---------------- The following is a list of activity as noted by HAO staff in Boulder, where the MLSO data are processed and analyzed. More information concerning observations at MLSO can be found at Dates are given by calendar day and by year/day-of-year. Key to abbreviations: CHIP The 1083 nm instrument at MLSO, which provides both intensity and velocity information. CME Coronal Mass Ejection Mk4 The white-light coronagraph at MLSO. MLSO Mauna Loa Solar Observatory PA Position angle (measured counterclockwise from north pole. e.g., east equator = 90 degrees, west equator = 270 degrees) PICS The H-alpha instrument at MLSO, which provides both disk observations and occulted off-limb observations. R Solar radius: e.g., 0.9R is 0.9 solar radii from sun center in the plane of the sky. UT Universal time (any notation in the form 17:33 refers to 17:33 UT). ***************************************************************************** 1/01/2003 2003d001 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 1/02/2003 2003d002 Mk4 data: 17:56-02:33; PICS 17:35-02:33; CHIP 17:36-02:31 Active prominences PA 60, 75, 115, 130, 245, 290 (large). Prominence at PA 75 shows material flowing rapidly away and then returning on a nearly horizontal projected trajectory. Apparent small filament eruption PA 190, 0.2R, ~19:00. 1/03/2003 2003d003 Mk4 data: 00:01-02:31; PICS 17:31-02:29; CHIP 17:31-02:29 Active prominences PA 60, 225, 250. At PA 293, downflowing prominence material is visible at the beginning of the day, corresponding to a large prominence eruption (EIT) beginning about 15:30 and CME appearing in LASCO C2 at about 17:00. (A prominence eruption and CME occurred in exactly the same region beginning about 10:30 (EIT) and 11:30 (LASCO C2) the same day--a real example of interacting CMEs.) Post-eruption loops appear in EIT ~19:00 and in PICS ~19:30 (i.e., after the second CME), but a fully developed loop system does not appear until ~21:00 in EIT and ~21:50 in PICS. Small prominence eruption from behind the limb PA 195, 19:45; may correspond to faint CME appearing in LASCO C2 ~16:00. Surging off limb PA 120-125. Very active filament extending from PA 310, 0.8R to PA 330, 0.9R. Small filament eruption PA 245, 0.45R, ~19:43; difficult to determine any LASCO association because of aforementioned CMEs. 1/04/2003 2003d004 Mk4 data: 00:02-02:29; PICS 17:36-02:34; CHIP 17:35-02:33 Active prominences PA 50, 58, 80, 110, 220, 280-300. Prominence at PA 220 erupts slowly beginning ~18:00; corresponds to mass outflow seen in LASCO. Prominence/filament system at PA 58 exhibits filament activity and ultimate disappearance beginning ~18:00 and a slowly rising prominence beginning ~21:00, reaching ~1.2R by 02:30; there is no obvious LASCO association. Active filaments: PA 230, 0.65R; PA 250, 0.5R; PA 255, 0.7R; PA 260, 0.45R; PA 75, 0.8R; PA 95, 0.7R. Surging on disk PA 95, 0.6R (from active region). Possible filament eruption beginning ~00:00 PA 120, 0.8R; no obvious LASCO association, although there is a CME appearing in LASCO C2 at this PA ~08:00. 1/05/2003 2003d005 Mk4 data: 17:37-02:17; PICS 17:37-02:18; CHIP 17:37-02:17 Active prominences PA 80, 105, 110-130, 220, 235, 240, 285, 295-325 (very large and very active). Surging off limb PA 110. Active filaments: PA 100, 0.5R; PA 90, 0.3R; PA 280, 0.3R; PA 245, 0.9R; PA 295-320, 0.95R (see above active prominence). 1/06/2003 2003d006 Mk4 data: 17:53-02:28; PICS 17:32-02:29; CHIP 17:32-02:30 Active prominences PA 70, 80, 85-100, 115-125, 290-330 (very large, vey active). Surging off limb PA 105. Active filaments PA 145, 0.45R; PA 80, 0.2R; PA 40, 0.5R. Apparent small filament eruption PA 95, 0.3R, ~21:00. 1/07/2003 2003d007 Mk4 data: 17:52-02:22; PICS 17:42-02:18; CHIP 17:42-02:16 Active prominences PA 85, 125, 225, 295-310. Surging off limb PA 105, 115, 265. Strange phenomenon PA 95: sudden brightening from 1.0R to 1.1R at 23:36; corresponding brightening in PICS and CHIP at about 01:00; evidently, a sudden enhancement of hot coronal material that cools to chromospheric temperatures over a period of ~90 minutes. Origin of coronal material unclear. This is a region of continuous coronal outflow following a faint mass ejection earlier in the day. Flaring in active regions just below disk center. Filament disappearance (possible eruption) PA 105, 0.75R, beginning ~20:15. 1/08/2003 2003d008 Mk4 data: 17:34-02:27; PICS 17:29-02:26; CHIP 17:28-02:26 Active prominences PA 42, 57, 80-100, 225, 260 (spider), 280, 295, 310. Active filament and flaring in active region at PA 110, 0.8R. Small filament eruption with small two-ribbon flare in active region at PA 255, 0.45R, ~01:30. 1/09/2003 2003d009 Mk4 data: 17:34-01:11; PICS 17:27-00:11; CHIP 17:26-01:27 Active prominences PA 65, 80, 120, 215, 260, 275-285. Surging off limb PA 105. Coronal rain PA 100-115. Surge or tiny filament eruption PA 340, 0.3R, ~19:00. Mildly active filament PA 320, 0.5R. 1/10/2003 2003d010 Mk4 data: 17:38-02:29; PICS 17:26-02:26; CHIP 17:26-02:26 CHIP data gap 18:50-20:40. Active prominences PA 55, 80, 95, 270. Post-eruption loops PA 105-125. Surge or prominence eruption at very end of observing day PA 260; brightening at the limb in PICS disk data; faint CME centered near PA 270 appears in LASCO C2 ~01:00. Active filaments and flaring in active region complex in the southeast. Very active, long filament PA 190, 0.5R to PA 150, 0.7R. Disappearing filament with no obvious eruption PA 300, 0.65R. Filament activity and flaring in active region centered at PA 260, 0.7R. 1/11/2003 2003d011 Mk4 data: 18:05-02:25; PICS 17:34-02:25; CHIP 17:33-02:25 Active prominences 50, 105, 110-135, 205, 270. Surging off limb PA 85, 275,285. Possible small filament eruption beginning ~17:36 at PA 225, 0.65R; associated EIT brightening beginning 17:48; possible association with small LASCO CME at PA > 190, appearing in C2 at 19:31. Small filament eruption with flaring PA 245, 0.55R, beginning ~20:15; also seen in EIT; LASCO association not clear. 1/12/2003 2003d012 Mk4 data: 17:32-00:14; PICS 17:30-02:24; CHIP 17:29-02:19 Active prominences PA 50, 80, 115-135. Possible prominence eruption from behind limb PA 75, beginning 20:06; faint CME in same region first seen in LASCO C2 ~06:00, with continual outflow throughout the day. Faint post-eruption loops PA 265. Surging off limb PA 85. Active filament PA 95, 0.8R. Surging on disk PA 120, 0.3R; PA 220, 0.28R. 1/13/2003 2003d013 Mk4 data: 17:43-02:29; PICS 17:35-02:23; CHIP 17:34-02:23 Active prominences PA 75-85, 115-135. The prominence system at PA 75-85 appears from behind the limb at the beginning of th observing day and rises to a height of ~1.1R by the end of the day. Surging and flaring on disk PA 170, 0.1R. Thin, active filament PA 40, 0.8R to PA 55, 0.6R. Apparent substantial post-eruption loop system PA 260-270, which appears to correspond to an eruption seen in EIT at PA 255 (16:12) and appearing in LASCO C2 at 16:54, centered near PA 245. 1/14/2003 2003d014 Mk4 data: 17:41-01:10; PICS 17:52-01:13; CHIP 17:40-01:11 Active prominences PA 75, 95, 250-300 (collection of prominences). Prominence at PA 275 is a tall, spider-like prominence that has outflows extending PA 260 to PA 285. Large eruptive prominence in progress at the beginning of the observing day. The prominence footpoints are at PA 98 and 133, and it extends to 1.5R before most of the material falls back. The eruption can be seen in EIT to begin at ~16:00, and a relatively faint CME centered at PA 110 and about 30 degrees wide appears in LASCO C2 ~17:00. Possible filament eruption with flaring beginning ~19:30 at PA 130, 0.4R; visible in EIT; CHIP data gap. Active filaments PA 40, 0.9R; PA 55, 0.6R; PA 300, 0.5R. Surging on disk PA 80, 0.95R; PA 250, 0.6R. 1/15/2003 2003d015 Mk4 data: 18:22-02:27; PICS 17:31-02:28; CHIP 17:31-02:26 CHIP data gap 00:20-01:27; PICS data gap 00:48-01:21. Active prominences PA 45, 245, 270, 295. Prominence at PA 270 is the spider-like prominence of the previous day, with similar characteristics. Apparent (very bright) post-eruption loops at PA 80, appearing at ~22:00, rising to 1.1R by 22:45, and rapidly disappearing (by 23:00). Filament eruption with two-ribbon flare PA 55, 0.3R occurring in the PICS data gap (between 00:48 and 01:21); only the end of the event is observed, during which the filament reforms. Active filament PA 25, 0.8R. 1/16/2003 2003d016 Mk4 data: 17:54-02:26; PICS 17:32-02:26; CHIP 17:31-21:18 Active prominences PA 40, 70, 120, 225, 285, 300. Active filaments: PA 65, 0.9R; PA 70, 0.8R; PA 10, 0.8R; PA 90, 0.2R. Filament at PA 70, 0.8R erupts ~18:00, followed by eruption of a filament at PA 70, 0.7R ~20:00; both filaments may be part the same system; flaring accompanies both eruptions; LASCO association unclear. Apparent eruption with flaring in vicinity of filament channel northwest of disk center ~01:00 visible in EIT and PICS, although no obvious eruption of filament material. 1/17/2003 2003d017 Mk4 data: 17:43-01:12; PICS 17:26-01:13; CHIP 17:26-01:15 Active prominences PA 70, 115, 215, 285, 310 Small surgin or prominence activity from behind limb PA 40, ~21:30. Active filaments: disk center; PA 30, 0.9R to PA 350, 0.7R. 1/18/2003 2003d018 Mk4 data: 18:12-02:26; PICS 17:32-02:28; CHIP 17:31-02:29 Active prominences: PA 65, 75, 90, 115, 150, 215, 230, 255, 275, 295, 305. Prominence at PA 255 is in a region of faint post-eruption loops and shows repeated surge-like activity. Small, fast filament eruption accompanied by short-lived two-ribbon flare and possible wave PA 220, 0.4R, 22:30; EIT shows filament eruption in 22:36 image, but next image not until 23:12; no obvious LASCO association. Small filament eruption with a bright two-ribbon flare and a possible wave, PA 65, 0.75R, ~19:10. Large, active filament PA 340, 0.8R. 1/19/2003 2003d019 Mk4 data: 17:46-02:15; PICS 17:47-02:14; CHIP 17:46-02:15 Active prominences: PA 70, 120, 150, 220, 285, 300. Faint post-eruption loops PA 260. Surging off limb PA 105, 225, 255. Active filaments: PA 65, 0.9R; PA115, 0.9R; PA 40, 0.8R; PA 35, 0l5R; PA 340, 0.8R; PA 280, 0.5R; PA 280, 0.95R. 1/20/2003 2003d020 Mk4 data: no Mk4 data; PICS 00:56-02:08; CHIP 00:55-02:01 Very cloudy, short observing day. Active prominences all around east limb, and at PA 225, 275, 295. No significant observable disk activity. 1/21/2003 2003d021 Mk4 data: 21:23-02-05; PICS 17:38-02:04; CHIP 17:38-02:03 Very tall, very broad, very active prominence at PA 45, slowly rising through the day. Active prominences: PA 75, 125-150, 220, 275, 290. Post-eruption loops PA 95, associated with CME earlier in day. CME not visible in MK4 movie. Surging on disk PA 260, 0.7R. 1/22/2003 2003d022 Mk4 data: no MK4 data; PICS 17:27-02:29; CHIP 17:27-02:28 Cloudy day. Active prominences: PA 70-100 (one system), 130, 148. Post-eruption loops PA 265. Eruptive (or active) prominence (from behind limb) PA 265, 23:30; may be associated with faint LASCO CME entering C2 field of view ~22:00. No significant observable disk activity. 1/23/2003 2003d023 Mk4 data: 18:18-02:27; PICS 18:06-02:27; CHIP 18:06-02:27 Active prominences: PA 60-130 (nearly continuous); PA 145 (very thin and faint). Post-eruption loops PA 240-270. Eruptive (or active) prominence PA 270, ~18:16; possibly associated with CME extending from PA 270 to PA 320 and entering LASCO C2 between 18:06 and 18:30. CME not visible in MK4 movie. Very slowly erupting filament PA 170, 0.3R to PA 210, 0.1R; eruption occurs over a period from ~18:30 to ~21:00. Active filament PA 100, 0.85R eventually erupts with two-ribbon flare ~23:30; corresponds to faint CME observed in LASCO C2 about the same time. CME not visible in MK4 movie. 1/24/2003 2003d024 Mk4 data: 22:53-02:29; PICS 17:43-02:35; CHIP 17:43-02:29 Cloudy day. Active prominences: 60, 70, 105, 290, 310. Post-eruption loops PA 245-265. Filament eruption PA 175, 0.3R, beginning ~21:53; possible wave; this region has more substantial eruptions earlier in the day, as seen in EIT. Surging near sunspot PA 90, 0.6R. 1/25/2003 2003d025 Mk4 data: 17:55-02:26; PICS 17:30-02:26; CHIP 17:29-02:27 Active prominences: PA 55, 65, 110, 290, 310. Post-eruption loops PA 240-260. Surging off limb PA 100. Filament eruption beginning ~1800, PA 300, 0.6R; corresponds to CME seen in LASCO C2 ~17:40 at PA 290. CME not visible in MK4 movie. Active filament at PA 110, 0.8R slowly disappears through the day, but apparently does not erupt, despite continuously observed motion. Surging from near sunspot PA 90, 0.4R. 1/26/2003 2003d026 Mk4 data: 17:38-02:28; PICS 17:34-02:26; CHIP 17:34-02:27 Active prominences: PA 65, 85, 250, 280, 310. Active filament PA 190, 0.5R. 1/27/2003 2003d027 Mk4 data: 17:38-02:30: PICS 17:34-02:33; CHIP 17:34-02:31 Large erupting filament in SW starting at ~20:45 associated with a CME seen in LASCO at ~22:20 and post-eruption loops visible in EIT. Very faint CME visible MK4 in South. Southern leg is most visible feature, located near south pole from 22:10 until ~23:00. 1/28/2003 2003d028 Mk4 data: 17:39-01:07; PICS 17:38-01:33; CHIP 17:37-01:33 Active prom. at PA 85. Some faint activity also visible around PA 300 where material appears to be draining along field lines. Long, active filament in NE- has some sloshing motion along the spine. Small filament eruption and two-ribbon flare at ~22:50 just south of center disk. 1/29/2003 2003d029 Mk4 data: 17:55-00:02; PICS 17:26-00:04; CHIP 17:25-00:03 Some flaring and a small surge above a filament near SW limb (~PA 250). at 20:35. 1/30/2003 2003d030 Mk4 data: 18:37-02:21; PICS 17:28-02:24; CHIP 17:28-02:20 Active prom. at PA 280 at the beginning of observing day- some material lifts up and then drains to the surface. No significant disk activity. 1/31/2003 2003d031 Mk4 data: 17:46-02:29; PICS 17:28-02:28; CHIP 17:28-02:30 Very large prom. eruption at PA 285 (behind limb) at 22:00. LASCO and EIT only have images through 19:30, but the CME can be seen already in progress the following day. Nice 3-part CME visible in MK4 movie beginning at 21:59. Relatively fast CME. Faint material ejected until near end of observing day? Another prominence eruption occurs at PA 315 at 23:28 (loop-like) which is also probably related to the CME in this area. Activity is visible on the limb at PA 95-100 where material is thrown up and over in a loop-like structure at ~18:50. Small filament in NE lifts and disappears, followed by a faint two-ribbon flare. It's not obvious in the velocity data whether this filament actually erupts. 2/01/2003 2003d032 Mk4 data: 17:54-02:28; PICS 17:24-02:34; CHIP 17:23-02:30 Large prominence suspended above limb at ~PA 300 shows draining throughout the day. Possible post-eruption loops on east limb, but no apparent CME in that area (although LASCO has a large data gap the previous day). No significant disk activity. 2/02/2003 2003d033 Mk4 data: 17:31-02:18; PICS 17:30-02:21; CHIP 17:30-02:19 Some activity on limb at PA 215 with material draining northward from a central piece of prominence material. Slow moving, faint, 3-part CME beginning around 23:00 UT and fading into background levels before it leaves the field-of-view. Located ~235 degrees. Small amounts of material can be seen draining close to the surface on the east limb- possible post-eruption activity, but only a very faint possible CME is visible in LASCO. No significant disk activity. 2/03/2003 2003d034 Mk4 data: 17:45-02:22; PICS 17:25-02:25; CHIP 17:24-02:20 Faint loops of prom. material form above limb at PA 225 at 23:10, then drain. Faint post-eruption loops visible at PA 240. Also appear to have post-eruption loops again on east limb, but with no apparent eruption. No significant disk activity. 2/04/2003 2003d035 Mk4 data: 17:34-02:27; PICS 17:29-02:27; CHIP 17:28-02:27 Very faint, small cloud-shaped CME(?) superposed on helmet in east just just south of equator (~115 deg) from 21:28 - ~21:50. Unclear if material is truly ejected from corona. Streamer is unchanged. Limb activity very similar to previous day (see those notes). No significant disk activity. 2/05/2003 2003d036 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:28; PICS 17:23-02:32; CHIP 17:23-02:28 Fuzzy CME at PA 30-75, beginning around 2203 UT. Superposed on helmet streamer. Top of helmet erupts. Is CME forming in MK43 field-of-view? 2nd CME visible in MK4 in southwest streamer from ~220 to 230 degrees 21:57 to 22:53 UT. Irregularly shaped material ejected at north side of streamer. Streamer remains. Fast prominence eruption (surge-like) at PA 225 at 21:50. Small surge at PA 90 at 19:21. Filament in west lifts and disappears starting at ~18:40. It's difficult to tell if it completely erupts. 2/06/2003 2003d037 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:19; PICS 17:24-02:19; CHIP 17:23-02:19 No significant limb activity. Spray from an active region at ~PA 100 .6 R starting at 18:43. Large filament in the north shows some material moving SW from its southern end, but I don't think this is an eruption- just lateral motion. 2/07/2003 2003d038 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:29; PICS 17:22-02:25; CHIP 17:21-02:29 No significant limb or disk activity. 2/08/2003 2003d039 Mk4 data: 17:49-02:23; PICS 17:24-02:25; CHIP 17:24-02:19 Very small, faint post-eruption loops form at PA 95, following a fast, narrow CME seen in LASCO that starts at ~13:30 at the same location. No significant disk activity. 2/09/2003 2003d040 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:26; PICS 17:21-02:24; CHIP 17:21-02:22 Faint prominence material forms and drains at PA 260, giving the appearance of post-eruption loops, but no CME is visible in that area on this day or the previous day (in LASCO). Active filament in west, although no apparent eruption in LASCO or EIT. CHIP data is messed up. 2/10/2003 2003d041 Mk4 data: 17:30-02:32; PICS 17:21-02:29; CHIP 17:20-02:28. Same activity at PA 260 as yesterday (see above notes). Prominence material seen moving from PA 95 to a prominence at PA 110. Some filament activity in the active region in west (just south) starting at ~19:58 and continuing throughout the day, although doesn't seem to erupt. 2/11/2003 2003d042 Mk4 data: 17:34-02:25; PICS 17:34-02:25; CHIP 17:34-02:24. Active prominence at PA 100- material drains to the surface from the top. Active filament slightly NW of center disk- material (both light and dark in h-alpha) gets thrown from the end of the filament in the active region to the other end. I don't think there is anything erupting here. Small eruption and flare in west at ~PA 270 .6 Rsun at 01:54. 2/12/2003 2003d043 Mk4 data: 00:00-23:57; PICS:17:21-00:06; CHIP:17:20-00:04 Active prominence at PA 95-100 (suspended material drains to the surface on both sides of the "body"). Slightly active prominence at PA 300. Twirling motion seen in a filament close to east limb (~PA 100, .75 Rsun) starting at 22:07. Surge (both white and dark in h-alpha) near west limb (~PA 255, .8 Rsun) starting at 18:52. Motion along a filament spine slightly SW of center disk- material seems to be flowing from the NW part of filament toward the SE. Active filament also located just west of center disk- shows material being spurted out from northern end at ~22:05. 2/13/2003 2003d044 No MK4 data; PICS 20:34-23:46; CHIP 20:33-23:42. Very cloudy day; few usable images; no significant disk or limb activity observable. 2/14/2003 2003d045 No MK4 data; PICS 17:18-18:55; CHIP 17:18-19:14. Very cloudy day; few usable images; no significant disk or limb activity observable. 2/15/2003 2003d046 Mk4 data: 18:08-01:07; PICS 17:20-01:18; CHIP 17:19-01:17. PICS and CHIP data gap ~22:00-~00:40. Cloudy day. Active prominences PA 40, 120, 300. Small prominence eruption PA 275, ~18:50; corresponds to CME first visible in LASCO C2 at 19:31. CME visible in MK4 18:34 - 19:04 at ~275 degrees. Narrow loop(?)/cavity superposed on small helmet. Post-eruption loops PA 245-265. Active filament PA 250, 0.2R; possible eruption during data gap, with two-ribbon flare in progress at end of data gap. 2/16/2003 2003d047 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:29; PICS 17:34-02:37; CHIP 17:34-02:35. Beautiful 3-part CME in northwest (~300 degrees) from 22:35- ~00:30. Superposed on helmet. Part of helmet is blown out. Does front form in the MK4 field-of-view? Active prominences PA 30, 70, 115, 130, 250, 265, 280. Eruptive prominence PA 295, ~22:45; corresponds to CME appearing in LASCO C2 at 23:08. Active filament PA 350, 0.2R. 2/17/2003 2003d048 Mk4 data: 17:49-03:26; PICS 17:22-03:24; CHIP 17:21-03:23. Beautiful, archetypal 3-part CME in MK4 superposed on northwest streamer at ~315 degrees. Highly structured (prominence) core embedded in cavity. Front may form in the MK4 field-of-view. Visible from 01:52 until end of observations (03:26 UT) Streamer appears undisturbed. Active prominences: PA 35, 70, 115, 240, 250, 275. Post-eruption loops PA 285. Enormous prominence/filament eruption accompanying a fast CME (in LASCO C2, a speed of ~1000 km/s); long two-ribbon flare; centered at PA 310 at limb; affected area of filament extends to PA 350, 0.8R; eruption begins ~01:30. Active filament PA 110, 0.8R. 2/18/2003 2003d049 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:27; PICS 17:34-02:28; CHIP 17:33-02:26. Active prominences: PA 65, 105, 275-295. Prominence at PA 105 rises and disappears between ~20:00 and 22:00; there may be an extremely faint CME at about the same position angle and time in LASCO data. CME not visible in MK4 movie. An apparent small, faint prominence eruption at PA 0, ~02:15; this is the region af a very slow CME observed in LASCO C2 and C3 beginning before 13:00 (during a LASCO data gap). Active filaments: PA 110, 0.95R; PA 95, 0.6R. 2/19/2003 2003d050 Mk4 data: 17:31-02:27; PICS 17:15-02:30; CHIP 17:15-02:29. Active prominences: PA 80, 95, 103, 110, 130, 295. Filament eruption with flaring PA 45, 0.5R, ~19:45. Filament eruption with faint two-ribbon flare PA 15, 0.4R, ~20:15; this filament extends from PA 0, 0.3R to PA 40, 0.8R; it appears that only the southwestern half erupts, but the entire filament is disturbed. 2/20/2003 2003d051 Mk4 data: 17:31-23:02; PICS 17:32-00:51; CHIP 17:31-00:51. Very cloudy day; few usable limb images. Active prominences: PA 90, 115, 260, 295. Surging off limb PA 140, 190, 280. Surging in active region PA 40, 0.6R. 2/21/2003 2003d052 Mk4 data: 19:05-19:45; PICS 17:19-19:59; CHIP 17:19-19:58. Very cloudy, short observing day; few usable limb images. Active prominences: PA 85, 115. No significant observable disk activity. 2/22/2003 2003d053 Mk4 data: 17:43-02:26; PICS 17:21-02:29; CHIP 17:21-02:29 Spider prominence PA 90. Small filament eruption with flaring in active region at PA 340, 0.4R. 2/23/2003 2003d054 Mk4 data: 17:32-02:25; PICS 17:26-02:14; CHIP 17:26-02:22 Active prominences: PA 55, 90, 100, 145, 305. Post-eruption loops PA 90. Surging off limb PA 75. Mildly active filaments: PA 55, 0.7R; PA 115, 0.85R. 2/24/2003 2003d055 Mk4 data: 17:49-02:25; PICS 17:49-02:28; CHIP 17:48-02:26 Active prominences: PA 70, 80, 90, 100, 140, 235, 295. Very faint condensation with coronal rain at PA 240. Very active filament exteding from PA 55, 0.4R to PA 40, 0.8R. Surging, flaring, and filament activity PA 295, 0.9R. 2/25/2003 2003d056 Mk4 data: 17:29-02:19; PICS 17:29-01:59; CHIP 17:29-02:19 Active prominences PA 60-75, 90, 140, 230, 240, 257, 270, 295. Prominence at PA 295 shows material being thrown upward in a manner remiscent of the active prominence of 99d121. An eruption of material off limb at ~22:45 comes from the same region on disk that was active the previous day (this time a filament eruption from PA 290, 0.95R). Faint coronal rain PA 100. Filament eruption with flaring, PA 105, 0.85R, beginning ~00:00. Large filament at PA 235, 0.9R begins erupting at the end of the observing day. Long filament centered at PA 20, 0.5R is very active, as on previous day. 2/26/2003 2003d057 Mk4 data: 17:22-00:42; PICS 17:15-00:43; CHIP 17:15-00:42 Active prominences: PA 65, 95, 135, 230-260, 270. Surging off limb PA 75, 105, 130. Coronal rain PA 100-115. Condensation forms and falls PA 235, beginning ~21:00. Active filament centered at PA 140, 0.4R. Small filament eruption with flaring PA 250, 0.7R, beginning ~00:00. 2/27/2003 2003d058 Mk4 data: 17:23-19:32; PICS 17:19-19:36; CHIP 17:18-19:35 Active prominences: PA 60, 75, 90, 110, 140, 245, 305. At PA 110, a large condensation forms between 1.1R and 1.15R and then drains; could ve associated with coronal rain of preceding day, and could be a spider prominence. Small filament at PA 100, 0.6R erupts beginning ~17:30. Active filament PA 25, 0.85R. 2/28/2003 2003d059 Mk4 data: 17:22-02:26; PICS 17:13-02:28; CHIP 17:13-02:27 Faint CME in MK4 in southeast at PA 130-150 from ~18:12- ~20:00. Maybe a loop/cavity. PICS data gap 21:55-01:40. Active prominences: PA 140, 240, 290, 300. Coronal rain: PA 60-120; 265-280. Surging off limb: PA 78, 160, 345, 358. No significant disk activity. 3/01/2003 2003d060 Mk4 data: 17:35-00:17; PICS 17:10-01:51; CHIP 17:09-02:27 Active prominence: PA 300. Prominence eruptions or large surges: PA 80, 17:17; PA 73, 18:28-19:28 (repeated); PA 85, 20:50; PA 75, 21:44; PA 85, 23:00; PA 85, 00:33. LASCO C2 sees repeated CMEs from the region centered at PA 80; the four principal ejections reach ~3.0R at ~14:30, ~16:30, ~18:00, and ~20:00. No CME visible in MK4, however there are very few useable images. Coronal rain: PA 80-120, PA 275. Minor surging from near sunspot at PA 73, 0.9R; apparently not related to ejections noted above, which appear to come from behind the limb. 3/02/2003 2003d061 Mk4 data: 17:25-00:22; PICS 22:56-00:11; CHIP 17:25-00:20 Only 6 pics limb and disk images. Active prominences: PA 240, 300. No significant observable disk activity. 3/03/2003 2003d062 Mk4 data: 17:45-02:00; PICS 17:11-01:57; CHIP 17:10-01:58 Somewhat cloudy. Active prominences: PA 55, 230-245, 295. Eruptive prominence in progress at beginning of day PA 300; very narrow, lifting slowly, and then begins more rapid acceleration from about 1.4R; the prominence is visible in Mk4 imbedded in a loop-cavity structure; LASCO C2 shows a gradual streamer brightening and clear CME entering the field of view ~19:00. CME front is very faint in MK4 data. Coronal rain PA 70-125; at PA 125, material is falling from more than 1.3R (at 17:56). Large prominence eruption centered at PA 120, appears in PICS limb data at 20:19. This eruption appears to come largely from behind the limb, but it seems to be connected to an active region filament at PA 115, 0.95R, which begins erupting ~19:30. This is consistent with the appearance of the event in EIT, where part of a transient coronal hole appears on the disk; CME appears in LASCO C2 at 20:30; Mk4 data gap 20:20 to 21:24. Rays disappear during data gap and faint material may be ejected just prior to data gap at 20:20. Mildly active, large filament centered at PA 25, 0.65R. 3/04/2003 2003d063 Mk4 data: 17:26-00:52; PICS 17:26-00:53; CHIP 17:26-00:04. No significant Mk4 activity. Active prominences: PA 60, 80, 120, 225, 235, 250, 260, 275. High (1.3R), very faint suspended prominence at PA 118 apparently visible from ~20:00, slowly brightens (remaining very faint) and drains along a loop (meeting the limb at PA 106) from ~22:00 to ~23:00. Surging off limb along loops PA 60-80. Very active, large filament PA 5, 0.4R. Very active, small filaments in active region centered at PA 45, 0.4R. 3/05/2003 2003d064 Mk4 data: 17:30-03:25; PICS 17:07-03:24; CHIP 17:06-03:26. Mk4 shows a relatively narrow CME at PA 100, along a pre-existing narrow streamer; CME exhibits loop-cavity-core structure, with top of cavity lifting off from just above the occulting disk ~02:30 (see prominence eruption below). The CME is first visible in LASCO C2 at 03:06 near PA 100, but is centered at PA 70 when it leaves the C2 field of view and at PA 60 when it leaves the C3 field of view. The CME also appears somewhat wider in the LASCO images, and the core is not so obvious. Post-eruption loops are visible in EIT near PA 105, rising from behind the limb at ~03:24. Active prominences: PA 60-80, 105, 245, 265-280. Prominence at PA 60-80 shows enormous flow upward from PA 60 and downward to PA 80; flow reaches ~1.2R near PA 70, and a small piece of material may erupt: ~21:45-22:45. There is an appearance of a very faint, small CME in LASCO C3 toward the beginning of the following day at PA 60, but a LASCO data gap from 20:30 to 00:18 prevents appearance in C2. No Mk4 evidence of mass ejection. Prominence at PA 105 slowly rises beginning ~21:00 and rapidly erupts beginning ~02:30. Extensive, complex horizontal flows in prominence system at PA 265-280. Apparent small filament eruption with flaring ~18:15, PA 65, 0.9R. Rapid motion of filament material along the disk from PA 40, 0.75R to PA 55, 0.7R at ~20:00; material brightens in Halpha as it moves, possibly indicating doppler brightening. Active filaments PA 25, 0.5R; PA 340, 0.6R; PA 275, 0.7R; PA 305, 0.9R; PA 185, 0.75R; all but the last showing substantial flows along filament spine. 3/06/2003 2003d065 Mk4 data: 17:09-02:30; PICS 17:08-02:31; CHIP 17:07-02:24. No significant Mk4 activity. Active prominences: PA 60, 70-90, 105, 245, 260-270, 295. Very active large filament PA 325, 0.7R. Surging and flaring near sunspot at PA 340, 0.35R. 3/07/2003 2003d066 Mk4 data: 18:51-22:36; PICS 17:32-22:34; CHIP 17:23-22:33. Cloudy day. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominences: PA 45, 60, 70-80, 100-110, 245, 270. Surging near sunspot PA 315, 0.45R. 3/08/2003 2003d067 Mk4 data: 17:41-01:19; PICS 17:08-01:24; CHIP 17:08-01:23 Very cloudy day. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominences: PA 105, 240-250, 260-270. At beginning of day, material falling downward at PA 60 from 1.2R as a result of earlier prominence eruption (~16:00, as seen in EIT). Surging and flaring on disk; PA 255, 0.5R; PA 250, 0.6R. 3/09/2003 2003d068 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 3/10/2003 2003d069 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:25; PICS 17:05-02:29; CHIP 17:04-02:28 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominences all along the west limb, but a large amount of material suddenly gets thrown up and over toward the north in the northern prominence starting at ~22:30. There is no visible Mk4 CME associated with this, but a faint, narrow CME is visible in LASCO at the beginning of 3/11. Large prominence at PA 220 suspended above limb (not showing much activity). Surging near large sunspot in NE (dark surging in H-alpha) throughout day. Activity in large filament in south (activity is near the NW end of filament)- shows some lifting, but don't think this erupts. Active filaments near NW limb. 3/11/2003 2003d070 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:22; PICS 17:05-02:25; CHIP 17:04-02:23 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominences on east limb- show lateral motion between them. Possible post-eruption loops at PA 240-270 (although no apparent CME is visible in Mk4 or LASCO). Large prominence at PA 220 still sitting there. Large surging at sunspot in NE starting at ~19:00. 3/12/2003 2003d071 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:28; PICS 17:05-02:53; CHIP 17:04-02:29 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Still have lots of apparent post-eruption loops along the west limb (especially in beginning of day). Large prom. at PA 220 has elongated- still not erupting. Nice filament eruption (small) just below disk center followed by a circular flare (and possible wave in H-alpha) starting at ~02:05. 3/13/2003 2003d072 Mk4 data: 17:14-01:02; PICS 17:09-01:03; CHIP 17:09-01:08 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Some activity visible in prominence at PA 80. Nice erupting prom. at PA 30 visible just above occulting disk at 22:42- erupts as a loop structure. This filament eruption is visible on the disk- starts to lift off at ~21:00. No CME (in either Mk4 or LASCO) seems to be associated with this eruption. 3/14/2003 2003d073 Mk4 data: 17:21-02:29; PICS 17:01-02:29; CHIP 17:00-02:28. Nice CME in Mk4 (~17:21-19:07) with a loop/cavity/core structure centered at ~PA 240. Beautiful filament eruption over the west limb at very beginning of observing day. Visible in H-alpha and CHIP. The disk data shows only some of the filament escaping, but there is motion throughout the spine in the velocity data. There is also a two- ribbon flare associated with this event, and a possible wave. Another active prominence at PA 80 starting at ~18:20. Not sure if this one is erupting. It has two loop-like structures. 3/15/2003 2003d074 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:25; PICS 17:00-02:28; CHIP 16:59-02:25. CME visible in Mk4 at PA 80 at ~21:28 (three-part structure). Surge at PA 105 at ~20:00- looks like it's prom. material lifting up and along loops close to limb. Another surge (this one is taller, and some material might escape) at PA 80 at 21:35-22:08. This is very bright in Mk4. Disk data also shows either a two-ribbon flare right at the limb, or a wave. Active prominence at PA 235- one small piece of material seems to be ejected at very end of observing day. Material draining down along loops on the west limb early in day- possibly post-eruption loops. 3/16/2003 2003d075 Mk4 data: 17:23-22:00; PICS 17:24-21:59; CHIP 17:24-21:59. No significant activity in Mk4. Small surge at PA 100 at ~18:35. No significant disk activity. 3/17/2003 2003d076 Mk4 data: 17:16-23:56; PICS 16:57-23:35; CHIP 16:56-23:54. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Slightly active prominences on east limb. Dust particle in NW in H-alpha limb data. No significant disk activity. 3/18/2003 2003d077 Mk4 data: 17:27-02:24; PICS 17:28-02:25; CHIP 17:28-02:24. Faint, fuzzy CME in southwest in MK4. Top of fuzzy helmet in southwest (210 to 240 PA) slowly blows out between 17:55 and 23:00. No clear front. LASCO sees a CME in the SW (~PA 225) at ~19:00. Small, active prominence at PA 273. Small surging occuring at PA 105 at ~23:10. Surging also at PA 285 throughout the day. Small filament eruption south of center disk at 21:09. 3/19/2003 2003d078 Mk4 data: 17:19-02:34; PICS 16:59-02:34; CHIP 16:59-02:33. No significant observable Mk4 activity (no LASCO data). Large prominences on east limb (show some slight activity). Large surging in AR near west limb at ~PA 350 at ~22:14. 3/20/2003 2003d079 Mk4 data: 17:25-02:20; PICS 17:03-02:24; CHIP 17:03-02:20. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Some loops on the west limb form in H-alpha and have material draining- look like post-eruption loops- LASCO sees a narrow CME on west limb, but nothing major. No significant disk activity. 3/21/2003 2003d080 Mk4 data: 17:15-02:31; PICS 17:00-02:31; CHIP 16:59-02:30. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Possible post-eruption loops in H-alpha limb data at PA 255- LASCO sees a very narrow CME near this area at ~23:06. Some activity visible in the filament in NE- just shows some lifting, but doesn't seem to be erupting (at very end of observing day). Small (two-ribbon?) flare just north of center disk, with a possible small filament eruption at ~21:15. 3/22/2003 2003d081 Mk4 data: 17:22-02:27; PICS 17:03-02:29; CHIP 17:02-02:28. No significant observable Mk4 activity. No significant limb activity. No significant disk activity. 3/23/2003 2003d082 Mk4 data: 17:24-02:26; PICS 17:14-02:28; CHIP 17:13-02:27. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominence at PA 55. No significant disk activity. 3/24/2003 2003d083 Mk4 data: 17:16-02:24; PICS 16:57-02:28; CHIP 16:56-02:27. No significant observable Mk4 activity, but LASCO sees a narrow CME at ~PA 295 at 20:30. Large active prominences located at ~PA 60-80, PA 135, and PA 250. Cloudy toward end of observing day. No significant disk activity. 3/25/2003 2003d084 Mk4 data: 17:13-02:04; PICS 17:13-02:20; CHIP 17:13-02:03. No significant observable Mk4 activity, but LASCO sees a faint CME in north (~PA 30) at ~20:00. Nice, large prominences at PA 60-70 (loop-like) and PA 135. Slow large erupting filament in the north is already lifting off when we start observing (17:13)- disappears from velocity data at ~18:36. There is a possible wave in H-alpha with this event, but it is faint and hard to detect (there is a data gap in EIT also). 3/26/2003 2003d085 Mk4 data: 17:52-01:34; PICS 16:58-02:25; CHIP 16:57-02:24. No observable Mk4 activity. Rather cloudy day; limited amount of good PICS limb data. Active prominences: 60, 105-120, 145, 230-260, 270. No significant disk activity. 3/27/2003 2003d086 Mk4 data: 23:27-01:27; PICS 17:03-00:13; CHIP 17:03-00:09. Very cloudy day. No good Mk4 images. No good PICS limb images. No significant observable disk activity. 3/28/2003 2003d087 Mk4 data: 17:35-22:10; PICS 17:04-22:13; CHIP 17:03-22:09. Very cloudy day. No good Mk4 images. Few good PICS limb images. Very active prominence PA 50; shows massive flow upward to about 1.2R (into the plane of the sky) and back downward near PA 65. No significant observable disk activity. 3/29/2003 2003d088 Mk4 data: 17:21-18:58; PICS 17:01-19:14; CHIP 17:00-19:11. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominence system PA 55-75. Small filament eruption with a small two-ribbon flare, beginning ~18:35, PA 255, 0.35R. 3/30/2003 2003d089 Mk4 data: 19:11-01:24; PICS 18:39-01:22; CHIP 18:38-01:20. Very cloudy day. Possible small CME in west. Small cavity(?) appears over west equator. No reliable data between 20:40 and 23:40. By 23:40 a small structure appears between ~255 and 280 degrees PA and appears to move outward. Still well within MK4 field-of-view in last decent MK4 image at 00:55 UT. LASCO sees small jet of material ejected over this region beginning at 21:54 UT. LASCO also records a slow streamer blowout of the helmet just south of this region (~210 to 245 degrees PA) throughout this day. Poor quality PICS limb data. Eruptive prominence PA 355-370, beginning ~23:06. Surging on disk PA 350, 0.3R. 3/31/2003 2003d090 Mk4 data: 20:39-23:29; PICS 18:40-23:28; CHIP 18:39-23:25. Very cloudy day- No significant observable Mk4 activity. LASCO sees a narrow, faint CME at ~PA 100 at ~18:30. Poor quality PICS limb data. Small two-ribbon flare in SE at ~PA 100, 0.5R. 4/01/2003 2003d091 Mk4 data: 17:06-02:22; PICS 17:06-02:26; CHIP 17:05-02:25. Somewhat cloudy day- No significant observable Mk4 activity. Large filament in NW seems to gets pushed northward (or it's lifting) at very end of observing day. Small surge in the center of the SE quadrant (~PA 125, 0.25R) at ~22:00. Prominence material apparently forming and then draining at PA 75-85 around 20:20. 4/02/2003 2003d092 Mk4 data: 16:56-02:29; PICS 16:48-02:31; CHIP 16:47-02:30. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Active prominence at PA 55-65 shows material draining down to surface (somewhat cloudy day makes it difficult to see in H-alpha limb data). Some activity in small, bright active region just SW of center- possible small filament eruption at 19:31. 4/03/2003 2003d093 Mk4 data: 20:06-23:28; PICS 18:52-23:49; CHIP 18:51-23:48. Cloudy day. No significant observable Mk4 activity, but LASCO shows a faint CME occuring at PA 280 at 17:54, and another smaller CME at PA 250 at 19:54. Post-eruption loops visible on west limb in H-alpha limb data. Active prominence barely visible through clouds in H-alpha limb data at PA 60. No visible disk activity. 4/04/2003 2003d094 Mk4 data: 17:01-02:31; PICS 16:54-02:33; CHIP 16:54-02:32. Data gap (weather ~21:42-00:30). No significant observable Mk4 activity, but LASCO shows a slowly developing CME on the west limb beginning before our observing day. Small prominence/cavity rising in west over MLSO observing day. Cavity visible throughout day; prominence visible by end of day. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb at ~PA 250. Prominence material drains to surface at PA 245. Active prominence at PA 315- material moves northward. Very small filament eruption near west limb (PA 260, 0.7R) at 17:15, followed by a larger filament eruption near the same area (PA 270, 0.5R) and a two-ribbon flare at ~20:00. There might be a wave associated with this seen in EIT and H-alpha, but it is difficult to determine. 4/05/2003 2003d095 Mk4 data: 17:10-22:31; PICS 16:51-22:48; CHIP 16:50-22:45. Cloudy day. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb at ~PA 250. Surge on limb at PA 255 at ~18:54-19:15. Surging on the disk near sunspot at ~PA 85, 0.8R at ~20:11 seen in H-alpha disk data. 4/06/2003 2003d096 Mk4 data: 19:08-19:40; PICS 19:08-20:17; CHIP 19:08-20:17. Extremely bad weather- no visible activity in any of the data sets on this short day. 4/07/2003 2003d097 Mk4 data: 17:36-22:28; PICS 16:48-22:54; CHIP 16:46-22:50. Cloudy day. No visible Mk4 activity. No visible H-alpha limb activity. Active prominence (visible in velocity data) at PA 300-310. No significant disk activity visible. 4/08/2003 2003d098 Mk4 data: 16:58-02:13; PICS 16:58-02:13; CHIP 16:58-02:11. Somewhat cloudy day. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Possible post-eruption loops (fairly tall) at PA 250-270 at beginning of observing day. Active prominence at PA 110-125. No significant disk activity. 4/09/2003 2003d099 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data due to weather. 4/10/2003 2003d100 Mk4 data: 22:33-22:54; PICS 22:33-23:07; CHIP 22:32-23:05. Very large prominence suspended above the NW limb, but with very little data, can't tell if it's erupting- difficult to tell in LASCO and EIT data as well. No visible disk activity. 4/11/2003 2003d101 Mk4 data: 16:52-20:36; PICS 16:47-21:05; CHIP 16:46-21:04. Very small, faint, irregulary shaped CME in east from ~18:10 to ~18:45 at 100 degrees PA. Active prominences: PA 45, 70, 130, 275. Prominence at PA 45 begins lifting ~17:30; material appears to be swirling , and most follows a looplike trajectory back to the limb, while some appears to erupt. Throughout this day there is a very slow CME (best seen in LASCO C3) centered at PA 40. No significant disk activity. 4/12/2003 2003d102 Mk4 data: 01:23-01:34; no PICS or CHIP data. No usable data. 4/13/2003 2003d103 Mk4 data: 20:11-21:25; PICS 20:11-21:23; CHIP 20:10-21:22. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Motion on the disk (appears as both light and dark in Halpha) at ~PA 100-105 .7R throughout the day. 4/14/2003 2003d104 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 16:48-01:33; CHIP 16:48-01:31. Very cloudy day- no visible H-alpha limb activity. No disk activity. 4/15/2003 2003d105 No MK4 data; PICS 20:14-02:05; CHIP 20:13-02:04. Very cloudy day- no visible H-alpha limb activity. No significant disk activity. 4/16/2003 2003d106 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 18:11-23:47; CHIP 18:10-23:46. Another very cloudy day. No visible limb activity. No visible disk activity. 4/17/2003 2003d107 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 17:35-23:00; CHIP 17:35-23:15. Another very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Very small, possible filament eruption in the NW at ~21:00. 4/18/2003 2003d108 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 16:49-20:05; CHIP 16:49-20:04. Very cloudy- no visible limb activity. No disk activity 4/19/2003 2003d109 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 17:21-02:27; CHIP 17:21-02:26. Very cloudy- no visible limb activity. No disk activity. 4/20/2003 2003d110 Mk4 data: 16:53-02:27; PICS 16:55-02:24; CHIP 16:52-02:24. Small CME seen in Mk4 at ~PA 275 at ~19:18-20:25. Cloudy day. Active prominence (or surge) at PA 95 at ~19:30. Slight filament activity in NE (~PA 70 .6 R) at ~17:00. 4/21/2003 2003d111 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 16:46-22:54; CHIP 16:46-22:52. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some activity in the active region in east (~PA 100 .5R)- possible filament eruption and small flaring at ~18:20. 4/22/2003 2003d112 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 18:33-23:27; CHIP 18:33-23:27. Active prominence at PA 320- material drains to the surface from the top of prominence at ~18:35. Slightly active filament in SE at ~PA 130 .6-.7R (some material disappears in H-alpha. 4/23/2003 2003d113 Mk4 data; 19:52-21:26; PICS 16:43-21:46; CHIP 16:43-21:45. No activity in Mk4. Active prominence at PA 65. Another active prominence at PA 130- material rises above occulting disk at ~19:20, then falls back down. No significant disk activity. 4/24/2003 2003d114 Mk4 data; 17:08-00:01; PICS 17:00-00:03; CHIP 17:00-00:01. CME in Mk4 at PA 75 at ~21:45-22:27. Slightly active prominences at PA 60 and PA 75-85. Large surge on the limb at PA 285 at ~17:52 (velocity data indicates this is motion toward the observer). Some surging in active region just south of center disk at ~22:00. 4/25/2003 2003d115 Mk4 data; 16:55-20:32; PICS 16:38-20:03; CHIP 16:55-20:02. No significant observable Mk4 activity. No significant limb activity. No significant disk activity. 4/26/2003 2003d116 Mk4 data; 16:54-22:23; PICS 16:49-22:35; CHIP 16:49-22:31. Very small CME in Mk4 at PA 280 at ~18:00. LASCO shows material erupting from this area all day long in spurts. Another CME visible at PA 80 at ~21:17-22:05 (end of day) with a nice erupting prominence (3 part CME) superposed on streamer. Very nice, large erupting prominence at PA 75-80 first visible in H-alpha limb data at 20:29. It looks like much of the material escapes. Surging at PA 290 at the beginning of the observing day. The large erupting prominence is visible as a large filament that starts to lift up at ~18:30 (in velocity data), followed by a two-ribbon flare visible to the north of the filament (this filament must be sitting high above the surface). 4/27/2003 2003d117 No usable Mk4 data; PICS 17:03-19:11; CHIP 17:03-19:09. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Small piece of filament material seems to erupt from the filament in the active region in the SW at ~17:48. 4/28/2003 2003d118 Mk4 data 20:06-02:28; PICS 18:50-02:34; CHIP 18:53-02:34. No observable Mk4 activity. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Surging on the disk in the north (~PA 45, .5R), with motion toward the NW at ~00:08. 4/29/2003 2003d119 Mk4 data 17:00-00:30; PICS 16:57-00:31; CHIP 16:57-00:29. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Small erupting prominence at PA 225 at ~18:21. Small erupting filament between two small sunspots at ~PA 130 .2R at time 17:21. This is accompanied by either a two ribbon flare that quickly expands and/or a wave that is visible in H-alpha as a bright outward motion. 4/30/2003 2003d120 Mk4 data: 16:58-01:29; PICS 16:44-01:31; CHIP 16:43-01:30. No significant observable Mk4 activity. Cloudy day- no significant limb activity. Filament near east limb at ~PA 75-80 shows motion toward the west (along the spine) at the beginning of the day- it feels as though material is getting dragged. Small wave visible in H-alpha in an active region south of center at ~17:31. There is also flaring activity, but I think there is a distinguishable wave as well. This wave is also slightly detectable in EIT, along with dimmings. 5/01/2003 2003d121 Mk4 data: 17:07-02:15; PICS 16:34-02:20; CHIP 16:33-02:19 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity in H-alpha. Active filament near east limb at ~PA 65-75 (0.6-0.9R) shows motion back and forth along the spine. Another active filament in south (~PA 205, .4R) shows material moving westward. Dark surge from sunspot region south of center disk at ~21:45. 5/02/2003 2003d122 Mk4 data: 19:07-23:55; PICS 19:07-02:30; CHIP 19:06-02:30 A CME is slightly detectable in Mk4 at PA 45 at ~22:00. Cloudy day. Prominence at PA 270-275 lifts off at the beginning of the observing day. There is also material draining to the surface below this erupting prominence (possible post-eruption loops, although LASCO doesn't see a CME here on this day either). Active region in SW is slightly brightened in H-alpha as we start observing- it then fades and there is some filament motion around this area. Surging on disk from sunspot near east limb at ~PA 75. 5/03/2003 2003d123 Mk4 data: 16:47-22:18; PICS 16:33-02:15; CHIP 16:34-02:15 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Partly cloudy day. Prominence material drains from a suspended position at PA 270 at the beginning of observing day. Very large surge on the disk from sunspot region in SW at ~18:30. The large filament below this region also becomes disturbed at this time. 5/04/2003 2003d124 Mk4 data: 16:56-19:09; PICS 16:54-22:45; CHIP 16:54-22:44 No Mk4 data? Cloudy day. Active prominence at PA 270-285. Active filament near west limb at ~PA 255 (shows motion all day). Small surge from active region near limb at PA 60-70 at 19:36 (on disk). 5/05/2003 2003d125 Mk4 data: 19:13 -> 19:57; PICS 16:33-02:29; CHIP 16:32-02:29 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Cloudy day- no visible H-alpha limb activity. No significant disk activity. 5/06/2003 2003d126 Mk4 data: 16:51-00:28; PICS 16:51-01:57; CHIP 16:50-01:56 No significant observable Mk4 activity. Cloudy day. No significant observable limb activity. Small flare near limb at PA 250 at ~17:36. 5/07/2003 2003d127 Mk4 data: 19:12-22:26; PICS 19:13-22:27; CHIP 19:12-22:29. Very cloudy, short observing day. Only a few usable Mk4 images. Nice Mk4 cavity at PA 235. Post-eruption loops PA 255. Filament at PA 190, 0.5R erupts after 21:10 during data gap. 5/08/2003 2003d128 Mk4 data: 16:47-00:13; PICS 16:36-00:17; CHIP 16:35-00:16. No detectable Mk4 activity. Small, quiescent prominences PA 35, 120, 290. Apparent low-lying post-eruption loops PA 230-260. Active filament showing sloshing motions PA 25, 0.8R. 5/09/2003 2003d129 Mk4 data: 19:06-02:02; PICS 19:04-02:34; CHIP 19:03-02:30. Cloudy. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active (possibly erupting) prominence at PA 245 at the beginning of the observing day. LASCO shows nothing in our observing window. 5/10/2003 2003d130 Mk4 data: 16:44-19:22; PICS 16:32-01:49; CHIP 16:32-01:48. Data gap: PICS 19:47-01:45; CHIP 19:46-01:45. No detectable Mk4 activity. No limb or disk activity. LASCO shows nothing in our observing window. 5/11/2003 2003d131 Mk4 data: 16:47-21:04; PICS 16:46-21:26; CHIP 16:46-21:27. No detectable Mk4 activity, although there is a data gap from 18:16 to 20:30. Cloudy- no significant visible limb activity. Filaments in the NW both show activity throughout the day. LASCO shows a large CME at ~PA 330-345 at 20:58. 5/12/2003 2003d132 Mk4 data: 16:44-22:32; PICS 16:34-22:32; CHIP 16:33-22:21. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active prominence at PA 45- material moves southward starting at ~18:36. Surging on the disk (or some other type of motion) in a small active region near the limb at PA 105 at ~19:00-20:00. LASCO shows a slow, small CME in south right before/during the beginning of our observing window. 5/13/2003 2003d133 Mk4 data: 16:39-21:51; PICS 16:38-21:49; CHIP 16:37-21:48. No detectable Mk4 activity. Cloudy- no visible limb activity. Filament near the NW limb becomes disturbed, lifting up, but then it seems to settle back down (it lifts at ~20:39). Flaring occuring as we start observing just NE of center disk. LASCO shows nothing in our observing window. 5/14/2003 2003d134 Mk4 data: 19:15-21:14; PICS 19:11-21:15; CHIP 19:11-21:12 Short day. No detectable Mk4 activity. Small amount of prominence material is draining at PA 115. Filament at NW limb still appears to be lifting slightly. Not much in LASCO. 5/15/2003 2003d135 Mk4 data: 16:43-22:22; PICS 16:34-23:26; CHIP 16:34-23:22 No detectable Mk4 activity (even at PA 135). Nice post-eruption loops on east limb near PA 90. Erupting prominence at PA 115-120 at 19:32-20:05. Active prominence at PA 300. No significant disk activity. LASCO sees a faint CME in east at PA 90 at 19:30, and another CME at ~PA 135 at 20:30. 5/16/2003 2003d136 Mk4 data: 16:31-19:00; PICS 16:29-22:08; CHIP 16:29-22:07 Mk4 data gap 17:51-18:38; during this gap a dark feature appears near PA 70, 2.0R, which may be associated with a CME. Cloudy. Active prominences at PA 290-315 and PA 135 (this one is not visible in the limb data). No significant disk activity. LASCO sees a CME already in progress in the NE when we start observations. There is also a small CME at PA 290-315 at ~21:50. 5/17/2003 2003d137 Mk4 data: 16:41-01:40; PICS 16:32-01:39; CHIP 16:31-01:38 Cloudy. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active prominences at PA 85 (obscured by clouds) and PA 135. Small surge (or motion) near east limb at PA 95 at ~19:50. Nothing in LASCO in our time window. 5/18/2003 2003d138 Mk4 data: 16:38-22:50; PICS 16:34-22:54; CHIP 16:34-22:50 No detectable Mk4 activity. "Dark streamer" at PA 270. Tall, thin prominence PA 140. Faint active prominence, PA 85. Strong surging with flaring in small active region PA 230, 0.4R. 5/19/2003 2003d139 No Mk4 data; PICS 19:41-23:15; CHIP 19:41-23:11 Cloudy day. Tall, thin prominence PA 145. Flaring and surging in active region PA 235, 0.55R. 5/20/2003 2003d140 Mk4 data: 16:53-21:07; PICS 16:52-01:23; CHIP 16:52-01:20 No detectable Mk4 activity. Very active prominence PA 270-285. Active filament PA 75, 0.8R. 5/21/2003 2003d141 Mk4 data: 16:43-02:44; PICS 16:43-02:42; CHIP 16:43-02:41. No detectable Mk4 activity. No significant limb activity. Apparent filament eruption with two-ribbon flare PA 165, 0.3R, beginning ~23:20. 5/22/2003 2003d142 No MK4 data; PICS 18:16-02:23; CHIP 18:16-02:24. Very cloudy day. Few usable PICS limb images. No detectable limb activity. No significant observable disk activity. 5/23/2003 2003d143 Mk4 data: 16:52-02:21; PICS 16:52-02:21; CHIP 16:52-02:20. No detectable Mk4 activity. No significant limb activity. Large surges from near sunspot PA 125, 0.9R. Continual sloshing motion in horseshoe-shaped filament PA 165, 0.5R. 5/24/2003 2003d144 Mk4 data: 16:44-02:19; PICS 16:28-02:19; CHIP 16:28-02:17. Material flowing just above the limb, nearly parallel to the limb, PA 305. Surging off limb PA 263, 280, 287. Sloshing motion in filament PA 190, 0.5R. Possible small filament eruption with flaring PA 135, 0.3R, ~22:15. 5/25/2003 2003d145 Mk4 data: 16:44-02:28; PICS 16:28-02:25; CHIP 16:28-02:25. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active prominences PA 275, 295-310, 320. Flaring in active region at PA 120, 0.7R, ~17:40; this appears to be a two-ribbon flare, but the filament does not seem to erupt; could be eruption of empty filament channel beyond the end of the detectable filament. Surging from active region PA 90, 0.1 R. Several active filaments on disk. 5/26/2003 2003d146 Mk4 data: 16:44-23:06; PICS 16:17-00:08; CHIP 16:16-00:07. No detectable Mk4 activity. Strong surge (or narrow prominence eruption) PA 90, ~1800; possibly associated with repeated narrow CMEs seen near PA 90 in LASCO C2. Active prominences PA 305, 320. Apparent filament eruption PA 115, 0.35R, ~18:15. Apparent filament eruption PA 45, 0.5R, ~18:40. Flaring in active region just southwest of disk center throughout the observing day. 5/27/2003 2003d147 Mk4 data: 23:03-02:11; PICS 16:35-02:14; CHIP 16:35-02:12. No detectable Mk4 activity. No significant observable limb activity (somewhat cloudy). Active region at PA 260, 0.3R exhibits two episodes of filament eruption with very strong flaring at ~23:00 and ~00:23; associated with halo CME appearing in LASCO C2 near 00:00 (there is a data gap between 23:26 and 00:06. Filament eruption with two-ribbon flare PA 240, 0.7R, beginning ~21:00; slow eruption, with flare appearing ~22:00; associated CME appears in LASCO C2 ~22:26. 5/28/2003 2003d148 Mk4 data: 17:58-19:14; PICS 16:31-01:25; CHIP 16:31-01:24. Cloudy day. No detectable Mk4 activity (only 9 images). Apparent post-eruption loops near PA 260. Active region at PA 260, 0.5R (see previous day) again exhibits eruption with flaring ~01:00; associated CME is first seen in LASCO C2 ~01:27. Strong surging on disk PA 180, 0.5R. Very active sloshing filament just southwest of disk center gradually disappears during the observing day. 5/29/2003 2003d149 No MK4 data; PICS 16:34-00:04; CHIP 16:33-00:03. Very cloudy day. Few usable PICS limb images. No detectable limb activity. Very strong surge and flaring from PA 200, 0.6R, beginning ~19:30; associated CME appears in LASCO C2 at PA 190, ~20:00. This may be a filament eruption instead of a surge, but in either case, most of the material returns to the sun. Active filament PA 75, 0.8R. 5/30/2003 2003d150 Mk4 data: 17:09-21:46; PICS 16:31-21:58; CHIP 16:30-21:56. Cloudy day. No detectable Mk4 activity. No detectable limb activity. No significant disk activity. 5/31/2003 2003d151 Mk4 data: 18:15-19:47; PICS 16:23-01:06; CHIP 16:23-01:05. Cloudy day. Only a few Mk4 images. Large post-eruption loops PA 85. Active prominences PA 290, 225. No significant observable disk activity. 6/01/2003 2003d152 Mk4 data: 16:53-20:59; PICS 16:53-23:24; CHIP 16:52-23:18. Mk4: Small loop structure at PA 85; possible post-eruption loop. Large post-eruption loops PA 85 (cf. Mk4 observation). Prominence material moves very rapidly from the limb at PA 85 to 1.15R at PA 95. Flaring in active region PA 80, 0.98R. Surging on disk PA 145, 0.4R. 6/02/2003 2003d153 Mk4 data: 16:42-01:33; PICS 16:25-02:13; CHIP 16:24-02:09. Very cloudy day. MK4 data bad most of the day. Few usable PICS limb images. Prominence begins lifting ~18:18 (PICS limb), but clouds prevent folowing the liftoff in PICS limb data (see below). At about 17:25, a filament near the east limb (PA 75, 0.95R) begins liftoff. Although the filament/prominence continues to rise slowly, and although there is flaring associated with the initial liftoff, it is not until after ~19:00 that a more rapid eruption begins, which accompanied by a fast CME (first appearing in LASCO C2 at 19:31), a transient coronal hole, and a probable coronal wave. The wave may be difficult to study with CHIP data because of clouds. 6/03/2003 2003d154 Mk4 data: 16:47-01:45; PICS 16:46-01:42; CHIP 16:45-01:41. No detectable Mk4 activity. Large active prominence PA 120 with substantial (mainly horizontal) flows; drains through the day. Apparent post-eruption loops in the southwest. Large active prominence centered at PA 305. Apparent filament eruption with minor flaring from active region at PA 75, 0.9R, ~17:30; strong surging from the northwestern part of this active region through the day. 6/04/2003 2003d155 Mk4 data: 16:40-02:25; PICS 16:27-02:24; CHIP 16:27-02:23. Cloudy day. Few good Mk4 images. No detectable Mk4 activity. Surging off limb PA 75. Large active prominence PA 300. No significant disk activity. 6/05/2003 2003d156 Mk4 data: 18:47-21:46; PICS 16:53-23:13; CHIP 16:50-23:12. CME centered at PA 250 appears in Mk4 at 19:53 and in LASCO C2 at 20:06; this is a fast(~1500 km/s) CME from behind the limb. Coudy day. Active prominences: PA 60-85, 125, 275, 295. There is a very faint and small surge off limb at PA 243, ~19:30, but there is noting else visible in PICS limb data in the vicinity of the CME at PA 250. Apparent filament eruption ~17:00 from PA 5, 0.7R; disturbance seen in EIT, but nothing visible in Mk4 or LASCO. 6/06/2003 2003d157 Mk4 data: 18:29-23:25; PICS 18:28-23:24; CHIP 18:28-23:23. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active prominences PA 60-80, 125, 275, 300. Post-eruption loops PA 110. Small surge off limb traveling along a looplike trajectory PA 325. Surging and flaring in active region centered at PA 40, 0.3R. 6/07/2003 2003d158 Mk4 data: 16:58-22:13; PICS 16:21-22:17; CHIP 16:20-22:16. No detectable Mk4 activity. Active prominences PA 60-75, 130, 275-305. Surging off limb PA 120. Surging and flaring in active region centered at PA 0, 0.25R. 6/08/2003 2003d159 Mk4 data: 16:41-22:06; PICS 16:41-22:07; CHIP 16:40-22:06. No detectable Mk4 activity. Post-eruption loops PA 100-120. Very active, large filament PA 75, 0.85R. Strong flaring PA 65, 0.7R. Surging and flaring in active region centered at PA 310, 0.3R. 6/09/2003 2003d160 Mk4 data: 16:38-22:49; PICS 16:23-23:06; CHIP 16:23-22:59. No detectable Mk4 activity. Surging off limb PA 115, 270. Very active large filament PA 70, 0.7R; reminiscent of the active filament/prominence of May 1, 1999. Extreme surging and flaring activity in active region at PA 90, 0.5R. Just after 21:30, there is a filament eruption followed by a strong flare from the heart of this region. Then, after 22:00, a filament just to the north of this region (PA 315, 0.6R) erupts with a following large flare, transient coronal hole, and wave. Unfortunately, the CHIP data deteriorates sufficiently (owing to clouds) just after the prominence eruption that the wave may not be possible to analyze. 6/10/2003 2003d161 Mk4 data: 16:49-22:32; PICS 16:40-22:58; CHIP 16:40-22:58. No detectable Mk4 activity. Post-eruption loops PA 100. Faint suspended prominence (PA 55, 1.1R) begins rising before disappearing; also exhibits slightly upward flow out of core just before it rises and disappears. Minor surging and flaring in active region at PA 290, 0.7R. Minor surging and flaring PA 30, 0.3R. Very active filament at south end of active region: PA 130, 0.7R. Mildly active large filament PA 140, 0.8R. 6/11/2003 2003d162 Mk4 data: 16:41-02:18; PICS 16:29-20:12; CHIP 16:28-02:21. CME centered at PA 150 begins lifting of pre-existing structure at 18:49 in Mk4. Prominence eruption enters PICS limb field of view ~18:46 at PA 155. Large filament centered at PA 155, 0.7R is lifting slowly at the beginning of the observing day (16:41); rapid eruption begins ~18:24. Significant flaring and filament motion occurs in active region just north of the erupting filament (PA 140, 0.5R), beginning ~17:28. Possible wave. CME centered at PA 285 enters Mk4 field of view at 01:28. Eruption of material from active region at PA 285, 0.9R occurs just after 01:20. Large prominence eruption at PA 285 begins just at the end of PICS observations at 20:09; this is just at the beginning of a Mk4 data gap. Tall, narrow prominence at PA 75 shows substantial draining flows toward PA 80. Suspended prominence with significant draining PA 105. 6/12/2003 2003d163 Mk4 data: 16:43-01:47; PICS 16:26-01:56; CHIP 16:26-01:55. Mk4 shows apparent dark motion downward near the northward side of streamer at PA 270. Lots of post-eruption loops on west limb, and some looping over of material at ~PA 270 at ~20:48. Activity in filament in NW- lifts some and seems to drain at ~00:50 toward the bottom of filament, while the northern part seems to lift and disappear completely (possible eruption). 6/13/2003 2003d164 Mk4 data: 16:54-02:24; PICS 16:30-02:31; CHIP 16:30-02:30. Mk4 shows apparent dark motion downward near the northward side of streamer at PA 270. Lots of post-eruption loops on west limb, and some looping over of material at ~PA 270 at ~20:48. Activity in filament in NW- lifts some and seems to drain at ~00:50 toward the bottom of filament, while the northern part seems to lift and disappear completely (possible eruption). 6/14/2003 2003d165 Mk4 data: 16:43-01:53; PICS 16:26-01:55; CHIP 16:25-01:53. Mk4 shows a slow outward motion of the streamer at PA 270 (LASCO shows the same thing). Post-eruption loops still visible on west limb. No significant disk activity. 6/15/2003 2003d166 Mk4 data: 16:41-21:22; PICS 16:26-21:35; CHIP 16:25-21:31. LASCO shows a small CME at PA 80 at ~21:30 (not visible in Mk4 movie). Large amount of prominence material lifts at PA 95 starting at ~17:36. Prominence material is also seen moving up and over at PA 260 at ~19:17. Very small apparent filament eruption just south of center disk (~PA 190 0.2 R) at 16:59. 6/16/2003 2003d167 Mk4 data: 16:44-22:01; PICS 16:23-22:07; CHIP 16:23-22:00. LASCO sees a small CME at PA 85 at ~17:30-19:30. Lots of limb activity on west limb: material drains from a prominence suspended at PA 250-260; material lifts up and flows back down northward at PA 275 at ~18:39; there is another surge of prom. material at PA 275 at 22:06. No significant disk activity. 6/17/2003 2003d168 Mk4 data: 16:43-02:28; PICS 16:23-02:29; CHIP 16:22-02:29. Faint CME visible in ugly MK4 data on east limb (70-~100 degrees PA) from ~22:42 to ~23:09. Active prominence at PA 285-300 at beginning of day. Surge at PA 70 at 21:14-21:38. Flaring near east limb at ~PA 100 0.7R followed by possible wave visible in H-alpha (faint wave and not easy to follow) occuring at ~22:04. 6/18/2003 2003d169 Mk4 data: 16:46-22:02; PICS 16:26-22:03; CHIP 16:26-22:00. LASCO has large data gap during our observations. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb (small). No significant disk activity. 6/19/2003 2003d170 Mk4 data: 16:42-02:26; PICS 16:22-02:27; CHIP 16:22-02:27. No significant coronal activity observed in Mk4 (or LASCO). Prominence material lifts up at PA 310 at 22:14 and loops over southward. Active prominence at PA 35. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb. Small surging on the disk at ~PA 70 0.7R (17:52 UT), and at PA 95 0.35R (16:23 UT and 20:55 UT). Active filament near west limb at ~PA 310 0.7R. 6/20/2003 2003d171 Mk4 data: 16:43-22:01; PICS 16:25-22:04; CHIP 16:25-22:02. No significant coronal activity seen in LASCO, but Mk4 sees a very slow opening of a loop structure on the west limb, starting at ~20:00. No significant limb activity. Small filament just south of center disk disappears at ~19:00. 6/21/2003 2003d172 Mk4 data: 16:44-02:31; PICS 16:31-02:29; CHIP 16:32-02:29. No significant coronal activity seen in Mk4 or LASCO. No significant limb activity. Surging occuring on the disk from active region and sunspot slightly NE all day, with a possible filament lifting off from the same region at ~00:07 UT. 6/22/2003 2003d173 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:07; PICS 17:19-02:07; CHIP 17:19-02:06. Slow CME in progress at start of observing day at ~PA 235 (LASCO has large data gap throughout our observing window). 2nd CME - very faint and small in northwest (~325 degrees) from 21:03 until ~22:15. Maybe prominence material seen in Halpha. Visible out to almost 2 solar radii then fades into noise levels. Not clear if it is ejected or falls back. Faint erupting prominence at PA 330 starting at ~20:40 Possible small erupting filament in NE active region at the very beginning of observing day. 6/23/2003 2003d174 Mk4 data: 16:42-02:30; PICS 16:27-02:33; CHIP 16:27-02:31. Cloudy day. No observable coronal activity. Active prominence at PA 40 at beginning of day. Erupting filament followed by small two-ribbon flare at ~PA 250 0.65R at beginning of day. Some surging and flaring occuring in the active region just north of center disk. 6/24/2003 2003d175 Mk4 data: 16:36-01:41; PICS 16:36-02:13; CHIP 16:37-02:10. Cloudy day. PICS limb data mostly obscured by clouds, but a prominence appears to be erupting at PA 225 at ~22:00. Active prominence at PA 280. No significant disk activity. 6/25/2003 2003d176 Mk4 data: 16:44-02:25; PICS 16:31-02:32; CHIP 16:31-02:31. Cloudy day- some limb activity at PA 80 and PA 240, but unable to determine what and how much due to clouds. Large filament eruption near west limb at ~PA 240. Filament begins to lift at ~01:10 (this is the one seen in limb data). Another filament apparently erupts near east limb at ~PA 125 at ~21:00. 6/26/2003 2003d177 Mk4 data: 16:46-02:25; PICS 16:44-02:26; CHIP 16:44-02:26. Large active prominence at PA 70- material flows up and around (looping over from behind the limb) at ~19:17. No significant disk activity. 6/27/2003 2003d178 Mk4 data: 16:49-22:50; PICS 16:21-22:54; CHIP 16:21-22:54. No significant visible coronal activity. No significant limb activity. Possible wave right on east limb seen in H-alpha at ~PA 75, moving southward at ~17:30. 6/28/2003 2003d179 Mk4 data: 16:44-22:27; PICS 16:28-22:29; CHIP 16:28-22:29. Small, faint CME superposed on west limb helmet ~20:20 to ~20:41. Irregularly shaped material. Appears to come from above the apparent height of the occulter. Streamer is undisturbed. (jb) NO SOHO DATA - Outage due to high-gain antenna troubles (no SOHO data since 6/24). Active prominence at PA 300 at beginning of day- material falls back to surface. Faint loop-like prominence structure at PA 80 at ~18:17 (disappears after this). Faint surging and flaring in sunspot region near east limb at ~19:50. Bad CHIP data until 19:30. 6/29/2003 2003d180 Mk4 data: 16:42-02:17; PICS 16:41-02:22; CHIP 16:41-02:22. Something is wrong with Mk4 data. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Surging and activity in active region near east limb throughout day. Lots of activity in small active region at ~PA 250 .6R- possibly surging- both white and dark material seen in H-alpha. Not sure if there is erupting material. 6/30/2003 2003d181 Mk4 data: 21:00-21:09; PICS 16:29-00:15; CHIP 16:29-00:15. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No visible disk activity. 7/01/2003 2003d182 Mk4 data: 17:02-02:17; PICS 17:00-02:16; CHIP 17:01-02:16. No visible coronal activity. Activity in prominence on east limb (activity is close to limb). Faint filament eruption (?) followed by possible faint wave visible in H-alpha at ~PA 275-290 .6R at ~00:47 UT. 7/02/2003 2003d183 Mk4 data: 22:09-02:29; PICS 16:32-02:30; CHIP 16:32-02:30. Faint CME in Mk4 data at PA 300 starting at 01:10 (no LASCO data). Active prominence at PA 305-315 with material first surging up into loop-like structures (at ~19:00), and then draining to the surface throughout day (nothing is left by end of day). Large active prominence on east limb at PA 80-100 (shows flows horizontal to surface). Flaring in small active region near east limb (~PA 90) at 22:30. Active filament in NE- apparent flows along spine. 7/03/2003 2003d184 Mk4 data: 16:54-01:36; PICS 16:21-01:38; CHIP 16:21-01:38. No visible coronal activity. Slightly active prominence at PA 80- shows some material flowing down to surface on both sides. Surging and/or flaring in H-alpha along a filament near active region in east (~PA 90-100 .5R) at beginning of observing day. Some activity seen in large filament NE of center disk. 7/04/2003 2003d185 Mk4 data: 16:46-02:19; PICS 16:25-02:25; CHIP 16:24-02:25. Small, faint CME visible in Mk4 at PA 120 starting at 01:11, with a visible prominence (LASCO gap). Erupting prominence at PA 120 first visbile in H-alpha limb data at 00:55 (cloudy around this time). Flaring in active region just above disk center at 17:46. There is no evidence of an erupting filament associated with this flaring, but the filament above this region remains active and seems disturbed at the time of the flaring. 7/05/2003 2003d186 Mk4 data: 16:48-23:01; PICS 16:32-02:23; CHIP 16:32-02:20. No visible coronal activity. No significant visible limb activity. Very similar activity (19:45) in active region (now NW of center disk) as previous day (i.e. flaring in active region, but with no apparent eruption). Large filament just north of center disk lifts up at ~00:30, and some material drains back to surface, but it's difficult to determine if any erupted (data gap from 01:01 to 02:22 in H-alpha disk data). 7/06/2003 2003d187 Mk4 data: 16:45-02:35; PICS 16:43-02:34; CHIP 16:43-02:34. No visible coronal activity. Large spray or erupting prominence at PA 270 first visible at 22:09. Cannot follow entire event in limb data due to bad data. Constant activity visible in large filament slightly NW of center, although no apparent eruption. Surging throughout day from sunspot region in west (~PA 275 .6R), the largest of which occurs at 21:57. Active filament near SE limb (PA 125) where material appears to lift up at 20:47, and then fall back down at 22:18 and then subsequently lift and fall again (slowly). 7/07/2003 2003d188 Mk4 data: ? ;PICS 16:32-02:29; CHIP 16:30-02:31. No LASCO data. Faint material is seen draining to surface at the limb at PA 275-285 at ~22:47. Large filament in NW still active. Surging from sunspot region in west still occuring, and a flare occurs in same region at 18:50. 7/08/2003 2003d189 Mk4 data: 01:37-02:15; PICS 01:37-?; CHIP 01:37-02:18. No Mk4 movie (no LASCO movie either). Cloudy- no visible limb activity. No disk activity- large artifact in SW in H-alpha data. 7/09/2003 2003d190 Mk4 data: 16:52-02:30; PICS 16:29-02:29; CHIP 16:29-02:29. No LASCO data. CME at PA 280 already in progress at 16:52. Somewhat cloudy day. Surge at PA 275 at 23:36. Flaring at two different region in west (both at 22:08). One occurs at ~PA 270 .5R, and the other closer to limb at ~PA 280-300 .8R. 7/10/2003 2003d191 Mk4 data: 16:40-22:12; PICS 16:32-22:17; CHIP 16:31-22:15. No obvious CMEs in Mk4, but there is some sort of activity on the west limb near PA 280- a darker area appears to expand southward. LASCO shows nothing in this region. Small surges at limb at PA 285 starting at ~19:53 (some bad limb data around this time though). Small post-eruption loops (LASCO shows a CME in this area before we observe) at PA 90-100. Surging on disk at PA 270 .6R at 18:37 and again at 19:31 (both white and dark in H-alpha). 7/11/2003 2003d192 Mk4 data: 16:47-02:28; PICS 16:27-02:35; CHIP 16:27-02:31. Small CME in Mk4 at PA 255 at ~00:06~02:10 (only about ~40 degrees wide). The CME associated with the large filament eruption listed below does not show up in LASCO until the beginning of the next day as a partial halo. Very large surge on limb at PA 265 from 23:38-00:35. Smaller surge on limb at PA 80 at 21:05. Two very large filament eruptions which may be connected or be the same event- one occurs in large filament just west of center disk starting at ~20:06, while the other one occurs simultaneously in the south accompanied by a two-ribbon flare. These may be connected by the same neutral line. The large surge mentioned above looks more like a spray, originating on the disk at PA 270 .85R at 23:25 (it shows motion both toward and away from the observer). 7/12/2003 2003d193 Mk4 data: 16:57-21:53; PICS 16:25-21:53; CHIP 16:25-21:52. CME at PA 70 visible in Mk4 at 19:06 and LASCO starting at 19:31. Possible post-eruption loops (tall) at PA 270 (from small CME on the previous day?). Prominence eruption at PA 70 at 19:01, and possible post-eruption loops in this area all day. Flaring in active region in SW at 17:25 (~PA 225 .3R). 7/13/2003 2003d194 Mk4 data: 17:01-22:55; PICS 16:59-02:27; CHIP 16:58-02:27. Large Mk4 gap from 17:19-21:35 (no visible activity!). LASCO shows a faint CME at PA 280 at ~16:30. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some flaring and surging in active region close to limb at PA 65 throughout day. 7/14/2003 2003d195 Mk4 data: 16:48-19:09; PICS 16:24-02:33; CHIP 16:23-02:31. No coronal activity- short day though. LASCO shows a CME at PA 325 at 20:54. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No significant disk activity. 7/15/2003 2003d196 Mk4 data: 16:54-02:22; PICS 16:53-02:23; CHIP 16:53-02:23. CME at PA 310 first visible in Mk4 at ~21:34 (~50 degrees wide) shows more than one loop in its structure (first visible in LASCO at 23:30 after a one hour data gap). LASCO also shows a slow moving faint CME at PA 70 from ~17:54-end of day. Large prominence eruption at PA 300-315 from 21:29-22:23 (when the data get bad). This prominece splits and the southern part remains at the limb, while a piece from the northern part escapes. Flaring in SE at ~00:46 at ~PA 115 .35R- just NW of large filament in that region. 7/16/2003 2003d197 Mk4 data: 16:49-02:28; PICS 16:30-02:29; CHIP 16:30-02:29. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. No significant limb activity. The large filament in the SE appears to lift and sort of split, but there doesn't seem to be an eruption- the lifting material may drain down along either side of the spine. This lifting occurs at ~00:00. 7/17/2003 2003d198 Mk4 data: 16:36-02:22; PICS 16:31-02:25; CHIP 16:31-02:22. No coronal activity in Mk4, but LASCO sees a CME at PA 240 beginning at 18:54. No significant limb activity. Some activity in large filament in SE- flows seen along the spine of filament throughout day. 7/18/2003 2003d199 Mk4 data: 16:49-02:26; PICS 16:26-02:28; CHIP 16:26-02:29. No significant coronal activity in Mk4, but LASCO detects a faint partial halo in NW. No significant limb activity. Small filament just NW of center disk erupts starting at 19:25 with both white and dark material being apparently expelled in H-alpha. There is also a possible wave in H-alpha traveling toward the SE. This event is over by 21:00. Large filament south of center (~.3R) shows some activity around 22:40- material appears to be pushed along either side of the spine from a central location on the spine. 7/19/2003 2003d200 Mk4 data: 16:51-21:08; PICS 16:28-22:06; CHIP 16:28-22:06. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Very small surge at limb at PA 315 at 17:20. Small amount of prominence material is seen draining to surface from a prominence at PA 255. Active filament in south (~PA 180-200 .2-.3R). 7/20/2003 2003d201 Mk4 data: 17:04-21:29; PICS 17:04-22:35; CHIP 17:04-22:03. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. No siginificant limb activity. Cloudy at end of day. Active filament at ~PA 270-280 .65R. Tiny filament eruption and flare at PA 200 .1R at 19:10-19:52. 7/21/2003 2003d202 Mk4 data: 16:50-02:31; PICS 16:25-02:33; CHIP 16:24-02:30. Small CME at PA 260-270 seen in LASCO at 22:30 (~20-30 degrees wide)- barely detectable in Mk4. Active prominence at PA 250 at 17:47- material lifts up and loops over to PA 255, and this happens again at 21:49. Small flare (and slight other activity) in active region in NW (~PA 300 .6R) at 01:59. Some activity is seen in the filaments near west limb. 7/22/2003 2003d203 Mk4 data: 16:39-20:58; PICS 16:36-21:14; CHIP 16:36-20:59. Faint material moving out in LASCO at ~PA 315-325 throughout day. A surge of prominence material lifts up at PA 115 at 17:13 and loops over to PA 100 (finished by 18:13). Surging (white in H-alpha) and/or flaring in active region near west limb (PA 290-325 .6R) with apparent motion northward starting at 17:09. 7/23/2003 2003d204 No MK4 data; PICS 17:26-22:29; CHIP 17:26-22:28. Very cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 7/24/2003 2003d205 No Mk4 data: PICS 17:32-18:06; CHIP 17:32-01:06. Very bad weather- no detectable activity. 7/25/2003 2003d206 Mk4 data: 19:00-19:39; PICS 16:31-19:43; CHIP 16:30-19:41. No visible activity in Mk4. Very cloudy day. Small loop of prominence material at PA 240 at ~18:37-19:16. Erupting filament near west limb at ~PA 270 .75R starting at ~17:07 (gone by 18:00). 7/26/2003 2003d207 Mk4 data: 17:03-17:24; PICS 16:30-19:49; CHIP 16:30-19:43. No visible activity in Mk4. Small surge on limb at PA 90 at 17:13-17:43. No significant disk activity. 7/27/2003 2003d208 Mk4 data: 17:36-01:54; PICS 16:44-02:17; CHIP 16:44-02:17. No apparent Mk4 or LASCO activity. Cloudy day. Active prominence at PA 100-115. Very small filament eruption and flare near west limb at PA 270 .75R at ~19:14. 7/28/2003 2003d209 Mk4 data: 16:58-22:02; PICS 16:28-01:07; CHIP 16:28-01:06. No apparent Mk4 activity. LASCO sees a CME at PA 75 at ~16:54. Possible post-eruption loops at PA 270-290 at beginning of day. Data gap in CHIP from 17:13-19:42. Interesting motion in CHIP velocity data- long thin filament in NE shows flows along the entire spine that are predominantly dark (motion toward), but have some apparent motion away as well- this filament does not appear to be erupting though. 7/29/2003 2003d210 Mk4 data: 16:43-01:05; PICS 16:43-01:06; CHIP 16:43-01:03. CME at very beginning of day at PA 130 visible in Mk4. LASCO shows a swelling of the streamer at this position early on. Large prominence on limb at PA 50-70 slowly rises throughout day. Faint tall loop on east limb visible at ~20:47 (possible post-eruption loop), as well as on west limb all day. Small flaring and surging (white in H-alpha) in small active region at ~PA 290 .6R around 00:07. 7/30/2003 2003d211 Mk4 data: 16:54-23:15; PICS 16:31-23:17; CHIP 16:31-23:17. No apparent Mk4 or LASCO activity. Active prominence at PA 60-70: material gets whipped over from PA 60 to PA 85 at 21:56 (it remains anchored to the surface). Another active prominence at PA 315- material loops over down to PA 290 at 20:17-end of day. Active filament in NE- still have white and dark flows in velocity data, indicating possible twirling? No obvious eruption. 7/31/2003 2003d212 Mk4 data: 17:05-23:58; PICS 16:44-01:55; CHIP 16:43-01:55. Prominence eruption visible in Mk4 at PA 315 from 21:29-end of day. Nothing really apparent in LASCO. The prominence eruption at PA 315 is a very interesting event- material is already swirling around when we start observing, then it slowly rises (starting at ~18:45) and a lot of the prom. escapes while the rest drains back to PA 290 in a long stream. I think this eruption is associated with the large CME on the following day observed by LASCO at ~05:00, which would make this a very slow event overall. Apparent oscillatory flows along the spine of a filament in north throughout day. Surging (dark in H-alpha) from sunspot region just SE of center disk throughout the day. 8/01/2003 2003d213 Mk4 data: 16:59-02:26; PICS 16:38-02:25; CHIP 16:38-02:25. Faint, small CME in Mk4 at PA 300 at ~19:08- this may be residual material from a much larger CME seen in LASCO at ~05:00. No significant limb activity. More activity seen in filament just north of center disk. 8/02/2003 2003d214 Mk4 data: 16:53-20:32; PICS 16:31-02:24; CHIP 16:30-02:23. No apparent Mk4 or LASCO activity. Fairly cloudy day. No significant, visible limb activity. Some small flaring in active region near east limb at PA 100-115 and a possible surge from sunspot in that region at ~00:26. Filament in north still showing activity. 8/03/2003 2003d215 No MK4 data. PICS 17:18-01:45; CHIP 17:17-23:00. Very cloudy day- nothing visible in limb data. Small filament eruption near SE limb at ~PA 130 .8R at 19:47. Small flare in active region near SE limb at ~PA 105 .65R at 19:41. 8/04/2003 2003d216 No MK4 data. PICS 19:09-22:19; CHIP 19:09-22:19. Very cloudy day- nothing visible in limb data. No visible disk activity. 8/05/2003 2003d217 Mk4 data: 16:41-19:37; PICS 16:41-19:59; CHIP 16:41-19:58. Active prominence at PA 75-85- material lifts up and subsequently drains along both sides at beginning of observing day. Large filament eruption already in progress at beginning of day just NW of center disk. This also has faint two-ribbon flare associated with it. At the same time as the filament eruption is a large surge of material from an active region in the SW (~PA 240 .4R) toward the south, covering a lot of distance. 8/06/2003 2003d218 No MK4 data; no usable PICS or CHIP images. 8/07/2003 2003d219 Mk4 data: 16:56-02:19; PICS 16:45-02:17; CHIP 16:45-02:17. LASCO sees a CME in south at 20:30. Apparent post-eruption loops on east limb at PA 90-130, but there is no CME in that area on this day or the previous day. Filament eruption followed by a two-ribbon flare in south at ~PA 200-225 .4R at ~19:00. 8/08/2003 2003d220 Mk4 data: 16:55-02:27; PICS 16:31-02:28; CHIP 16:31-02:28. Nothing significant in LASCO. Still alot of material forming and draining on the east limb, looking like post-eruption loops. Active filament near east limb at ~PA 80 .6-.8R. Small surging and flaring in active region in SW. 8/09/2003 2003d221 Mk4 data: 17:10-02:25; PICS 16:30-02:23; CHIP 16:30-02:28. Nothing in LASCO. Active prominence at PA 45- material tumbles over and down to ~PA 65 starting at ~17:00 until 20:00. Some flaring or white surging (in H-alpha) near east limb at ~PA 100-120 .9R at ~20:20. 8/10/2003 2003d222 Mk4 data: 16:46-01:16; PICS 16:46-01:19; CHIP 16:46-01:18. Nothing in LASCO in our time window. Large, beautiful active prominence at PA 40- it shows a large amount of material lifting up (maybe swirling) and falling back behind the limb at PA 30 starting at ~18:30. The motion is toward the observer. No significant disk activity. 8/11/2003 2003d223 Mk4 data: 17:01-02:26; PICS 16:31-02:26; CHIP 16:31-02:26. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Prominence material seems to form and drain at PA 90 at ~19:20. No significant disk activity. 8/12/2003 2003d224 Mk4 data: 19:38-23:21; PICS 16:43-23:19; CHIP 16:42-23:19. Somewhat cloudy day. No significant coronal activity in Mk4, but LASCO sees a small CME at ~PA 20 at 18:15. Prominence material still seen draining to surface at PA 90. No significant disk activity. 8/13/2003 2003d225 Mk4 data: 16:56-02:30; PICS 16:36-02:27; CHIP 16:35-02:30. No significant coronal activity in Mk4, and LASCO observing day ends at 18:30. Cloudy day. Prominence material loops up and over starting at PA 285 at 22:00 and ending at ~PA 270 at 01:15. Small surging on the disk at ~PA 240 0.5R at ~23:50. 8/14/2003 2003d226 Mk4 data: 17:04-02:18; PICS 16:33-02:20; CHIP 16:33-02:20. Small ejection of coronal material in Mk4 around PA 270 at very end of day. LASCO sees a halo CME starting at 20:06. Surge at the limb at PA 85 at 01:22-01:55. Also a smaller surge at the limb at PA 270 at 18:46-19:07. No significant disk activity. 8/15/2003 2003d227 Mk4 data: 16:56-02:26; PICS 16:31-02:29; CHIP 16:31-02:29. Faint CME in Mk4 centered at ~PA 250 at ~22:12. LASCO sees a narrow, faint CME at ~PA 110 starting at ~18:30. Activity on east limb- either post-eruption loops forming, or prominence material forming and draining. CHIP data gap from 19:21-01:49. Surging on disk and flaring in active region in south. 8/16/2003 2003d228 Mk4 data: 17:06-22:30; PICS 16:33-22:46; CHIP 16:32-22:45. LASCO has bad data in our time window. No significant coronal activity in Mk4. Still have visible activity on the east limb at PA 70-80 early in the observing day. Large flare in SW at ~PA 225 0.4R at 18:48-19:13 with no observable erupting filament association. 8/17/2003 2003d229 No data taken at MLSO today. 8/18/2003 2003d230 Mk4 data: 16:58-21:44; PICS 16:33-21:44; CHIP 16:33-21:44. Mk4 data is mostly bad, but LASCO sees a CME at PA 300 starting at 21:08. Active prominence at PA 90-100. Another active prominence at PA 285-290. Small flaring and/or surge (white in H-alpha) in SW at ~PA 225 .5R at 19:00. 8/19/2003 2003d231 Mk4 data: 18:10-18:43; PICS 16:33-20:15; CHIP 16:33-20:13. Cloudy day. No significant, visible limb activity. Active filament near west limb (~PA 270-310 .6R)- material appears to move northward along the spine at ~17:48-19:00. Flare in active region near east limb at ~PA 80 .6R at 18:29. 8/20/2003 2003d232 Mk4 data: 16:58-01:14; PICS 16:35-01:15; CHIP 16:35-01:12. Very faint, small CME in LASCO at PA 250 at ~17:30- this is barely visible in Mk4 at 17:07. Limb activity near PA 270- material drains down, and there is a large surge at PA 260 at 22:06~22:27. Prominence material also becomes visible at PA 235 at 22:27 (some clouds around this time). Smaller surge at the limb at PA 95 at 17:25-18:00. No significant disk activity. 8/21/2003 2003d233 Mk4 data: 19:42-23:14; PICS 16:46-02:26; CHIP 16:46-02:25. LASCO sees a CME at PA 280 at 16:06, and another faint CME which seems to span much of the east limb (centered at ~PA 70) at 19:50. Mk4 sees some of the latter CME, but the data is poor. Somewhat cloudy day. Tall prominence visible through clouds at the limb at PA 260 at 18:08- either a large surge or reminants from an erupting prominence. Looks like an erupting prominence in the CHIP data. No significant disk activity. 8/22/2003 2003d234 Mk4 data: 16:58-02:26; PICS 16:34-02:28; CHIP 16:34-02:28. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Activity along the west limb- active prominences at PA 255 and PA 300-325. There are also faint post-eruption loops around PA 270. Nice filament eruption in SW (~PA 255-265 .6R) starting at ~01:20. An associated two-ribbon flare is barely visible in H-alpha. 8/23/2003 2003d235 Mk4 data: 17:21-01:32; PICS 16:34-02:28; CHIP 16:34-02:28. No visible coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Active loops of prominence material at PA 240-255 throughout day. Small filament eruption near SW limb at ~PA 245 .75R at ~21:30. 8/24/2003 2003d236 Mk4 data: 20:50-02:17; PICS 18:43-02:17; CHIP 18:42-02:16. Noisy Mk4 data- no activity visible in Mk4, but LASCO sees a slow swelling at PA 315 at the end of their observing day. Cloudy day. No visible limb activity. Surging from active region in west (~PA 270 .3R) at 23:49. Very small filament eruption near west limb at ~PA 270 .8R at ~00:16. 8/25/2003 2003d237 Mk4 data: 17:02-01:05; PICS 16:44-02:29; CHIP 16:44-02:30. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO in our window. Activity on the limb at PA 100 around 21:40. Hard to tell what's going on through the clouds. Small part of filament seems to erupt or there is a surge at ~PA120 .75R at ~00:10. 8/26/2003 2003d238 No data taken at MLSO today. 8/27/2003 2003d239 Mk4 data: 17:00-00:35; PICS 16:36-02:33; CHIP 16:36-02:30. Erupting prominence at PA 100 at 19:37 (material moves out and northward). Active prominence at PA 235-245 (spider-like, but not suspended above the surface). Possible faint wave at very beginning of day (we could have missed an associated filament eruption) in the active region south of center disk (visible in H-alpha at 16:36). 8/28/2003 2003d240 Mk4 data: 17:04-23:18; PICS 16:35-00:18; CHIP 16:35-00:18. No significant activity in LASCO or Mk4. Apparent post-eruption loops on west limb near PA 270. Active prominence at PA 85- material drains from this PA to PA 100, and then the prominence starts to lift up at 00:10 (at very end of day). Surging and flaring occuring on the disk near limb at PA 105 (~.9R) at very beginning of day. 8/29/2003 2003d241 Mk4 data: 17:06-22:07; PICS 16:45-22:05; CHIP 16:35-22:05. Very faint and narrow (~20 degrees wide) CME in LASCO centered at PA 245 first visible at 22:30 (this is not obvious in Mk4). Active prominence still at PA 90. Small amount of surging and/or activity on limb at PA 270 at 18:54. Flaring again very close to limb at PA 110-115 at 19:54. Large erupting filament in SW starting at ~19:14. *This is a strange event that looks like it may have been started by a wave that is moving from the south pole (in H-alpha). The two-ribbon flaring seems like it's moving the wrong direction.* 8/30/2003 2003d242 Mk4 data: 17:16-00:39; PICS 16:36-01:05; CHIP 16:36-01:05. Faint CME in LASCO on west limb toward end of their observing day (nothing obvious in Mk4). Bad PICS limb data from ~18:20-19:24. Active prominence at PA 75- *very interesting flow of material northward- looks like it lifts up, dips down a bit, then lifts up again, followin a concave-upward field line.* Active prominence (loop-shaped) at PA 260 at 21:30. *Large circular-looking filament in south* Large filament in NW shows activity along the spine. Active region near limb at PA 120 shows more activity. 8/31/2003 2003d243 Mk4 data: 16:51-01:58; PICS 16:45-02:27; CHIP 16:45-02:13. No significant activity in LASCO or Mk4. Cloudy at end of observing day. Active loop of prominence material at PA 265. Small erupting filament in west at PA 280 .6R at ~19:20. The large filament to the NE of this also shows activity. Surging continues near small sunspot in active region in SE. 9/01/2003 2003d244 No data. 9/02/2003 2003d245 MK4 data: 16:58-02:25; PICS 16:58-02:11; CHIP 16:58-02:28. CME already in progress in LASCO in NW at ~PA 315 (no apparent activity in Mk4). Nice erupting prominence visible at PA 315 at start of observing day. More activity visible on limb at PA 280- material is suspended, and some drains to the surface at beginning of day. Large circular filament in SW shows activity starting at beginning of day (lasting throughout day), but not sure if anything erupts. 9/03/2003 2003d246 Mk4 data: 17:07-02:29; PICS 16:52-02:30; CHIP 16:52-02:30. LASCO data gap from 18:00 to 22:30, and no coronal activity visible in Mk4. Active prominence at PA 75. Also possible post-eruption loops on west limb. Very active filament in SE in beginning of day (until ~23:00). 9/04/2003 2003d247 Mk4 data: 17:08-02:22; PICS 16:41-02:23; CHIP 16:41-02:23. No coronal activity in LASCO, but Mk4 sees a faint, small CME at PA 275 starting at ~22:07. *Material appears to fall back from fairly high up.* Activity close to the surface on much of the west limb (small amounts of material are draining along small loops). Filament in south (~PA 150 .3-.6R) shows some activity at 02:20. 9/05/2003 2003d248 Mk4 data: 17:02-03:09; PICS 16:42-03:10; CHIP 16:41-03:09. No coronal activity visible in LASCO or Mk4. No significant limb activity. Small filament eruption at ~PA 135 .2R starts at ~18:05, followed by a small two-ribbon flare at ~18:50. Another filament lifts and possibly erupts at ~PA 210 .35R at ~20:30. 9/06/2003 2003d249 Mk4 data: 17:03-22:15; PICS 16:46-22:17; CHIP 16:46-22:16. No coronal activity visible in LASCO or Mk4. Nice large loop prominence at PA 310-320. Small loop of prominence material is falling to surface at PA 85 at ~19:25. Simultaneous surging and/or flaring on disk at ~19:05-19:25- one place of activity is at PA 65 .4R, another at PA 180 .25R. Active filament in SW (~PA 230 .65R) at 17:30. 9/07/2003 2003d250 Mk4 data: 16:56-02:21; PICS 16:48-02:08; CHIP 16:48-02:22. CME already in progress as Mk4 comes on at PA 250- this CME is first visible in LASCO at 16:54 (~60 degrees wide). Thin, faint loop of prominence material (possibly a post-eruption loop) at PA 90-105 at beginning of observing day. Active filament near SE limb (~PA 110-125 .4-.9R). Erupting filament and large two-ribbon flare in SW at ~17:58 (at ~PA 240 .7R). 9/08/2003 2003d251 Mk4 data: 17:05-22:58; PICS 16:46-22:59; CHIP 16:46-22:59. No significant coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb at ~250. Very small filament (just a spot- not a long structure) at PA 270 .6R shows some activity. 9/09/2003 2003d252 Mk4 data: 16:49-00:03; PICS 16:48-00:12; CHIP 16:48-00:11. No significant coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Small surge on limb at PA 100 at 18:38 and again at 20:44. No significant disk activity. 9/10/2003 2003d253 Mk4 data: 17:06-21:16; PICS 16:47-21:25; CHIP 16:48-21:25. No significant coronal activity in LASCO, but there is a gap from 18:06-23:06. No visible activity in Mk4. Active prominences on east limb at ~PA 85 and PA 95-102 and PA 115. Large active filament in SE (especially at beginning of day when the velocity data shows motion toward observer at the ends but motion away from observer in the middle). 9/11/2003 2003d254 Mk4 data: 16:52-21:40; PICS 16:52-21:38; CHIP 16:52-21:38. No visible coronal activity in Mk4, but LASCO shows a CME at PA 140 starting at 22:30- a very thin loop is visible. Prominence material drains along loop-like structure at PA 90. Large erupting filament in SE at ~19:50 with a two-ribbon flare. 9/12/2003 2003d255 Mk4 data: 17:06-22:43; PICS 16:40-22:43; CHIP 16:40-22:43. Faint coronal material moving outward from NE barely visible in Mk4- LASCO shows a CME occuring in the region before MLSO comes online. Prominence material forms and drains to surface at PA 90 at ~17:50. Active filament (round in shape) near active region in SW (~PA 250 .5 R). 9/13/2003 2003d256 Mk4 data: 17:04-23:51; PICS 16:50-23:50; CHIP 16:50-23:49. LASCO sees a faint CME at PA 135 starting at 20:50 (not very visible in Mk4), and another CME is visible in LASCO at PA 270 at 23:06 (also not clear in Mk4). Possible erupting prominence at PA 100 at 23:15. There is a surge at this PA before this at 22:24. Erupting filament at ~PA 110 .6 R starting at ~18:50. There is a possible wave with this in H-alpha. Filament in south still showing activity toward the beginning of day. 9/14/2003 2003d257 Mk4 data: 16:57-23:21; PICS 16:57-00:46; CHIP 16:57-00:45. LASCO sees a CME at PA 240 at 21:54 with a thin loop as the leading edge. This is also visible in Mk4, again with a thin leading loop, starting at ~20:41. Active prominence at PA 45- material loops up and over. Filament just NW of center disk shows motion southward along the spine and disappears by 21:00 (not sure if this is an eruption). Activity in the west side of large filament in south. 9/15/2003 2003d258 Mk4 data: 21:41-00:42; PICS 16:45-01:28; CHIP 16:45-01:28. Faint material slowly moving out near PA 270 in Mk4 toward end of day- LASCO catches a CME at this location the next day starting at ~02:00. Cloudy day- no significant limb or disk activity. 9/16/2003 2003d259 Mk4 data: 17:16-01:05; PICS 17:14-02:14; CHIP 17:14-02:18. Mk4 sees prominence material moving out at PA 270 at 22:20- not sure if it erupts completely. There is a large CME at this location before MLSO came on. Activity on east limb- material drains near PA 90, and there is another active prominence at PA 60. Large filament approaching west limb at PA 315 shows a lot of activity throughout the day- possibly some swirling motion. 9/17/2003 2003d260 Mk4 data: 17:11-22:12; PICS 16:42-22:14; CHIP 16:42-22:13. CME visible at PA 110 in Mk4 at 21:27 (following a data gap from 20:08) and in LASCO at 21:54. Large surge of prominence material on limb at PA 280 at 18:34~19:34. Some faint suspended prominence material on east limb at PA 65 and PA 85- both areas have material draining. No significant disk activity. 9/18/2003 2003d261 Mk4 data: 17:05-21:11; PICS 16:42-21:13; CHIP 16:42-21:09. CME centered at ~PA 255 faintly visible in Mk4 at 17:55 and very visible in LASCO starting at 18:06 (this is a thin CME). Tall surge next to prominence at PA 240 at 18:30. Two active prominence that look like spiders, but are not suspended- one at PA 95 and the other at PA 310. No significant disk activity. 9/19/2003 2003d262 Mk4 data: 17:04-02:34; PICS 16:41-02:33; CHIP 16:41-02:33. Very faint, thin stream of coronal material seen going out in LASCO at PA 280 at ~18:00 (not visible in Mk4). No significant limb activity. Flaring near west limb at PA 280 at 18:26. 9/20/2003 2003d263 Mk4 data: 17:13-23:45; PICS 16:43-02:25; CHIP 16:43-02:23. LASCO sees at CME centered at ~PA 300 starting at 23:06 (~70 degrees wide) following two other large CMEs on the west limb early in day (before MLSO comes on)- Mk4 does not see this one. Activity on the limb (possible post-eruption loops) at PA 90 throughout the day. Also a thin surge at PA 95 at 01:37. Small flare in east at ~PA 90 .65R at 02:15. 9/21/2003 2003d264 No data taken at MLSO today. 9/22/2003 2003d265 Mk4 data: 17:06-02:27; PICS 16:44-02:28; CHIP 16:44-02:30. Faint small CME in LASCO at PA 20 starting at 23:06 (not visible in Mk4). Prominence material forms at ~PA 95 at 18:50 then drains along both sides like a spider- good one for Holly to study. Small filament eruption and two-ribbon flare in east at ~PA 115 .6 R starting at ~18:58. There is also a possible wave in H-alpha moving northward from this region (slightly visible in CHIP). 9/23/2003 2003d266 Mk4 data: 17:16-02:26; PICS 17:15-01:57; CHIP 17:15-02:23. No coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Somewhat cloudy day. Active prominenc at PA 90. Another tall active prominence at PA 45. Some flaring in sunspot region in east (~PA 90 .5R) all day, and surging from this region toward end of day. 9/24/2003 2003d267 Mk4 data: 17:07-02:20; PICS 16:54-02:25; CHIP 16:54-02:22. No coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Active prominence at PA 95- material drains along both sides. Continuous surging and flaring in active region just east of center disk- one very large dark surge (in H-alpha) at 17:51 from sunspot in this region. 9/25/2003 2003d268 Mk4 data: 17:07-23:47; PICS 16:56-00:35; CHIP 16:56-00:34. LASCO sees some coronal material moving out at ~PA 45 which appears to be remnants from an earlier CME. Mk4 sees a CME at PA 60 (~50 degrees wide) starting at ~19:50. Erupting prominence on limb (very thin) at PA 100 at 19:54. Active prominence still at PA 95. Small surge on limb at PA 200 at 20:51. Flare right near center disk at 17:39. More flaring and activity in active region just to the east of center disk. 9/26/2003 2003d269 Mk4 data: 17:06-02:27; PICS 16:45-02:27; CHIP 16:45-02:29. LASCO only observes until 16:40. No coronal activity in Mk4. H-alpha limb catches the very end of prominence eruption (?) at PA 105 at 16:46. Another active (probably erupting) prominence at PA 230-245 at 17:00 (loop lifts up and the top seems to escape). There is an artifact on the NW limb at PA 315 in the 20:32 frame. Small amount of flaring in active region just south of center disk. 9/27/2003 2003d270 Mk4 data: 17:13-02:25; PICS 16:45-02:27; CHIP 16:45-02:26. No coronal activity in LASCO. Mk4 sees the erupting prominence from PA 95, but there is no obvious overlying arcade or normal CME structure associated with it. Beautiful erupting prominence at PA 95 starting at 17:49- it lifts up toward the north reaching ~.3 R before some material drains back while some escapes (backside event). No significant disk activity. 9/28/2003 2003d271 Mk4 data: 17:10-19:41; PICS 17:09-02:16; CHIP 17:09-02:45. LASCO sees a CME at PA 240 (~45 degrees wide) starting at ~20:00. Nothing in Mk4 (short observing day). Somewhat cloudy day. Nice post-eruption loops at PA 95 throughout day. Active prominence at PA 310 loops over to PA 335. Erupting filament followed by a two-ribbon flare in SW at ~235 .65R starting at ~18:00. Another filament just to the east of this erupts at ~22:12. 9/29/2003 2003d272 Mk4 data: 21:32-00:29; No PICS or CHIP data. No coronal activity (short Mk4 day and large LASCO data gap). 9/30/2003 2003d273 Mk4 data: 17:06-00:07; no PICS data; CHIP 00:22-01:59. LASCO stops observing at 16:20, but Mk4 sees a CME at PA 85 starting at ~20:22 with an embedded prominence (not very wide CME). No disk activity in the small amount of CHIP data. 10/01/2003 2003d274 No MK4 data; PICS 16:48-02:32; CHIP 16:47-02:32. LASCO stops observing at 18:20- no observable coronal activity. Active prominence at PA 50-65 is faintly visible around 19:12 (cloudy day)- this is a large and highly suspended prominence. Erupting filament in south (~PA 175 .3R) at 19:33 with a wide two-ribbon flare and an H-alpha wave that travels toward the north. Another smaller filament eruption and two-ribbon flare occurs in the west at 21:05 (~PA 255 .6R), which may have been triggered by the first one. The wave is also slightly visible in CHIP data, and possibly in velocity data. 10/02/2003 2003d275 Mk4 data: 17:14-01:47; PICS 17:02-02:09; CHIP 17:02-02:09. LASCO data gap from 16:10-21:50. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Clouds at beginning and end of day. The large prominence in NE is suspended even higher and showing activity. Small erupting prominence at PA 275 at 21:18. Surging from sunspot region near east limb at PA 110, especially around 17:40. Also activity in filaments surrounding this active region. The middle section of a long filament in south (~PA 200 .5R) occurs at 18:20 with a long two-ribbon flare. Very faint (probably highly suspended) filament lifts off from the disk at PA 325 .8R at ~22:17 (there is nothing else around). 10/03/2003 2003d276 Mk4 data: 17:09-02:27; PICS 16:45-02:29; 16:45-02:29. LASCO data gap from 16:00-23:10. No coronal activity in Mk4. Surging on west limb near PA 270, and erupting prominence at PA 275 at 20:08 (thin). Another thin erupting prominence at PA 280 at 02:04. Possible small erupting filament in SW at ~PA 230 .5R at 21:04 followed by a strangely shaped two-ribbon flare. Filament in south (PA 180 .6R) which appears to be suspended shows activity and some disappears (possibly erupts). Large active region at ~PA 100-125 .4-.7R shows activity throughout the day and shows a large flare at 18:18. 10/04/2003 2003d277 Mk4 data: 17:21-02:24; PICS 16:47-02:27; CHIP 16:46-02:27. LASCO data gap from 16:06-21:54. Mk4 sees 3 CMEs taking off from the west limb- the first one is very small and fast, occuring at PA 270 at 19:11-19:20 (~15 degrees wide). The second one occurs at PA 280 at 21:41-22:05 (less than 10 degrees wide), and the last one at PA 280 at 01:19 (~20 degrees wide). H-alpha limb data show the area near PA 270 surging and erupting throughout the entire day- very active area! Large (wide) surge on limb at PA 85 at 22:25 (I actually think this is an artifact that is only apparent in one frame). Large active region in SE still showing activity- a flaring or brightening is obvious at 19:28 along the spine of the filament there. 10/05/2003 2003d278 Mk4 data: 17:13-02:25; PICS 17:10-02:28; CHIP 17:10-02:28. Mk4 sees the prominence eruption at PA 280-285 at 17:16 while LASCO first sees it at 17:30. Mk4 also sees the later two eruptions from the same area- the first at PA 280-290 at 01:09 (~10-15 degrees wide), and the other one at PA 273 at 01:38 (~5 degrees wide) (these two later eruptions are visible in LASCO the following day as connected to the same CME). Erupting prominence at PA 280-285 at 17:20, although a lot of material drains back down to surface. Another large surge (possible eruption) at PA 285 at 20:46. Another prominence eruption from same area occurs at PA 285 at 01:04 (this one is quick and a large piece of material obviously escapes). Following this eruption is another large surge at PA 270 at 02:04. Another prominence starts to erupt toward the end of the day at PA 310 starting at 23:55. It slowly rises, forming loops and looks like it's lifting off when we stop observing. This erupting prominence is visible lifting off from the disk at ~PA 315 .75R at 21:09. Active region in south (just slightly east) still showing activity along the filaments there. 10/06/2003 2003d279 Mk4 data: 17:10-02:19; PICS 16:44-02:29; CHIP 16:44-02:29. No LASCO data past 11:00. Mk4 sees faint material moving out at PA 290-300 at 19:31. Erupting prominence at PA 75 at 20:18-20:51 (much material returns to surface). Another erupting prominence at PA 290 starting at ~22:53 (most material seems to escape), followed by a surge just below at PA 275 at 00:08. There is activity visible in the prominences to the south of this region. Faint filament is lifting and probably erupting in NW at ~PA 315 .6R starting at ~17:40. Lots of activity in active region in south- filament seems to lift up and possibly erupt at ~PA 200 .2R at ~18:00. Other filaments near this active region show activity. 10/07/2003 2003d280 Mk4 data: 17:36-02:43; PICS 17:25-02:41; CHIP 17:25-02:39. No coronal activity in Mk4. No LASCO data. No significant limb activity. Filament right at the SW limb (~PA 240) disappears followed by a two-ribbon flare at 01:09. 10/08/2003 2003d281 Mk4 data: 17:07-02:27; PICS 16:42-02:33; CHIP 16:42-02:26. No LASCO data. No coronal activity in Mk4. No significant limb activity. Very active large filament in SW (near active region). 10/09/2003 2003d282 Mk4 data: 20:33-00:54; PICS 17:40-02:23; CHIP 17:40-02:22. Short Mk4 day-only 5 images. LASCO data gap from 15:06-22:30. Very cloudy day- no observable limb activity, although in the velocity data one can see an active prominence (maybe eruptive) at PA 60 at 21:56. No significant disk activity. 10/10/2003 2003d283 Mk4 data: 17:15-02:22; PICS 16:43-02:27; CHIP 16:43-02:28. LASCO sees a faint CME at PA 300 at 22:30. Only 15 Mk4 images- no observable activity. Very cloudy day- no observable limb activity. Very small filament eruption and flare at ~PA 275 .2R at ~19:45. Surge on the disk (or erupting filament) in small active region at ~PA 130 .3R at ~21:30. 10/11/2003 2003d284 No MK4 data; PICS 17:51-01:03; CHIP 17:50-00:21. LASCO sees a faint, small CME at ~PA 280 starting at ~16:33. Another larger CME starts at ~22:30 centered around PA 45 in LASCO. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No significant disk activity. 10/12/2003 2003d285 Mk4 data: 17:14-02:24; PICS 17:10-02:24; CHIP 17:10-02:23. No coronal activity in LASCO, but there is a data gap from 19:55-23:30. No apparent coronal activity in Mk4. Cloudy day- possible post-eruption loops visible on west limb near PA 270. No significant disk activity. 10/13/2003 2003d286 Mk4 data: 18:55-02:34; PICS 16:43-02:35; CHIP 16:43-02:31. No coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Somewhat cloudy day- no apparent limb activity. No significant disk activity. 10/14/2003 2003d287 Mk4 data: 17:48-02:09; PICS 17:11-02:15; CHIP 17:11-02:10. No coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Somewhat cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Erupting filament in NW at ~PA 310 .5R at ~20:15. This filament is not near an active region. 10/15/2003 2003d288 Mk4 data: 20:38-02:12; PICS 16:44-02:20; CHIP 16:44-02:20. Coronal material is seen going out in LASCO at ~PA 190 at beginning of our observing day. No visible coronal activity in Mk4. Nice erupting prominence at PA 95- starts to lift off at ~22:50 taking the form of a spider prominence as it erupts- clouds obscure the eruption at very end of observing day. Much of the filament in the NE disappears throughout day- it probably erupts. 10/16/2003 2003d289 Mk4 data: 16:51-00:28; PICS 16:50-00:26; CHIP 16:50-00:26. No significant coronal activity in Mk4. LASCO sees faint material moving out at ~PA 40 starting at ~15:30. Post-eruption loops at PA 85-100. Active prominence at PA 245. No significant disk activity. 10/17/2003 2003d290 No MK4 data; PICS 18:41-21:37; CHIP 18:41-21:37. LASCO sees material slowly moving out on the west limb throughout the entire day. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No visible disk activity. 10/18/2003 2003d291 Mk4 data: 21:05-21:14; PICS 16:43-21:59; CHIP 16:43-21:59. LASCO sees a large CME on east limb at ~16:00, followed by another CME at ~PA 100 at ~23:00. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No significant disk activity. 10/19/2003 2003d292 Mk4 data: 16:59-17:02; PICS 16:59-18:18; CHIP 16:59-18:17. LASCO sees a large CME centered at ~PA 60 (~140 degrees wide) starting at ~17:30. Very cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 10/20/2003 2003d293 Mk4 data: 20:08-00:27; PICS 20:07-00:33; CHIP 20:06-00:29. No significant coronal activity in LASCO. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some surging from sunspot region east of center disk (~.6R) at ~23:10. 10/21/2003 2003d294 Mk4 data: 17:09-22:32; PICS 17:10-22:43; CHIP 17:09-22:43. Nice CME in Mk4 at PA 105 with a loop/cavity/core structure. This CME has either already formed when we begin observing and moves out very slowly at first, or it forms well above the Mk4 occulting disk. This CME is first visible in LASCO at ~20:58, but there is material moving out at this same location prior to this. Post-eruption loops at PA 100 at beginning of day. Large prominence eruption at PA 130 at 21:22- lifts up to one side and material spreads out in a filamentary structure while it escapes (some material returns to surface in a loop). Couple of small surges at limb in north at PA 355 at 18:52 and at PA 5 at 20:13. Lots of surging on the disk from sunspot/active region just east of center disk throughout the entire day. 10/22/2003 2003d295 Mk4 data: 17:12-02:28; PICS 16:46-02:32; CHIP 16:46-02:31. Thin CME at PA 90 in LASCO at 15:54 followed by a large CME centered at PA 105 first visible in LASCO at 20:06 and first visible in Mk4 at 19:52. This large CME appears to be fast, and is ~50 degrees wide. Very bright post-eruption loops at PA 105 throughout day. Also an active prominence at PA 90-100. Very large active filament in SE at PA 240-270 .6R. This filament shows some swirling motion. Lots of surging on disk in active region just east of center disk again- one very large surge occurs at 01:39. 10/23/2003 2003d296 Mk4 data: 16:56-22:12; PICS 16:46-22:25; CHIP 16:46-22:23. LASCO shows material moving out at PA 90 at beginning of day followed by a CME at PA 100 (~55 degrees wide) at 20:30. Nice post-eruption loops at PA 110-115 throughout day. No prominence eruption visible associated with the above-mentioned CME. Surging on the disk from sunspot region near center disk- one of the larger surges occurs at 22:21. 10/24/2003 2003d297 Mk4 data: 19:59-22:35; PICS 16:58-22:44; CHIP 16:57-22:43. CME in LASCO centered at PA 100 (~60 degrees wide) at 16:54- material continues to move out from this area at 20:30. No significant activity in Mk4. Somewhat cloudy day- the only visible limb activity is near PA 90 where post-eruption loops have formed. Sunspot region near center disk is still very active- there is a flare and very large surge at 21:42, as well as other surging throughout day. Active region near SE limb shows some flaring. Faint filament in NW shows some activity (~PA 315 .5R)- material moves along the spine toward the north. 10/25/2003 2003d298 Mk4 data: 17:13-22:28; PICS 17:13-22:44; CHIP 17:13-22:44. No Mk4 data? LASCO shows faint material moving out at PA 100 and PA 270 throughout day. Still faint post-eruption loops on east limb near PA 90. Surging on disk in same active region which is now west of center disk. 10/26/2003 2003d299 Mk4 data: 16:53-23:05; PICS 16:52-00:26; CHIP 16:52-23:03. Nice large CME in west centered at PA 270 (~100 degrees wide) first visible in LASCO at 17:54. More material moves out at PA 270 at 20:30. This large CME is first faintly visible in Mk4 at 17:28. There is no apparent erupting prominence associated with this CME. No significant limb activity. Active region in east (~PA 270 .55R) has a huge flare that seems to peak around 18:34 in H-alpha. There is also a visible two-ribbon component to this flaring toward the south of the main flare. There is also a wave (I think) in H-alpha that apparently propagates from this region before the large flare. Very interesting event! The wave is not as easy to detect in CHIP intensity images. I think the wave is visible in EIT. 10/27/2003 2003d300 No MK4 data; PICS 16:47-22:46; CHIP 16:47-22:46. Coronal material can be seen moving out along the west limb in LASCO. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some surging on the disk in sunspot region in the SE at ~18:30. 10/28/2003 2003d301 Mk4 data: 17:16-22:57; PICS 17:48-00:00; CHIP 17:16-00:54. LASCO is noisy from cosmic rays from an earlier halo CME- no visible activity in our window. This was the day of the huge flare in EIT around 11:00 or 12:00 UT. Mk4 sees the large prominence listed below at PA 90 starting at ~19:54, although there is no real obvious leading front or cavity. Large prominence lifts up on the limb at PA 90 starting at 19:44 but falls back by 21:17- can't tell if anything escapes. Some surging and possilbe small filament eruption in active region near west limb at PA 270 at 20:55. 10/29/2003 2003d302 Mk4 data: 17:14-01:48; PICS 16:51-02:24; CHIP 16:51-02:23. LASCO sees a CME at PA 190 starting at 20:54 (~35 degrees wide). Mk4 sees this CME at 20:46 and it appears much wider- ~90 degrees wide. (EIT is messed up on this day) Very large surge on west limb at PA 275 at 20:57-21:51. Huge flare south of center disk at 20:47 with a beautiful wave in H-alpha that traverses a good portion of the southern hemisphere. This wave is also visible in the velocity data. Velocity data also shows upward motion in large flaring region at ~20:50. This is a great event to study!! Also- the filament near SE limb becomes disturbed by wave at 20:59ish. Surging on disk from sunspot region just west of center disk at 21:20. 10/30/2003 2003d303 Mk4 data: 17:19-23:49; PICS 16:53-00:18; CHIP 16:52-00:17. No significant coronal activity visible in LASCO or Mk4. Prominence at PA 120 starts to lift at 22:30, and then slightly loops over at 23:45. Active promience at PA 280. Possible surge and small filament eruption near sunspot region in west (~PA 270 .5R) at 22:28. Active region in SW shows activity along the filament within it, and there is a possible small filament eruption there at 17:35 with a small two-ribbon flare. 10/31/2003 2003d304 No data. 11/01/2003 2003d305 Mk4 data: 17:19-02:29; PICS 16:59-02:28; CHIP 16:59-02:28. LASCO sees a large CME on the west limb before our time window, then another CME at PA 310 at 21:30 (~45 degrees wide). Mk4 sees this CME starting at 20:38 at PA 300 (also visible in EIT at 20:24). Mk4 sees another CME with an embedded prominence at PA 250 at 22:30 (LASCO sees this one starting at 23:06). Nice large prominence at PA 245-250 lifts up in a spray-like fashion, and one little piece escapes while the rest falls back to the surface at 22:36-00:00. This prominence actually originates in a large active region near the limb, appearing white in H-alpha disk. I would definitely call this a large "spray". Some flaring and surging occurs in sunspot region near west limb around 21:40. 11/02/2003 2003d306 Mk4 data: 17:04-02:25; PICS 17:04-02:23; CHIP 17:04-02:20. Large CME with bright leading loop first visible in Mk4 at 17:19 at PA 240 (~80 degrees wide at first) and in LASCO at 17:30 (ends up being ~160 wide in LASCO). There is also a subsequent narrow ejection of coronal material at PA 255 around 20:30-21:30 in Mk4 (seen later in LASCO). EIT sees a large flare at ~PA 240 .8R at 17:24. Possible faint post-eruption loops at PA 275. Surging on disk (very close to limb) at PA 280 at 23:22, and flaring in this region at ~01:15 with a faint wave in H-alpha. Small flare at ~PA 120 .25R at 23:52. 11/03/2003 2003d307 Mk4 data: 17:17-02:30; PICS 16:59-02:27; CHIP 16:58-02:30. LASCO sees a small CME at PA 260 at 20:06. Mk4 sees a slow activity in this region around 23:00. Beautiful post-eruption loops on west limb at PA 275-280. Also some surging on the limb in this area throughout day. Very active filament in SE (~PA 110-135 .4-.6R). 11/04/2003 2003d308 Mk4 data: 17:04-02:27; PICS 17:04-02:35; CHIP 17:04-02:34. Large CME centered at PA 250 first visible in LASCO at 19:31 (~160 degrees wide). Mk4 data gap from 18:37-21:04. Amazing post-eruption loops in H-alpha limb data on west limb at PA 275 throughout day and at PA 240-250 after 21:00 (there is a very bright region at the limb at this time which corresponds to a huge EIT flare here). A wave is visible (in H-alpha) coming from behind the disk at PA 240-250 around 20:00. Small circle-like flare at ~PA 225 .15R at 17:10. 11/05/2003 2003d309 Mk4 data: 18:17-02:32; PICS 17:03-02:33; CHIP 17:03-02:30. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Large post-eruption loops on west limb at PA 245 and PA 275. No significant disk activity. 11/06/2003 2003d310 Mk4 data: 17:06-02:22; PICS 17:05-02:21; CHIP 17:04-02:21. Nice halo CME in LASCO at 17:30- Mk4 doesn't catch it. LASCO also sees another CME at PA 100 at 18:30 that isn't apparent in Mk4. Nice prominence at PA 90- looks very similar to d121 event in the velocity data. Prominence lifts up and possibly escapes at PA 250 at 17:30. Active filament just south of center disk. 11/07/2003 2003d311 Mk4 data: 19:20-02:27; PICS 16:53-02:28; CHIP 16:53-02:29. Coronal material is seen moving away from the west limb all day in LASCO following an earlier CME. No apparent activity in Mk4. Post-eruption loops on west limb at PA 265-290 and PA 235-250. Large filament in south appears to erupt, and mostly disappears by 23:40. It may just lift up and fall back down- this is what the velocity data indicates. 11/08/2003 2003d312 Mk4 data: 17:25-02:29; PICS 16:58-02:29; CHIP 16:58-02:20. Very faint CME in LASCO at PA 260 around 17:00, but no visible activity in Mk4. Still have apparent post-eruption loops on the west limb throughout the day. Small filament eruption at ~PA 220 .2R at 21:54. 11/09/2003 2003d313 No MK4 data; PICS 17:44-19:54; CHIP 17:44-19:53. Faint coronal material is moving out at PA 105 in LASCO starting at ~17:00. Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No apparent disk activity. 11/10/2003 2003d314 Mk4 data: 17:25-02:28; PICS 16:58-02:29; CHIP 16:58-02:28. CME in LASCO at PA 45 starting at 17:06- too early for Mk4 to catch. No other coronal activity. Small active prominence at PA 90- material seems to form and then drain. Large disk surge at PA 235 .6R at 20:22. Another spray from a small active region near west limb at PA 260 .7R at 20:37- 00:37 (more than one spray). 11/11/2003 2003d315 Mk4 data: 17:22-02:19; PICS ?-02:19; CHIP ?-02:19. Remnants from an earlier CME at PA 110 or a small CME visible in LASCO at 21:54. Also slightly visible in Mk4 as originating from PA 90ish and arching down. Small post-eruption loops at PA 90. Active prominence at PA 45 at 23:30. Erupting filament in NE at ~PA 50 .6R at 18:36 (gone by 20:15). 11/12/2003 2003d316 Mk4 data: 17:23-02:29; PICS 16:57-02:29; CHIP 16:57-02:30. LASCO CME at PA 260 (~50 degrees wide) at 18:30. Active prominences along the limb at PA 45-90. Surging at the limb at PA 250 at 17:22 and at PA 260 at 18:18, and then loops form at PA 265 starting at 20:18. Active filament in south at ~PA 200 .2-.3R. 11/13/2003 2003d317 No Mk4 data; PICS 18:48-00:39; CHIP 18:48-00:39. LASCO sees a faint CME at ~PA 130 at 22:30. Cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 11/14/2003 2003d318 No data. 11/15/2003 2003d319 No MK4 data; PICS 18:16-19:06; CHIP 18:15-19:05. CME in LASCO at PA 260 at 17:50. Short,cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 11/16/2003 2003d320 No data. 11/17/2003 2003d321 Mk4 data: 17:28-22:21; PICS 17:07-22:19; CHIP 17:07-22:19. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Prominence material forms and drains at PA 95 starting at 18:40. Other prominence activity at PA 120 at ~20:20. Some surging on disk near sunspot at PA 90 .3R at 21:24. Also surging near same region at 20:32 (or filament material lifting). 11/18/2003 2003d322 Mk4 data: 17:22-01:31; PICS 17:21-01:31; CHIP 17:21-01:30. Narrow CME in LASCO at PA 95 at 18:50. Faint material is visible in Mk4 at this PA at ~20:00. Beautiful loops form on the limb (visible when we first come on) and drain at PA 100-110. Prominence lifts up at PA 70 at 20:09. Small region flares along a small filament near sunspot just east of center disk at 18:00 (velocity data indicates that a small filament is also lifting in this region at this time). 11/19/2003 2003d323 Mk4 data: 17:28-19:46; PICS 16:59-02:59; CHIP 16:59-02:58. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Faint, possible post-eruption loops near PA 100. Very small filament eruption and flare at PA 295 .65R at 00:49. Flare and filament motion almost at center disk at 01:49. 11/20/2003 2003d324 Mk4 data: 17:16-02:18; PICS 17:15-02:25; CHIP 17:15-02:34? No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Prominence material forms and drains at PA 110 throughout day. Nice wave visible in PICS and CHIP from active region at ~PA 70-80, .75R at ~19:06. This wave is also visible in He I velocity data. There is also part of an erupting filament (I think) in the same region at the same time. Wave also visible in EIT. Flaring occurs simultaneously in an active region at the limb at PA 110-120. Another flaring region occurs at PA 260, .3R at 23:50 with another possible wave. 11/21/2003 2003d325 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:31; PICS 17:01-02:29; CHIP 17:01-02:32. Faint CME in LASCO at PA 100 first visible at 19:50- this CME is faintly visible in Mk4 at 19:15. Large active prominence at PA 310- material lifts up at ~18:00 and then swirls over. ****waiting for CHIP data*** Surging on disk in active region east of center disk around 00:12. 11/22/2003 2003d326 Mk4 data: 17:30-02:26; PICS 17:03-02:28; CHIP 17:03-02:28. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Slightly active prominence at PA 45-55. Very active filament in west (~PA 260-275 .7R) starting at ~20:54- some material may escape. Activity also visible in active region near SE limb, including some flaring at ~21:27. 11/23/2003 2003d327 Mk4 data: 17:13-00:56; PICS 17:13-01:29; CHIP 17:13-01:29. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. No limb activity. Active region in SE still active with flaring at 23:54. 11/24/2003 2003d328 Mk4 data: 17:31-22:35; PICS 17:06-02:29; CHIP 17:06-02:29. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Faint prominence material is visible suspended above PA 260-270 and draining along the northern end. Some flaring near west limb at PA 255-265, .9R at 17:36. Active filament in SW at ~PA 210 .6R- some disappears near the end of the day. Small two-ribbon flare and possible small filament eruption near east limb at ~PA 120 .7R at 01:17. 11/25/2003 2003d329 Mk4 data: 20:33-22:11; PICS 19:23-02:27; CHIP 19:23-02:27. Very cloudy day- only 5 Mk4 images- no LASCO activity. No observable limb activity. Active filament just west of center disk at ~21:17- part of it might erupt. 11/26/2003 2003d330 No data. 11/27/2003 2003d331 Mk4 data: 17:37-20:59; PICS 17:21-21:00; CHIP 17:21-21:00. No coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Loops form and drain at PA 100-110 (possible post-eruption loops). No significant disk activity. 11/28/2003 2003d332 No MK4 data; PICS 17:05-21:12; 17:04-21:10. Bad observing day- very few images, no visible activity. 11/29/2003 2003d333 Mk4 data: 17:34-22:07; PICS 17:25-22:17; CHIP 17:25-22:16. No apparent coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Nice loop prominence on limb at PA 230-245 (fairly stable) with more prominence material below showing activity. Quiescent prominence at PA 120. Active filament near west limb at PA 250-260 .65-.8R. 11/30/2003 2003d334 Mk4 data: 18:18-20:10; PICS 17:06-20:40; CHIP 17:06-20:39. Cloudy day. Only 12 Mk4 images- no activity. No LASCO activity. Quiescent prominences on the limb at PA 120 and 230. No significant disk activity. 12/01/2003 2002d335 Mk4 data: 17:36-20:13; PICS 17:11-22:06; CHIP 17:11-22:04. Cloudy day- only a couple of Mk4 images. No LASCO activity. Large prominence still suspended above SW limb. Flaring and/or white surging at PA 220 .5R at ~18:46. 12/02/2003 2003d336 Mk4 data: 17:36-02:04; PICS 17:47-02:04; CHIP 17:31-02:04. Coronal material continues to move out at PA 270 in LASCO following an earlier large CME in this region. No significant activity in Mk4. Nice post-eruption loops on west limb at PA 250-260. Large prominence still at ~PA 230, but shows draining toward PA 250. Small flaring region at ~PA 140 .25R at ~01:50. 12/03/2003 2003d337 Mk4 data: 18:55-23:31; PICS 18:56-23:34; CHIP 18:56-23:30. Faint coronal material moves out in SW in LASCO- also seen in Mk4 at ~PA 250 at ~20:40. Small surge on limb at PA 260 at ~20:15. Material also draining to limb around PA 230 at ~20:35. No significant disk activity. 12/04/2003 2003d338 Mk4 data: 17:42-20:44; PICS 17:15-21:44; CHIP 17:15-21:40. Faint CME in Mk4 at ~PA 240 at ~19:00 (slightly visible in LASCO). Faint evidence of post-eruption loops on west limb below PA 270. Surging on disk (or filament activity) at ~PA 210 .2R at ~17:33. Large filament in SE shows possible swirling motion in velocity data. 12/05/2003 2003d339 Mk4 data: 17:38-21:57; PICS 17:15-22:09; CHIP 17:15-22:08. LASCO data gap from 18:29-20:48. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Active prominence at PA 280-290. Also some draining of material on limb near PA 240-250. Nice two-ribbon flare just SE of center disk at 17:27. 12/06/2003 2003d340 Mk4 data: 17:39-23:39; PICS 17:18-21:55; CHIP 17:18-21:55. No significant coronal activity in Mk4 or LASCO. Still some material draining to limb near PA 240. Active filament in south. Another one near SW limb at PA 245. 12/07/2003 2003d341 Mk4 data: 17:31-21:40; PICS 17:30-21:54; CHIP 17:30-21:53. No significant activity in Mk4- LASCO observes a faint CME in the SW around 23:00. Active prominence on west limb at PA 225-250 (material moves between these two PAs). No significant disk activity. 12/08/2003 2003d342 Mk4 data: 18:08-18:17; PICS 17:11-02:23; CHIP 17:11-02:10. Coronal material moving out in LASCO in SW from an earlier CME. Large prominence at PA 80-100 lifts and shows a lot of activity around 21:20, but it gets cloudy- difficult to see what happens after this (it may be slowly erupting). Flare near west limb at ~PA 260 .85R at 21:31. 12/09/2003 2003d343 No MK4 data; PICS 21:22-00:14; CHIP 21:22-00:13. No activity in LASCO. Very cloudy day. No visible limb or disk activity. 12/10/2003 2003d344 Mk4 data: 18:40-02:14; PICS 17:48-02:15; CHIP 17:35-02:15. No coronal activity in LASCO or Mk4. Cloudy day- no significant limb or disk activity. 12/11/2003 2003d345 Mk4 data: 17:32-02:17; PICS 17:15-02:19; CHIP 17:14-02:19. Possible CME in LASCO in SE around 23:00 (data gap makes it difficult to tell). No significant limb or disk activity. 12/12/2003 2003d346 Mk4 data: 17:43-00:47; PICS 17:25-02:32; CHIP 17:24-02:30. Bad Mk4 data. Slow CME in LASCO in south starting around 12:00. No significant limb activity. Flaring in region surrounding a filament at PA 90-100 .6-.7R at ~22:33. The filament may lift up and/or erupt as well. 12/13/2003 2003d347 Mk4 data: 18:52-20:15; PICS 17:14-01:26; CHIP 17:14-01:26. Some coronal material seen moving out in LASCO at ~PA 320 in a narrow region starting at ~18:00. Cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 12/14/2003 2003d348 Mk4 data: 18:48-02:14; PICS 17:34-02:19; CHIP 17:34-02:18. Very faint coronal material moving out in LASCO in SW starting at ~18:00. Nothing visible in Mk4. Some clouds- no significant limb activity. Active filament very close to east limb at PA 70-90. 12/15/2003 2003d349 Mk4 data: 17:44-02:25; PICS 17:16-02:26; CHIP 17:15-02:29. Coronal material is slowly moving out in LASCO in the south because of an earlier CME occuring at ~13:00. Mk4 doesn't see any activity. Surge on limb at PA 100 at 20:17. Active prominence above this at PA 85. No significant disk activity. 12/16/2003 2003d350 Mk4 data: 17:42-02:10; PICS 17:41-02:12; CHIP 17:36-02:10. No coronal activity in LASCO. Active prominence at PA 125. Material flows over to PA 110. Another active prominence at PA 275 at ~22:38. Faint filament material disappears near limb at PA 270. 12/17/2003 2003d351 Mk4 data: 17:57-01:00; PICS 17:16-02:28; CHIP 17:16-02:30. LASCO observes a narrow CME at PA 110 at 20:06. No activity visible in Mk4. Post-eruption loops on limb at PA 110. Also a surge at PA 90 at 00:04. No significant disk activity. 12/18/2003 2003d352 Mk4 data: 17:54-02:26; PICS 17:16-02:25; CHIP 17:16-02:24. No significant coronal activity. Post-eruption loops PA 105. Active filament PA 85, 0.5R. Surging on disk PA 80, 0.95R. 12/19/2003 2003d353 Mk4 data: 17:49-02:27; PICS 17:22-02:34; CHIP 17:21-02:29. No significant coronal activity. Mild surging off limb PA 275. Mildly active prominences: PA 65, 75, 230, 255. Large filament eruption PA 145, 0.5R, beginning ~19:30; modest EIT signature; no visible Mk4 or LASCO signature. Active filament PA 80, 0.3R. Surging on disk from near sunspot PA 80, 0.85R. 12/20/2003 2003d354 Mk4 data: 17:47-02:26; PICS 17:17-02:27; CHIP 17:16-02:24. No significant coronal activity. Post-eruption loops PA 110. Surging off limb PA 115. Active prominence PA 60-80. Active filament just north of disk center. Surging from near sunspot PA 75, 0.7R. 12/21/2003 2003d355 Mk4 data: 17:33-02:25; PICS 17:33-02:24; CHIP 17:32-02:22. Faint CME at PA 110 appearing in LASCO C2 at 01:32; not visible in Mk4. Active prominence PA 260-270. Apparent small filament eruption PA 130, 0.5R, 23:30. 12/22/2003 2003d356 Mk4 data: 17:48-02:25; PICS 17:26-02:26; CHIP 17:25-19:12; 02:25-02:26. Faint CMEs in LASCO C2 at PA 60 (20:24) and PA 265 (21:320; not visible in Mk4. No significant limb activity. Small filament eruption PA 250, 0.1R, 21:46. 12/23/2003 2003d357 Mk4 data: 17:22-02:18; PICS 17:21-02:19; CHIP 17:21-02:16. No significant coronal activity observed by LASCO. Active prominence PA 85. Small filament eruption PA 235, 0.65R, 20:30. Small filament eruption PA 255, 0.45R, 22:00. 12/24/2003 2003d358 Mk4 data: 17:49-22:43; PICS 17:34-22:45; CHIP 17:33-22:44. No significant coronal activity observed in LASCO. Active prominence PA 105-120. No significant disk activity. 12/25/2003 2003d359 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 12/26/2003 2003d360 Mk4 data: 17:49-02:24; PICS 17:24-02:26; CHIP 17:23-02:28. No significant coronal activity observed in LASCO. Large prominence system PA 270-295. Filament eruption with flaring in active region PA 295, 0.35R, ~19:30. 12/27/2003 2003d361 Mk4 data: 17:55-20:25; PICS 17:32-21:14; CHIP 17:24-21:11. No significant coronal activity observed in LASCO. No significant limb or disk activity. 12/28/2003 2003d362 No MK4,PICS, or CHIP data. 12/29/2003 2003d363 No data. 12/30/2003 2003d364 No data.