Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 28 17:25:18 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 028 Observer: yasukawa console Jan 28 17:22 Content-Length: 930 X-Lines: 30 Status: RO WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jan 28 17:26:24 GMT 1996 Cold, still under heavy cirrus and altostratus overcast, no wind. Only patches of snow left on ground around station, snow covering higher elevations. LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jan 28 19:49:07 GMT 1996 L00370 popped out today, LEDs started flashing during 370's tenure so I am cleaning drive before installing L00371. LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jan 28 20:08:00 GMT 1996 Noticed that the black plastic flexible cable conduit was broken in two places -- it has happened before. Repaired breaks with an underlayer of duct-tape and a covering layer of aluminum tape. Foam insulation covering air ducts is deteriorating on east side. Looks like erosion from driven sleet, maybe. recovering where necessary. WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jan 28 21:10:05 GMT 1996 Heavy overcast continues. No data. COMMENT: Sun Jan 28 21:10:36 GMT 1996 Tapes: LOWL: L00371 Sun Jan 28 21:11:01 GMT 1996: Filemark