Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 1 16:17:42 GMT 1994 Year: 94 Doy: 213 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 16:18:01 GMT 1994 In thin cirrus overcast, cold, moderate southerly wind. Temp = 48F. LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 16:19:29 GMT 1994 Low-L up and running, fan voltage still in negative range. Data going onto unit 1, on L00087. Fan voltage just switching over to positive range. Still varying between + and -. LOW-L COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 16:25:57 GMT 1994 Fan voltage staying in positive range now. COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 19:33:41 GMT 1994 Scraping painted wooden surfaces while waiting out cirrus. Dome kept closed, vacuuming us chips as best as practical to reduce the particulates that will be in the air as a result of this needed maintenance project. COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 21:56:06 GMT 1994 EAY finished scraping for the day, vacuumed up as much of the chips as practical, put away equipment. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 21:57:39 GMT 1994 Still in cirrus overcast. COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 22:02:18 GMT 1994 ###################################################################### COMMENT: Mon Aug 1 22:13:07 GMT 1994 Staff changeover: Observer: Koon COMMENT: Tue Aug 2 03:41:34 GMT 1994 Still overcast with cirrostratus. Steady northerly wind ~5 mph. COMMENT: Tue Aug 2 03:44:37 GMT 1994 Worked on installing the second dome door, and setup the Cohu camera to aid with O2A adjustment. Tue Aug 2 03:53:58 GMT 1994: Filemark