Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 16 17:40:52 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 016 Observer: koon console Jan 16 17:38 Content-Length: 679 X-Lines: 25 Status: RO WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 16 17:40:57 GMT 1996 Thin cirrus in the East, wind averaging 40 mph with gusts over 50 mph, temp= 38 F. COMMENT: Tue Jan 16 17:41:54 GMT 1996 Will not be able to safely observe unless the wind calms down. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Jan 16 17:43:25 GMT 1996 Stopped the program due to lack of 2nd drive, removed L00368 and installed L00369 in drive #0 after cleaning that drive. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 16 22:19:52 GMT 1996 Wind didn't calm down, no observations except by Lowl, closing down and going to office to do some other work. COMMENT: Tue Jan 16 22:20:56 GMT 1996 TAPES: ****** LOW-L: L00369 in drive #0. Tue Jan 16 22:21:26 GMT 1996: Filemark