Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 1 16:52:05 GMT 1994 Year: 94 Doy: 274 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct 1 16:52:17 GMT 1994 Medium to thick cirrostratus overcast, wind ~5 mph from the southeast, temp. WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Oct 1 17:31:29 GMT 1994 Clouds aren't clearing, will work on Daystar filter vignetting problem and will check for correct operation of MKIII tilt plates. LOW-L COMMENT: Sat Oct 1 18:55:19 GMT 1994 L00110 removed and L00112 installed in drive #1. COMMENT: Sat Oct 1 23:00:18 GMT 1994 Duc out sick today. I made some progress with the Daystar "vignetting", it appears to be a problem of tilt rather than pure translation of the filter. Clouds have moved in, I'll continue on Monday.