Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 17 18:13:42 GMT 1996 Year: 96 Doy: 108 Observer: yasukawa console Apr 17 16:49 WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Apr 17 18:13:50 GMT 1996 Cool, in cirrus overcast, no wind. No observations for now, will work on CHIP installation with KVS LOW-L COMMENT: Wed Apr 17 18:17:31 GMT 1996 L00381 popped from drive 0 yesterday. Removed it and loaded L00383 in unit 0 after cleaning drive. COMMENT: Wed Apr 17 20:43:13 GMT 1996 Powering down for a little while. May log more later COMMENT: Manual next day log entries: Didn't finish logs at the end of the day. Here is a recreation of events of yesterday, 96108. LOWL: L00381 was popped from day before, according to David, in the afternoon. Removed it and loaded L00383 into drive 0. Later in the afternoon, we popped L00382 from drive 1 to troubleshoot CTS10 board problem. We changed the WWV update from the longest possible--24 hours to 1 hour and left the sync at none. We then changed max files from 86 to 76 to attempt to correct data loss problem. Time updated and corrected itself. It is correct at this time, 96109 1714 UT. MKIII: H01268 was loaded into kii for day-late transfer to Boulder. No MKIII run this day -- 96108 due to cirrus overcast. END OF LOGS