Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 27 17:09:14 GMT 1994 Year: 94 Doy: 147 Observer: koon COMMENT: Fri May 27 17:09:21 GMT 1994 Medium to thick cirrus overcast, no wind, temp. ~45 F, probably no observing today. LOW-L COMMENT: Fri May 27 17:10:21 GMT 1994 Still running OK. Tape L00048 popped out of drive #1, replaced with tape L00050. L00049 is running in tape drive #0. COMMENT: Fri May 27 20:29:24 GMT 1994 Sky still overcast with cirrus, same system that has covered the islands for about a week now. Catching up with some of my cloudy day tasks.