Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 16:21:58 GMT 1994 Year: 94 Doy: 241 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 16:22:27 GMT 1994 Cold, in scattered thin cirrus, light south breeze. Temp = 38F. COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 16:26:55 GMT 1994 MKIII and guider still looking at the wall at this time. DPMON COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 16:30:20 GMT 1994 Guider acquired the sun. Starting DPMON. Mon Aug 29 16:30:53 GMT 1994: Patrol Start Mon Aug 29 17:01:00 GMT 1994: Calibration MKIII COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 17:02:44 GMT 1994 MKIII just peeking over the rim of the dome wall. Still in cirrus. Mon Aug 29 18:01:03 GMT 1994: Calibration DPMON COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 18:09:57 GMT 1994 Daystar runaway caused when I touched X-Y position joystick and probably zappped the system. Reset the Plessey to recover. MKIII COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 18:16:01 GMT 1994 Cirrus may be clearing out, starting mkiii. DPMON COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 18:25:28 GMT 1994 Surge at PA 96. RV 1.1 Still in thin cirrus, sky very bright near sun. COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 19:00:39 GMT 1994 Reconfigured diome shutter. Still in cirrus, a bit thicker now. Mon Aug 29 20:01:00 GMT 1994: Calibration Mon Aug 29 21:00:59 GMT 1994: Calibration WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 21:03:03 GMT 1994 Cirrus has not let-up, more cirrus approaching to horizon. Orographic clouds beginning to form all around station. Ending observations for the day. COMMENT: Mon Aug 29 21:04:32 GMT 1994 Activity report: QP: 72; 106; 213; 242; AR: 96, surging at around 1830 to RV 1.1. Keeping DPMON tape, although all of it is tainted by cirrus. Recycling MKIII tape, no decent data on it today. Tapes: DPMON: P00146 LOW-L: L00099 in unit 0 Mon Aug 29 21:08:59 GMT 1994: Filemark