Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 28 17:16:40 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 059 Observer: yasukawa console Feb 28 17:11 WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 17:17:06 GMT 1996 Cold, in broken altocumulus, brisk west wind. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 17:24:18 GMT 1996 Relative humidity 90%, orographic clouds also blowing by from west. Wed Feb 28 17:26:10 GMT 1996: Patrol Start WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 17:55:32 GMT 1996 In clouds. Wed Feb 28 18:00:04 GMT 1996: Calibration Wed Feb 28 19:00:05 GMT 1996: Calibration WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 19:09:49 GMT 1996 Overcast got heavier and more extensive. Instruments have been looking at clouds most of morning. Stopping them for now and will monitor the weather "manually". Wed Feb 28 19:11:59 GMT 1996: Patrol End WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 19:36:34 GMT 1996 Closing dome, ground fog rolled in from west. Wed Feb 28 20:38:32 GMT 1996: Patrol Start WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 20:38:36 GMT 1996 Altocumulus cleared, still have occasional orographic cloud blowing by. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 20:40:06 GMT 1996 Sky somewhat bright. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 21:00:05 GMT 1996 Orographic clouds getting more frequent. Most of the coronal scans since restart have a cloud passing thru it, I think only the first couple after re-startup may be unclouded. Wed Feb 28 21:03:03 GMT 1996: Calibration COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 21:35:35 GMT 1996 DPMON COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 21:35:43 GMT 1996 Crashed DPMON. I was tracing power connections and accidentally pulled on power cord enough to cause the CONTROL ROOM power plug to drop out of the extension cord to the ceiling. That killed the Sparc among other things. ***** P00556 has no double end of file mark at end of data. Repowered up, rebooting akala, and restarting DPMON with P00557. MKIII COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 21:41:03 GMT 1996 Calibration tainted with clouds. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 21:41:37 GMT 1996 DPMON restart may be moot, in altostratus clouds. Wed Feb 28 22:03:02 GMT 1996: Calibration DPMON COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 22:18:36 GMT 1996 Recycling P00557, clouds on all of data. Wed Feb 28 22:20:04 GMT 1996: Patrol End COMMENT: Wed Feb 28 22:20:23 GMT 1996 Activity report: QP: 50-60; 120; 242-250; 303; No coronal activity Tapes: MKIII: H01232 DPMON: P00556 -- no double end-of-file at end of data LOWL: L00374 Wed Feb 28 22:22:20 GMT 1996: Filemark SCAN-LOG SCAN-LOG 17:25:23. 2/28/96 DOY 59 17:33:29 17:36:44 17:39:57 17:43:13 17:46:27 17:49:43 17:52:58 17:56:15 17:59:30 18:02:47 18:06:03 18:09:20 18:12:36 18:15:53 18:19:10 18:22:28 18:25:44 18:29:02 18:32:19 18:35:38 18:38:55 18:42:13 18:45:31 18:48:49 18:52:07 18:55:25 18:58:43 19:02:02 19:05:19 19:08:38 20:38:11 20:41:26 20:44:43 20:47:58 20:51:15 20:54:30 20:57:46 21:01:01 21:04:19 21:07:34 21:10:51 21:14:06 21:17:22 21:20:37 2124 0 CL 21:27:48 2139 15CL 21:44:37 21:48:28 21:51:43 21:54:59 21:58:14 22:01:29 22:04:44 22:08:00 22:11:15 22:14:31 0 ERRORS OK