Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 14 16:53:01 GMT 1995 Year: 95 Doy: 195 Observer: koon console Jul 14 16:50 WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 14 16:53:08 GMT 1995 Clear sky with some cirrus in the West, no wind, temp=45 F. Fri Jul 14 17:01:04 GMT 1995: Patrol Start MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jul 14 17:22:34 GMT 1995 Doing calibrations a little early due to the approach of cirrus clouds. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 14 18:01:03 GMT 1995 Cirrus starting to pass by the sun. Fri Jul 14 18:01:57 GMT 1995: Calibration WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 14 18:22:01 GMT 1995 Due to extensive, thickening cirrus I'll shut down soon and get some work done on our car down in Hilo. Fri Jul 14 18:25:09 GMT 1995: Patrol End COMMENT: Fri Jul 14 18:33:50 GMT 1995 Activity report: QP: 45-55; 98; 247-262; 268; 285-315. No coronal activity. Fri Jul 14 18:35:24 GMT 1995: Filemark SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:02:45. 7/14/95 DOY 195 17:07:45 17:10:58 17:14:08 17:17:20 17:20:30 1724 0 CL 17:27:32 1732 15CL 17:37:11 1741 0 CL 17:44:46 1749 15CL 17:53:34 17:59:14 18:02:26 18:05:38 18:08:48 18:12:00 18:15:10 18:18:22 18:21:32 18:24:44 18:27:55 0 ERRORS OK