; 152; 201; 247; 273; 287. AP: 219, surged to RV 1.1 at 20:30 UT> Limbflare at PA 100, RV 1.05, broadened to PA 95-105 by 19:00, faded by 19:56. No coronal activity. 9/5/88 88d249 QP: 25; 35; 60; 125; 135; 200; 215; 265-270; 290. No coronal activity. 9/6/88 88d250 Cloudy, NO DATA. 9/7/88 88d251 QP: 70; 210; 270. No coronal activity. There is possibly slight movement at PA=245 [CA]. 9/8/88 88d252 No Pmon data. Probable transient southeast limb PA 200-270, depletion PA 200-240, enhancement PA 250-270. Northwest corona streamer enhanced brightness during morning. There is enhancement around PA=310 and at PA=260 and lots of instrumental effects. I didn't see a CME [CA]. 9/9/88 88d253 QP: 95-117; 120-130; 272; 330. Coronal enhancement PA 300-340 early morning, greatest difference between 18:00-19:00 UT. 9/10/88 88d254 QP: 40; 292-299; 308; 330. AP: 125-137 with fine spray to 1.15 RV. AP: 220-226, changed slowly during morning. Light streamer restructuring continuing on west limb. No coronal activity. 9/11/88 88d255 QP: 30-40; 130; 227; 315; 330. AP: 295-305. No coronal activity, but only two good files. 9/12/88 88d256 QP: 32; 94; 116; 130-138; 215-230; 268. No coronal activity. 9/13/88 88d257 QP: 102; 123; 218-229; 233; 241; 285. AP: 57-76, changed gradually and grew a small amount during morning. AP: 140, changed only a small amount also. No coronal activity. 9/14/88 88d258 AP: 40; 63-90; 115; 215-230. No coronal activity. There is some coronal depletion at PA 130 [CA]. 9/15/88 88d259 QP: 35-40; 142; 220. No coronal activity. 9/16/88 88d260 Cloudy, NO DATA. 9/17/88 88d261 QP: 115; 138; 144; 235-240; 294. Prominence at PA 130, surged then retreated between 21:00-21:50 UT, grew to RV 1.1. No coronal activity. 9/18/88 88d262 QP: 60; 72; 78; 89; 99; 108; 120; 137; 146; 228; 272; 300; 326. No coronal activity. 9/19/88 88d263 QP: 105; 112; 240; 247; 258; 263; 280; 290; 300. AR: 25-85, most action PA 25-60, prominence grew from RV 1.1 to 1.25 between 17:00-22:00 UT, prominence material then began to fade away. No coronal activity. 9/20/88 88d264 QP: 30; 243; 251; 290. AP: 72-81, with faint material to 1.1 RV. No coronal activity. 9/21/88 88d265 QP: 30; 95; 115-120; 242. AP: 230-240 from 19:00-20:00 UT, RV 1.2+, with Coronal depletion that reformed and depleted again. CME: PA 30-65, 00:00-04:00+, large ejection of material. CME: PA 35-60, bright loop, 00:44-01:55 [CA]. another CME: PA 235-265, loop, cavity, central prominence all lift off, 18:47-23:48 UT [CA]. 9/22/88 88d266 QP: 27; 96; 128; 148; 230; 344. AR: 55-70, changed all morning, low-level activity to RV 1.15, Subtle coronal changes over region, no major coronal changes. CME: PA 60-110, starts before the start of observations at 17:17, and ends at 17:51 UT [CA]. 9/23/88 88d267 QP: 30; 58; 75; 105; 118; 130; 150; 230-240; 280; 310. AP: 60-70, 17:30-18:20 UT, flared from small. No coronal activity. 9/24/88 88d268 QP: (approximate) 135; 225; 273; 290; 303. Mechanical problems, no coronal data. 9/25/88 88d269 QP: 65; 110; 120; 135; 222; 228; 240; 256; 295. No coronal activity. 9/26/88 88d270 QP: 126; 139; 145; 220; 238; 262. No coronal activity. 9/27/88 88d271 QP: 118; 140; 240; 260; 265; 283; 315. No coronal activity. 9/28/88 88d272 QP: 120-125; 135-145; 210; 215; 225; 285-290; 314. No coronal activity. 9/29/88 88d273 Cloudy, NO DATA. 9/30/88 88d274 QP: 152; 212; 250; 255; 268; 300; 320. No coronal activity. There is definite and significant outward movement at PA 125-185 [CA]. 10/1/88 88d275 QP: 125; 132; 148; 211; 245. AP: 112, brightened and erupted midmorning. The prominence was not large. AR: 135, grew and formed loops. PA 112, no coronal change. PA 135, coronal enhancement seen during morning. 10/2/88 88d276 QP: 103; 208; 215; 247; 266; 308. AP: 55. Large prominence at PA 120-135, changed slowly but did not lift this morning. No coronal activity. 10/3/88 88d277 QP: 78; 81; 210; 260; 281; 317. AP: 93-103, small changes only. AP: 118-135 to 1.2 RV, grew slightly during morning, but did not lift. No coronal activity. 10/4/88 88d278 QP: 44; 96-100; 260. AP: 125-135, RV 1.3. Loop PA 275-295, faint. No coronal activity. 10/5/88 88d279 QP: 35; 73; 98; 119; 223; 287. Surge to 1.1 RV, PA 70, 19:25 UT. AP: 125-143, to 1.2 RV, 17:30 UT, grew steadily to 1.5 at 20:50, to 1.6 at 21:05, began dissipating with only faint material remaining at 21:33. Coronal enhancement, PA 140-150, with depletion at wings. Prominence at PA 140 lifts off at 20:49 UT [CA]. 10/6/88 88d280 QP: 80; 103; 120-125; 227; 280; 308. No coronal activity. 10/7/88 88d281 QP: 60; 90; 128; 204; 220; 230; 283; 296; 327. CLOUDY, no coronal data. 10/8/88 88d282 QP: 90; 110; 123; 131; 205; 237; 249; 285; 295; 328. No coronal activity. 10/9/88 88d283 QP: 90; 105-115; 125; 200-215; 280-290; 298; 317. Could not determine if active. CLOUDY, no coronal data. 10/10/88 88d284 QP: 50-65; 97; 110; 117; 130; 208-220; 308. CLOUDY, no coronal data. 10/11/88 88d285 QP: 60; 80-85; 120; 135-140; 212-220; 224; 231; 240. No coronal activity. 10/12/88 88d286 Cloudy, NO DATA. 10/13/88 88d287 QP: 140; 200-230; 240. Faint, small sturctures appeared throughout the day at about PA 60-90. Prominence at PA 240 developed early and activated, eventually leading to an eruption. CME, began slowly and became significant at about 20:15 UT. CME had a bright top and dark insides, perhaps with Halpha knots. Top disappeared and left a dark region. Significant deflection of structures to the north of the CME. CME is at PA 240-250, at 20:30-20:55 UT. It is a bright loop plus cavity, with deflections from PA 215-300 [CA]. 10/14/88 88d288 QP: 62; 125. AR: 208-232, suspended prominence material to 1.1 RV, that dissipated during morning. No coronal activity. 10/15/88 88d289 Large QP in range PA 215-230. AP at PA 60, brightened and extended up as moderate loop during morning, brightening significantly at 18:48, but becoming fainter by 19:17. General coronal enhancement seen from PA 60-90, from 17:36 to 19:42 UT. 10/16/88 88d290 QP: 70; 120; 130; 215 to RV 1.2, 248. No coronal activity. 10/17/88 88d291 QP: 132; 220. AR: 52-70, surges and post flare loops. Coronal changes occurred between PA 50-80 all morning. Coronal enhancement at PA 45-80 [CA]. 10/18/88 88d292 QP: 53; 71; 103; 136; 218. Little coronal enhancement northeast. 10/19/88 88d293 QP: 15-35; 212; 230; 310-320. AP: 50-60, 19:00-19:45 UT to RV 1.2, associated with AR three days in from east limb. Just small coronal enhancements seen at limb. A cavity and loop form at PA 45-60 and start to lift off. This is best seen in the difference images from 19:11 UT on [CA]. 10/20/88 88d294 QP: 20-35; 70; 95-100; 140; 230-235. No coronal activity. 10/21/88 88d295 QP: 26-40; 70; 140; 240. No coronal activity. 10/22/88 88d296 QP: 20-32; 120; 141; 228; 230; 238. No coronal activity. 10/23/88 88d297 QP: 30; 120; 134-145; 215-230; 260. Small limbflare at PA 290, from 18:40-19:10 UT. No coronal activity. Outward movement at PA 285 and PA 340 [CA]. 10/24/88 88d298 QP: 20; 114; 126; 204-218; 250; 289; 300. No coronal activity. 10/25/88 88d299 QP: 22; 55; 120-130; 215-228. No coronal activity. 10/26/88 88d300 Cloudy, NO DATA. 10/27/88 88d301 Cloudy, NO DATA. 10/28/88 88d302 QP: 50; 108; 117-150; 240; 282-292; 298; 308. No coronal activity. 10/29/88 88d303 QP: 90; 125-130; 140-150; 227; 310. Small coronal cloud at PA 108, 1.15 RV, off surface in this same area, at 19:00 UT, large scale depletion began PA 110-135, with enhanced regions 20 degreees on either side. The leading edge was as far out at RV 1.8, when orographic clouds closed up at 22:12. The trailing edge had not appeared by then. CME: PA 95-110, a bright loop, cavity, and central core all blow out, 19:08-20:22 UT [CA]. 10/30/88 88d304 QP: 40; 120; 212; 304. AR to 1.1 RV, PA 142-158. No coronal activity. 10/31/88 88d305 QP: 45; 100; 135; 210; 260; 305. No coronal activity. 11/1/88 88d306 QP: 95; 100; 138; 145; 314; 219; 223; 300-305. AP surge at PA 42 to RV 1.1 at 20:45 UT. No coronal activity. 11/2/88 88d307 QP: 45; 140; 210; 220; 229; 255. Small EPL at PA 303, RV 1.2, ~19:45-20:05 UT. No coronal activity. 11/3/88 88d308 QP: 80; 150; 210-220. AP at PA 304-310 grew from RV 1.1 to 1.25 by 19:45, was then hit by clouds. No coronal activity. 11/4/88 88d309 QP: 120; 215. No coronal activity. 11/5/88 88d310 QP: 122; 208; 240. No coronal activity. 11/6/88 88d311 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/7/88 88d312 QP: 34; 47; 56; 130; 217; 243; 328. AP: 300, RV 1.05. No coronal activity. 11/8/88 88d313 QP: 25; 35; 110; 125-135; 218; 232; 240; 285; 315. No coronal activity. 11/9/88 88d314 QP: 35; 208; 218; 282; 330. AP 130-137 with little change. No coronal activity. 11/10/88 88d315 QP: 65-75; 125-138; 210; 222; 232; 262. Active loop prominence, PA 40-54, RV 1.1, grew to RV 1.3, then lifted off. CME followed liftoff at PA 40-54, at 00:00 UT. Second CME occurred at 00:00 UT, at PA 275-295. I didn't see the two CMEs, but there were a lot of instrumental effects [CA]. 11/11/88 88d316 QP: 35-50; 210-230; 332. AP: 58; 70-85; 110-140, RV 1.25. No coronal activity. 11/12/88 88d317 QP: 45; 217; 225; 302. Small spray PA 85 at 17:30 UT. AR: 120-138 with small changes during morning. Small coronal changes only, probably due to rotation effects. Movement around PA 60 [CA]. 11/13/88 88d318 QP: 56; 88; 100; 126; 138; 282. AP: 215-225, SW limb fairly active with small prominences visible mostly in eyepiece. Transient PA 210-270, large depletion with enhancements on both sides, occurred between 19:00-20:30 UT, unable to monitor further due to weather. Loop and cavity form 20:15, at PA 225-260, possibly the start of a CME, but noisy, lasts beyond the end of the data at 20:24 UT [CA]. 11/14/88 88d319 QP: 51; 99; 213; 239; 254. No coronal activity. 11/15/88 88d320 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/16/88 88d321 Small QPs: 49; 102; 128; 139; 312. Saw some coronal depletion SW limb during morning. Faint blob shaped CME at PA 240-260, from 19:01-20:15 UT [CA]. There is enhancement around PA 320-340 [CA]. 11/17/88 88d322 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/18/88 88d323 QP: 60; 70; 120-145; 164; 223; 294; 307. No coronal activity. 11/19/88 88d324 QP: 35; 130-142; 235; 303; 311. No coronal activity. A big, but faint CME, PA 5-90, 20:20-21:05 UT, best seen in the difference images [CA]. 11/20/88 88d325 QP: 36; 90; 134-146; 313. Large EPL, PA 270-283, RV 1.35, in progress at opening at 17:30, faded 18:22 UT. Surge at PA 232, 18:22. AR: PA 72, surged from around 18:22 through the rest of the day. Prominence brightened at PA 298, may have been post flare loops, approximately 23:45 UT, faded by 01:30. Small transient at same region 17:30-19:00 UT. CME at PA 210-250, 19:10-22:26. Most of activity subsided by 01:30 UT. First CME: Blob shaped, PA 220-235, slow, 19:33-~22:04 [CA]. Second CME: Faint, two blobs, PA 270-285, starts before the observations do at 17:27 to 18:58 UT [CA]. 11/21/88 88d326 QP: 25-40; 115; 140; 150; 245; 315. No coronal activity. There is a small faint beginning of a CME, PA 250-265, loops form at 19:56, lost in the noise at 20:15 UT, best seen in the difference images [CA]. 11/22/88 88d327 QP: 20-30; 45; 115; 140-150. Prominence at PA 222-228, brightened and enlarged to RV 1.1. No coronal activity. 11/23/88 88d328 QP: 20-30; 78; 117; 140-150; 226. No coronal activity. 11/24/88 88d329 NO DATA. 11/25/88 88d330 QP: 27; 140; 220-230; 310-325. Small surge at PA 75, to RV 1.1, 18:45-19:15 UT. No coronal activity. 11/26/88 88d331 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/27/88 88d332 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/28/88 88d333 Cloudy, NO DATA. 11/29/88 88d334 QP: 103; 115-130; 306. AP: 40-70, RV to 1.2, slowly lifted all morning, faded by 22:30 UT. No coronal activity. 11/30/88 88d335 NO DATA. 12/1/88 88d336 QP: 60-70; 112; 123; 145; 210-215; 290; 310-315. No coronal activity. 12/2/88 88d337 QP: 45-65; 127; 132; 147; 215; 298; 316. No coronal activity. 12/3/88 88d338 QP: 70; 115; 133; 315. No coronal activity. 12/4/88 88d339 QP: 115; 310; 322. Faint AR at PA 50. No coronal activity. 12/5/88 88d340 QP: 70; 235; 315-320. AP: 130, grew from RV 1.1 to 1.3 between 19:00-20:30 UT, then faded. No coronal activity, but the sky was noisy. 12/6/88 88d341 NO DATA. 12/7/88 88d342 Cloudy, NO DATA. 12/8/88 88d343 QP: 35; 55; 70-80; 90; 120; 215; 228; 260. No coronal activity. There are changes and enhancement at PA 105 [CA]. 12/9/88 88d344 NO DATA. 12/10/88 88d345 QP: 30; 106; 225; 285; 295-305. Surge from prominence at PA 126, at 19:40 UT, to RV 1.1. Some changes in loop prominence at PA 55. No coronal activity. 12/11/88 88d346 QP: 105; 223; 257; 268; 307; 333. AR: 57-68, surges to RV 1.15, most active between 20:00-22:00 UT. Subtle changes to corona at PA 40-80, most of morning. 12/12/88 88d347 QP: 43; 220; 331. AR: 243-256, with faint loops. No coronal activity. 12/13/88 88d348 QP: 94; 108; 140; 218; 240-250; 300; 325. AR at PA 55-65. No coronal activity. 12/14/88 88d349 QP: 105; 210; 215; 230. No coronal activity. 12/15/88 88d350 QP: 43; 216; 234; 254. No coronal activity. 12/16/88 88d351 QP: 40; 60; 75; 210; 305. AP: 230-255, to RV 1.15. No coronal activity. 12/17/88 88d352 Cloudy, NO DATA. 12/18/88 88d353 QP: 36; 130-145; 232. No coronal activity, but the sky was noisy. 12/19/88 88d354 NO DATA. 12/20/88 88d355 Cloudy, NO DATA. 12/21/88 88d356 QP: 35; 103; 145. No coronal activity. There is movement around PA 120 and PA 270 [CA]. 12/22/88 88d357 QP: 40; 100; 145; 222; 292; 316. No coronal activity. There is movement at PA 240 [CA]. 12/23/88 88d358 QP: 66; 95; 132-147; 222; 238. Corona depleted on west limb but may have been a sky effect. Depletion is most like sky effects [CA]. 12/24/88 88d359 QP: 50; 120; 130; 135-145; 260; 280; 300; 320; 325, all small. AP: 235, surged at about 20:30 UT, to RV 1.15. No coronal activity. 12/25/88 88d360 QP: 23; 49; 123; 129-138; 220; 227; 260; 313; 323; 333. No coronal activity. 12/26/88 88d361 QP: 25; 48; 113; 242; 252; 260; 265; 273; 310. AP: 130-140, RV 1.1. No coronal activity, noisy data. Possibly some movement around PA 300, but it might be noise [CA]. 12/27/88 88d362 QP: 20; 55; 60; 238; 312. Coronal depletion overnight PA 310-320. Slight restructuring from 20:00 UT today. 12/28/88 88d363 QP: 55; 120-126; 138. Small coronal changes NW quadrant. 12/29/88 88d364 Cloudy, NO DATA. 12/30/88 88d365 Cloudy, NO DATA. 12/31/88 88d366 Cloudy, NO DATA.