Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 12 16:40:11 GMT 1994 Year: 94 Doy: 285 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 12 16:46:50 GMT 1994 In cirrus overcast. Cold, 42 F., light southwest wind. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Oct 12 20:56:50 GMT 1994 Orographic clouds came over site, rapidly followed by a light drizzle. Shut the dome shutter immediately. MKIII COMMENT: Wed Oct 12 21:31:53 GMT 1994 Worked on determination of what's alive in the spares inventory as well as answering a bunch of other questions today during cloudy weather. Here's the scoop: NOTE: the word "working" is used loosely here. The components work, but may not work well. Line Drivers #2 and #4 are working. DCSAs #1 and #5 are working. Detectors #1, #6, #7 and #8 are working. Optical channel 4 is being used as the test bed as all of the optical elements are mounted. They may not be aligned. Presently OP4 is left with detectors #1 and #6 mounted in the S and P positions respectively. Their output is fed into DCSA #1. That output goes into Line Driver #2. Start and data pulses have to come from Start 1 and Data 1 at the trapezoid box as the new micro does not provide start pulses to the other jacks (only to 0 and 1) and it provides data pulses only to Data 0,1, and 2, which are tied together. To work on OP4, then, the Data and Start LEMO connectors to OP3 have to be removed (VERY CAREFULLY!!!) and swapped with the cables to OP4 (AGAIN, VERY CAREFULLY!!). I found a page out of a notebook dated 4/22/79 detailing which way is "up" on each of the detectors. This is very helpful, as an example, the P and S detectors were in the wrong holders (this doesn't make too much of a difference except that the extension tubes were designed for convenient access when they were in the correct holders) and they were in upside down... scanning from the outer corona to the limb. I'll work on (the word work is not used as loosely here) trying to see if alignment of the optics is possible in OP4 next chance I get. COMMENT: Wed Oct 12 22:27:43 GMT 1994 *************************************************** chu relieving yasukawa as observer *************************************************** Rain clouds clearing. Can see thick cirrus above lower cloud layer. Light drizzle continuuing to fall in brightening skies. Will wait for moisture to pass before reopening dome. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 13 00:50:44 GMT 1994 Rain clouds have receded and moisture no longer being blown upslope into observatory. Still some patches of cirrus present. Will begin obs. Thu Oct 13 00:53:12 GMT 1994: Patrol Start Thu Oct 13 01:03:06 GMT 1994: Calibration Thu Oct 13 02:00:00 GMT 1994: Calibration WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 13 02:17:28 GMT 1994 Cirrus passing through FOV. Thu Oct 13 03:00:06 GMT 1994: Calibration DPMON COMMENT: Thu Oct 13 03:25:11 GMT 1994 Dpmon now encountering top of dome wall. Thu Oct 13 03:26:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 13 03:26:12 GMT 1994 Have been in increasing cirrus since ~2:15UT. Sun currently blocked by deck of solid cirrostratus. PAU. Activity Report: QP: 57; 69; 75; 120; 229; 286-290. No Coronal Activity Tapes: MKIII: H00863 DPMON: P00183 L0W-L: L00115 running in unit 0 Thu Oct 13 03:28:50 GMT 1994: Filemark SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 18:27:56. 10/12/94 DOY 285 1:00:16 1:03:25 1:06:34 1:09:42 1:12:58 1:16:08 1:19:16 1:22:23 1:25:32 1:28:39 1:31:49 1:34:57 1:38:13 1:41:21 1:44:34 1:47:42 1:50:51 1:53:59 1:57:12 2:00:22 2:03:32 2:06:40 2:09:49 2:12:58 2:16:11 2:19:18 2:22:27 2:25:35 2:28:45 2:31:52 2:35:00 2:38:08 2:41:18 2:44:27 2:47:37 2:50:45 2:53:54 2:57:04 3:00:15 3:03:25 3:06:37 3:09:47 3:12:58 3:16:08 3:19:18 3:22:27 3:25:36 0 ERRORS OK