Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 11 17:26:49 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 011 Observer: yasukawa console Jan 11 17:24 WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 17:27:03 GMT 1996 Cold, clear, brisk west wind. Frost on ground, few scattered altocumulus patches. Thu Jan 11 17:33:05 GMT 1996: Patrol Start Thu Jan 11 18:01:06 GMT 1996: Calibration MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 18:44:04 GMT 1996 Planning to swap AN4 card in CHAN 0 back to CHAN 1, and replacing AN4 in CHAN 1 with a spare, deemed good on 23 FEB 1994, and installing it in CHAN 0 a little later in the morning if weather holds. I will need time to run CORRECT on both channels after the swap. Running a pre-swap attempt CALIBRATE. Thu Jan 11 19:01:00 GMT 1996: Calibration MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:11:16 GMT 1996 Weather looks like a GO for AN4 swap. Stopping scan, turning off analog and swapping the cards. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:18:35 GMT 1996 Current status: AN4 card #1 in analog chan1/micro chan1, slot 5, upper row. AN4 card #3 in analog chan2/micro chan0, slot 9, upper row. AN4 card #4 suspect, removed. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:30:33 GMT 1996 CORRECT program got corrupted somehow, rebooting the 11/44. MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:33:15 GMT 1996 Fortunately, did a 0EOF/0BACK before the swap. Removed H01210, loaded H01211. COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:55:25 GMT 1996 MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 19:55:36 GMT 1996 CORRECT still flaky, tried resetting terminal. Porgram is behaving as if key is aborting program. Thu Jan 11 20:00:58 GMT 1996: Calibration MKIII COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:02:02 GMT 1996 CORRECT pau. Started scans. Will Calibrate after a couple of scans. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:19:06 GMT 1996 Rats! Attempting MKIII calibration but orographic clouds arrived around station. Will try in holes, if any. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:25:18 GMT 1996 Orographic clouds receded for now. Calibrating MKIII. COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:37:54 GMT 1996 Guider declination reset itself. Repointed spar. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:51:40 GMT 1996 More passing orographic clouds. COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:53:27 GMT 1996 Stopping for now to close dome to protect O1 from fog moving in. Thu Jan 11 20:54:06 GMT 1996: Patrol End COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 20:55:49 GMT 1996 Going down to GONG to do PM. Have to remove tapes from secondary drive as well as perform PM. COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 21:49:59 GMT 1996 Back from GONG. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 21:50:15 GMT 1996 Sky looks clear but fine mist is blowing by. Remaining shut down. COMMENT: Thu Jan 11 21:57:03 GMT 1996 Activity report: No prominences visible. May need to reduce occulter size but I didn't get to that today. No coronal activity Tapes: MKIII: H01210 and H01211 DPMON: P00535 LOWL: L00368 Thu Jan 11 21:59:01 GMT 1996: Filemark SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:33:48. 1/11/96 DOY 11 H01210 tape 1 of 2 pre AN4 swap 17:39:23 17:42:35 17:45:47 17:49:02 17:52:15 17:55:31 17:58:46 18:02:03 18:05:19 18:08:36 18:11:52 18:15:14 18:18:30 18:21:47 18:25:03 18:28:19 18:31:34 18:34:51 18:38:06 18:41:21 18:44:34 18:47:49 18:51:02 1855 0 CL 18:57:58 1902 15CL 19:06:08 19:09:53 H01211 tape 2 of 2 post AN4 swap 20:03:16 20:06:28 20:09:39 20:12:51 20:16:01 2025 0 CL 20:29:01 2033 15CL 20:38:46 20:42:20 20:45:32 20:48:52 20:52:05 0 ERRORS OK